Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art

The Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, chaired and founded by art collector Giuliana Setari Carusi, in collaboration with its Board of Trustees and its Scientific Committee, is a non-profit organization established in New York in 2001, with an office in Paris. Its mission is the promotion of contemporary visual arts, with a focus on supporting young emerging artists on the international scene.


DFCA is dedicated to strengthening the ties and the interactions between Italian culture and that of other countries, with a particular interest in the United States and France. The initiatives of the Dena Foundation involve artists living in Italy, who participate in the Artists Residency Programs in New York and in Paris.

The Foundation creates collaborations between artists, museum directors, directors of research programs and professionals of the art world. The Dena Foundation organizes and supports round tables, conferences, seminars and exhibitions.

The Foundation has established an international prize, the Dena Foundation Art Award, rewarding young artists from different nationalities who have realized a work for a public space, with a strong social relevance. The Foundation contributes to the promotion of artists’ works by supporting the publication of artist’s books and art magazines and with production grants for their participation in International artistic events.

Artists and curators Residency Programs

DFCA promotes artists in residence programs and encourages the cultural exchanges that they offer. The foundation has created scholarships in order to allow artists to participate in the activities of the programs.

The Dena Foundation Scholarship at the Omi International Arts Center

The Art Omi International Artists Residency is a three-week residency program for visual artists in upstate New York at the Omi International Arts Center, located approximately two hours north of New York City in the Hudson River Valley. The residency takes place during the month of July. The program is handled each year by a different critic-in-residence and gathers a group of artists from different countries and nationalities.

For this program, the Dena Foundation has set up since 2001 a scholarship dedicated to an artist from central or southern Italy. The Foundation and a representative of a partner organization make the selection. The scholarship covers travel costs and those related to the stay of the artist.

Because of the proximity to New York City, participants benefit from the feedback of art critics, gallery owners and artists who are invited to one to one visits, while in the evenings the group gathers for lectures, slide presentations and panel discussions. At the end of the residency, the Open Studios day is the occasion for the artists to share the project carried on with a broader audience composed of professionals from the art world.

To date, the recipients were: Nicoletta Agostini (2003), Stanislao di Giugno (2005), Matteo Fato (2010), Francesco Jodice (2002), Domenico Mangano (2004), Luana Perilli (2008), Corrado Sassi (2006), Marinella Senatore (2009), Donatella Spaziani (2001)

Since 2011, a partnership has been established with the Museum of Contemporary Art Marca and the Province of Catanzaro aiming at rewarding an artist from Calabria. Domenico Cordì was the recipient of the 2011 scholarship.

The Dena Foundation Scholarship at the Centre International d'Accueil et d'Echanges des Récollets

Since 2003, the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art promotes an Artists and curators Residency Program at the Centre International d’Accueil et d’Echanges des Récollets in Paris, located in the former Convent of the Récollets, adjacent to the Gare de l’Est railroad station. The Centre receives all-year artists and researchers from different countries and nationalities supported by international organizations. The Dena Foundation residency takes place in fall.

The program gathers a group of artists selected by scientific committees, by invitation only, and is managed by a director.

The program aims at promoting artists’ mobility and at introducing them to the French and international art scene. Thanks to the one-to-one studio visits and the guided visits organized all along the residency to their “atelier”, the artists benefit from the advice and feedback of art critics and curators, directors of international institutions, gallery owners, collectors and artists. The artists are called to participate to the Dena Foundation activities and round tables or exhibitions. The artists are housed in independent studio apartments with residence services.

The program has been made possible with the support and collaboration of public and private partners, principally the Municipality of Milan.

The artists of the Dena Foundation involved in the program have been: Rebecca Agnes (2003), Nicoletta Agostini (2004), Meris Angioletti (2005), Paola Anziché (2008), Lucia Barbagallo (2010), Michele Bazzana (2009), Valerio Berruti (2007) Dafne Boggeri (2004), Alessandro Bulgini (2004), Assila Cherfi (2010), Dafni & Papadatos (2003), Martina della Valle (2007), Cleo Fariselli (2009), Matteo Fato (2011), Michael Fliri (2008), Francesco Fossati, Linda Fregni Nagler (2008), Giovanni Giaretta (2010), Antonella Grieco (2008), Invernomuto (2007), Diego Marcon (2009), Federico Peri (2007), Alessandro Piangiamore (2007), Luca Pozzi (2009), Richard Sympson (2009), Angelo Sarleti (2006), Ester Sparatore (2004), Donatella Spaziani (2003), Alberto Tadiello (2008), Alice Tomaselli (2010), Coniglio Viola (2008)

DFCA has established a three-year agreement for the Premio d’Artista of the Fondazione Sparkasse in Bolzano, initiated by Fondazione Museion. The artists selected were Michael Fliri (2008) and Ignaz Cassar (2010)

In 2011, the NAC-National Arts Council of Singapore requested the Dena Foundation to establish a new partnership aimed at promoting emerging Singaporean artists abroad through a residency in Paris: Hafiz B Osman and Debbie Ding are the 2012 recipients of the grant created by the two institutions.


DFCA has developed partnerships in order to promote its activities. Among them Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera, Youth Department of the Municipality of Milan, Centre culturel français of Milan, Prime Minister Department of Youth, Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities PARC - General Directorate for Quality and Protection, GAI, Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti in Turin, Museion, Municipality of Turin, Fondazione Spinola Banna per l’Arte, Unicredit Private Banking, Fondazione Sparkasse, Fondazione Cariplo, Free Undo, RAM / Zerynthia Accademia Albertina, Museion and Sparkasse Foundation.

The Dena Foundation Art Award

In 2001 DFCA established an international prize, the Dena Foundation Art Award, awarded to young artists that have realized a project in a public space, with a strong social impact. The prize is accompanied by the publication of a book conceived by the artist.

Dena Foundation Art Award recipients have been: Ryan Gander (2007), Great Britain, presented by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Renata Lucas (2009), Brazil, presented by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Michael Rakowitz (2003), United States, presented by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Michael Sailstorfer (2005), Germany, presented by Helmut Fridel, Fabien Verschaere (2001), France, presented by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Luca Vitone (2002), Italy, presented by Roberto Pinto.

Exhibitions and events

DDFCA promotes the diffusion of contemporary art through round tables, conferences and exhibitions, in different cities in collaboration with European institutions in the context of cultural events. Among the others, the exhibitions Beyond the Dust – Artists’ Documents Today (2010–2011), Inhabituel (2005), the round table Ubiquity as a paradigm of contemporary culture and life (2004), the conference Jeune photographie italienne contemporaine: une géographie des talents naissants (2008), the Journées Portes Ouvertes at the Centre International d’Accueil et d’Echanges des Récollets (2009–2011)

Special projects

Top 100 by Davide Bertocchi since 2003.

See also





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