Crna rijeka (Vrbas)

Crna rijeka – Црна ријека

Crna rijeka in Mrkonjić Grad
Country Bosnia and Herzegovina
Basin features
Main source Malo jezero (Balkana), Lisina slopes
780 m
River mouth Vrbas
44°27′59″N 17°10′44″E / 44.4663°N 17.1789°E / 44.4663; 17.1789Coordinates: 44°27′59″N 17°10′44″E / 44.4663°N 17.1789°E / 44.4663; 17.1789
Progression Crna rijeka → VrbasSavaDanubeBlack Sea
Physical characteristics
Length 17 km (11 mi)

Crna rijeka (Црна ријека), meaning Black River, is left tributary of Vrbas. It arises from Malo jezero (Little Lake, 780 m) of Balkana, Mrkonjić Grad Municipality. The lake fed by streams Cjepalo (1320 m) and Skakavac with mountain Lisina, as well as sublacustric sources under the Veliko jezero (Great Lake).[1][2][3][4]

The river flows in the direction south-north and on the way runs through the town, and after a flow of 17 km flows into the Vrbas (at places Dabrac). It used to be known for numerous fish species and developed the sport fishing.[5]

See also


  2. Vojnogeografski institut, Ed. (1962): Banja Luka (List karte 1:100.000, Izohipse na 20 m). Vojnogeografski institut, Beograd.
  3. Mučibabić B., ed. (1998). Geografski atlas Bosne i Hercegovine. Sarajevo: Geodetski zavod BiH. ISBN 9958-766-00-0.
  4. Spahić M. et al. (2000): Bosna i Hercegovina (1:250.000). Izdavačko preduzeće „Sejtarija“, Sarajevo.
  5. „Turistički vodič Mrkonjić Grada“, Udruženje za razvoj i unapređenje turizma općine Mrkonjić Grad, 2010.
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