
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Vandeae
Subtribe: Aerangidinae
Genus: Microcoelia
Type species
Microcoelia exilis
  • Microcaelia Hochst. ex A.Rich.
  • Dicranotaenia Finet
  • Rhaphidorhynchus Finet
  • Encheiridion Summerh.

Microcoelia is a genus of orchids native to sub-Saharan Africa as well as to Madagascar and other islands of the Indian Ocean. [1][2][3]

  1. Microcoelia aphylla (Thouars) Summerh. - from Kenya and Uganda south to KwaZulu-Natal, plus Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion
  2. Microcoelia aurantiaca (Schltr.) Summerh. - Madagascar
  3. Microcoelia bispiculata L.Jonss. - Madagascar
  4. Microcoelia bulbocalcarata L.Jonss. - Príncipe, Cameroon, Gabon, Uganda, Rwanda
  5. Microcoelia caespitosa (Rolfe) Summerh. in J.Hutchinson & J.M.Dalziel - western and central Africa from Liberia to Zaïre and Uganda
  6. Microcoelia corallina Summerh. - Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi
  7. Microcoelia cornuta (Ridl.) Carlsward - Madagascar, Comoros
  8. Microcoelia decaryana L.Jonss. - Madagascar
  9. Microcoelia dolichorhiza (Schltr.) Summerh. - Madagascar
  10. Microcoelia elliotii (Finet) Summerh. - Madagascar
  11. Microcoelia exilis Lindl. - from Kenya and Uganda south to KwaZulu-Natal, plus Madagascar
  12. Microcoelia gilpinae (Rchb.f. & S.Moore) Summerh. - Madagascar
  13. Microcoelia globulosa (Hochst.) L.Jonss. - from Nigeria east to Eritrea, south to Angola and Zimbabwe
  14. Microcoelia hirschbergii Summerh. - Zaïre, Zambia
  15. Microcoelia jonssonii Szlach. & Olszewski - Central African Republic
  16. Microcoelia koehleri (Schltr.) Summerh. - from Nigeria to Tanzania, south to Zimbabwe
  17. Microcoelia konduensis (De Wild.) Summerh - western and central Africa
  18. Microcoelia leptostele (Summerh.) L.Jonss. - Central African Republic, Zaïre
  19. Microcoelia macrantha (H.Perrier) Summerh. - Madagascar
  20. Microcoelia macrorhynchia (Schltr.) Summerh. in J.Hutchinson & J.M.Dalziel - central Africa
  21. Microcoelia megalorrhiza (Rchb.f.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi
  22. Microcoelia microglossa Summerh. - central Africa
  23. Microcoelia moreauae L.Jonss - Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
  24. Microcoelia nyungwensis L.Jonss. - Rwanda
  25. Microcoelia obovata Summerh. - from Kenya south to KwaZulu-Natal
  26. Microcoelia ornithocephala P.J.Cribb - Malawi
  27. Microcoelia perrieri (Finet) Summerh. - Madagascar
  28. Microcoelia physophora (Rchb.f.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar
  29. Microcoelia sanfordii L.Jonss - Cameroon
  30. Microcoelia smithii (Rolfe) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi
  31. Microcoelia stolzii (Schltr.) Summerh. - Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe


  1. 1 2 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. Govaerts, R. (2003). World Checklist of Monocotyledons Database in ACCESS: 1-71827. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
  3. Lindley, John. 1830. Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants 60-61.
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