Diet of Metz (1356/57)

The Diet of Metz was an imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire held in Metz conducted from 17 November 1356 to 7 January 1357, with Emperor Charles IV. presiding. It is most memorable for the promulgation of the Golden Bull of 1356.


After Charles precursor Louis the Bavarian was crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire without the approval of the pope, the reign of Charles IV. was legitimated through Pope Innocent VI.[1] Charles central concern was a standard regulation of the electing system of the “King of Romans” inspired by the long-time struggle of his predecessor Louis IV with the anti-king Frederick the Fair. The first part of the Golden Bull, known as the Nuremberg code law (German Nürnberger Gesetzbuch), was composed at the Diet of Nuremberg 1356. During this diet the city of Metz was announced as the next meeting place for the king and the rulers.[2]


Due to foreign affairs the beginning of the diet was postponed to the end of the year 1356. An official start date is unknown, but the arrival of the king is said to be the starting point.[3] Because of the absence of the electors and the dauphin no important decisions were made in the first three weeks. After the arrival of all electors the assembly concentrated on inner concerns regarding the electors law (German Kurrecht) of the King of Bohemia and the public peace (German Landfrieden) between December 12 and December 22. The arrival of the dauphin on December 22 marks the beginning of negotiations about the state of affair of France in the aftermath of the Battle of Poitiers and completion of the last chapters of the Golden Bull.[4] The Golden Bull was promulgated by Charles on Christmas Day during a festive ceremony.[5]

Code law

The Metz code law (German Metzer Gesetzbuch) forms the second part of the Golden Bull with its Chapters 24 to 31. Chapter 27 and 30 were headed with a Latin text. The arrangement of chapters is a modern classification.[6] The content of the individual chapters can be summarized as follows:


The diet of Metz was handled as a negligible factor for a long time. In more recent literature Hergemöller emphasises the political heft of the assembly.[8] Margue and Pauly point out the importance of the city of Metz for Charles reign and hint at the relevance of this diet as the first official assembly following the rules of the Golden Bull.[9]



  1. Peter Moraw: Karl IV. Lexikon des Mittelalters. Bd. 5. Sp.973.
  2. Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller: Die Entstehung der „Goldenen Bulle“ zu Nürnberg und Metz 1355 bis 1357. In: Die Kaisermacher. Frankfurt am Main und die Goldene Bulle; 1356 - 1806; [eine Ausstellung des Instituts für Stadtgeschichte, des Historischen Museums, des Dommuseums und des Museums Judengasse (Dependance des Jüdischen Museums), Frankfurt am Main 30. September 2006 bis 14. Januar 2007]. Aufsätze, Band 2. S.31.
  3. Michel Margue/Michel Pauly: Luxemburg, Metz und das Reich. Die Reichsstadt im Gesichtsfeld Karls IV.. In: Ulrike Hohensee (Hg.): Die Goldene Bulle: Politik – Wahrnehmung – Rezeption. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. S.911-912.
  4. Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller: Der Abschluss der Goldenen Bulle zu Metz 1365/57. In: Friedrich Bernward Fahlbusch und Peter Johanek: Studia Luxemburgensia. Festschrift Heinz Stoob zum 70. Geburtstag. Verlag Fahlbusch/Hölscher/Rieger. Warendorf 1989. S. 150-89.
  5. Martin Kintzinger: Karl IV. (1346-1378). In: Bernd Schneidmüller und Stefan Weinfurter: Die deutschen Herrscher des Mittelalters. Historische Portraits von Heinrich I. bis Maximilian I. (919-1519). C.H. Beck, München, 2003. S.427.
  6. Wolfgang D. Fritz (Hg.): Die Goldene Bulle Kaiser Karls IV. vom Jahre 1356, Text. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Fontes iuris Germanici in usum scholarum separatim editi, 11), Weimar 1972. S.542.
  7. Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller: Die Entstehung der „Goldenen Bulle“ zu Nürnberg und Metz 1355 bis 1357. In: Die Kaisermacher. Frankfurt am Main und die Goldene Bulle; 1356 - 1806; [eine Ausstellung des Instituts für Stadtgeschichte, des Historischen Museums, des Dommuseums und des Museums Judengasse (Dependance des Jüdischen Museums), Frankfurt am Main 30. September 2006 bis 14. Januar 2007]. Aufsätze, Band 2. S.35.; Wolfgang D. Fritz (Hg.): Die Goldene Bulle Kaiser Karls IV. vom Jahre 1356, Text. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Fontes iuris Germanici in usum scholarum separatim editi, 11), Weimar 1972. S.623-631.
  8. Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller: Der Abschluss der Goldenen Bulle zu Metz 1365/57. In: Friedrich Bernward Fahlbusch und Peter Johanek: Studia Luxemburgensia. Festschrift Heinz Stoob zum 70. Geburtstag. Verlag Fahlbusch/Hölscher/Rieger. Warendorf 1989. S. 151-2.
  9. Michel Margue/Michel Pauly: Luxemburg, Metz und das Reich. Die Reichsstadt im Gesichtsfeld Karls IV. In: Ulrike Hohensee (Hg.): Die Goldene Bulle: Politik – Wahrnehmung – Rezeption. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 2009. S.914-5.
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