De Persgroep

De Persgroep is a media and publishing company from Belgium owning media assets in Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark. De Persgroep is owned by the Van Thillo family.


In 1978 the family obtained 60 percent of shares in the Flemish publishing company Hoste. When in 1990 the rest of the shares were acquired, the company’s name was changed to De Persgroep. In 2013 the group’s annual turnover was 901 million euros.[1]

History of the Dutch subsidiary

PCM Publishing was created by the merger of two companies: Perscombinatie and Meulenhoff & Co. Perscombinatie (de Volkskrant, Trouw and Het Parool) acquired in 1994, the majority stakes in Meulenhoff & Co. They changed their name to PCM. From that moment became the publication of newspapers and books, the core activity of PCM.[2]

In late 1995 PCM acquired the Nederlandse Dagbladunie (TVNZ and Algemeen Dagblad) and became publisher of four of the five national newspapers, four regional titles and their door-to-door papers in the Randstad. After a brief but intense adventure with a foreign investment company, in 2003 Het Parool sold to the Belgian media company De Persgroep NV. In 2005, the Algemeen Dagblad and the four regional newspapers were housed in AD New Media BV, in which PCM had an economic interest of 63%.[2]

In July 2009, De Persgroep acquired a majority stake in PCM Publishing, forming the subsidiary De Persgroep Nederland,[2] A number of transactions were connected to the main acquisition.

PCM sold in July 2009, the house-to-house papers of PCM Local Media to Wegener. Shortly after acquired PCM the stakes of Wegener (37%) in AD New Media BV. The acquisition included also the printing house of Wegener in The Hague. PCM sold the NRC Handelsblad and for 70 million euros to Egeria,[1] as well as the PCM Algemene Boeken (b.o. Meulenhoff & Co). As a result, became Persgroep Netherlands the publisher of Algemeen Dagblad, de Volkskrant, Trouw and Het Parool.[2]

Acquisition elsewhere

In 2014 De Persgroep acquired Mecom Group.[3]

TV and radio

De Persgroep and Roularta Media Group own 50 percent shares each of Vlaamse Media Maatschappij (VMMa). VMMa, in turn, is the owner of television and radio stations:

TV channels (Belgium)

Radio stations


Newspapers owned by the company are as follows:[4]







One of the company’s subsidiaries Magnet Magazines publishes the following magazines:

In May 2015 De Persgroep acquired four magazines all of which had been owned by Sanoma, namely

De Persgroep also used to publish free city papers (now all defunct), called Zone 02/ in Brussels, Zone 03/ in Antwerp, and Zone 09/ in Ghent.

Other activities

In 2002 De Persgroep entered the book publishing sector.[6] The company also began to deal with DVD distribution.[6]

See also


  1. 1 2 (in Dutch) Wilco Dekker, "Persgroep geïnteresseerd in overname NRC," De Volkskrant (8 May 2014). Retrieved 8 May 2014.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "Over de Persgroep: Historie," De Persgroep Nederland. Retrieved 8 May 2014.
  3. Andy Sharman; Robert Cookson (30 June 2014). "Belgian publisher De Persgroep buys Mecom for £200m". Financial Times. Retrieved 1 April 2017.
  4. Koen Panis et. al. (2014). "Does Media Cross-Ownership Translate into Cross-Promotion?". Journalism Studies. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2014.953780. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
  5. 1 2 Alan Hope (27 May 2015). "De Persgroep takes over Humo, Story and Vitaya magazines". Flanders Today. Retrieved 27 December 2015.
  6. 1 2 Hilde Van den Bulck; Sil Tambuyzer; Stef Ackx (2011). "Readers' Responses to Product+ Strategies of Print Media Brands: Increasing Readership or Commoditization of Print Media?". International Journal on Media Management. 13 (1). doi:10.1080/14241277.2010.545362. Retrieved 17 April 2015.
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