Comarques of Catalonia

Present-day division of Catalonia in comarques

This is a list of the 42 comarques (singular comarca, Catalan pronunciation: [kuˈmarkə]) into which Catalonia is divided. A comarca is a group of municipalities, roughly equivalent to a US "county" or a UK "district". However, in the context of Catalonia, the term "county" can be a bit misleading, because in medieval Catalonia, the most important rulers were counts, notably the Counts of Barcelona and of Urgell. Comarques have no particular relation to the "counties" that were ruled by counts.


Although today the comarques are officially recognized, for centuries they had existed unofficially, with citizens identifying with a particular comarca in the same way that people in other parts of the world might identify with a particular region.

In some cases, comarques consist of rural areas and many small villages centering on an important town, where the people of the region traditionally go to shop or to sell their goods. This is the case of comarques such as the Pla d'Estany, centered on the town of Banyoles, or the Ripollès, centered on the town of Ripoll. In other cases, comarques are larger areas with many important population centers that have traditionally been considered part of the same region, as in the case of the Empordà or Vallès.

The current official division of Catalonia into comarques originates in an order of the semi-autonomous Catalan government under the Spanish Republic in 1936. It was superseded after the 1939 victory of Francisco Franco's forces in the Spanish Civil War, but restored in 1987 by the re-established Generalitat of Catalonia. Since the definition of comarques is traditionally a non-official and sometimes ambiguous, many new proposals have been made since the comarques were first officially designated as different towns attempt to adjust the official comarques with what they consider to be their traditional comarca. As a result, some revisions to the official division have been made periodically.

The comarca exists as a local government area, and has a representative comarcal council.

Borders of comarcas generally do not cross those of provinces (Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona), but there are several exceptions, since the provinces are defined by the Spanish government, while comarcas are defined by the Catalan government.

Aran, which is included here, is officially not a comarca but a "unique territorial entity" with additional powers, but unofficially it is generally referred to as a comarca. Its current status was formalised in February 2015.[1]

List of comarques

Comarca Date
Capital Number of
Density Province(s) AMI
Alt Camp 1987 Valls 23 44,578 538.2 82.8 Tarragona Yes
Alt Empordà 1987 Figueres 68 140,214 1,357.4 103.3 Girona Yes
Alt Penedès 1987 Vilafranca del Penedès 27 106,262 592.7 179.3 Barcelona Yes
Alt Urgell 1987 La Seu d'Urgell 19 20,878 1,447.5 14.4 Lleida Yes
Alta Ribagorça 1988 El Pont de Suert 3 3,873 426.8 9.1 Lleida No
Anoia 1987 Igualada 33 117,842 866.3 136.0 Barcelona Yes
Aran 1987 Vielha e Mijaran 9 9,993 633.5 15.8 Lleida No
Bages 1987 Manresa 30 175,527[4] 1,092.2[4] 160.7 Barcelona Yes
Baix Camp 1987 Reus 28 190,249 697.3 272.8 Tarragona Yes
Baix Ebre 1987 Tortosa 14 80,637 1002.6 80.4 Tarragona Yes
Baix Empordà 1987 La Bisbal d'Empordà 36 132,886 701.8 189.4 Girona Yes
Baix Llobregat 1987 Sant Feliu de Llobregat 30 806,249 486.2 1,658.3 Barcelona No
Baix Penedès 1987 El Vendrell 14 100,262 296.4 338.3 Tarragona Yes
Barcelonès 1987 Barcelona 5 2,227,238 145.8 15,276.0 Barcelona No
Berguedà 1987 Berga 31 40,039 1,185.3 33.8 Barcelona, Lleida Yes
Cerdanya 1987 Puigcerdà 17 18,063 546.6 33.0 Girona, Lleida Yes
Conca de Barberà 1987 Montblanc 22 20,723 650.2 31.9 Tarragona Yes
Garraf 1987 Vilanova i la Geltrú 6 145,886 185.1 788.1 Barcelona Yes
Garrigues 1987 Les Borges Blanques 24 19,762 797.7 24.8 Lleida Yes
Garrotxa 1987 Olot 21 56,036 734.5 76.3 Girona Yes
Gironès 1987 Girona 28 185,085 575.6 321.6 Girona Yes
Maresme 1987 Mataró 30 437,919 398.6 1,098.6 Barcelona Yes
Moianès 2015 Moià 10 13,056 337.9 38.6 Barcelona Yes
Montsià 1987 Amposta 12 69,613 735.5 94.6 Tarragona Yes
Noguera 1987 Balaguer 30 39,376 1,784.1 22.1 Lleida Yes
Osona 1987 Vic 50 154,559[4] 1,245.1[4] 124.1 Barcelona, Girona Yes
Pallars Jussà 1987 Tremp 14 13,530 1,343.2 10.1 Lleida Yes
Pallars Sobirà 1987 Sort 15 7,220 1,378.0 5.2 Lleida Yes
Pla de l'Estany 1988 Banyoles 11 31,554 262.8 120.1 Girona Yes
Pla d'Urgell 1988 Mollerussa 16 37,128 305.2 121.7 Lleida Yes
Priorat 1987 Falset 23 9,550 498.7 19.1 Tarragona Yes
Ribera d'Ebre 1987 Móra d'Ebre 14 22,925 827.1 27.7 Tarragona Yes
Ripollès 1987 Ripoll 19 25,700 956.6 26.9 Girona Yes
Segarra 1987 Cervera 21 22,713 722.8 31.4 Lleida Yes
Segrià 1987 Lleida 38 209,768 1,396.4 150.2 Lleida Yes
Selva 1987 Santa Coloma de Farners 26 170,249 994.9 171.1 Girona, Barcelona Yes
Solsonès 1987 Solsona 15 13,497 1001.1 13.5 Lleida Yes
Tarragonès 1987 Tarragona 22 250,306 319.2 784.2 Tarragona Yes
Terra Alta 1987 Gandesa 12 12,119 743.0 16.3 Tarragona Yes
Urgell 1987 Tàrrega 20 36,526 579.6 63.0 Lleida Yes
Vallès Occidental 1987 Sabadell, Terrassa 23 899,532 583.1 1,542.7 Barcelona Yes
Vallès Oriental 1987 Granollers 39 399,781[4] 734.5[4] 544.3 Barcelona Yes
• Total: 42 948 7,518,903 32,108.0[5][6] 234.2 38 (90%)

Comarcal revisions

Comarcal revisions have taken place in 1988 (creation of Pla d'Estany, Pla d'Urgell, and Alta Ribagorça),[7] 1990 (various adjustments),[8] and May 2015 (creation of Moianès).[9] The Catalan government's "Report on the revision of Catalonia's territorial organisation model" (the Roca Report), published in 2000, recommends many more changes to comarques, which have not yet been adopted except for the 2015 creation of Moianès.[10] The other proposed new comarcas are: Vall de Camprodon (capital at Camprodon), Selva Marítima (capital at Blanes), Alta Segarra (capital at Calaf), Segre Mitjà (capital at Ponts), and Baix Llobregat Nord (capital at Martorell).

In a non-binding referendum in July 2015, a majority of municipalities of the Lluçanès region of Osona voted to join a proposed new comarca of that name. The partial approval was seen as insufficient and the plan had not been put to parliament by the end of 2015.[11]

Date From comarca To comarca Municipalities
1988 Gironès Pla de l'Estany Banyoles, Camós, Cornellà del Terri, Crespià, Esponellà, Fontcoberta, Palol de Revardit, Porqueres, Sant Miquel de Campmajor, Serinyà, Vilademuls
1988 Urgell Pla d'Urgell Barbens, Castellnou de Seana, Ivars d'Urgell, Vilanova de Bellpuig, Vila-sana
1988 Segrià Pla d'Urgell Bell-lloc d'Urgell, Fondarella, Golmés, Miralcamp, Mollerussa, El Palau d'Anglesola, Sidamon
1988 Noguera Pla d'Urgell Bellvís, Linyola, El Poal
1988 Garrigues Pla d'Urgell Torregrossa
1988 Pallars Jussà Alta Ribagorça Barruera (La Vall de Boí), El Pont de Suert, Vilaller
1990 Noguera Segrià Alfarràs, La Portella
1990 Priorat Baix Camp Arbolí
1990 Tarragonès Baix Penedès Bonastre
1990 Vallès Occidental Vallès Oriental Caldes de Montbui
1990 Garraf Alt Penedès Castellet i la Gornal, Olesa de Bonesvalls
1990 Barcelonès Baix Llobregat Esplugues de Llobregat, Sant Just Desvern
1990 Tarragonès Alt Camp Els Garidells
1990 Alt Camp Baix Penedès Masllorenç
1990 Anoia Solsonès La Molsosa
1990 Ripollès Osona Montesquiu, Santa Maria de Besora, Sant Quirze de Besora, Vidrà
1990 Urgell Segarra Montornès de Segarra
1990 Baix Ebre Montsià Sant Jaume d'Enveja
1990 Segarra Conca de Barberà Vallfogona de Riucorb
1994 - Vallès Occidental Badia del Vallès
2015 Bages Moianès Calders, L'Estany, Moià, Monistrol de Calders, Santa Maria d'Oló
2015 Vallès Oriental Moianès Castellcir, Castellterçol, Granera, Sant Quirze Safaja
2015 Osona Moianès Collsuspina
2015 - Gironès Medinyà

Historical comarques

There are some other comarques which are often referred as historical comarques of Catalonia, because their present territory was part of the former Principality of Catalonia, but they are now in Northern Catalonia, part of France.

Comarca Capital
Rosselló (Roussillon) Perpinyà (Perpignan)
Alta Cerdanya Font-romeu (Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via)
Capcir Els Angles (Les Angles)
Vallespir Ceret (Céret)
Conflent Prada de Conflent (Prades)

See also


  1. "LLEI 1/2015, del 5 de febrer, del règim especial d'Aran" (PDF) (in Catalan). Generalitat of Catalonia. 2015-02-13. Retrieved 2015-11-19.
  2. 1 2 "El municipi en xifres". Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya. Retrieved 2015-05-25.
  3. "Municipis Adherits". Association of Municipalities for Independence. Retrieved 2015-11-02.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Adjusted following creation of Moianès
  5. "Indicadors geogràfics. Superfície, densitat i entitats de població: Catalunya". Statistical Institute of Catalonia. Retrieved 2015-11-25.
  6. The total of the figures above is 32,107.1. The difference may be due to rounding.
  7. "Llei 5/1988, de 28 de març, de creació de les comarques del Pla de l'Estany, del Pla d'Urgell i de l'Alta Ribagorça" (in Catalan). Generalitat de Catalunya. 1988-03-28. Retrieved 2015-05-25.
  8. "Llei 3/1990, de 8 de gener, de modificació de la divisió comarcal de Catalunya" (in Catalan). Generalitat de Catalunya. 2015-05-25. Retrieved 2015-05-25.
  9. "El Parlament aprova la llei de creació del Moianès amb els vots en contra de Ciutadans i l'abstenció del PP" (in Catalan). La Vanguardia. 2015-04-15. Retrieved 2015-04-15.
  10. Miquel Roca i Junyent; et al. (December 2000). "Informe sobre la revisió del Model d'organització territorial de Catalunya" (PDF) (in Catalan). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-04-16.
  11. "El Lluçanès serà la comarca número 43 de Catalunya: el 'sí' guanya en vuit dels 13 municipis". Ara (newspaper). 2015-07-26. Retrieved 2015-07-27.
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