Zero set

In mathematics, and more specifically in geometry and topology, the zero set of a real-valued function f : XR (or more generally, a function taking values in some additive group) is the subset of X (the inverse image of {0}). In other words, the zero set of the function f is the subset of X consisting of all elements x satisfying f(x) = 0. The cozero set of f is the complement of the zero set of f (i.e., the subset of X on which f is nonzero).


In topology, zero sets are defined with respect to continuous functions. Let X be a topological space, and let A be a subset of X. Then A is a zero set in X if there exists a continuous function f : XR such that

A cozero set in X is a subset whose complement is a zero set.

Every zero set is a closed set and every cozero set is an open set, but the converses do not always hold. In fact:

Differential geometry

In differential geometry, zero sets are frequently used to define manifolds. An important special case is the case that f is a smooth function from Rp to Rn. If zero is a regular value of f then the zero-set of f is a smooth manifold of dimension m = pn by the regular value theorem.

For example, the unit m-sphere in Rm+1 is the zero set of the real-valued function f(x) = |x|2 − 1.

An unrelated but important result in analysis and geometry states that any closed subset of Rn is the zero set of a smooth function defined on all of Rn. In fact, this result extends to any smooth manifold, as a corollary of paracompactness.

Algebraic geometry

In algebraic geometry, an affine variety is the zero set of a polynomial, or collection of polynomials. Similarly, a projective variety is the projectivization of the zero set of a collection of homogeneous polynomials.

See also


Weisstein, Eric W. "Zero Set". MathWorld. 

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