Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

The Kunstakademie Düsseldorf is the Arts Academy of the city of Düsseldorf, Germany. Notable artists who attended the academy include Joseph Beuys, Gerhard Richter, Ruth Rogers-Altmann, Sigmar Polke, Anselm Kiefer and photographers Thomas Ruff, Thomas Demand, Thomas Struth, Andreas Gursky and Candida Höfer. In the stairway of its main entrance, are engraved the Words: "Für unsere Studenten nur das Beste" ("For our Students only the Best").

Early history

The school was founded by Lambert Krahe in 1762 as a school of drawing. In 1773, it became the "Kurfürstlich-Pfälzische Academie der Maler, Bildhauer- und Baukunst" (Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of the Electorate of the Palatinate). During the Napoleonic Wars, the count palatine's art collection was inherited by the Wittelsbach family and moved to Munich, prompting the Prussian government—who had annexed the Düsseldorf region after Napoleon had surrendered—to change it into a Royal Arts Academy in Düsseldorf, in 1819.

In the 1850s, the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf became internationally renowned, with many students coming from Scandinavia, Russia and the United States to learn, among other things, the genre and landscape painting associated with the "Düsseldorf school".[1][2]

Düsseldorf School of Photography

Students of Bernd and Hilla Becher at the Düsseldorf School of Photography have included Laurenz Berges, Elger Esser, Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Axel Hütte, Simone Nieweg, Thomas Ruff, Jörg Sasse, Thomas Struth, Petra Wunderlich.[3] The academy has its own museum: the academy gallery (near to the historic city hall). The new director, Rita McBride, will open the academy to new media such as 3D printing. Every February the academy opens to the public, an event which is called Rundgang[4] (tour).


Notable professors and students




  • Ludwig Chateau (1906–1975 Student under professors Netzer, Zschokke)
  • August Adolf Chauvin (1831–1841 with breaks Student under F. W. v. Schadow)
  • Max Clarenbach (1894–1901 Student, 1917–1945 Professor)
  • Otto Coester (1938–1967 Professor)
  • Tony Cragg (1979–1988 Assistant Professor, 1988–2001 Professor, 2010 Director)
  • Siegfried Cremer (1977–1994 Professor of Drawing Technique)
  • Abraham David Christian (1976–1978 Lecturer)
  • Rolf Crummenauer (1952–1967 Lecturer, 1967–1990 Professor)


  • Björn Dahlem (1994-2000 Student)
  • Thomas Demand (Student)
  • Stefan Demary (Student 1978–1985)
  • Eugen Denzel (Student)
  • August Deusser (1890–1897 Student under Peter Janssen d.Ä., 1917 Professor)
  • Jan Dibbets (1984–2004 Professor)
  • Willi Dirx (1937–1939 Student)
  • Thea Djordjadze (1994–2001 Student)
  • Peter Doig (2005–present Professor)
  • Felix Droese (1970–1976 Student)
  • Max Dudler (2004–present Professor and Vice Dean)
  • Eugen Dücker (1872–1916 Professor)
  • Udo Dziersk (1983–1988 Student, 2002–present Professor)


  • Adam Eberle (1819–1825 Student under Peter von Cornelius)
  • Alfred Eckhardt (1947–1952 Student, 1961–1977 Professor of Drawing Technique)
  • Franz Eggenschwiler (1981–1995 Professor)
  • John Whetton Ehninger (c. 1848–1849) - (Student)
  • Hellmuth Eichner (1972–1976 Student under Rolf Sackenheim)
  • Joseph Enseling (1938–1952 Professor)
  • Rudolf Epp (1834–1910 Student)
  • Elger Esser (1991–1997 Student under Bernd Becher)
  • Alexander Esters (2002–2004 Student under Albert Oehlen)
  • Wilfried Eßer (1968-1974 Student)


  • Helmut Federle (1999–2007 Professor)
  • Anselm Feuerbach (1845–1848 Student)
  • Detlev Foth (1979–1985 Student, Student under Rissa)
  • Eduard Frederich (1836–1843 Student)
  • Arnold Frische (1890–1896 Student)
  • Emil Frische (Meisterschüler von Claus Meyer)
  • Heinrich Ludwig Frische (1858–1862 Student, Schüler von Hans Gude)
  • Katharina Fritsch (1977–1984 Student, 2010 present Professor of Sculpture)
  • Gisela Rietta Fritschi (1967–1972 Student under K.O.Götz)
  • Christian Frosch (Student)
  • Francesca Fuchs (1995 Student under Tony Cragg)[7]


  • Rupprecht Geiger (1965–1976 Professor)
  • Isa Genzken (Student)
  • Bert Gerresheim (1956–1960 Student)
  • Tita Giese (Student)
  • Imi Giese (1965–1972 Student under Josef Beuys)
  • Johann Peter Götting (Student under F. W. v. Schadow)
  • Gottfried Götting (Student and Sculptor)
  • Karl Otto Götz (1959–1979 Professor)
  • Bruno Goller (1949–1964 Professor)
  • Eugen Gomringer (1977–1990 Professor)
  • Kuno Gonschior (1957-1961 Student)
  • Paul Good (1983–2008 Professor for Philosophy)
  • Martin Gostner (2004- Professor)
  • Günter Grass (1948–1952 Student)
  • Gotthard Graubner (1954–1959 Student, 1976–1992 Professor)
  • Paul Grimm (student under Bruno Goller)
  • Durs Grünbein (2005- Professor of Poetry)
  • Thomas Grünfeld (2004- Professor of Sculpture)
  • Jean-François Guiton (1980–85 Student, master-student of Fritz Schwegler)
  • Andreas Gursky (1981–1987 Student, master-student of Bernd Becher, since 2009 Professor)


  • Robert Hartmann (1969–1974 Student)
  • Emil Bert Hartwig (1931-1933 Master-student of Paul Klee)
  • Johann Peter Hasenclever (1827–1829 Student)
  • Erwin Heerich (1958–1965 Student, 1969–1988 Professor)
  • Georg Herold (Professor for sculpture)
  • Ralph Herrmann (1970–1974 Student)
  • Anatol Herzfeld (Student, 1964-1972)
  • Ursula Heuser, later Benser (1931–1935 Student, under professors Werner Heuser, Paul Bindel, 1935 master-student)
  • Werner Heuser (1926-1938 Professor for drawing, 1946–1949 Director)
  • Shadrack Hlalele (1981–86 Student under professors Joseph Beuys and Rolf Sackenheim)[8]
  • Hans Hollein (1967–1965 Professor)
  • Candida Höfer (1973–1982 Student)[9]
  • Ottmar Hörl (1979–1981 Student, 2005- President Akademie Nuremberg)
  • Bernhard Hoetger (1874–1949 Student)
  • August Hoff (1929–1932 Lecturer)
  • Oskar Hoffmann (Student, 1872-1877)
  • Hans Hollein (1967–1976 Professor)
  • Nan Hoover (1986-1996 Professor)[10]
  • Julius Hübner (1826–1828 Student)
  • Alfonso Hüppi (1974–1999 Professor of painting)
  • Johannes Hüppi (1984 bis 1990 master-student of Dieter Krieg)
  • Axel Hütte (1973–1981 Student)
  • Gerhard Hoehme (1960–1984 Professor)
  • Jörg Immendorff (1963–1969 Student, 1996–2007 Professor)
  • Eduard Johann Nikolaus Istas (1828–1831 Student)
  • Georg Jabin (1850–1855 Student at Johann Wilhelm Schirmer)
  • Johann Peter Theodor Janssen (1858–1864 Student, 1877- Professor)
  • Peter Tamme Weyert Janssen (1923–1925 Student)
  • Bertram Jesdinsky (1982–1989 Student at Alfonso Hüppi, 1988 master-student)
  • Halina Jaworski (1974–1980 master-student of Günther Uecker)
  • Oliver Jordan (1980–1985 Student)
  • Rudolf Jordan (1833–1840 Master Class)
  • Andreas Junge (Student)
  • Julius Paul Junghanns (1904–1945 Professor of painting)
  • Helmut Jürgens (1924–1926, student)


  • Stanislaus von Kalckreuth (1846–1849 Student)
  • Arthur Kampf (1879–1891 Student and Professor)
  • Ernst Kasper (Architekt, 1971–2000 Professor for Architecture)
  • William Keith (1869-1870 Student)
  • Hubert Kiecol (since 1993 Professor for Integration Fine Arts and Architecture)
  • Anselm Kiefer (early 1970s, Student)
  • Ludwig Knaus, 1845–1852 Student
  • Karin Kneffel (1981–1987 master-student of Gerhard Richter)
  • Karl Kneidl (1974–2008 Professor of stage design)
  • Imi Knoebel (1964–1971 Student at Joseph Beuys)[11]
  • Paul Klee (1931–1933 Professor)
  • Heinrich „Heinz“ Klein-Arendt, 1947–1952 Student at Josef Mages
  • Werner Klompen (Student)
  • Georg Klusemann (1964–1968 Student)
  • Louis Kolitz (Academy Professor Kassel)
  • Klaus Köhler-Achenbach (Professor)
  • Heinrich Christoph Kolbe (dates unknown, Student; 1822–1832 Professor)
  • Attila Kotányi
  • Walter Köngeter (1952–1967 Professor of Constructive Arts)
  • Kasper König (1985 Professor at the Institute art and the public)
  • Ralf König (1981–1986 Student)
  • Gustav Adolf Koettgen (Student at Peter von Cornelius)
  • Dieter Krieg (1978–2002 Professor of Painting)
  • Jannis Kounellis (1993–2001 Professor for Sculpture)
  • Rüdiger Kramer (1971–1978 Student)
  • Wilhelm Kreis, 1920–1926 Professor of Architecture)
  • Norbert Kricke (Professor, Director)
  • Dieter Krieg (1978–2002 Professor of painting)
  • Fritz Kronenberg (ca. 1920–1923, Student)
  • Rolf Krummenauer (1953–1969 Teacher of Forming Arts)
  • Michael Küppers-Adebisi (1993–1996 Student)


  • Rainer Maria Latzke (1972–1976 Student of G.Richter, 1976 Master Student, 2008 Professor)
  • Carl Lambertz (1936–1941 Student)
  • Johann Peter von Langer (Student at Krahn, 1784 Professor, 1789–1806 Director)
  • Adolphe Lechtenberg (1973–1982 Student at Fritz Schwegler, Joseph Beuys, Erwin Heerich)
  • Wilhelm Lehmbruck (1902–1906 Student)
  • Karl Leipold (1880–1883 Student)
  • Emanuel Leutze (1840–1842 Student)
  • Franz Linden (1904–1910 Student)
  • Emanuel Leutze (1840-1842 Student)
  • Julia Lohmann (1971-1978 Studentin at Joseph Beuys, Erwin Heerich)
  • Hubert Löneke (Student Sculpture master classes of Zoltan Székessy and Ewald Mataré)




  • Albert Oehlen (2000- Professor)
  • Markus Oehlen (1976–1982 Student)
  • Carl Oesterley junior (1857- Student)
  • Laurids Ortner (1987- Professor)
  • Teo Otto (1959–1968 Professor of stage design)


  • Nam June Paik (1979–1996 Professor of Video Art)
  • Blinky Palermo (1962–1967 master-student of Joseph Beuys)
  • Otto Pankok (1947–1958 Professor)
  • Jürgen Partenheimer (1985 visiting Professor)
  • Arne Paus (1964–1965 Student)
  • A. R. Penck (1988–2003 Professor)
  • Heinrich Ludwig Philippi (1857–1860 Student)
  • Carl Plückebaum, 1901–1906 Student
  • Alois Plum (1955–1957 Student)
  • Sigmar Polke (1961–1967 Student)[14]
  • Wilfrid Polke, 1954–1959 Student
  • Robert Pudlich, 1925–1927 Student
  • Gottfried Pulian, 1838–1842 Student


  • Jürgen Rahn, 1967–1974 Student
  • Leonhard Rausch (1813–1895), Student der Meisterklasse J. W. Schirmer
  • Willy Reetz (1920–1924 Student)
  • Lois Renner (1985–1988 Student)
  • Gerhard Richter (1961–1963 Student, 1971–1993 Professor)[15]
  • Teod Richter (1964–1968 Student)
  • Ivo Ringe (1972-1977 Student), master-student of Professor Rolf Sackenheim
  • Klaus Rinke (1974–2004 Professor)
  • Römer + Römer (Torsten and Nina Römer, master students of A. R. Penck)
  • Ulrike Rosenbach (1964-1970 Student)
  • Reiner Ruthenbeck (1962–1968 Student)
  • Rissa (1959 Student, 1969–1975 and 2004–2007 Lecturer, 1975–2003 Professor for painting)
  • Hartmut Ritzerfeld (1969–1976 Student, master-student of Joseph Beuys)
  • Hans Rogalla (1967–1970 Student at Joseph Beuys)
  • Thomas Ruff (Student, Professor)[16]
  • Holger Runge (Student, Lecturer)
  • Reiner Ruthenbeck, (1962–1968 Student)


  • Rolf Sackenheim (1963–1985 Professor)
  • Jörg Sasse (1982–1988 Student, master-student of Bernd Becher)
  • Carl Ludwig Scheins (Landscape painter, master-student of Johann Wilhelm Schirmer)
  • Kaspar Scheuren (1829–1835 Student)
  • Helmut Josef Schilhabel (1915–1916 Student)
  • Adolf Schill (1880–1911 Professor of decoration and ornamentation)
  • Johann Wilhelm Schirmer (1826 Student, 1834 assistant teacher, 1839–1854 Professor for Landscape Painting, first Director of Karlsruher Kunstschule)
  • Jörg Wilhelm Schirmer (1991–1996 Student, master-student of Markus Lüpertz)
  • Christoph Schlingensief (1986 Lecturer)
  • Johann Heinrich Schmidt Professor of Art History)
  • Walter Clemens Schmidt (1913–1914 Student)
  • Jürgen Schmitt (1970–1976 Student, master-student)
  • Klaus Schmitt (1977–1983 Student)
  • Bruno Schmitz (1874–1878 Student)
  • Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck (Lecturer in Theatre Studies)
  • Gregor Schneider, 1990–1994 Student)
  • Felix Schramm
  • Axel Schultes
  • Rudolf Schwarz (1953–1961 Professor)
  • HA Schult (1958–1961 Student)
  • Jan Schüler (1985–1993 Student)
  • Thomas Schütte (1973–1981 Student)
  • Axel Schultes (since 2003 architecture class)
  • Rudolf Schwarz, 1953–1961 Professor
  • Fritz Schwegler (1973–2001 Assistant Professor and Professor)
  • Fritz Schwegler (1975–2001 Professor)
  • Peter Schwickerath (1966–1968 Student)
  • Hans Schwippert (1959–1965 Professor and Director)
  • Adolf Seel (1844–1850 Student)
  • Dirk Skreber (1982–1988 Student)
  • Karl Ferdinand Sohn (1826 Student, 1859–1863 Professor)
  • Wilhelm Sohn (1867 Professor)
  • Willy Spatz (Student, 1897–1926 Professor for painting)
  • Werner Spies (1975–2002 Professor of the history of arts)
  • Pia Stadtbäumer (1981–1988 Student)[17]
  • David D. Stern (1980-1982 Student)
  • Joachim Stracke (1980- Student)
  • Thomas Stricker (1986–1993 Student)
  • Thomas Struth (1973–1978 Student)
  • Johannes Stüttgen (1966–1971 Student at Joseph Beuys)
  • Stephan Stüttgen (1968 Student at Joseph Beuys
  • Zoltan Székessy (1952-1964 Professor)





  • Franz Erhard Walther (1962–1964 Student)
  • Rebecca Warren (2014–present Professor)[21]
  • August Weber (1838–1839 Student, instructor)
  • Robert Weise (Student)
  • Paul Westerfrölke, (1908–? Student)
  • Marie Wiegmann (born Hancke, about 1843 Student)
  • Rudolf Wiegmann (1838–1865 Professor for Architecture and perspective)
  • Oswald Wiener (1992–2004 Professor for Aesthetics)
  • Karl Ferdinand Wimar (c. 1851 Student)
  • Karl Wimmenauer (in the 1960s Professor for Architecture)


  • Herbert Zangs, 1945–1949 Student
  • Ulrike Zilly, 1970–1975 Studentin


Coordinates: 51°13′50″N 6°46′25″E / 51.23056°N 6.77361°E / 51.23056; 6.77361

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