
Temporal range: Miocene-Recent, inferred from molecular phylogeny
Delias descombesi
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Delias
Hübner, [1819]
  • Cathaemia Hübner, [1819]
  • Symmachlas Hübner, [1821]
  • Harpanota Swainson, 1851
  • Thyca Wallengren, 1858
  • Piccarda Grote, 1900

Delias is a genus of butterflies. There are about 250 species of Delias, found in South Asia and Australia. Delias is considered to have its evolutionary origins in the Australian region.[1]


  • The singhapura species group
  • The nysa species group
    • Delias battana Fruhstorfer, 1896 Sulawesi
    • Delias blanca (Felder, C & R Felder, 1862) Philippines and Borneo
    • Delias dice (van Vollenhoven, 1865)
    • Delias dumasi Rothschild, 1925 Buru
    • Delias enniana Oberthür, 1880
    • Delias fruhstorferi (Honrath, 1891)
    • Delias ganymedes Okumoto, 1981
    • Delias georgina (Felder, C & R Felder, 1861)
    • Delias hempeli Dannatt, 1904 Halmaheira
    • Delias lemoulti Talbot, 1931 Timor
    • Delias manuselensis Talbot, 1920 Serang, Ambon
    • Delias maudei Joicey & Noakes, 1915 Biak
    • Delias momea (Boisduval, 1836) Sumatra, Java
    • Delias nuydaorum Schröder, H, 1975
    • Delias nysa (Fabricius, 1775)
    • Delias pulla Talbot, 1937 New Guinea
    • Delias ribbei Röber, 1886 Aru
    • Delias schoenigi Schröder, H, 1975
    • Delias schuppi Talbot, 1928 Serang
    • Delias vietnamensis Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2000 Vietnam, Cambodia
    • Delias waterstradti Rothschild, 1915 Halmaheira
  • The chrysomelaena species group
    • Delias caliban Grose-Smith, 1897
    • Delias chrysomelaena (van Vollenhoven, 1866)Halmahera, Bachan
    • Delias ladas Grose-Smith, 1894
    • Delias talboti Joicey & Noakes, 1915 Biak
    • Delias totila Heller, 1896 New Britain
  • The stresemanni species group
    • Delias lecerfi Joicey & Talbot, 1922 New Guinea
    • Delias schmassmanni Joicey & Talbot, 1923 Buru
    • Delias stresemanni Rothschild, 1915 Serang
  • The geraldina species group
    • Delias abrophora Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias anjae Schroder, 1977
    • Delias argentata Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias aroae (Ribbe, 1900)
    • Delias cuningputi (Ribbe, 1900) New Guinea
    • Delias jordani Kenrick, 1909
    • Delias daniensis van Mastrigt, 2003 New Guinea
    • Delias destrigata van Mastrigt, 1996 New Guinea
    • Delias dortheysi van Mastrigt, 2002 New Guinea
    • Delias eudiabolus Rothschild, 1915 New Guinea
    • Delias fascelis Jordan, 1912 New Guinea
    • Delias geraldina Grose-Smith, 1894
    • Delias heroni Kenrick, 1909
    • Delias hikarui Yagishita, 1993 New Guinea
    • Delias hypomelas Rothschild & Jordan, 1907
    • Delias imitator Kenrick, 1911 New Guinea
    • Delias inopinata Lachlan, 2000 New Guinea
    • Delias itamputi Ribbe, 1900
    • Delias langda Gerrits & van Mastrigt, 1992 New Guinea
    • Delias microsticha Rothschild, 1904
    • Delias nigropunctata Joicey & Noakes, 1915 New Guinea
    • Delias oktanglap van Mastrigt, 1990 New Guinea
    • Delias pheres Jordan, 1912 New Guinea
    • Delias kenricki Talbot, 1937
    • Delias rileyi Joicey & Talbot, 1922 New Guinea
    • Delias sagessa Fruhstorfer, 1910
    • Delias sinak Mastrigt, 1990 New Guinea
    • Delias sphenodiscus Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias subapicalis Orr & Sibatani, 1985 New Guinea
    • Delias takashii Sakuma, 1999 New Guinea
    • Delias thompsoni Joicey & Talbot, 1916 New Guinea
  • The eichhorni species group
  • The bornemanni species group
  • The iltis species group
    • Delias arabuana Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias awongkor van Mastrigt, 1989 New Guinea
    • Delias bakeri Kenrick, 1909
    • Delias callista Jordan, 1912 New Guinea
    • Delias flavistriga Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias iltis Ribbe, 1900
    • Delias luctuosa Jordan, 1912 New Guinea
    • Delias mesoblema Jordan, 1912
    • Delias raymondi Schröder & Treadaway, 1982 New Guinea
  • The weiskei species group
    • Delias callima Rothschild & Jordan, 1905 New Guinea
    • Delias campbelli Joicey & Talbot, 1922 New Guinea
    • Delias hapalina Jordan, 1912 New Guinea
    • Delias leucias Jordan, 1912 New Guinea
    • Delias marguerita Joicey & Talbot, 1922 New Guinea
    • Delias nieuwenhuisi van Mastrigt, 1990 New Guinea
    • Delias phippsi Joicey & Talbot, 1922 New Guinea
    • Delias pseudomarguerita Gerrits & van Mastrigt, 1992 New Guinea
    • Delias rosamontana Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias tessei Joicey & Talbot, 1916 New Guinea
    • Delias virgo Gerrits & van Mastrigt, 1992 New Guinea
    • Delias weiskei Ribbe, 1900
  • The kummeri species group
  • The nigrina species group
    • Delias buruana Rothschild, 1899 Buru, Serang
    • Delias dohertyi (Oberthür, 1894)
    • Delias duris (Hewitson, 1861)
    • Delias eximia Rothschild, 1925 New Ireland
    • Delias funerea Rothschild, 1894
    • Delias joiceyi Talbot, 1920 Serang
    • Delias nigrina (Fabricius, 1775)
    • Delias ornytion (Godman & Salvin, 1881) New Guinea, Waigeu
    • Delias prouti Joicey & Talbot, 1923 Buru
    • Delias wollastoni Rothschild, 1915 New Guinea
  • The belladonna species group
  • The aglaia/pasithoe species group
  • The albertisi species group
    • Delias albertisi (Oberthür, 1880)
    • Delias discus Honrath, 1886 New Guinea
    • Delias putih van Mastrigt, 1995
    • Delias telefominensis Yagishita, 1993 New Guinea
  • The clathrata species group
    • Delias autumnalis Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias bobaga van Mastrigt, 1996 New Guinea
    • Delias catocausta Jordan, 1912 New Guinea
    • Delias clathrata Rothschild, 1904
    • Delias elongatus Kenrick, 1911 New Guinea
    • Delias fioretti van Mastrigt, 1996 New Guinea
    • Delias hiemalis Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias hemianops Gerrits & van Mastrigt, 1992 New Guinea
    • Delias inexpectata Rothschild, 1915 New Guinea
    • Delias klossi Rothschild, 1915 New Guinea
    • Delias mariae Joicey & Talbot, 1916 New Guinea
    • Delias menooensis Joicey & Talbot, 1922 New Guinea
    • Delias mira Rothschild, 1904
    • Delias nakanokeikoae Yagishita, 1993 New Guinea
    • Delias neeltje Gerrits & van Mastrigt, 1992 New Guinea
    • Delias roepkei Sanford & Bennett, 1955 New Guinea
    • Delias sawyeri van Mastrigt, 2000 New Guinea
    • Delias sigit van Mastrigt, 1990 New Guinea
    • Delias walshae Roepke, 1955 New Guinea
  • The niepelti species group
  • The belisama species group
  • The dorimene species group
    • Delias agostina (Hewitson, 1852)
    • Delias alberti Rothschild, 1904
    • Delias apatela Joicey & Talbot, 1923 Buru
    • Delias baracasa Semper, G, 1890
    • Delias biaka Joicey & Noakes, 1915 Biak
    • Delias dorimene (Stoll, 1782)
    • Delias dorylaea (Felder, C & R Felder, 1865) Java
    • Delias echidna (Hewitson, 1861)
    • Delias eileenae Joicey & Talbot, 1927 Timor
    • Delias gabia (Boisduval, 1832)
    • Delias hippodamia (Wallace, 1867)
    • Delias mavroneria Fruhstorfer, 1914 New Guinea
    • Delias melusina Staudinger, 1890
    • Delias narses Heller, 1896 New Britain, New Ireland
    • Delias rothschildi Holland, W, 1900
    • Delias subviridis Joicey & Talbot, 1922 Serang
  • The isse species group
  • The hyparete species group
  • Incertae sedis
    • Delias africanus Kenrick, 1911
    • Delias akikoae Morita, 2001 Aru
    • Delias akrikensis Lachlan, 1999 New Guinea
    • Delias angabungana Talbot, 1928 New Guinea
    • Delias binniensis Lachlan, 2000 New Guinea
    • Delias brandti Müller, C, 2001 New Ireland
    • Delias chimbu Orr & Sibatani, 1986 New Guinea
    • Delias cumanau van Mastrigt, 2006 New Guinea
    • Delias durai van Mastrigt, 2006
    • Delias endela Jordan, 1930 New Guinea
    • Delias eschatia Joicey & Talbot, 1923 Buru
    • Delias felis Lachlan, 2000 New Guinea
    • Delias flavissima Orr & Sibatani, 1985 New Guinea
    • Delias fojaensis van Mastrigt, 2006 New Guinea
    • Delias hagenensis Morinaka, van Mastrigt & Sibatani, 1993
    • Delias hidecoae Nakano, 1993
    • Delias kazueae Kitahara, 1986 Sula Islands
    • Delias kikuoi Okano, 1989 Sulawesi
    • Delias konokono Orr & Sibatani, 1986 New Guinea
    • Delias kristianiae van Mastrigt, 2006
    • Delias laknekei Miller, L, Simon & Wills, 2007 New Ireland
    • Delias magsadana Yamamoto, 1995 Philippines
    • Delias mandaya Yamamoto & Takei, 1982
    • Delias mayrhoferi Bang-Haas, O, 1939 New Britain
    • Delias messalina Arora, 1983 New Ireland
    • Delias mullerensis Morinaka & Nakazawa, 1999 New Guinea
    • Delias ormoensis van Mastrigt, 2006 New Guinea
    • Delias paoaiensis Inomata & Nakano, 1987
    • Delias shirozui Yata, 1981 Sulawesi
    • Delias shunichii Morita, 1996 New Britain
    • Delias vidua Joicey & Talbot, 1922 Buru
    • Delias yagishitai Morita, 2003 Taliabu Island


  1. Braby, M.F. and N.E. Pierce. 2006. Systematics, biogeography and diversification of the Indo-Australian genus Delias Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pieridae): phylogenetic evidence supports an ‘out-of-Australia’ origin. Systematic Entomology (2007), 32
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