Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead (book)

Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead
Author Rick Meyerowitz
Country United States
Language English
Publisher National Lampoon
Publication date
September 1, 2010
Media type Print
Pages 320
ISBN 978-0-8109-8848-4

Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Writers and Artists who made National Lampoon Insanely Great by Rick Meyerowitz, is a 2010 book which was published by Abrams Books of New York. The book consists of a compilation of work by a selection of writers and artists whose work appeared in National Lampoon magazine in the 1970s, as well as introductory commentary on those people and their work, by Meyerowitz and others. The book is hardback, coffee-table sized and is profusely illustrated.

A very similar title, differing only in the subtitle, was used for the 2015 documentary film, Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon, for which Rick Meyerowitz designed the poster, as he also did for the 1978 film National Lampoon's Animal House.

Writers and artists included

The book covers the work of the following people. The content of the book is as follows:[1]


  1. Meyerowitz, Rick (September 1, 2010). Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Writers and Artists Who Made the National Lampoon Insanely Great (1st ed.). Amazon.com: Harry N. Abrams. ISBN 978-0810988484.

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