Coxeter–Todd lattice
In mathematics, the Coxeter–Todd lattice K12, discovered by Coxeter and Todd (1953), is a 12-dimensional even integral lattice of discriminant 36 with no norm-2 vectors. It is the sublattice of the Leech lattice fixed by a certain automorphism of order 3, and is similar to the Barnes–Wall lattice.
The Coxeter–Todd lattice can be made into a 6-dimensional lattice self dual over the Eisenstein integers. The automorphism group of this complex lattice has index 2 in the full automorphism group of the Coxeter–Todd lattice and is a complex reflection group (number 34 on the list) with structure 6.PSU4(F3).2, called the Mitchell group.
The genus of the Coxeter–Todd lattice was described by (Scharlau & Venkov 1995) and has 10 isometry classes: all of them other than the Coxeter–Todd lattice have a root system of maximal rank 12.
Based on Nebe web page we can define K12 using following 6 vectors in 6-dimensional complex coordinates. ω is complex number of order 3 i.e. ω3=1.
(1,0,0,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0,0,0), (0,0,1,0,0,0),
½(1,ω,ω,1,0,0), ½(ω,1,ω,0,1,0), ½(ω,ω,1,0,0,1),
By adding vectors having scalar product -½ and multiplying by ω we can obtain all lattice vectors. We have 15 combinations of two zeros times 16 possible signs gives 240 vectors; plus 6 unit vectors times 2 for signs gives 240+12=252 vectors. Mutliply it by 3 using multiplication by ω we obtain 756 unit vectors in K12 lattice.
Further reading
The Coxeter–Todd lattice is described in detail in (Conway & Sloane 1999, section 4.9) and (Conway & Sloane 1983).
- Conway, J. H.; Sloane, N. J. A. (1983), "The Coxeter–Todd lattice, the Mitchell group, and related sphere packings", Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 93 (3): 421–440, MR 0698347, doi:10.1017/S0305004100060746
- Conway, John Horton; Sloane, Neil J. A. (1999), Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, 290 (3rd ed.), Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-98585-5, MR 0920369
- Coxeter, H. S. M.; Todd, J. A. (1953), "An extreme duodenary form", Canadian J. Math., 5: 384–392, MR 0055381, doi:10.4153/CJM-1953-043-4
- Scharlau, Rudolf; Venkov, Boris B. (1995), "The genus of the Coxeter-Todd lattice", Preprint
External links
- Coxeter–Todd lattice in Sloane's lattice catalogue