Czech Science Foundation

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) was established in 1993 as an independent public organisation supporting basic research in the Czech Republic.[1] On the basis of calls for proposals and a public competition, the Czech Science Foundation provides financial support for both experienced and young and early-stage researchers. It also funds international projects on a bilateral basis in cooperation with several partner agencies as well as projects carried out within international research programmes.[2] It is one of two major government-supported research funding agencies in the Czech Republic, the other being the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR).[3]

GACR goals

GACR structure

The GACR authorities are the President, Presidium, Scientific Advisory Board and Supervisory Board. The Presidium is assisted by Discipline Committees. Evaluation Panels are the expert bodies of Discipline Committee. Organizational and administrative work is in the competency of the GACR Office.

GACR Presidium

The Presidium of the Czech Science Foundation is appointed by the Government of the Czech Republic. The Presidium is authorized to organize the Calls for Proposals for scientific and research projects and to award grants. It consists of five members. The GACR Presidium is headed by the President. He/she represents GACR and acts in its name in all relevant matters. Members of the Presidium are elected for four years with a maximum of two consecutive terms. Each member is responsible for one of the scientific areas (Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Technical Sciences, Medical and Biological Sciences, Agricultural and Biological-Environmental Sciences).

GACR Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board consists of 12 experts representing different scientific fields. Membership in the Scientific Advisory Board lasts for four years with a maximum of two consecutive terms. The Scientific Advisory Board provides expert scientific advice to the GACR Presidium with regards to promoted projects and the structure and operation of GACR Discipline Committees and Panels. It also evaluates overall scientific level of the Czech Science Foundation and creates the strategy for its future development and direction.

GACR Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board has 10 members, who are appointed by the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Membership in the Supervisory Board lasts for four years a maximum of two consecutive terms. The Supervisory Board controls the transparency of the evaluation process, oversees the distribution of funds and overall functioning of the Czech Science Foundation.

GACR Discipline Committees and Panels

Discipline Committees are permanent advisory bodies, which assist the Presidium during the evaluation process. Panels are the expert bodies of Discipline Committees. Each of the committees consists of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen from individual Panels and has between 10 and 20 members who are nominated by the GACR Presidium. The total numer of Panels is 39. Members are appointed for a two-year term with a possibility of two consecutive terms maximum.

GACR Office

The GACR Office is the organisational and administrative body of the Czech Science Foundation. It is managed by the Director, who is appointed and recalled by the GACR President. The GACR Office carries out the organisation of evaluation process of submitted project proposals and the agenda for ongoing and completed projects. International activities and administration of international projects are also handled by the Office. The office transfers funds to the recipients of the grants, offers consultations to recipients and grant project researchers in financial matters, administers the budget of the GACR Office, provides for all related agenda as well as monitors compliance with procedures and rules prescribed by the generally valid economic and legal regulations or by the GACR Guidelines.

Types of projects

GACR provides financial support for the following types of projects:

The topic of all types of project is determined by the applicant (bottom-up principle). The duration of projects is 2–3 years and proposals are invited in all disciplines of basic research.

International activities

Development and strengthening of international relations is one of the GACR’s long-term priorities. Worldwide international cooperation is implemented within the GACR’s membership in the Global Research Council (GRC),[8] at the pan-European level especially within the GACR’s membership in the European Science Foundation (ESF) (until reorganization of the latter) and in Science Europe (SE).[9] Based on bilateral agreements GACR closely cooperates with Germany, Austria, Taiwan and South Korea.


  1. "European Commission. ERKC. Czech Republic". Energy Research Knowledge Centre. 2016-05-02.
  2. "The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic – Czech Science Foundation". Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2010-01-05.
  3. "Czech Government approved the increase of funding budget for R&D of 3.7 billion CZK". CZ StartUP. 2016-05-31.
  4. "Memorandum of Understanding of Scientific Cooperation between the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Czech Science Foundation" (PDF). DFG. 2005.
  5. "About Sci-Tech Division". Science and Technology Division Taipei. Economic and Cultural Office in Czech Republic. 2015-09-12.
  6. Gareth Davies (2015-03-25). "Science, Technology and Innovation in Europe" (PDF).
  7. "Bilaterale Aktivitäten". FWF. Retrieved 2016-07-18.
  8. "Global Summit on Merit Review. Biographical Data" (PDF). Washington, DC: Global Research Council. 2012.
  9. "Member Organisations". Science Europe. Retrieved 2016-07-18.
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