Cyrillic Extended-B

Cyrillic Extended-B
Range U+A640..U+A69F
(96 code points)
Plane BMP
Scripts Cyrillic
Major alphabets Old Cyrillic
Old Abkhazian
Assigned 96 code points
Unused 0 reserved code points
Unicode version history
5.1 78 (+78)
6.0 80 (+2)
6.1 89 (+9)
7.0 95 (+6)
8.0 96 (+1)
Note: [1][2]

Cyrillic Extended-B is a Unicode block containing Cyrillic characters for writing Old Cyrillic and Old Abkhazian, and combining numeric signs.


Cyrillic Extended-B[1]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+A67x  ꙰  ꙱  ꙲                    
1.^ As of Unicode version 10.0


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Cyrillic Extended-B block:

Version Final code points[lower-alpha 1] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
5.1 U+A640..A65F, A662..A673, A67C..A697 78 L2/06-042 Cleminson, Ralph (2006-01-26), Proposal for additional Cyrillic characters 
L2/06-181 Anderson, Deborah (2006-05-08), Responses to the UTC regarding L2/06-042, Proposal for Additional Cyrillic Characters 
L2/06-359 Cleminson, Ralph (2006-10-31), Proposal for additional Cyrillic characters 
L2/07-003 N3194 Everson, Michael; Birnbaum, David; Cleminson, Ralph; Derzhanski, Ivan; Dorosh, Vladislav; Kryukov, Alexey; Paliga, Sorin; Ruppel, Klaas (2007-01-12), Proposal to encode additional Cyrillic characters in the BMP of the UCS 
L2/07-055 Cleminson, Ralph (2007-01-19), Comments on Additional Cyrillic Characters (L2/07-003 = WG2 N3194) 
6.0 U+A660..A661 2 L2/09-020R N3563R Cleminson, Ralph; Everson, Michael (2009-03-13), Proposal to encode two Cyrillic characters in the BMP of the UCS 
6.1 U+A674..A67B, A69F 9 L2/10-002 N3748 Everson, Michael; Baranov, Victor; Miklas, Heinz; Rabus, Achim (2010-01-25), Proposal to encode nine Cyrillic characters for Slavonic 
7.0 U+A698..A69B 4 L2/09-310R N3772 Shardt, Yuri; Andreev, Aleksandr (2009-08-18), Proposal to Encode the Typikon Symbols in Unicode 
L2/10-394R N3974 Shardt, Yuri; Simmons, Nikita; Andreev, Aleksandr (2011-02-25), Proposal to Encode Some Outstanding Early Cyrillic Characters in Unicode 
L2/11-127 Anderson, Deborah (2011-05-12), Suggested Collation for Cyrillic O’s (U+A698 - U+69B) from L2/10-394R 
U+A69C..A69D 2 L2/10-357 N3914 Proposal to add characters used in Lithuanian dialectology to the UCS, 2010-10-29 
L2/11-135 Tumasonis, Vladas; Pentzlin, Karl (2011-05-02), Revised proposal to add characters used in Lithuanian dialectology 
L2/11-189 Whistler, Ken; Constable, Peter (2011-05-11), Review of Characters for Lithuanian Dialectology 
L2/11-191 Comments on N3914 - Characters for Lithuanian Dialectology, 2011-05-13 
L2/11-223 N4070 Tumasonis, Vladas; Pentzlin, Karl (2011-05-24), Second revised proposal to add characters used in Lithuanian dialectology to the UCS 
L2/11-248 N4116 Pentzlin, Karl (2011-06-09), Report on the ad hoc re "Lithuanian dialectology" (SC2/WG2 N4070) held during the SC2/WG2 meeting at Helsinki 
8.0 U+A69E 1 L2/13-008 Andreev, Aleksandr; Shardt, Yuri; Simmons, Nikita (2013-01-21), Proposal to Encode An Outstanding Early Cyrillic Character in Unicode 
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names

See also


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
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