Digital privacy

Digital privacy is a trending social concern. For example, the TED talk by Eric Berlow and Sean Gourley[1] subsequent to the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures cast a shadow over the privacy of cloud storage and social media. While digital privacy is concerned with the privacy of digital information in general, in many contexts it specifically refers to information concerning personal identity shared over public networks.[2]

Before the Edward Snowden disclosures concerning the extent of the NSA PRISM program were revealed in 2013, the public debate on digital privacy mainly centered on privacy concerns with social networking services, as viewed from within these services.

As the secrecy of the American Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act becomes widely disclosed,[3] digital privacy is increasingly recognized as an issue in the context of mass surveillance.

The use of cryptographic software to evade prosecution and harassment while sending and receiving information over computer networks is associated with crypto-anarchism, a movement intending to protect individuals from mass surveillance by the government.

See also


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