Cristóbal García Salmerón

San Juan Evangelista (142 x 107cm.) Museo del Prado.

Cristóbal García Salmerón (1603–1666) was a Spanish painter of the Baroque period.[1]

Born in Cuenca, he was a pupil of Pedro Orrente, and painted history and animal paintings. One of his best works is a Nativity in the church of St. Francis at Cuenca. He was employed by Philip IV to paint a bullfight, held in honour of the birthday of Carlos II of Spain. He died at Madrid in 1666. His brother, Francisco (1608–1632), also a pupil of Orrente, followed his brother's career. Francisco painted in the church of S. Francisco at Cuenca a Burial of Christ. 1632.



  1. Pérez Sánchez, Benito Navarrete Prieto El Greco: apostolados Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza 2002 Page 168 "Among his followers we find Cristóbal García Salmerón (1603-1666). This artist from Cuenca made various Apostolates, probably following Orrente and always being loyal to the series of prints which represented the Apostles with their ..."
  2. Alberto Ferreiro The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia 2011 Page 209 "[See no. 2615] N. A. “La Aparición de la Virgen a San Julián, Cristóbal García Salmerón, 1600–1649—Catedral de Málaga.” Hispania Gothorum, p. 576.

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