Die Hoërskool Rustenburg

The doors of Hoërskool Rustenburg [the Afrikaans name for "Rustenburg High School"] was opened on 31 January 1922 in Rustenburg, North West Province, South Africa.

{This is an English article about an Afrikaans school.}


The school was opened on 31 January 1922, with mr. J.J. Nel as the first principal. The schools motto is NOSCE TE IPSUM - Know thyself.


The principals of the school through the years, are:

School Anthem

1. Teen die hange van Magalies {At the edge of the Magalies}

met sy fiere Eeufeestop {with its fiery Centenary top}

deftig rys die Rustenburgse Hoërskool {the Rustenburg High School rises up}

teen die bloue hemel op; {up into the blue heavens}

wie se leuse, hoog en edel, {its slogan high and noble}

elke leerling moet bewaar: {every learner should protect}

Ken jouself in woord en wandel, {Know thyself in word and action}

wees getrou waar jy ook vaar. (2x) {be true wherever you go}

2. Ken jouself by les en studie, op kultuur en sportgebied Ken jouself in die vervulling van jou naasteliefd’ en plig Eer en roem moet jy versamel vir jou skool en dorp alom; nie alleen in jongelingsjare maar tot gryse ouderdom. (2x)

(Know thyself in lesson and study, in culture and in sport. Know thyself in the fulfillment of you neighbourly love and duty. You should gather honour and fame for your school and town; not only in youth but 'till grey old age.)

3. Deur jou skool is jy ontwikkel Ja, gestaal ook vir die taak wat jy eendag so sorgvuldig sal moet uitvoer hier op aard. Dink terug aan lang vervloë blye jeugherinnerings, neem die grootste plek nog altyd, jy ons Skool, in harte in. (2x)

4. Teen die hange van Magalies met sy fiere Eeufeestop deftig rys teen bloue hemel, jy, my Hoërskool, altyd op. Ken jouself en bloei bestendig- ook die nakroos sal jou eer vir die volk deur jou gevorm- Vaderland en God tot eer! (2x)

Sporting codes

Pupils at the school can participate in many different sporting codes:




Field hockey




Underwater hockey




Cross country

Culture Activities

Pupils in the school can also participate in the following culture activities:


Public Speaking (Afrikaans & English)



School moot court


Land Service

Famous alumni

Sunette Viljoen

Bettie Cilliers-Barnard

Rustenburg Hoërskool

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