
Cubeez was a British animated TV show developed between 2000 and 2006 and first aired on GMTV's Kids strand, now known as CITV, aimed at pre-school children aged 2–5. The four box-like characters, Bozz, Doody, Dink and Tizzy are accompanied on their adventures by a talking paintbrush (voiced by Marc Silk) and a variety of creative characters. Each episode has a strong educational element and features live-action footage of children.

Cubeez has been shown around the world and is particularly popular in Latin America and Australia. In the United Kingdom it was aired on Nick Jr. from October 2001-December 2003, then on Channel 4 from around 2005 and 2006.





2 temporadas 1st temporada

1 Music Box 2 Sight and Sound 3 Night and Day 4 Spots and Stripes 5 The Skeeta Race 6 Storytime 7 Over and Under 8 Sports Day 9 Home Sweet Home 10 Hop, Skip and Jump 11 A Windy Day 12 One to Five 13 Busy Bears and Boingles 14 Happy Birthday Dink 15 Circles and Squares 16 Bobby Bingle Boingle 17 Three By Three 18 Party Time 19 Colours/Patterns 20 Emotions 21 Growing 22 Shapes 23 Telling Stories 24 Transport And Speed 25 Up And Over 26 Counting 27 Fast and Slow 28 High and Low 29 Fixing Things 30 Weather 31 Music 32 Round and About 33 Lollipops and Flowers 34 Eyesanozes

2da temporada 1 Animals 2 Lost and Found 3 Doc Bozz 4 Pairs

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