List of rulers of Mecklenburg

Monarchy of Mecklenburg

Grand ducal coat of arms
of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Frederick Francis IV of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Style His Royal Highness
First monarch Niklot
Last monarch Frederick Francis IV, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Formation 1130
Abolition 1918
Appointer Hereditary
Pretender(s) Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg

Seven-section coat of arms of Mecklenburg. Each field symbolises one of the seven high lordly dominions of the state of Mecklenburg: the Duchy of Mecklenburg, the Principalities (formerly Dioceses) of Schwerin and Ratzeburg, the County of Schwerin as well as the Dominions of Rostock, Werle and Stargard.

This list of dukes and grand dukes of Mecklenburg dates from the origins of the German princely state of Mecklenburg's royal house in the High Middle Ages to the monarchy's abolition at the end of World War I. Strictly speaking, Mecklenburg’s princely dynasty was descended linearly from the princes (or kings) of a Slavic tribe, the Obotrites, and had its original residence in a castle (Mecklenburg) in Dorf Mecklenburg (Mikelenburg) close to Wismar.[1] As part of a feudal union under German law from 1160—at first under the Saxons—Mecklenburg was granted imperial immediacy in 1348 and its princely rulers styled Dukes of Mecklenburg.[2] Despite several partitions, Mecklenburg remained an integral state until the end of the monarchy. The First Partition of Mecklenburg came in 1234, causing the principality to lose land. Thus arose the partial principalities (lordships) of Werle, Parchim-Richenberg, Rostock and Mecklenburg.[3] In modern times it was divided into the two (partial) duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (I) and Mecklenburg-Stargard (1348–1471), Mecklenburg-Schwerin (II) and Mecklenburg-Güstrow (1555–1695), and with the Treaty of Hamburg (1701) into Mecklenburg-Schwerin (III) and Mecklenburg-Strelitz.[1][4] However, the dynasty always retained feudal rights to the entire fief and the rulers of both parts of the country always had identical titles,[4] which led to diplomatic confusion.

The Congress of Vienna in 1815 granted the ruling dukes an adjustment in rank with the title Grand Duke of Mecklenburg and the personal style Royal Highness.[1] Both parts of the country were henceforth designated Grand Duchies. Besides both rulers, each heir to the throne, their respective wives and all other members of the princely family used the title of Duke (or Duchess) of Mecklenburg, notwithstanding the customary name of Princes and Princesses. The rulers of Mecklenburg were styled Duke of (from 1815 Grand Duke of) Mecklenburg, Prince of the Wends, Schwerin and Ratzeburg, and Count of Schwerin, Lord of the Lands of Rostock and Stargard (Herzog zu / Großherzog von Mecklenburg, Fürst zu Wenden, Schwerin und Ratzeburg, auch Graf zu Schwerin, der Lande Rostock und Stargard Herr).[5]

At the end of the monarchy in 1918, the House of Mecklenburg was the oldest ruling princely dynasty in Germany. During the Weimar Republic, the former princely title was turned into a commoner’s surname, Herzog zu Mecklenburg ("Duke of Mecklenburg").[5]

The Land of the Obotrites

See also: Obotrites

As allies of the Carolingian kings and the empire of their Ottonian successors, the Obotrites fought from 808 to 1200 against the kings of Denmark, who wished to rule the Baltic region independently of the empire. When opportunities arose, for instance upon the death of an emperor, they would seek to seize power; and in 983 Hamburg was destroyed by the Obotrites under their king, Mstivoj. At times they levied tribute from the Danes and Saxons. Under the leadership of Niklot, they resisted a Christian assault during the Wendish Crusade.

The Limes Saxoniae forming the border between the Saxons to the west and the Obotrites to the east

German missionaries such as Vicelinus converted the Obotrites to Christianity. In 1170 they acknowledged the suzerainty of the Holy Roman Empire, leading to Germanisation and assimilation over the following centuries. The ruling clan of the Obotrites kept its power throughout the Germanisation and ruled their country (except of a short interruption in Thirty Years' War) as House of Mecklenburg until the end of monarchies in Germany in November Revolution 1918.

List of Obotrite leaders

Niklot (1090 – 1160) chief of the Obotrite confederacy
Ruler Reign Notes
Witzlaus ?–ca. 795
Thrasco ?–ca. 795-810
Slavomir ?–810-819 Ally of the Frankish Empire. In 816, he joined the rebellion of the Sorbs. Eventually captured and abandoned by his own people, being replaced by Ceadrag in 818.
Ceadrag 819 - after 826 Ally of the Frankish Empire. He rebelled against the Franks with alliance with the Danes, but later was reconciled with Franks.
Nako 954-966 Nako and his brother Stoigniew were defeated at the Raxa river (955) by Otto I, after which Stoigniew was beheaded and Nako accepted Christianity, resulting in thirty years of peace.
Mstivoj and Mstidrag 966 - 995 Sons of Nako. They abandoned Christianity and revolted against the Germans (Great Slav Rising).
Mieceslas III 919 - 999 in 995 defeated by Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Mstislav 996 - 1018
Udo or Przybigniew 1018 - 1028
Ratibor 1028 - 1043
Gottschalk 1043 to 1066
Budivoj 1066 and 1069
Kruto 1066-1069 and 1069-1093
Henry 1093 - 1127
Niklot 1131–1160 Born around 1090. Also ruled the subdued Polabian Slav tribes of Kessinians and Circipanians.
Pribislav 1160–1167 Last Obotrite prince. Accepted Saxon suzerainty in 1167.

The rulers of Obotrite lands were later the Dukes and Grand Dukes of Mecklenburg.

The Saxon suzerainity and the land of Mecklenburg

See also: Mecklenburg

From the 7th through the 12th centuries, the area of Mecklenburg was taken over by Western Slavic peoples, most notably the Obotrites and other tribes that Frankish sources referred to as "Wends". The 11th century founder of the Mecklenburgian dynasty of Dukes and later Grand Dukes, which lasted until 1918, was Nyklot of the Obotrites.

In the late 12th century, Henry the Lion, Duke of the Saxons, conquered the region, subjugated its local lords, and Christianized its people, in a precursor to the Northern Crusades. From 12th to 14th century, large numbers of Germans and Flemings settled the area (Ostsiedlung), importing German law and improved agricultural techniques. The Wends who survived all warfare and devastation of the centuries before, including invasions of and expeditions into Saxony, Denmark and Liutizic areas as well as internal conflicts, were assimilated in the centuries thereafter. However, elements of certain names and words used in Mecklenburg speak to the lingering Slavic influence. An example would be the city of Schwerin, which was originally called Zuarin in Slavic. Another example is the town of Bresegard, the 'gard' portion of the town name deriving from the Slavic word 'grad', meaning city or town.

Partitions of Mecklenburg

Like many German territories, Mecklenburg was sometimes partitioned and re-partitioned among different members of the ruling dynasty. The division started in 1227.

Partition of 1227

In 1227, Henry Borwin II divided his lands of Mecklenburg among his sons: John received the area called Mecklenburg; Nicholas received Werle; Henry Borwin III Rostock and Pribislaus Parchim-Rinchenberg.

  Mecklenburg   Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg   Mecklenburg-Werle   Mecklenburg-Rostock   Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg

Lordship of Obotrites/Mecklenburg
Lordship of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Lordship of Mecklenburg-Werle Lordship of Mecklenburg-Rostock Lordship of Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg

In 1256, Pribislaus showed incapacity for government and his brothers deposed him, dividing his lands among themselves.

Lordship of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg
(+ 1/3 Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg)
Lordship of Mecklenburg-Werle
(+ 1/3 Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg)
Lordship of Mecklenburg-Rostock
(+ 1/3 Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg)

In 1314 the land of Nicholas the Child of Rostock died without heirs; his lands were annexed to Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg.

Lordship of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg
(+ 2/3 Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg + Mecklenburg-Rostock)
Lordship of Mecklenburg-Werle
(+ 1/3 Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg)

In 1348 Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg and its possessions were elevated as an unified duchy, with seat at Schwerin. The line of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg then took the seat's name for their branch: from 1348, when elevated, the line of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg changed to Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

following the line of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg

'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Lordship of Mecklenburg-Werle
(+ 1/3 Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg)

In 1352 the duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin was again divided: from Schwerin grew a new line of dukes, called Mecklenburg-Stargard.


'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin-Stargard Lordship of Mecklenburg-Werle
(+ 1/3 Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg)

In 1436 the Werle line was annexed to Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (+ Mecklenburg-Werle) 'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin-Stargard

In 1471 Stargard was reannexed to Schwerin, uniting again all the lands of Mecklenburg.

'Duchy of Mecklenburg (-Schwerin) (reunified)

Partition of 1503

In 1503 the united Mecklenburg, bearing the name Mecklenburg-Schwerin, was redivided. The line of Mecklenburg-Güstrow splits off from the elder line of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.


'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin-Güstrow

In 1695 Mecklenburg-Schwerin-Güstrow was reabsorbed in Mecklenburg, reunting the duchy one more time.

'Duchy of Mecklenburg (-Schwerin) (reunified)

Partition of 1701

In 1701 the united Mecklenburg, bearing the name Mecklenburg-Schwerin, was redivided. The line of Mecklenburg-Strelitz splits off from the elder line of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.


'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 'Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin-Strelitz

In 1918, at the end of World War I, the monarchy was abolished.

Rulers of Mecklenburg

House of Mecklenburg

RulerBornReignDeathRuling partConsortNotes
Pribislaus I ?1167-117830 December 1178Mecklenburg Woizlava of Pomerania
before 1178
at least one child
First lord of Mecklenburg. (Son of Niklot), Prince of the Obotrites, Lord of Mecklenburg
Henry Borwin I ?1178-122728 January 1227Mecklenburg Matilda of Saxony
two children

before 1227
one child
Ruled jointly with his cousin Nicholas I and sons Nicholas II and Henry Borwin II.
Nicholas I 11641178-120025 May 1200Mecklenburg Unmarried(Son of Wertislav), Lord of Rostock. Ruled jointly with his cousin, Henry Borwin I.
Henry Borwin II 11701219-12265 June 1226Mecklenburg Christina of Sweden
six children
Ruled jointly with his father, Henry Borwin I and brother, Nicholas II.
Nicholas II 11801219-122528 September 1225Mecklenburg UnmarriedRuled jointly with his father, Henry Borwin I and brother, Henry Borwin II.
John I the Theologian c.12111227-12641 August 1264Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Luitgard of Henneberg
seven children
Son of Henry Borwin II. Received the land of Mecklenburg.
Nicholas I c. 12101227-127714 May 1277Mecklenburg-Werle Judith of Anhalt
seven children
Son of Henry Borwin II. Received the land of Werle.
Henry Borwin III c. 12201227-12781 August 1278Mecklenburg-Rostock Sophia of Sweden
four children
Son of Henry Borwin II. Received the land of Rostock.
Pribislaus II 12241227-1256after 12 February 1275Mecklenburg-Parchim-Rinchenberg Unmarried Son of Henry Borwin II. Received the land of Parchim-Rinchenberg, buthe hadn't the capacity for rule, and was depose by his brothers, who divided his land between them.
Henry I the Pilgrim c.12301264-1271
(1299-1302 probably only titular)
2 January 1302Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Anastasia of Pomerania
three children
In 1271, he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Along the way, he was taken prisoner and deported to Cairo, where he was held in captivity by the Arabs for 27 years. During his absence, Mecklenburg was ruled by his brothers John II and Nicholas III, after a fight between his brothers and cousins about the regency and the guardianship of his children. After John II died in 1283, Nicholas III ruled alone, until Henry II came of age in 1290.

Henry I returned to Mecklenburg via Morea and Rome in 1298. In 1299, he formally resumed his reign, although he probably left the business of government mostly to his son Henry II.

Albert I c.12301264-126515 May or 17 May 1265Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Unknown Ruled jointly with his brother Henry I.
Nicholas III c.12301264-12898 June 1289 or 1290Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Unknown Ruled jointly with his brother Henry I, his authority grew during the period of absence of Henry I.
John II c.12501264-129912 October 1299Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Unknown Ruled jointly with his brother Henry I, his authority grew during the period of absence of Henry I.
John III c.12501287-129927 May 1299Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Helena of Rügen
3 November 1288
one child
Son of Henry I, ruled from 1287 under regency of his uncles Nicholas III and John II, as his father Henry I was taken prisoner in the Holy Land.
Henry I c. 12451277-12918 October 1291Mecklenburg-Werle Richeza od Sweden
three children

Matilda of Brunswick-Lüneburg
no children
Ruled jointly with his brothers and sons.
John I c. 12451277-128315 October 1283Mecklenburg-Werle Sophia of Lindow-Ruppin
before 1275
six children
Brother of Henry I. Ruled jointly with his brothers.
Bernard I c. 12451277-1286c.1286Mecklenburg-Werle Unmarried Brother of Henry I and John I. Ruled jointly with his brothers.
Nicholas II before 12831283-131615 October 1283Mecklenburg-Werle Richeza of Denmark
two children

Matilda of Brunswick-Lüneburg
after 1308
no children
Son of Henry I. Ruled jointly with his father, brothers and uncles.
Nicholas (III) before 12831291-129215 May 1298Mecklenburg-WerleUnmarried Son of Henry I. Ruled jointly with his father, brothers and uncles.
Henry II before 12831291-12921307Mecklenburg-WerleUnmarried Son of Henry I. Ruled jointly with his father, brothers and uncles.
Valdemar before 12411278-12829 November 1282Mecklenburg-Rostock Agnes of Holstein-Kiel
before 1262
three children
Agnes of Holstein-Kiel (regent) before 12411282-12849 November 1282Mecklenburg-Rostock Valdemar
before 1262
three children
Regent in name of her minor sons.
Nicholas I the Child before 12621284-131425 November 1314Mecklenburg-Rostock Margaret of Pomerania-Wolgast
one child
Died without male heirs. His inheritance went to Henry II of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg.
Henry II the Lion after 14 April 12661290-1329
(with his father as titular duke 1299-1302)
21 January 1329Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg Beatrix of Brandenburg
one child

Anna of Saxe-Wittenberg
after 6 July 1315
seven children

Agnes of Lindow-Ruppin
After 1324
no children
Son of Henry I, ruled from 1287 under regency of his uncles Nicholas III and John II, as his father Henry I was taken prisoner in the Holy Land. In 1298, he returned and Henry II became co-ruler. Ruled alone from 1302.
John II the Bald after 12501316-133727 August 1337Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow) Matilda of Brunswick-Grubenhagen
four children
In 1316 there was a subdivision of Werle in two districts, Goldberg and Güstrow, this last subdivided again in -Gustrow and -Waren in 1337.
John III Ruoden before 13001316-13501352Mecklenburg-Werle (-Goldberg) Richeza of Denmark
two children

Matilda of Pomerania
three children

before 1350
two children
In 1316 there was a subdivision of Werle in two districts, Goldberg and Güstrow
Albert II the Great c.13181329-137918 February 1379Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg

Mecklenburg-Schwerin I
Euphemia of Sweden
10 April 1336
five children

Adelheid of Hohenstein
after 1370
no children
Was raised to duke in 1348. In that year he moved the seat of government to Schwerin, and his branch took the name Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Nicholas III Staveleke after 13111337-13601360/1361Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow) Agnes of Mecklenburg-Mecklenburg
6 January 1338
two children

Matilda of Holstein-Plön
after 1341
one child
In 1337 Werle-Gustrow was subdivided again in -Gustrow and -Waren in 1337.
Bernard II c.13201337-1382between 16 January and 13 April 1382Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow-Waren) Elisabeth of Holstein-Plön
three children
Nicholas IV Poogenoge after 13111350-13541360/1361Mecklenburg-Werle (-Goldberg) Agnes of Lindow-Ruppin
before 1350
three children
John I c.13261352-1392/93 9 August 1392/9 February 1393Mecklenburg-StargardRixa
no children

Anna of Holstein-Pinneberg
before 1358
one child

Agnes of Lindow-Ruppin
five children
First of his line in a duchy that split off from Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
John IV before 13501354-13741374Mecklenburg-Werle (-Goldberg) Unmarried Under regency of Albert II, Duke of Mecklenburg and Nicholas III of Werle until 1360. His part of Goldberg went to Werle-Gustrow after his death.
Lorenz between 1338 and 13401360-1393/94between 24 February 1393 and 6 May 1394Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow) Matilda of Mecklenburg-Werle-Goldberg
three children
Ruled in Werle-Gustrow with his brother John V.
John V between 1338 and 13401360-1378before 9 September 1378Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow) Euphemia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
before 1378
no children
Ruled in Werle-Gustrow with his brother Lorenz.
Henry III c.13371379-138324 April 1383Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Ingeborg of Denmark
four children

Matilda of Mecklenburg-Werle
26 February 1377
no children
Magnus I c.13451379-13841 September 1384Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Elizabeth of Pomerania-Wolgast
after 1362
two children
Ruled jointly with his brother Henry III.
John VI c.13201382-1385

c. 1395Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow-Waren) Agnes of Mecklenburg-Werle-Goldberg
before 1395
four children
John IV before 13701384-142216 October 1422Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Jutta von Hoya
before 1415
no children

Catherine of Saxe-Lauenburg
two children
Ruled jointly with Albert III, Albert IV, Eric I and Albert V.
Albert III c.13381384-1412March 1412Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Richardis of Schwerin
two children

Agnes of Brunswick-Lüneburg
12/13 February 1396
one child
His maternal Swedish descendance allowed him to succeed as King of Sweden between 1364 and 1389.
Albert IV before 13631384-1388between 24 and 31 December 1388Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Elisabeth of Holstein-Rendsburg
before 1388
no children
Ruled jointly with his uncle Albert III.
Eric I after 13591396-139716 July 1397Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Sophie of Pomerania-Wolgast
12/13 February 1396
no children
Ruled jointly with his father Albert III.
Albert V 13971412-1423between 1 June and 6 December 1423Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Margaret of Brandenburg
no children
Ruled jointly with his father Albert III.
John II before 13701392/93-14166 July/9 October 1416Mecklenburg-StargardWilheida-Catherine of Lithuania
three children
Ruled jointly with his brothers, Ulrich I and Albert I.
Ulrich I before 13821392/93-14178 April 1417Mecklenburg-StargardMargaret of Pomerania-Stettin
before 1400
three children
Ruled jointly with his brothers, John II and Albert I.
Albert I before 13771392/93-1397between 11 February and 15 July 1397Mecklenburg-StargardUnmarried Ruled jointly with his brothers, John II and Ulrich I.
Nicholas V between 1341 and 13851385

after 21 January 1408Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow-Waren) Sophie of Pomerania-Wolgast
after 1397
no children
Ruled jointly with his brother Christopher.
Christopher before 13851385

25 August 1425Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow-Waren) Unmarried Ruled jointly with his brother Nicholas V. After his death his domains wnet to his cousin, William of Werle-Gustrow.
Balthasar c.13751393/94-14215 April 1421Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow) Euphemia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
18 October 1397
no children

Helvig of Holstein-Rendsburg
18 April 1417
no children
Ruled in Werle-Gustrow with his brothers William and John VII.
John VII ca. 13751393/94-1414between 14 August and 17 December 1414Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow) Catherine of Saxe-Lauenburg
before 1414
no children
Ruled in Werle-Gustrow with his brothers William and Balthasar.
William before 13981401-14368 September 1436Mecklenburg-Werle (-Güstrow) Anna of Anhalt
no children

Sophia of Pomerania
after 1426
one child
Ruled in Werle-Gustrow with his brothers Balthasar and John VII.
John III 13891416-1438after 11 November 1438Mecklenburg-StargardLuttrud of Anhalt-Köthen
before 1438
no children
Son of John II. Ruled jointly with his cousins, Albert II and Henry.
Albert II before 14001417-1421/23between 11 February 1421 and 4 October 1423Mecklenburg-StargardUnmarried Son of Ulrich I. Ruled jointly with his brother Henry and cousin John III.
Henry I Gaunt before 14121417-1466between 26 May and 20 August 1466Mecklenburg-StargardJudith of Mecklenburg-Werle-Gustrow-Waren
before 1427
no children

Ingeborg of Pomerania-Stolp
after 1427
two children

Margaret of Brunswick-Lüneburg
two children
Son of Ulrich I. Ruled jointly with his brother Albert II and cousin John III.
Henry IV the Fat before 14171423-14719 March 1477Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Dorothea of Brandenburg
May 1432
seven children
Ruled jointly with his brother, John V. In 1471 he reunited all Mecklenburg.
John V 14181423-1442/43 1 November 1442/13 January 1443Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Anna of Pomerania-Stettin
17 September 1436
no children
Ruled jointly with his brother, Henry IV.
John VI 14391451-14711472Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Unmarried Ruled jointly with his father, Henry IV.
Ulrich II before 14281466-147113 July 1471Mecklenburg-StargardCatherine of Mecklenburg-Werle-Gustrow
between 24 February and 15 September 1454
no children
Son of Henry I. After his death Stargard was reunited to Mecklenburg.
Henry IV the Fat before 14171471-14779 March 1477Mecklenburg Dorothea of Brandenburg
May 1432
seven children
Ruled jointly with his brother, John V. In 1471 he reunited all Mecklenburg.
John VI 14391471-14721472Mecklenburg Unmarried Ruled jointly with his father, Henry IV.
Magnus II before 14171477-150320 November 1503Mecklenburg Sophia of Pomerania-Stettin
29 May 1478
seven children
Ruled jointly with his brothers, Albert VI and Balthasar.
Albert VI 14381477-1483before 27 April 1483Mecklenburg Catherine of Lindow-Ruppin
1466 or 1468
no children
Ruled jointly with his brothers, Magnus II and Balthasar.
Balthasar 14511477-150316 March 1507Mecklenburg Unmarried Ruled jointly with his brothers, Magnus II and Albert VI. Also Bishop of Schwerin in 1479-1482.
Henry V the Peaceful 3 May 14791503-15526 February 1552Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Sophia of Pomerania-Stettin
29 May 1478
seven children
Ruled jointly with his brother, Albert VI.
Balthasar 14511503-150716 March 1507Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Unmarried Ruled jointly with his nephew Henry V. Also Bishop of Schwerin in 1479-1482.
Eric II 3 September 14831503-150822 December 1508Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Unmarried Ruled jointly with Henry V. Died without heirs.
Albert VII the Handsome 25 July 14861503-15477 January 1547Mecklenburg-Güstrow Anna of Brandenburg
17 January 1524
ten children
Ruled jointly with his brother, Albert VI.
John Albert I 23 December 15251547-155512 February 1576Mecklenburg-Güstrow Anna Sophia of Prussia
24 February 1555
three children
Ruled jointly with Philip I. Son of Albert VII of Güstrow.
Philip I 12 September 15141552-1557 4 January 1557Mecklenburg-Schwerin I Unmarried Ruled jointly with John Albert I. Died without heirs.
John Albert I 23 December 15251552-157612 February 1576Mecklenburg-Schwerin II
(from Mecklenburg-Güstrow)
Anna Sophia of Prussia
24 February 1555
three children
Ruled jointly with Philip I. Son of Albert VII of Güstrow.
Ulrich III 5 March 15271555-160314 March 1603Mecklenburg-Güstrow Elizabeth of Denmark
14 February 1556
one child
John VII 7 March 15581576-159222 March 1592Mecklenburg-Schwerin II Sophia of Holstein-Gottorp
17 February 1588
three children
Adolf Frederick I 15 December 15881592-165827 February 1658Mecklenburg-Schwerin II Anna Maria of East Frisia
4 September 1622
eight children

Maria Katharine of Brunswick-Dannenberg
eleven children
In 1628, the Emperor Ferdinand II deposed him and took his fiefs from him, but he was reinstated in 1631. In the period 1628-1631 the duchy was ruled by Albrecht von Wallenstein.
Charles I 28 December 15401603-161022 July 1610Mecklenburg-Güstrow Unmarried Brother of Ulrich and John Albert I.
John Albert II 5 May 15901610-163623 April 1636Mecklenburg-Güstrow Margaret Elizabeth of Mecklenburg-Güstrow
9 October 1608
four children

Elizabeth of Hesse Kassel
25 March 1618
no children

Eleonore Marie of Anhalt-Bernburg
7 May 1626
five children
In 1628, the Emperor Ferdinand II deposed him and took his fiefs from him, but he was reinstated in 1631. In the period 1628-1631 the duchy was ruled by Albrecht von Wallenstein.
Gustav Adolph I 26 February 16331636-16956 October 1695Mecklenburg-Güstrow Magdalene Sibylle of Holstein-Gottorp
28 December 1654
eleven children
Until 1654, under regendy of Adolf Frederick I of Mecklenburg. His male heirs predeceased him, and his lands rejoined Mecklenburg.
Christian Louis I 1 December 16231658-169221 June 1692Mecklenburg-Schwerin II Christine Margaret of Mecklenburg-Güstrow
21 February 1640
no children

Elisabeth Angelique de Montmorency
3 March 1664
no children
Left no heirs.
Frederick William I 28 March 16751692-169531 July 1713Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Sophie Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel
2 January 1704
no children
Son of Frederick, brother of Christian Louis I. Founded the 3rd line of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Frederick William I 28 March 16751695-170131 July 1713Mecklenburg Sophie Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel
2 January 1704
no children
In 1695, with the end of the Gustrow line, Mecklenburg was reunited again. However in 1701 was again divided between Frederick William and his uncle, Adolf Frederick, son of Adolf Frederick I and brother of Christian Louis I.
Adolf Frederick II 19 October 1658 1701-170812 May 1708Mecklenburg-Strelitz Maria of Mecklenburg-Güstrow
five children

Joanna of Saxe.Gotha-Altenburg
20 June 1702
no children

Christiane Emilie of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
10 June 1705
two children
Son of Adolf Frederick I. First of the line of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
Frederick William I 28 March 16751701-171331 July 1713Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Sophie Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel
2 January 1704
no children
In 1701, Mecklenburg was again divided and he kept again Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Adolf Frederick III 7 June 1686 1708-175211 December 1752Mecklenburg-Strelitz Dorothea of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Plön
16 April 1709
two children
Left no male heirs.
Charles Leopold I 26 November 16781713-172828 November 1747Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Sophia Hedwig of Nassau-Dietz
27 May 1709
no children

Christine von Lepel
7 June 1710
(annulled 2 October 1711)
no children

Catherine Ivanovna of Russia
19 April 1716
one child
Brother of Frederick William I, was deposed in 1728 by the Aulic Council in Vienna in favour of his brother Christian Louis II.
Christian Louis II 15 November 1683 1728-175630 May 1756Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Gustave Caroline of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
13 November 1714
five children
Adolf Frederick IV 5 May 17381752-17942 June 1794Mecklenburg-Strelitz Unmarried Son of Charles Frederick, son of Adolf Frederick II. Left no heirs.
Frederick I the Pious 9 November 17171756-178524 April 1785Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Louise Frederica of Württemberg
2 March 1746
four children
His heirs died in infancy and was succeeded by his nephew.
Frederick Francis I 10 December 17561785-18371 February 1837Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
1 June 1775
six children
Son of Louis, brother of Frederick I. In 1815 was raised to Grand Duke.
Charles II 10 October 17411794-18166 November 1816Mecklenburg-Strelitz Friederike of Hesse-Darmstadt
18 September 1768
ten children

Charlotte of Hesse-Darmstadt
28 September 1784
one child
Brother of Adolf Frederick IV.
George I 12 August 17791816-18606 September 1860Mecklenburg-Strelitz Marie of Hesse-Kassel
12 August 1817
four children
Paul Frederick 15 September 1800 1837-18427 March 1842Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Alexandrine of Prussia
25 May 1822
no children
Grandson of Frederick Francis I.
Frederick Francis II 28 February 1823 1842-188315 April 1883Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Augusta of Reuss-Köstritz
3 November 1849
six children

Anne of Hesse and by Rhine
4 July 1864
one child

Marie of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
4 July 1868
four children
Frederick William II 17 October 18191860-190430 May 1904Mecklenburg-Strelitz Augusta of the United Kingdom
28 June 1843
two children
Frederick Francis III 19 March 18511883-189710 April 1897Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Anastasia Mikhailovna of Russia
24 January 1879
Saint Petersburg
three children
John Albert of Mecklenburg (regent) 8 December 1857 1897-190116 February 1920Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Elisabeth Sybille of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
6 November 1886
no children

Elisabeth of Stolberg-Rossla
15 December 1909
no children
Frederick Francis IV 9 April 1882 1901-191817 November 1945Mecklenburg-Schwerin III Alexandra of Hanover and Cumberland
7 June 1904
five children
Forced to abdicate in 1918, after the end of World War I
Adolf Frederick V 22 July 18481904-191411 June 1914Mecklenburg-Strelitz Elisabeth of Anhalt
17 April 1877
four children
Adolf Frederick VI 17 June 18821914-191823 February 1918Mecklenburg-Strelitz Unmarried Committed suicide in 1918, before the end of World War I.


  1. 1 2 3 "Fürsten und Gutsherren..."
  2. Wigger, p.121
  3. (in German) Die Ortsgeschichte von Dobbertin
  4. 1 2 "Von der Reformation..."
  5. 1 2 House Laws of Mecklenburg


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