Diplomatic timeline for 1815

Diplomatic timeline for 1815

Time line

Diplomatic timeline for 1815:[1][2]

Some other significant proclamations and declarations


  1. 1 2 3 Two dates. Julian and Gregorian (see differences between Julian and Gregorian dates).
  2. See also: Act for the acceptance of the Sovereignty of the Belgic Provinces, by his Royal Highness, signed at the Hague, July 21, 1814.
  3. "[On his return to France in 1815 Napoleon,] well aware of the approaching storm, sought to diminish its violence by pacific overtures, and one of his first acts on ascending the throne of France was to address a letter [in French], in his own hand writing, to the Sovereigns of Europe, announcing his restoration to the imperial throne, and expressive of his sincere desire for peace".[4]


Further reading

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