Der er et yndigt land

Der er et yndigt land
English: There is a Lovely Country

Civil anthem of  Denmark

Lyrics Adam Oehlenschläger, 1819
Music Hans Ernst Krøyer, 1835
Adopted 1835
Audio sample
Der er et yndigt land (Instrumental)
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Denmark's broad beeches, as referenced in the anthem.

Der er et yndigt land (Danish pronunciation: [dæɐ̯ ˈæɐ̯ ed ˈøndid ˈlanˀ]) or [dɑ (...)], commonly translated into English as There is a lovely country, is one of the national anthems of Denmark.

The lyrics were written in 1819 by Adam Oehlenschläger and bore the motto in Latin: Ille terrarum mihi praeter omnes angulus ridet (Horace: "This corner of the earth smiles for me more than any other"). The music was composed in 1835 by Hans Ernst Krøyer. Later, Thomas Laub and Carl Nielsen each composed alternative melodies, but neither of them has gained widespread adoption, and today they are mostly unknown to the general population.

When first published, the anthem had 12 verses, but this was shortened to the first, third, fifth, and last verse in later editions. In common use, only the first verse (or stanza) and the last three lines of the fourth verse are sung. The first half of the last verse is rarely heard. The last line of each verse is repeated once.

Denmark is one of only two countries in the world—the other being New Zealand—with two official national anthems. Officially, Kong Christian stod ved højen mast is both a national and a royal anthem; it has equal status with Der er et yndigt land, which is treated as the civil national anthem.[1] On royal and military occasions, Kong Christian is performed alone, or the two national anthems are played together.[2]


Der er et yndigt land
Instrumental version on a piano

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Song lyrics

Danish lyrics

Der er et yndigt land,
det står med brede bøge
nær salten østerstrand :|
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
det hedder gamle Danmark
og det er Frejas sal :|
Der sad i fordums tid
de harniskklædte kæmper,
udhvilede fra strid :|
Så drog de frem til fjenders mén,
nu hvile deres bene
bag højens bautasten :|
Det land endnu er skønt,
thi blå sig søen bælter,
og løvet står så grønt :|
Og ædle kvinder, skønne møer
og mænd og raske svende
bebo de danskes øer :|
Hil drot og fædreland!
Hil hver en danneborger,
som virker, hvad han kan! :|
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
så længe bøgen spejler
sin top i bølgen blå :|

Short version

The lines sung at sporting events etc. are normally confined to:

Der er et yndigt land,
det står med brede bøge
nær salten østerstrand :|
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
det hedder gamle Danmark
og det er Frejas sal :|
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
så længe bøgen spejler
sin top i bølgen blå :|

Free metrical translation

There is a lovely land
with spreading, shady beech-trees,
Near salty eastern shore :|
Its hills and valleys gently fall,
its name is ancient Denmark,
And it is Freya's hall :|
There in the ancient days
sat armoured Vikings rested
Between their bloody frays :|
Then they went forth the foe to face,
now found in stone-set barrows,
Their final resting place :|
This land is still as fair,
the sea is blue around it,
And peace is cherished there :|
Strong men and noble women still
uphold their country's honour
With faithfulness and skill :|
Hail king and fatherland!
Hail every Danish citizen,
who is doing the best he can :|
Our old Denmark shall endure,
as long as the beech trees reflect
its top in the blue wave  :|

Literal translation

There is a lovely country
it stands with broad beech-trees,
near the salty eastern shore
It bends itself in hill, valley,
its name is old Denmark
and it is the hall of Freya
There sat in former times,
the armour-suited wariors,
rested from conflict
Then they went forward to the enemies' injury,
now their bones are resting
behind the mound's menhir
That country is still lovely,
because the sea waves so blue frolic,
and the foliage stands so green
And noble women, beautiful maidens,
and men and brisk swains
inhabit the Danes' islands
Hail king and fatherland!
Hail every a Dane-citizen,
who works, what he can
Our old Denmark shall endure,
as long as the beech-tree mirrors
its top in the blue wave

Original lyrics

The version today is significantly shortened. The original published version had twelve verses:

Original Danish lyrics

Der er et yndigt Land,
Det staaer med brede Bøge
Nær salten Østerstrand;
Det bugter sig i Bakke, Dal,
Det hedder gamle Danmark,
Og det er Freias Sal.
Der sad i fordums Tid
De harniskklædte Kæmper,
Udhvilede fra Strid;
Saa drog de frem til Fienders Meen,
Nu hvile deres Bene
Bag Høiens Bautasteen.
Det Land endnu er skiønt,
Thi blaa sig Søen belter,
Og Løvet staaer saa grønt;
Og ædle Qvinder, skiønne Møer,
Og Mænd og raske Svende
Beboe de Danskes Øer.
Vort Sprog er stærkt og blødt,
Vor Tro er reen og luttret
Og Modet er ei dødt.
Og hver en Dansk er lige fri,
Hver lyder tro sin Konge,
Men Trældom er forbi.
Et venligt Syd i Nord
Er, grønne Danarige,
Din axbeklædte Jord.
Og Snekken gaaer sin stolte Vei.
Hvor Ploug og Kiølen furer,
Der svigter Haabet ei.
Vort Dannebrog er smukt,
Det vifter hen ad Havet
Med Flagets røde Bugt.
Og stedse har sin Farve hvid
Dit hellige Kors i Blodet,
O Dannebrog, i Strid.
Karsk er den Danskes Aand,
Den hader Fordoms Lænker,
Og Sværmeriets Baand.
For Venskab aaben, kold for Spot,
Slaaer ærlig Jydes Hierte,
For Pige, Land og Drot.
Jeg bytter Danmark ei,
For Ruslands Vinterørkner,
For Sydens Blomstermai.
Ei Pest og Slanger kiende vi,
Ei Vesterlandets Tungsind,
Ei Østens Raseri.
Vor Tid ei staaer i Dunst,
Den hævet har sin Stemme
For Videnskab og Kunst.
Ei Bragis og ei Mimers Raab
Har vakt i lige Strækning
Et bedre Fremtids Haab.
Ei stor, vor Fødestavn,
Dog hæver sig blandt Stæder
Dit stolte Kiøbenhavn.
Til bedre By ei Havet kom,
Ja ingen Flod i Dalen,
Fra Trondhiem og til Rom.
Med hellig Varetægt
Bevare du, Alfader!
Vor gamle Kongeslægt.
Kong Fredrik ligner Fredegod;
Hvor er en bedre Fyrste,
Af bedre Helteblod?
Hil Drot og Fædreland!
Hil hver en Danneborger,
Som virker hvad han kan.
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestaae,
Saalænge Bøgen speiler
Sin Top i Bølgen blaa.

English Translation

There is a lovely land
it stands with broad beeches
near the salty eastern beach
It winds itself in hill, valley,
it is called old Denmark
and it is Freyja's hall
There sat in former times,
the armour-suited warriors,
rested from conflict
Then they set out to inflict damage on enemies,
now their bones are resting
behind the mound's menhir
That country is still lovely,
because the sea waves so blue frolic,
and the foliage stands so green
And noble women, beautiful maidens,
and men and brisk swains
inhabit the Danes' islands
Our language is strong and soft,
Our faith is pure and purified
And courage is not dead.
And each a Dane is equally free,
Each faithfully obeys his/her king,
But slavery is over.
A friendly South in the North
Is the green Dane-realm,
Your ax-clad Earth.
And the ship walks its proud way.
Where the plow and the keel furrows
There, hope does not fail.
Our Dannebrog is beautiful
It fans along the sea
With the red bay of the flag.
And always has its white colour
Your holy cross in blood,
O flag of Denmark in battle.
Pure is the Danes' Spirit
It hates Prejudice's fetters,
And fascination's ties.
For friendship open, cold for mockery
Beats the Jutlander's honest heart,
For girl, country and king.
I would not swap Denmark,
For Russia's winter deserts,
For the flower-May of the south.
We do not know plague and serpents
Nor the melancholy of the west
Nor the rage of the east.
Our time does not stand in reek,
It has raised its voice
For science and arts.
Not Bragi's and not Mímir's cry
Aroused in equal stretch
A better hope for the future.
Not large, our birth-place,
However, among cities does soar
Your proud Copenhagen.
To better City did the sea not come
Indeed, no river in the valley;
From Trondhiem and to Rome.
With holy custody
You will preserve, All-father!
Our old dynasty.
King Frederick resembles Fredegod;
Where is a better prince
Of better hero blood?
Hail king and fatherland!
Hail every a Dane-citizen,
who works what he can
Our old Denmark shall endure,
as long as the beech reflects
its top in the blue wave


  1. "Not one but two national anthems". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  2. Udenrigsministeriet (6 August 2001). "Instruks for Udenrigstjenesten". Retsinformation. Retrieved 30 June 2013.
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