Deadliest Warrior (season 2)

This is a list of episodes for season 2 of Deadliest Warrior.

Season 2 was announced by the Team and by Spike, along with a video game. A teaser image posted on Twitter shows a Ballistic Gel torso behind a podium. A teaser video was posted for Deadliest Warrior for the people who signed up for Warrior Den with some of the weapons for season 2. The weapons trailer only showed modern weapons. Season 2 premiered April 20, 2010, at 10 pm ET.[1]

Episode 10: SWAT vs. GSG 9

Team Jon Darrah (9 Year SWAT Veteran), Steve Gordon (Metro SWAT Operator)
Weapons Benelli M4 Shotgun, LWRC PSD Rifle, Remington 700 Sniper Rifle, Taser Shockwave
Armor Kevlar Vest, Combat Helmet
Statistics Height: 5 Feet 11 Inches, Weight: 190 Pounds, Gear: 60 Pounds, Armor: Kevlar Vest & Helmet

Team Michael Nagel (Former German Infantry), Damien Puckler (GSG 9 Combat Instructor)
Weapons Remington 870 Shotgun, HK G36, HK PSG1 Sniper Rifle, Stingball Grenade
Armor Kevlar Vest, Gefechtshelm Schuberth B826 Helmet
Statistics Height: 6 Feet, Weight: 200 Pounds, Gear: 60 Pounds, Armor: Kevlar Vest & Titanium Helmet


SWAT Kills GSG 9 Kills
Short Range Weapons Benelli M4 Shotgun 80 Remington 870 Shotgun 81
Mid Range Weapons LWRC PSD Rifle 227 HK G36 136
Long Range Weapons Remington 700 Sniper Rifle 271 HK PSG1 Sniper Rifle 205
Special Weapons Taser Shockwave 0 Stingball Grenade 0
Totals 578 422

Reenactment 10

The battle begins with the SWAT team’s armored van parking near a series of abandoned buildings and parked cars. The squad's captain looks into his binoculars and sees 4 GSG 9 members approaching from the other side of the area. The SWAT team splits up, with 3 of the members going off in different directions and the leader setting himself down to set up his Remington 700 sniper rifle. The GSG 9 also split up, with each team going into different buildings. In one building, a member of the SWAT team sets up his taser shockwave and hides in another room. A GSG 9 member enters the same warehouse, gun in hand. The SWAT team member watches as the GSG 9 member slowly crosses the room, then pushes a button on his remote. The taser shockwave shoots out hooks that latch on to the GSG 9 member and electrically shock him. A nearby GSG 9 hears the commotion and runs in to find his teammate dazed and on the floor. He sees the cord connecting the taser to the remote control and follows it to the next room. The SWAT member tries to shoot the GSG 9 man with his LWRC PSD, but misses and is shot himself with the HK G36. The GSG 9 member then proceeds to remove the taser hooks from his teammate. The two exit the building, deciding on which building to enter next. The SWAT team captain sees them and shoots one with the sniper rifle, causing the other to flee. He runs up to the roof of a building, sets up his HK PSG1 sniper rifle, and begins to search for a SWAT team member to shoot at. Down below, a SWAT team member is chased into a building by two GSG 9 members. The two GSG 9 members approach the building, where the SWAT team member tries to shoot them from inside with his Benelli M4 shotgun. One of them tries to fire back with his Remington 870 shotgun, but misses. He pulls out a Stingball Grenade and throws it into the room. It explodes right next to the SWAT member, throwing him to the floor. The GSG 9 member then quickly runs in and dispatches him. He enters the next room and finds an exit, only to be shot by a SWAT member and his LWRC PSD. The GSG 9 member on the roof sees this and shoots him with his sniper rifle. However, he is spotted by the SWAT team captain and is picked off by the SWAT's sniper rifle. The SWAT team captain then gets up and runs for cover, with the last GSG 9 member not too far behind. He hides on the hill behind the SWAT van, slowly approaching it with his Remington 870 shotgun. He opens it from the back, only to find it empty. The SWAT captain, hiding in a parked 4X4 steps out with his Benelli M4. The GSG 9 member turns around and tries to fire his gun, but the SWAT team captain shoots first and kills him. The SWAT captain slowly approaches the GSG 9 member to make sure he is dead, then turns and removes his goggles.

Winner: SWAT

Episode 11: Attila the Hun vs. Alexander the Great

Attila the Hun
Team Robert Borsos (Mounted Weapon Specialist), Sean Pennington (Ancient Combat Specialist)
Weapons Sword of Mars, Lasso, Hunnic Composite Bow, Scythian Axe
Armor Leather Lamellar, Turban, Steel Shield
Statistics 406-453 AD, Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches, Weight: 145 Pounds, Armor: Leather Lamellar

Alexander the Great
Team Peter Van Rossum (Sword and Shield Champion), Kendall Wells (Bladed Weapon Specialist), Rashad Evans (Former UFC Champion)
Weapons Kopis, Xyston, Gastraphetes, Ballista
Armor Bronze Cuirass, Chalcidian Helmet, Bronze Shield
Statistics 340-323 BC, Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches, Weight: 155 Pounds, Armor: Bronze Cuirass


Attila the Hun Kills Alexander the Great Kills
Short Range Weapons Sword of Mars 117 Kopis 120
Mid Range Weapons Lasso 30 Xyston 225
Long Range Weapons Hunnic Composite Bow 354 Gastraphetes 52
Special Weapons Scythian Axe 95 Ballista 7
Totals 596 404

Reenactment 11

The battle begins with two of Alexander's men (with the warrior-king himself behind on horseback) pushing a ballista towards a ruined city. Inside the city, Attila and two men sit, eating a meal. As the Macedonian soldiers crank the ballista, birds fly off, warning the Huns off something wrong. Given the order, the Macedonians load and fire the ballista. The bolt sails into a Hun who had just risen to investigate and ironically, walking directly into it. Attila and his men get up and watch as Alexander (holding a Xyston) and his two men (one with a belly-bow, the other a Kopis) run down the small hill toward them. Aided by his other man, Attila mounts his horse, takes up a bow, and rides back a few feet. The belly-bowman arrives first, quickly pulling the string up, but Attila's man fires his own composite bow, killing him. Alexander moves to the Hun, charging at him with his Xyston. Attila draws his bow and fires at Alexander, but the bronze cuirass shatters the arrow. Alexander rides by Attila's bowman, impaling him with the Xyston and giving a shout of satisfaction. Attila rides in with a lasso and tries to throw it around the neck of his foe, but Alexander catches it. He pulls Attila off his horse and after a struggle, Attila does the same to him. The Great runs over to his fallen bowman and grabs his shield. Attila, Scythian axe and shield in hand, bounds toward him. Clashing, Alexander knocks Attila's shield from his hands with a Kopis. Attila falls back, but when Alexander comes up and thrusts at The Hun, Attila sucks his stomach in, avoiding the sword. Turning to the pick side of the axe, Attila gives a mighty swing and punctures a hole through the bronze shield. Alexander discards the shield as Attila draws the Sword of Mars. They cross blades, with Attila cutting Alexander's right arm. Attila charges Alexander who has dropped his Kopis but catches the Hun, and throws him to the ground. The two start fighting with their bare hands, until Alexander throws Attila onto the floor. Attila spots his sword on the floor and scrambles to retrieve his sword. Alexander grabs Attila's leg and tries to pull him away from the sword, but Attila kicks Alexander in the face. He tries once again to grab his sword and succeeds. Alexander approaches Attila and is promptly stabbed through the neck. Attila thrusts his sword in the air and yells in victory.

Winner: Attila the Hun

Episode 12: Jesse James vs. Al Capone

Jesse James
Team Joey Dillon (Champion Gunslinger), J. W. Wiseman (Sharpshooting Expert)
Weapons Bowie Knife, Colt Revolvers, Winchester Rifle, Pistol Whip
Armor None
Statistics Reign of Terror: 1866-1876, Members: 4-8, Crimes: Bank Robbery & Murder

Al Capone
Team Meyer Lansky II (Mafioso Descendant), Johnny Lew Fratto (Capone Authority)
Weapons Stiletto, Tommy Gun, Pineapple Bomb, Brass Knuckles
Armor None
Statistics Reign of Terror: 1922-1931, Members: 10-20, Crimes: Bootlegging & Murder


Jesse James Kills Al Capone Kills
Short Range Weapons Bowie Knife 13 Stiletto 1
Mid Range Weapons Colt Revolvers 203 Tommy Gun 338
Long Range Weapons Winchester Rifle 326 Pineapple Bomb 116
Special Weapons Pistol Whip 2 Brass Knuckles 1
Totals 544 456

Reenactment 12

The battle begins in an American history museum in Chicago hosting an exhibit about Old West outlaws. Inside, Jesse James, his brother Frank James, and two other gang members are in the Civil War exhibit, breaking the glass exhibits and arming themselves with Colt revolvers and looting some of the Civil War coins. Meanwhile, Al Capone and three of his men drive up to the museum, alerting the James Gang who have finished loading up their newly acquired revolvers. Suspecting intruders, Jesse, Frank, and the gangmen take up positions, ready to fight. The Capone Gang enter and, while marveling the exhibit, are suddenly ambushed by the James Gang. Jesse's team score the first kill in the quick draw showdown. A hailstorm of bullets ensues as both factions open fire on each other, with a Capone flunky taking out one of Jesse's men out with a Tommy gun. Amidst the gunfire, Jesse James's other henchman steals a Winchester rifle from one of the cabinets and lays down some suppressing fire while Jesse and Frank retreat further into the museum. Al Capone's men come out of cover and begin chasing them, with Capone dusting off his hat and following close behind. Jesse's rifleman stops in a hallway and cocks the Winchester, shooting one of Capone's two remaining men as he rounds the corner. Frustrated, Capone's other henchman tries to shoot down the outlaw, fruitlessly firing in all directions. The man then turns and shouts, "Boss, let's go!" Capone catches up and the two men begin to run after Jesse James's crew. The third man struggles to catch up, but is stabbed from behind by Frank, who emerges from a dark closet with the Bowie knife. In an office, Jesse and his gunman hear Capone coming, and the gang member tells Jesse to run while he holds them off. Capone and his last cohort enter the office, where Jesse and his henchman are waiting for them. Jesse shoots Capone's man with the revolver, catching him off guard. Capone quickly ducks for cover behind a desk right before the rifleman finishes the last man on Capone's team with a shot from the Winchester. The rifleman waits for Capone to make his move, unaware that Capone is pulling the pin from his MK2 "Pineapple" Grenade. He hurls the grenade over the desk and quickly hides again. The rifleman attempts to shoot Capone, but is killed by the explosion of the Pineapple Grenade before he gets a chance. Capone gets up and tries to steal one of the revolvers, but Jesse James shoots it out of Capone's hand. Realizing he has been beat, Capone slowly stands up with his hands in the air. Jesse James sneers as he pulls the triggers on his revolvers, only to find that both of his guns are out of bullets. Jesse quickly flees while the infuriated Capone pulls off his trench coat and gloves and puts on a pair brass knuckles, intent on killing Jesse. Jesse runs for his life, but is cornered when he winds up at an exhibit for a western jail cell. He turns around to see that Capone has caught up. He tries to pistol whip Capone, but Capone blocks the swing and counters with a punch in the gut with the brass knuckles. Removing his hat, Capone forces Jesse into the mock jail cell and begins to brutally beat Jesse. After kicking James to the floor, Capone draws his Stiletto while Jesse gets up with his Bowie knife at hand. Al goes in for a thrust, but Jesse hooks his hand with the stock of the revolver and stabs Capone at his arm. Enraged, Capone then kicks James as he drops his stiletto, forcing Jesse to also drop his knife. Capone grabs James and continues to attack him with the knuckles. He slams him face first into the bars. Jesse smiles, apparently having seen something Capone didn't. Capone turns James around and knocks him down with another punch. Right as Capone is about to deliver the killing blow, he hears a gun cock. He looks up to see Frank James with a Winchester. Frank fires the gun, hitting Capone dead center between the eyes. Jesse James dusts off his hat and shouts "Yee-ha!" in victory as Frank smiles. The two brothers hug each other and then run off to steal whatever they can from the museum.

Winner: Jesse James

Episode 13: Aztec Jaguar vs. Zande Warrior

Aztec Jaguar
Team David Lavera (Aztec Descendant/Martial Artist), Eder Saul Lopez (Aztec Combat Historian)
Weapons Tecpatl, Maquahuitl, Tlacochtli & Atlatl, Tematlatl
Armor Wooden Helmet(Cuacalalatli), Ichcahuipilli Tunic, Jaguar Skin, Chimalli Shield
Statistics Year: 1500, Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches, Weight: 140 Pounds, Armor: Quilted Cotton

Zande Warrior
Team Coley Mustafa Speaks (Zande Combat Specialist), Gordon Jock (Zande Weapons Expert)
Weapons Makraka, Makrigga, Kpinga, Botto & Pima
Armor Kube Shield
Statistics Year: 1820, Height: 5 Feet 9 Inches, Weight: 170 Pounds, Armor: Wicker Shield


Aztec Jaguar Kills Zande Warrior Kills
Short Range Weapons Tecpatl 32 Makraka 91
Mid Range Weapons Maquahuitl 319 Makrigga 289
Long Range Weapons Tlacochtli & Atlatl 86 Kpinga 127
Special Weapons Tematlatl 11 Botto & Pima 45
Totals 448 552

Reenactment 13

The battle starts with an Aztec Jaguar and Zande Warrior each making their way to the top of rocky hills. The Aztec Jaguar sets his Maquahuitl by a rock, and then climbs to the top of the hill. The two warriors eye each other, waiting for the other to strike. The Zande Warrior yells out a battle cry which echoes throughout the area. This prompts the Aztec Jaguar to raise his Atlatl and Tlacochtli Arrow. He hurls the Tlacochtli, which sails across the air and barely misses the Zande Warrior. He tries again, and succeeds in hitting the Zande's shield. The Zande Warrior removes the arrow from the shield and puts his Makrigga Spear on the ground. He pulls out his Botto and Pima and climbs down the hill to run towards the Aztec Jaguar. The Jaguar sets up another Tlacochtli and throws it, missing the Zande Warrior again. He fires an arrow in retaliation and hits the Aztec Jaguar in the chest, but the arrow does not penetrate the cotton armor. The Aztec Jaguar sees the Zande Warrior rush towards him and pulls out the arrow from his cotton armor and then climbs down from his hill and prepares his Tematlatl. He swings it around and hurls a rock at the Zande Warrior, but misses him yet again. The Zande Warrior pulls out a Kpinga and throws it at the Aztec Jaguar. It strikes his leg and forces him to the ground. He gets up and begins to flee from the Zande. He runs behind a rock and picks up his Maquahuitl. As the Zande Warrior catches up to him, the Aztec Jaguar swings the Maquahuitl, cutting through the Zande's shield like butter, which surprises the Zande. He swings again and knocks off the Zande Warrior's headdress. He swings a third time, and slashes the chest. The Zande Warrior pulls out his Makraka and knocks the Maquahuitl out of the Aztec's hands. He swings the Makraka at him, but it gets lodged in the Aztec's helmet. He struggles to free his weapon, but the Aztec Jaguar quickly reacts by slashing across the Zande's hip with his Tecpatl knife. The Zande Warrior falls to the ground in pain and begins rolling down the hill. The Aztec Jaguar removes his helmet, picks up his Maquahuitl and begins chasing the Zande Warrior, who is now back on his feet. The Zande Warrior rushes back to the top of his hill and runs back to the Makrigga Spear he put down earlier. The Aztec Warrior catches up and prepares to swing his Maquahuitl, but the Zande Warrior quickly turns around and thrusts the makrigga into the Jaguar's stomach. The Aztec stops in his tracks and begins spitting blood from his mouth. The Zande then pulls out the makrigga, yanking out a chunk of the Aztec's innards. The Aztec falls back and off the hill, dropping into the field below. The Zande Warrior pumps his fists into the air, yelling in victory.

Winner: Zande Warrior

Episode 14: Nazi Waffen SS vs. Viet Cong

Nazi Waffen SS
Team Silvio Wolf Busch (Former German Military), Robert Wilhelm-McCain (German Military Historian)
Weapons Mauser C-96 Pistol, MP 28, Bouncing Betty, Flammenwerfer 41
Armor M-35 Steel Helmet (Cammoflaged)
Statistics Reign of Terror: 1933-1945, Height: 6 Feet, Weight: 175 Pounds, Allegiance: Adolf Hitler

Viet Cong
Team Tuan Nguyen (Vietnam War Survivor), Danny Boyer (Viet Cong Weapons Expert)
Weapons Tokarev TT-33 Pistol, MAT-49, POMZ-2 & F-1 Grenade, Punji Stakes
Armor None
Statistics Reign of Terror: 1954-1976, Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches, Weight: 120 Pounds, Allegiance: Ho Chi Minh


Nazi Waffen SS Kills Viet Cong Kills
Short Range Weapons Mauser C-96 Pistol 50 Tokarev TT-33 Pistol 42
Long Range Weapons MP 28 310 MAT-49 177
Explosive Weapons Bouncing Betty 76 POMZ-2 & F-1 Grenade 81
Special Weapons Flammenwerfer 41 178 Punji Stakes 86
Totals 614 386

Reenactment 14

The battle begins with members of a Viet Cong cell bringing in the beaten leader of the Nazi Waffen SS team as a prisoner. He is tossed to the ground and kicked around. Up ahead, the rest of the Nazi Waffen SS team is sneaking up on the Viet Cong's campsite to try to rescue their leader, setting up a Bouncing Betty along the way. The Viet Cong leader points his Tokarev TT-33 at the German while interrogating him in Vietnamese. The Nazi leader only responds by spitting at the Vietnamese's face. The angered Viet Cong leader cocks his Tokarev and prepares to execute the Waffen SS leader, but the rest of the Waffen SS squad jumps in and fires at the camp with MP 28 submachine guns and bolt-action rifles. The VC leader takes cover as one VC operative is killed and the Viet Cong team scrambles for their weapons as a skirmish ensues. In the confusion, the Nazi leader manages to escape from the clutches of the Viet Cong and rush into the jungle. One VC concentrates its fire and kills a Nazi soldier with his MAT-49 submachine gun. Seeing the VC soldiers become more assembled, the other Nazis fall back into the jungle as the rest of the Viet Cong gives chase. In the jungle, the Nazi leader runs into one of his fellow soldiers who gives him a Mauser C-96 pistol. The soldier leads on through the jungle, but quickly falls into a Punji Stake pit, which kills him. The Waffen SS leader grimaces as he watches his comrade fall and sees his still-twitching corpse. He turns around and sees two Viet Cong soldiers closing in, so he quickly runs further into the jungle. In another area, two more Viet Cong are catching up to two other Waffen SS soldiers. The two Waffen SS and a Viet Cong safely pass by a planted Bouncing Betty, but the second Viet Cong is killed when it pops up. The two Waffen SS make their way to a small river. As one of them tries to cross, he trips a wire and activates the POMZ-2 mine which kills him. The other Nazi jumps across the river and kills an oncoming Viet Cong soldier with his MP 28 as he approaches the river. Meanwhile, the German leader kills one of the two remaining Viet Cong members with his Mauser pistol and then makes his way across a small bridge over the river. The Viet Cong leader tries to follow, but is spotted by the other Waffen SS soldier. He attempts to shoot the last Viet Cong with his MP 28, but runs out of ammo and is shot by the Viet Cong leader's Tokarev. The two remaining leaders then exchange fire with each other with their pistols until both guns are depleted. The Waffen SS leader then finds his team's Kubelwagen and runs to it, finding a Flammenwerfer 41 flamethrower in the back. While the Viet Cong leader is loading a fresh magazine into his gun, his Nazi counterpart ducks for cover behind the car and straps on the flamethrower. The Viet Cong leader reloads and fires at the Kubelwagen while screaming in Vietnamese, but the Waffen SS leader jumps out from behind the car and shoots a burst of fire at him. The Viet Cong leader is set ablaze, fires one wild shot into the air, and slumps to the ground, screaming before dying. The Waffen SS leader examines the still-burning corpse, and then yells "Deutschland!" in victory.

Winner: Nazi Waffen SS

Episode 15: Roman Centurion vs. Rajput Warrior

Roman Centurion
Team Terence Rotolo (Ancient Combat Specialist), Matt Lasky (Roman Weapons Historian)
Weapons Gladius, Pilum, Scorpion, Dolabra
Armor Lorica Hamata, Galea, Scutum
Statistics Year: 120 AD, Height: 5 Feet 8 Inches, Weight: 170 Pounds, Armor: Chain Mail

Rajput Warrior
Team Gugun Deep Singh (Rajput Descendant/Weapons Expert), Bhajneet Singh (Gatka Martial Artist), Sukhwinder Singh (Aara Expert)
Weapons Khanda, Aara, Chakram, Katar
Armor Coat of 10000 Nails, Steel Helmet, Steel Shield
Statistics Year: 900 AD, Height: 5 Feet 6 Inches, Weight: 145 Pounds, Armor: Leather & Chain Mail


Roman Centurion Kills Rajput Warrior Kills
Short Range Weapons Gladius 223 Khanda 328
Mid Range Weapons Pilum 44 Aara 0
Long Range Weapons Scorpion 4 Chakram 53
Special Weapons Dolabra 114 Katar 234
Totals 385 615

Reenactment 15

The battle starts with a Rajput Warrior walking through a forest, investigating a clicking noise being made in the distance. As it turns out, the clicking noise is coming from the Roman Centurion cranking the lever on his Scorpion Crossbow. As the Rajput warrior gets closer and closer, the Roman Centurion loads a bolt into the Scorpion. The Rajput pokes his head from behind a tree and spots the Centurion. The Centurion fires his Scorpion, but the bolt misses the Rajput completely. He then pulls out his Pilum Javelin and charges at the Rajput, causing him to flee. The Centurion makes his way to a more open area, only to be met with one of the Rajput's Chakram discs. The Centurion blocks the Chakram with his shield, and then throws his Pilum. The Rajput, however, pulls out his Khanda sword and slices the Javelin in two. The two warriors glare at each other, waiting for the other to make his move. The Rajput pulls out his Aara sword and whips it around. The Roman Centurion then takes his Dolabra and charges at the Rajput. The Rajput jumps back and tries to strike with his Aara, but the Centurion blocks with his shield. The Centurion lunges at the Rajput and swings his Dolabra, but the Rajput jumps out of the way. He then swings his Aara and coils it around the Centurion's leg. The Centurion completely falls over, but is able to save himself from the Rajput by kicking a log at the Rajput and tripping him. The Centurion gets up with his Dolabra at hand and sees that the Rajput has also gotten up and pulled out his Khanda sword again. The Centurion swings at the Rajput, who moves back to avoid it. However, in doing so, he backs up and falls onto a giant log. The Centurion tries to take advantage and swing at the Rajput, but the Rajput rolls out of the way and causes the Dolabra to get stuck in the log. The Rajput then swings his sword and cuts the head of the Dolabra off from the handle. He prepares to swing at the Centurion, but the loss of the Dolabra's head allows the Centurion to swing the broken handle fast enough to hit the Rajput and knock him over. The Centurion pulls out his Gladius and begins swinging wildly at the Rajput, eventually knocking the Khanda out of his hands. He slashes the Rajput's face and forces him to the ground. He raises his sword and prepares to finish him off, but the Rajput puts on his Katar and stabs the Centurion in the stomach. The Centurion falls in pain, then looks up. The image of the Rajput wielding his Khanda is the last thing the Centurion sees before the Khanda tears into his face and kills him. The Rajput then pumps his fists in the air and yells in victory.

Winner: Rajput Warrior

Episode 16: Somali Pirates vs. Medellin Cartel

Somali Pirate
Team Abdi Ali (Somali Native/Army Veteran), Haji Ukajh (Somali Refugee/Weapons Expert)
Weapons Grappling Hook, AK-47, PKM Machine Gun, RPG-7
Armor None
Statistics Reign of Terror: 1992–Present, Height: 5 Feet 10 Inches, Weight: 145 Pounds, Crimes: Vessel Hijacking

Medellin Cartel
Team Michael Corleone Blanco (Son of Medellin Cartel Boss), Kenny "Kenji" Gallo (Former Cocaine Smuggler)
Weapons Machete, Mini Uzi, M60 Machine Gun, Car Bomb
Armor None
Statistics Reign of Terror: 1975-1993, Height: 5 Feet 9 Inches, Weight: 175 Pounds, Crimes: Cocaine Trafficking


Somali Pirates Kills Medellin Cartel Kills
Short Range Weapons Grappling Hook 8 Machete 54
Mid Range Weapons AK-47 204 Mini Uzi 188
Long Range Weapons PKM Machine Gun 140 M60 Machine Gun 96
Explosive Weapons RPG-7 170 Car Bomb 140
Totals 522 478

Reenactment 16

The battle starts with a group of Somali Pirates approaching a warehouse near a pier via motor boat. Inside the warehouse, Pablo Escobar and one of the Medellin Drug Cartel thugs are preparing packages of cocaine while a third member practices swinging his machete and a fourth dances to salsa music while holding an M60 machine gun. Outside, the Somali Pirates dock their boat and swarm on shore towards the warehouse. The head Pirate, armed with an AK-47, and two of his men, armed with a PKM Machine Gun and grappling hook, enter the warehouse while a fourth stays behind, shouldering his RPG-7 rocket launcher. Inside, they see the Cartel men relaxing and Escobar giving one of them a package of cocaine. As the thug goes to put it away, the PKM pirate jumps out and kills him with the machine gun. Escobar, alerted to the gunfire, grabs an Uzi while the dancing thug holds out his M60 machine gun and fires back. In the shadows, the other Cartel thug with the machete tries to sneak up on one of the Somali Pirates while they are distracted by the gunfire. The hook Pirate spots him as he charges and tries to fight back with his Grappling Hook. He parries the oncoming swing and hits the Cartel thug in his stomach. The thug counters in response by amputating the Pirate's hand and then slashing his neck. The lead Somali Pirate hears the commotion and turns and kills the Cartel man with his AK-47 with a single shot to the face. The other Cartel henchman continues to fire his M60, but it gets jammed. He drops it and picks up an Uzi. Both he and Pablo Escobar try to make a run for it. The PKM Pirate tries to shoot Escobar, but misses. The head Pirate signals for him to run after the remaining Cartel members. Escobar runs down stairs, and turns around when he hears the Pirate leader chasing him. The Pirate takes cover behind a corner, and the two begin to exchange gunfire. The Somali Pirate eventually manages to shoot Escobar in the left shoulder, who falls to the floor and lies motionless. The Pirate steps on him as he comes down the stairs and takes his cigar and smokes it in satisfaction. Meanwhile, the other Cartel member climbs up stairs and enters a room. When the other Somali Pirate opens the door, the Cartel thug opens fire with his Uzi and kills him. He sneers at the dead body and spits on it. Meanwhile, the head Pirate sees a car with cocaine and a bag of money. He gets in the driver's seat and begins honking the horn to get the rocket Pirate who chose to stay outside. He hears the horn and makes his way toward the garage. However, the head Pirate is unaware that Pablo Escobar, who is behind the car, is still alive. Escobar struggles to get up, but his wounds are so bad that he cannot. He sees the Pirate in the car and pulls out a remote. He sets himself up with his remaining strength and looks under the car, where a bomb is situated. Realizing that he has no other options, he presses the button on the remote as the other Pirate approaches the garage. The bomb goes off, destroying the car and killing both Escobar and the head Pirate while sending the last Pirate to the asphalt. The last Cartel member hears the explosion and runs for an exit. The Somali Pirate sits up and starts to clean off the debris when he sees the last Cartel member exiting from a door. He stands up and prepares his RPG-7 Rocket Launcher. The Cartel member sees him and desperately tries to go back inside, only to find that the door is locked from the inside and cannot be opened. The Pirate fires the rocket, which flies at the Cartel thug and blows up, obliterating him. The remaining Pirate roars in victory and walks away.

Winner: Somali Pirates

Episode 17: Persian Immortal vs. Celt

Persian Immortal
Team Ardeshir Radpour (Persian Historian/Equestrian), Cyrus Zahiri (Persian Sword Master)
Weapons Sagaris, Spear, Bow & Arrow, Chariot Scythe
Armor Bronze Scale & Wicker Shield
Statistics Year: 500 BC, Height: 5 Feet 8 Inches, Weight: 160 Pounds, Armor: Bronze Scale & Wicker Shield

Team Francis Brebner (Highland Games Champion), Spencer Dinnean (Celtic Warrior Descendant), Dave Baker (Blade Master)
Weapons Long Sword, Lancea, Sling, Burda
Armor Leather Belt & Wood Shield
Statistics Year: 400 BC, Height: 6 Feet, Weight: 180 Pounds, Armor: Leather & Wooden Shield


Persian Immortal Kills Celt Kills
Short Range Weapons Sagaris 127 Long Sword 170
Mid Range Weapons Spear 247 Lancea 126
Long Range Weapons Bow & Arrow 180 Sling 1
Special Weapons Chariot Scythe 135 Burda 14
Totals 689 311

Reenactment 17

The battle begins in an open field with the Persian Immortal and Celt in their own chariots, each with its own charioteer. The Celt raises his Long Sword and points at the other chariot, signaling his charioteer to advance. The Immortal signals for his chariot to charge as well. As the two chariots race across the field, the Immortal fires an arrow from his bow and hits the Celt's charioteer in his chest. The Persian chariot closes in and breaks one of the Chariot's wheels with a Chariot Scythe. The collision throws the Celt off of his chariot and flips the chariot over. The Celt runs up to the fallen vehicle and grabs his Lancea, choosing to abandon his shield. With a loud battle cry, he charges at the Persian Immortal and his chariot. The Persian fires another arrow, but misses. As he readies another arrow, the Celt throws his Lancea. It misses, but it distracts the Immortal and prevents him from getting a clear shot. The Celt runs past the Persian chariot, vaulting over the incoming Scythe. He grabs his Lancea and tries to distance himself from the chariot. He realizes that it will not do him any good, however, and chooses to discard it in favor of his Sling. The Persian Immortal jumps off his chariot with his spear and shield just before the Celt swings his Sling around and throws a rock. The rock hits the Persian charioteer and knocks him unconscious. The Immortal runs towards the Celt, but the Celt picks up his Lancea just as the Immortal approaches him. He thrusts at the Immortal, knocking his spear out of his hand. The Immortal tries to back off, but the Celt jumps up and kicks him. The Immortal draws his Sagaris axe and glares at the Celt. The two begin to swing at each other, but cannot pull off a successful blow. After a few misses, the Celt aims at the Immortal's thigh and stabs it. The Persian Immortal yells in pain and swings, forcing the Celt to pull out his Lancea. The Immortal tries an overhand swing, but the Celt blocks with his Lancea. The Persian seizes the opportunity to kick him in the stomach and knock him down. The Celt gets back up and draws his Long Sword and Burda club. He distracts the Immortal with the Long Sword, and then hits the Immortal with the club. The Persian Immortal blocks the Long Sword with his Sagaris, but the Celt kicks him again. The Celt tries to finish the fight with a stab, but the Immortal rolls out of the way. He gets back up and swings the Sagaris, but the Celt parries and hits him twice with the Burda Club. The Immortal falls to the floor, but manages to roll over and block the Long Sword with the Sagaris. He gets up and spins around the Sagaris, piercing the Celt's arm. The Celt hits the Sagaris out of the Persian Immortal's hands and leaves him without a weapon. The Immortal runs away, forcing the Celt to chase him down, dropping the Burda from his wounded arm. The Immortal finds his spear laying on the floor and grabs it. He thrusts it at the Celt twice, but misses. The Celt tries to swing the sword downward, but the Immortal flips the Spear over and hits him in the head with the iron counterweight on the bottom of the spear. The Celt throws his head back in pain, giving the Immortal enough time to flip the Spear again and stab the Celt in the chest. He drives the Spear harder through the leather armor and forces the Celt to the floor. The Persian Immortal forces the spear in deeper until blood spews from the Celts mouth. The Persian Immortal then shouts "Parsa!" (Persia) in victory.

Winner: Persian Immortal

Episode 18: K.G.B. vs. C.I.A.

K.G.B. Team: Pavel Ksendz (K.G.B. Operator Descendant), Stass Klassen (Former Russian Military)
K.G.B. Weapons: Shoe Knife, Camera Gun, Skorpion SMG-61, Dead Drop Spike
K.G.B. Armor: None
K.G.B. Statistics: Years Active: 1954-1991, Height: 5 Feet 10 Inches, Weight: 170 Pounds, Missions: Espionage and Sabotage

C.I.A. Team: Mike Baker (Former C.I.A. Agent), Frank Dowse (Former Defense Intelligence)
C.I.A. Weapons: Garrote, Briefcase Gun, MAC-10, Exploding Cigar
C.I.A. Armor: None
C.I.A. Statistics: Years Active: 1947–Present, Height: 5 Feet 11 Inches, Weight: 180 Pounds, Missions: Covert and Paramilitary Ops

K.G.B. Kills C.I.A. Kills
Short Range Weapons Shoe Knife 5 Garrote 1
Mid Range Weapons Camera Gun 10 Briefcase Gun 95
Long Range Weapons Skorpion SMG-61 361 MAC-10 413
Explosive Weapons Dead Drop Spike 74 Exploding Cigar 41
Totals 450 550

Reenactment 18

A C.I.A. Agent (001) is walking up to an embassy of the USSR carrying a briefcase, while a nearby C.I.A. Agent (002) keeps a lookout with binoculars in a nearby van. Behind C.I.A. 001, a Russian K.G.B. Agent (001) shadows him as they walk into the Embassy. Inside, C.I.A. 001 is making a business transaction with K.G.B. 002, a double agent who sells off a roll of camera film for the briefcase full of U.S. currency. With their business done, C.I.A. 001 offers K.G.B. 002 a cigar to which he happily obliges. C.I.A. 001 smirks as K.G.B. 002 takes his last puff and the cigar explodes, blowing off K.G.B. 002's face. C.I.A. 001 slips the film into his vest pocket, grabs the briefcase and leaves the office. In the lobby of the embassy, two K.G.B. Agents (003 and 004) are shooting a film with a camera, while a nearby C.I.A. Agent (003) sits around listlessly with his briefcase. K.G.B. 003 turns to face C.I.A. 001 with the camera and shoots him at point-blank range. Seeing this, C.I.A. 003 immediately stands up and shoots K.G.B. 003 with his briefcase. As K.G.B. 003 falls down dead, K.G.B. 004 pulls out her silenced Skorpion sub-machine gun and fires at C.I.A. 003, shooting him in the back and killing him as he dives behind cover. K.G.B. 004 kneels down to the deceased C.I.A. 001 and steals the camera film as C.I.A. Agents 004 and 005 storm the lobby with silenced MAC 10 submachine guns. K.G.B. 004 gets to an elevator and fires out from cover, impeding the C.I.A. agents' pursuit as the elevator doors close. Inside the elevator, K.G.B. 004 inspects the film and puts it into a Dead Drop Spike. The elevator doors open and K.G.B. 004 comes face-to-face with K.G.B. 001 with both their guns raised at each other. Recognizing each other, the agents lower their weapons and leave as K.G.B. 004 gives 001 the Dead Drop Spike. Outside the embassy, K.G.B. Agent 005 awaits his fellow agents, unaware that he is being watched by C.I.A. 002 from across the street. Back inside the embassy, K.G.B. 001 and 004 are making their way through a kitchen when C.I.A. 004 and 005 catch up to them. The C.I.A. agents open fire, wounding K.G.B. 001 as K.G.B. 004 fires back, shoving the wounded K.G.B. 001 out of the crossfire. C.I.A. 004 and 005 dive for cover behind the counter and move their way up with C.I.A. 005 pushing a serving dolly in front of her. As C.I.A. 005 nears the end of the counter, K.G.B. 004 runs up and gets behind the other side of the dolly, pushing objects down on C.I.A. 005. Both agents stand up and struggle to shoot each other, but K.G.B. 004 gets the upper hand and kills the female C.I.A. agent. While she is still standing, C.I.A. 004 pops out and quickly dispatches the femme fatale with a short burst of machine gun fire. Meanwhile, the wounded K.G.B. 001 agent makes his way upstairs, while C.I.A. 004 pursues closely, following his bloody trail to a nearby restroom. As C.I.A. 004 prepares to inspect a stall, K.G.B. 001 jumps out and engages the agent, clicking his heels together and unsheathing a shoe knife. The K.G.B. agent kicks and manhandles the C.I.A. agent, but C.I.A. 004 manages to retaliate by plunging the MAC into his stomach and firing, killing K.G.B. 001. As K.G.B. 001 slumps against the wall, C.I.A. 004 reaches into his pockets and takes the Dead Drop Spike. He attempts to open it, but fails to open it the correct way and is blown up. Outside, K.G.B. 005 hears the explosion and gets out of his car, stuffing his Skorpion into his coat as he enters the embassy. Across the street, C.I.A. 002 sees the careless agent exiting his car and leaves the safety of his van. Inside the embassy, K.G.B. 005 sees the carnage caused by the now deceased C.I.A. and K.G.B. agents. With the film roll destroyed and the C.I.A. killed in action, the K.G.B. agent returns to his car, unaware that C.I.A. 002 is lying in wait. As K.G.B. 005 attempts to start his car, C.I.A. 002 pops out from the back seat with a garrote wire and strangles the K.G.B. agent. The agent struggles helplessly as the wire cuts into his neck, then relaxes into death and slumps against the seat. His job finished, the C.I.A. agent exits the car, wiping his bloodied hands with a towel and adjusting his scarf as he walks away.

Winner: C.I.A.

Episode 19: Vlad the Impaler vs. Sun Tzu

Vlad the Impaler Team: Vaclav Havlik (Medieval Sword Master), Brahm Gallagher (Vlad Historian)
Vlad the Impaler Weapons: Kilij, Halberd, Steel Crossbow, Hand Cannon
Vlad the Impaler Armor: Plated Mail, Steel Helmet, Steel Shield
Vlad the Impaler Statistics: 1431-1476, Height: 5 Feet 9 Inches, Weight: 170 Pounds, Armor: Chain Mail, Steel Plates, Shield, Steel Helmet

Sun Tzu Team: Johnny Yang (Chinese Martial Arts Champ), Tommy Leng (Ancient Chinese Weapons Expert)
Sun Tzu Weapons: Jian, Zhua, Repeating Crossbow, Flaming Arrows
Sun Tzu Armor: Leather Lamellar, Bronze Helmet
Sun Tzu Statistics: 544-496 BC, Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches, Weight: 160 Pounds, Armor: Leather Lamellar, Shield, Bronze Helmet

Vlad the Impaler Kills Sun Tzu Kills
Short Range Weapons Kilij 337 Jian 234
Mid Range Weapons Halberd 214 Zhua 37
Long Range Weapons Steel Crossbow 30 Repeating Crossbow 46
Special Weapons Hand Cannon 71 Flaming Arrows 31
Totals 652 348

Reenactment 19

The battle starts out with Vlad sneaking up to Sun Tzu's campsite, where Sun Tzu has sat down to a cup of tea. Close by, Vlad sets his shield into the ground and readies his hand cannon, firing a shot which destroys the general's teapot. Vlad laughs as he has taken the general off guard, but Sun Tzu raises his repeating crossbow and gets off a few shots and runs away. Vlad ducks behind his shield but is struck in the shoulder. Relatively unharmed, Vlad pulls out the bolt and readies his hand cannon again, but Sun Tzu is nowhere to be seen. Collecting his effects (a steel helmet, his shield, and his halberd), Vlad runs off searching for Sun Tzu. But the general is not far away as he gets the drop on Vlad by shooting him from a tree with a flaming arrow. Vlad is thrown to the ground by the force of the shot, but still remains relatively unharmed as he scrambles to his feet while putting out the small fire. Sun Tzu jumps down from the tree, but is promptly stabbed in the thigh by Vlad's halberd. Sun Tzu yells in pain and strikes the halberd with the edge of his hand, breaking it at the head, astonishing Vlad. Sun Tzu kicks Vlad in the face while he is still distracted and pulls out the halberd, hobbling away as Vlad gets back up and collects his helmet and shield again. Not far away, Sun Tzu pulls out a spare set of his armor and a Zhua hidden underneath fallen foliage. Above him, the Impaler watches him, preparing his steel crossbow. Vlad walks a little ways and sees the general's armor nearby and takes his shot. The armor falls over and Vlad goes to investigate, only to find that he shot a decoy. The real general then jumps down, disarming Vlad from his shield using the Zhua. Vlad dodges another swing from the Zhua and draws his kilij, slashing Sun across the midsection as he recovers. The general falls back again, as Vlad pulls off his gauntlet, revealing that the Zhua managed to cut his forearm. The enraged Vlad picks up his kilij and charges Sun Tzu, who pulls out his Jian and clashes with the warrior king. Both warriors cross swords until when Sun Tzu thrusts, Vlad severs both of Tzu's hands at the wrist. The exhausted, crippled, and helpless general drops to his knees as Vlad raises his sword over his head, but stops in mid-swing from decapitating his victim. Grinning wildly with an evil laugh, Vlad has other ideas for the fallen general. A shot of the Wallachian countryside is shown as terrible sounds and screaming are heard off-screen. When the camera cuts back to the warriors, it is revealed that Vlad has impaled the defeated Sun Tzu on a large stake. Vlad places his sword in front of his face as an act of respect towards his fallen enemy and gives a loud victory roar as he raises his Kilij in the air.

Winner: Vlad the Impaler

Episode 20: Ming Warriors vs. French Musketeers

Ming Warrior Team: Jonathan Weizhang Wang (Kung Fu World Champion), Phillip Dang (Combative Wushu Champion)
Ming Warrior Weapons: Dao, 3-Barrel Pole Gun, Nest of Bees, Mechanical Landmine
Ming Warrior Armor: Leather Lamellar
Ming Warrior Statistics: 1368-1644, Height: 5 Feet 7 Inches, Weight: 150 Pounds, Armor: Leather Lamellar

French Musketeer Team: Xavier Declie (French Combat Historian), Luke Lafontaine (Sword Master)
French Musketeer Weapons: Rapier & Main Gauche, Wheel Lock Pistol, Flintlock Musket, Grenade
French Musketeer Armor: Steel Cuirass
French Musketeer Statistics: 1622-1776, Height: 5 Feet 9 Inches, Weight: 160 Pounds, Armor: Steel Cuirass

Ming Warriors Kills French Musketeers Kills
Short Range Weapons Dao 71 Rapier & Main Gauche 195
Mid Range Weapons 3-Barrel Pole Gun 41 Wheel Lock Pistol 178
Long Range Weapons Nest of Bees 15 Flintlock Musket 275
Special Weapons Mechanical Landmine 199 Grenade 26
Totals 326 674

Reenactment 20

The battle starts with a band of five Musketeers making their way through a forest. Up ahead, four Ming Warriors emerge from a cave on a cliff, waiting for the Musketeers. A fifth is down below, setting up a Mechanically Triggered Land Mine and sticking a sword on top of it as bait. One of the Ming Soldiers opens up the Nest of Bees and launches a barrage of arrows at the Musketeers. The head Musketeer alerts his comrads, forcing them all to run back to avoid the arrows. One, however, is slow and is struck in the leg. He yanks the arrow from his leg and angrily throws it at the ground. Another Musketeer aims his musket at the head Ming Warrior. Just as the Ming Warrior makes his battle cry, the Musketeer shoots and kills him. The Musketeers then advance towards their enemy, with the one struck in the leg struggling to keep up. One of the Ming Warriors readies his 3-Barrel Pole Gun and fires at the Musketeers. One gets hit and knocked to the ground, but survives due to his armor stopping the projectile. The Ming Warrior prepares to fire another shot, but a Musketeer shoots him with the musket before he gets a chance. He falls over and rolls down the hill. The Musketeer shot by the Pole Gun is assisted in getting back onto his feet, only to be shot in the head by another Ming Warrior's Pole Gun. The Ming Warrior then retreats further back. A Musketeer sticks a bayonet onto his musket and walks up to the injured Ming Soldier, who is trying to unsheath his Dao. The Musketeer steps on him and jams the bayonet into him, killing him. The Musketeers regroup and continue to run after the three remaining Ming Warriors. The Ming Warrior that killed the first Musketeer desperately tries to escape, passing by the sword stuck in the ground. As the Musketeers chase him down, the injured one takes notice of the sword. Thinking that it would be of use later, he hobbles up to the sword and pulls it out. The land mine goes off and kills the Musketeer. The others see his bloody body and briefly mourn their dead friend before advancing toward the Ming Warriors. The Ming Warrior running from the Musketeers fires his Pole Gun again and kills a Musketeer. Another tries to shoot him with his musket, but misses. The Ming Warrior hides behind a rock and desperately tries to reload his weapon. The two remaining Musketeers hear him as they approach the rock. The Musketeer with the musket starts to go around the rock, but the leader stops him, pulling out a grenade. The first Musketeer smiles as he lights it with a match. The Musketeer hurls the Grenade over the rock, which blows up and kills the Ming Warrior. As the Musketeers look at his dead body while passing by, another Ming Warrior jumps out with his Dao sword and kills one of them with a strike to the neck. The head Musketeer tries to fire his Wheel Lock Pistol, but it winds up jamming. He throws it aside and pulls out his Rapier. The Ming Warrior tries to attack the Musketeer, but is shoved aside. The Ming Warrior tries again, but the Musketeer parries and stabs him in the stomach. The Ming Warrior falls to the ground and dies. The Musketeer hears a yell and turns around, only to find the head Ming Warrior standing on a cliff above him and also armed with a Dao, swinging it wildly. The Musketeer climbs up and engages the Ming Warrior in a duel. Eventually, the two fighters lock swords. The Musketeer uses this moment of opportunity to pull out his Main Gauche. He closes in and stabs the Ming Warrior in the stomach with the dagger. He pulls it out and allows the Ming Warrior to fall to his death. The Musketeer raises his sword and yells out "Vive le Roi!" (Long live the King!) in victory.

Winner: French Musketeers

Episode 21: Comanche vs. Mongol

Comanche Team: Joaquin Gonzalez (Comanche Horseman), Jay Redhawk (Master Horse Archer)
Comanche Weapons: War Hawk, War Lance, Bow & Arrow, Scalping Knife
Comanche Armor: Hair Pipe Breastplate, Buffalo Hide Shield
Comanche Statistics: Circa 1840, Height: 5 Feet 9 Inches, Weight: 145 Pounds, Armor: Buffalo Hide Shield and Bone Armor

Mongol Team: Munkhtur Luvsanjambaa (Native Mongol Historian), Jason Nguyen (Asian Combat Expert)
Mongol Weapons: Flanged Mace, Glaive, Bow & Arrow, Ild
Mongol Armor: Leather Lamellar, Leather Shield
Mongol Statistics: Circa 1225, Height: 5 Feet 5 Inches, Weight: 145 Pounds, Armor: Leather Lamellar

Comanche Kills Mongol Kills
Short Range Weapons War Hawk 152 Flanged Mace 111
Mid Range Weapons War Lance 168 Glaive 116
Long Range Weapons Bow & Arrow 205 Bow & Arrow 142
Special Weapons Scalping Knife 3 Ild 103
Totals 528 472

Reenactment 21

In a valley, the Mongol is sharpening his Ild sword. Nearby, the Comanche cautiously makes his way to the top of the ridge overlooking the valley. The Mongol, feeling as if he's being watched, looks to the top of the ridge. Seeing nothing, he goes back to sharpening his Ild. Back up on the ridge, the Comanche readies his bow and arrow and fires downward to the unsuspecting Mongol. The arrow lands a foot away from the Mongol, startling him. He stands up and looks to the source of the arrow, but is unable to make it out due to the Comanche standing against the sun. Using this opportunity, the Comanche fires two more arrows at the blinded Mongolian, one which flies past him and another which lands right in front of him. The Comanche raises his bow and gives off a loud war cry and falls back. Gathering his senses, the Mongol sheaths his Ild and mounts his horse, while the Comanche thrusts his War Lance into the ground and slings his War Hawk on his back. The Mongol reaches the top of the hill, but is confused when he only finds the Comanche's horse. Hanging off the side of the horse, the Comanche pulls himself up to reveal himself, takes aim with his bow and arrow, and shoots the Mongol in the chest. The Mongol is saved by his lamellar breastplate however, as he angrily thrusts his glaive into the ground and pulls out the arrow. The Comanche rides ahead to set up another attack while the Mongol pulls out his bow and arrow. The Comanche rides past as the Mongol fires another shot, which barely misses him. The Comanche rides up to his War Lance, which he pulls out of the ground and hides into the bushes. The Mongol rides up to his glaive and pulls it out, seeing the Comanche's horse up on the rocky outcropping. The Mongol starts to ride to the abandoned horse when the Comanche ambushes him by tackling him from a rock, throwing him from his horse. The Comanche assumes a battle stance while the Mongol gathers himself and his Glaive. The Mongol swings his glaive but is parried by the Comanche's War Lance. The Mongol counters by slashing at the Comanche's back. The Comanche rolls, dropping his lance as he also avoids a circular slash. The Mongol goes in for a thrust, but the Comanche grabs the glaive and avoids the attack and counters with an elbow strike to the Mongol's head. The Comanche stomps on the glaive, breaking it as the Mongol gets back up and unsheathes his Ild. The Comanche pulls out his War Hawk and the two warriors clash. The Mongol deflects a swing and counters, slashing the Comanche's forearm. The Mongol goes in for a follow-up swing while the Comanche is still stunned, but the Comanche counters by grabbing the arms of the Mongol and hitting the Ild out of his hands, then spinning around and digging the War Hawk into the back of the Mongol. The Mongol pushes the War Hawk away as the Comanche gets it out and front kicks the Comanche, knocking him to the ground. The Comanche recovers and runs off into a cave while the Mongol runs back to his horse to retrieve his Flanged Mace and follows the Comanche into the cave. Inside the cave, the Mongol slowly searches out the Comanche, who has his back to a wall and is holding his War Hawk as well as a Scalping Knife. The Mongol spots the Comanche and swings his mace, which impacts on the cave wall as the Comanche dodges. The Mongol takes aim and swings the heavy mace again, hitting the floor as the Comanche dodges and gets set up for a counter-attack. The Comanche goes in for a swing with the War Hawk, but the Mongol counters with a swing that hits the Native American in the back, sending him reeling. The Mongol swings again, but the Comanche ducks under and quickly stabs the Mongol in the side with his Scalping Knife. The Mongol goes in for another swing, but misses as the Comanche ducks and goes in for two more stabs. While the Mongol is stunned, the Comanche grabs his War Hawk and buries it into the neck of the Mongol. The Mongol slumps to the cave floor, dead as the Comanche removes his hat and cuts off the Mongol's scalp with his Scalping Knife. Victorious, the Comanche stumbles out of the cave mouth, shouting as he holds the bloody scalp on high.

Winner: Comanche

Episode 22: Navy SEALs vs. Israeli Commandos

Navy SEAL Team: Rob Roy (22 Year SEAL Veteran), Colin Palmer (Former SEAL Explosives Expert)
Navy SEAL Weapons: Recon 1 Knife, SIG Sauer P226, M4 Colt Commando, C4
Navy SEAL Armor: Combat Helmet
Navy SEAL Statistics: Est. 1961, Force Size: Approx 2000, Height: 6 Feet, Weight: 185 Pounds

Israeli Commando Team: Moti Horenstein (Israeli Special Forces Instructor), Mike Kanarek (Israeli Special Forces Veteran)
Israeli Commando Weapons: KA-BAR Knife, Glock 19, Micro Galil, Semtex
Israeli Commando Armor: KASDA Helmet
Israeli Commando Statistics: Est. 1957, Force Size: Classified, Height: 5 Feet 10 Inches, Weight: 180 Pounds

Navy SEALs Kills Israeli Commandos Kills
Short Range Weapons Recon 1 Knife 15 KA-BAR Knife 42
Mid Range Weapons SIG Sauer P226 101 Glock 19 98
Long Range Weapons M4 Colt Commando 355 Micro Galil 288
Explosive Weapons C4 47 Semtex 54
Totals 518 482

Reenactment 22

The battle begins with the Navy SEALs coming up to a power plant occupied by the Israeli Commandos. One of the Navy SEALs spots an Israeli Commando patrolling on a walkway above him and shoots him with his M4 Colt Commando. The single SEAL regroups with his squad and infiltrates the facility through the a tower into the basement while the rest of the Commandos fire at them from the balcony. Inside the basement, the SEALs break off into a 2-man unit and a 3-man unit, while a 3-man unit of Commandos heads into the basement. As the two Navy SEALs make their way through the underbelly of the building, two Israeli Commandos set up an explosive trap with a glob of Semtex stuck to it and attach it to a string, which is attached to a doorknob. The two Navy SEALs come up to the door from the other side. One jiggles the door knob to ensure that it's unlocked, and the two open the door to charge in. The door pulls on the string and sets off the Semtex, instantly killing one of the Navy SEALs and throwing the other to the floor. He struggles to get up, but the other Israeli Commando seizes the opportunity and finishes him with his Micro Galil before he can get back up. Up above, the 3-man SEAL group emerges from a doorway. An Israeli Commando makes his way down a flight of stairs trying to aim his Micro Galil from the sights, but a SEAL who already has a bead on him shoots and kills him with his M4 Colt Commando. The Commando tumbles down the stairs as he is shot. The three other Commandos burst from a doorway and engage the Navy SEALs, burst-firing their Micro Galils and hitting the SEAL who falls over. The other two grab him and pull him away to safety while trying to ward off the Israeli Commandos off with gunfire. Under cover, the other two SEALs check their friend for signs of life, but the SEAL is already gone. The two remaining Navy SEALs enter another building, while the Israeli Commandos regroup and follow them through the door. Both squads emerge in different locations as the SEALs come up a flight of stairs near a turbine, while the Commandos weave their way through various machines. The Israeli Commando leader stops and signals both of his men to move forward, while on the other side, the Navy SEALs come to an open area. The SEAL leader signals for his friend to stop. He kneels down behind the turbine as the leader runs into the open area. The Commando leader comes up on the SEAL leader and tries to shoot him, but his Micro Galils jams and is rendered useless. The Navy SEAL leader runs across the open area, drawing and exchanging fire with the other two Commandos. The SEAL behind the turbine pops out and shoots a Commando in the head with his Colt Commando. The Israeli Commando next to him sees him die, but shrugs it off. The leader runs down a flight of stairs, drawing the attention of the Commando. The Navy SEAL races towards him, but is surprise-attacked by the lead Israeli Commando. The Commando throws him against the turbine, and blocks the SEAL's attempt to fight back and then pulls out his Ka-Bar Knife. He slashes the SEAL's throat and stabs it into his chest. The SEAL hangs on to the Commando leader as he slumps to the floor, and the Commando pats him on the head. The two Israeli Commandos regroup then proceed to run after the last Navy SEAL, who has retreated back into the basement. Downstairs, the Navy SEAL pulls out a C4 charge and slaps it behind a set of pipes. He quickly sets up the detonator and then hides in the back and waits for the Israeli Commandos. They soon arrive and slowly move about, searching for the Navy SEAL. The Navy SEAL then gets an idea and pulls out his Sig Sauer P226. The two Israeli Commandos hear a gunshot and try to find its source, unaware that the Navy SEAL is trying to lure them towards the C4. The Israeli Commandos pass through the pipes, and the Navy SEAL activates the C4, blowing it up and sending both the Israeli Commandos and the SEAL to the floor. The Navy SEAL quickly gets up and points his Sig Sauer P226 at the two Israeli Commandos, waiting for one of them to make their move. However, it is soon apparent that both soldiers were killed by the C4 blast. He raises his gun up and gives a quick shout in victory.

Winner: Navy SEALs

See also

Deadliest Warrior (season 1)
Deadliest Warrior (season 3)


  1. Lang, Derrik J. (2010-03-30). "'Deadliest Warrior' preps for bloodier second season". Retrieved 2010-04-21.
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