Counts of Schauenburg and Holstein

Jutland and Northernmost Germany showing Schleswig and Holstein in today's German Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein.

The Counts of Schauenburg and Holstein were titles of the Frankish Empire. The dynastic family came from the County of Schauenburg near Rinteln (district Schaumburg) on the Weser in Germany. Together with its ancestral possessions in Bückeburg and Stadthagen, the House of Schauenburg ruled the County of Schauenburg and the County of Holstein. The comital titles of Holstein were subject to the liege lord, the Dukes of undivided Saxony till 1296, and thereafter the Dukes of Saxe-Lauenburg.

The counties of Schauenburg and Holstein

The County of Schaumburg originated as a medieval county, which was founded at the beginning of the 12th century. It was named after Schauenburg Castle, near Rinteln on the Weser, where the owners started calling themselves Lords (from 1295 Counts) of Schauenburg. Adolf I probably became the first Lord of Schauenburg in 1106.

In 1110, Adolf I, Lord of Schauenburg was appointed by Lothair, Duke of Saxony to hold Holstein and Stormarn, including Hamburg, as fiefs.[1] In a battle with Denmark, however, Adolf became prisoner of the king Valdemar II, to whom he had to give Holstein in exchange for his freedom. In 1227 Adolf III's son, Adolf IV, recovered the lost lands from Denmark. Subsequently, the House of Schaumburg were also counts of Holstein and its partitions Holstein-Itzehoe, Holstein-Kiel, Holstein-Pinneberg (till 1640), Holstein-Plön, Holstein-Segeberg] and Holstein-Rendsburg (till 1460) and through the latter at times also the dukes of Schleswig.

Partitions of Holstein

  Holstein and Schauenburg   Holstein   Schauenburg

County of Holstein and Schauenburg
Holstein separated in 1137-1143 and 1203-1227

Holstein partitions of 1261 and 1273

After 1261 the previously jointly ruling brothers Gerhard I and the elder John I divided the Counties of Holstein and Schauenburg (Schaumburg). Gerhard I received the Counties of Holstein-Itzehoe and Schaumburg, whereas John received the County of Holstein-Kiel. After the death of John I, his sons Adolphus V and John II reigned jointly in Holstein-Kiel. In 1273 they partitioned Holstein-Kiel and John II continued ruling over Kiel; Adolphus V the Pomeranian then received Segeberg (aka County of Stormarn). After the death of Adolphus V, Holstein-Segeberg was reincorporated into Holstein-Kiel.

  Itzehoe   Kiel

County of Holstein-Itzehoe
incorporating the County of Schauenburg
County of Holstein-Kiel
divided in 1273 in a smaller -Kiel and -Segeberg

  Segeberg (I & II)

County of Holstein-Itzehoe
incorporating the County of Schauenburg.
In 1290 is divided in -Pinneberg, -Plön and -Rendsburg
County of Holstein-Kiel
divided in 1273 in a smaller -Kiel and -Segeberg I
County of Holstein-Segeberg I
In 1308 reunites with -Kiel

Holstein partition of 1290 and reversions of 1350 and 1390

After Gerhard I's death in 1290 his three younger sons partitioned Holstein-Itzehoe and Schaumburg into three branches, with Adolph VI the Elder, the third brother, getting Holstein-Pinneberg and Schaumburg south of the Elbe, the second brother Gerhard II the Blind getting Holstein-Plön, and the fourth Henry I receiving Holstein-Rendsburg. The eldest brother John was Canon at the Hamburg Cathedral.

After the death of Gerhard II his sons Gerhard IV and his younger half-brother John III the Mild inherited and ruled in Holstein-Plön together. In 1316 the brothers militarily seized the possessions of John II the One-Eyed (d. 1321) in Holstein-Kiel, whose sons had been killed. John III the Mild, before a second-born co-ruling count in Plön, then received Kiel from the deposed John II the One-Eyed, a cousin of his father Gerhard II the Blind. Gerhard IV continued ruling Holstein-Plön as sole count.

After the death of John III's nephew Gerhard V, Count of Holstein-Plön in 1350, who had succeeded Gerhard IV, the Plön line became extinct and John III re-inherited their possessions. In 1390 his son Adolphus IX (aka VII)[2] ruling since 1359 Kiel including Plön, died without issue and thus Nicholas (Claus) of Holstein-Rendsburg and his nephews Albert II and Gerhard VI (jointly ruling till 1397) succeeded to the territories of Holstein-Kiel and Holstein-Plön.

  Pinneberg   Plön   Rendsburg

County of Holstein-Pinneberg
incorporating the County of Schauenburg
County of Holstein-Plön County of Holstein-Rendsburg County of Holstein-Kiel
reunited -Segeberg in 1308
County of Holstein-Segeberg I
In 1308 reunites with -Kiel
County of Holstein-Pinneberg
incorporating the County of Schauenburg
County of Holstein-Plön
inherited by -Kiel in 1359
County of Holstein-Rendsburg County of Holstein-Kiel
incorporating -Segeberg
inherited -Plön in 1359
County of Holstein-Pinneberg
incorporating the County of Schauenburg
County of Holstein-Rendsburg
inherited the reunited -Kiel (with -Plön) in 1397
County of Holstein-Kiel
incorporating -Plön (and -Segeberg)
County of Holstein-Pinneberg
incorporating the County of Schauenburg
County of Holstein-Rendsburg
incorporating -Kiel, -Plön (and -Segeberg)

Holstein partition of 1397 and the extinction of the Rendsburg line in 1459

In 1390 the Holstein-Rendsburg line had assembled the larger part of the partitioned Holstein counties, to wit Kiel, Plön and Segeberg, but not Holstein-Pinneberg, which existed until 1640. Members of the Rendsburg family branch were often also simply titled as Counts of Holstein after 1390. For the Pinneberg family branch, usually residing in the County of Schaumburg, the titling after Schaumburg started to prevail.

In 1397 after the death of their uncle Nicholas (Claus), with whom the nephews Albert II and the elder Gerhard VI had jointly ruled Holstein-Rendsburg, they partitioned Holstein-Segeberg (aka county of Stormarn) from Holstein-Rendsburg, with Albert receiving the new branch county in return for waiving his co-rule in Rendsburg. After Albert's death in 1403 Segeberg reverted to Rendsberg. In 1459, with the death of Adolphus XI (aka VIII),[2] the Rendsburg branch was extinct in the male line and the nobility of Holstein-Rendburg and of Schleswig then assigned the succession to his sister's son King Christian I of Denmark, House of Oldenburg.

County of Holstein-Pinneberg
incorporating the County of Schauenburg
County of Holstein-Rendsburg
incorporating -Kiel, and -Plön
County of Holstein-Segeberg II
partitioned from -Rendsburg. Reunited in 1403.
County of Holstein-Pinneberg
incorporating the County of Schauenburg
County of Holstein-Rendsburg
incorporating -Kiel, and -Plön. Branch extinct in 1459.
The lands were inherited by Christian I of Denmark, matrilineal descendant from Holstein-Rendsburg line.

The last Schauenburg line ruling Schaumburg and Holstein-Pinneberg till 1640

After King Christian I of Denmark, House of Oldenburg had been chosen as heir to the County of Holstein-Rendsburg Christian ascended to the comital throne in 1460. In 1474 Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, elevated Christian I from Count of Holstein-Rendsburg to Duke of Holstein. For his succession in the Duchy of Holstein see List of rulers of Schleswig-Holstein#House of Oldenburg (1460–1544). The Schauenburg line in the Counties of Holstein-Pinneberg and Schaumburg persisted until its extinction in the male line in 1640. This line is also known as Holstein-Schauenburg. The Counts were elevated to Princes of Schaumburg in 1619/1620, however, the Dukes of Holstein opposed the transition of that title to the County of Holstein-Pinneberg.

Schaumburg partition of 1640

After the death in 1640 of Count Otto V without children, the rule of the House of Schaumburg ended in Holstein. The County of Holstein-Pinneberg was merged under Christian IV with his royal share in the Duchy of Holstein, which is now part of the state of Schleswig-Holstein. For Christian IV and his successors see List of rulers of Schleswig-Holstein#House of Oldenburg (1640–1713)

The Principality of Schaumburg proper, however, was partitioned among the agnatic Schauenburg heirs into three parts, one incorporated into the Principality of Lüneburg of the Duchy of Brunswick and Lüneburg, the second becoming the County of Schaumburg-Lippe and the third continuing the name County of Schaumburg, ruled in personal union by Hesse-Cassel. All the three are now part of the state of Lower Saxony. The Sovereign Lordship of Gemen, in 1531 acquired for Schaumburg through marriage by Jobst I, and ruled by his second-born son of Jobst II (ca. 1520–1581, regnant since 1531), passed on to the family of Limburg Stirum. Gemen is in today's North Rhine-Westphalia.

County of Holstein-Pinneberg
incorporating the County of Schauenburg

Counts of Holstein and Schauenburg

House of Schauenburg (1106-1640)

RulerBornReignDeathRuling partConsortNotes
Adolphus I ?1106-111013 November 1130Schauenburg Hildewa
before 1128
four children
First count of Schauenburg, in 1110 becomes count of Holstein.
Adolphus I ?1110-113013 November 1130Schauenburg and Holstein Hildewa
before 1128
four children
First count of Schauenburg, in 1110 becomes count of Holstein.
Adolphus II c.11281130-11376 July 1164Schauenburg and Holstein Mechthild of Schwarzburg-Käfernburg
before 1160
one son
In 1137 Henry of Badewide occupies Holstein.
Henry of Badewide ?1137-11431164Holstein A relative of the King of Denmark
before 1164
at least two children
Non-dynastic. Restrained in 1139 to Wagria.
Adolphus II c.11281137-11436 July 1164Schauenburg Mechthild of Schwarzburg-Käfernburg
before 1160
one son
In 1137 Henry of Badewide occupies Holstein.
Adolphus II c.11281143-11646 July 1164Schauenburg and Holstein Mechthild of Schwarzburg-Käfernburg
before 1160
one son
Reunites Holstein and Schauenburg.
Mechthild of Schwarzburg-Käfernburg
?1164-c.11741192Schauenburg and Holstein Adolphus II
before 1160
one son
Regent during the minority of his son.
Adolphus III
1160c.1174-12033 January 1225Schauenburg and Holstein Adelaide of Assel
no children

Adelaide of Querfurt
Before 10 May 1189
four children
Count of Schauenburg and Holstein, ceding the latter to Valdemar II in 1203 in order to be released from his captivity.
Valdemar II of Denmark
9 May or 28 June 11701203-122728 March 1241Holstein Dagmar of Bohemia
one son

Berengaria of Portugal
four children
Non-dynastic as invader of Holstein. From the House of Estridsen.
Adolphus III
11601203-12253 January 1225Schauenburg Adelaide of Assel
no children

Adelaide of Querfurt
Before 10 May 1189
four children
Adolphus IV
Before 12051225-12278 July 1261Schauenburg Heilwig of Lippe
four children
Adolphus IV
Before 12051227-12388 July 1261Schauenburg and Holstein Heilwig of Lippe
four children
ount of Holstein by military victory over Valdemar II; he later resigned and became a monk.
Heilwig of Lippe (regent) 12001238-c.12431249 or 1250Schauenburg and Holstein Adolphus IV
four children
John I
1229c.1243-126120 April 1263Schauenburg and Holstein Elisabeth of Saxe-Wittenberg
1249 or 1250
four children
Joint rule with his brother until the death of their father.
Gerhard I
1232c.1243-126121 December 1290Schauenburg and Holstein Elizabeth of Mecklenburg
eleven children

Alexia of Montferrat
no children
Joint rule with his brother until the death of their father.
John I
12291261-126320 April 1263Holstein-Kiel Elisabeth of Saxe-Wittenberg
1249 or 1250
four children
Divided the land with his brother: John received -Kiel.
Gerhard I
12321261-129021 December 1290Holstein-Itzehoe and Schauenburg Elizabeth of Mecklenburg
eleven children

Alexia of Montferrat
no children
Divided the land with his brother: Gerhard received -Itzehoe. After his death in 1290 his sons partitioned Holstein-Itzehoe and Schaumburg into three branches, with Adolph getting Holstein-Pinneberg and Schaumburg, Gerhard getting Holstein-Plön, and Henry getting Holstein-Rendsburg.
John II the One-Eyed
12531263-13161321Holstein-Kiel Margareta of Denmark
two children
Joint rule with his brother until 1273
Adolphus V the Pomeranian
12521263-127310 April or 11 November 1308Holstein-Kiel Euphemia of Pomerania-Wolgast
1273 or 1278
one child
Joint rule with his brother until 1273. In this year he ruled in -Segeberg, partitioned from -Kiel.
Adolphus V the Pomeranian
12521273-130810 April or 11 November 1308Holstein-Segeberg (I) Euphemia of Pomerania-Wolgast
1273 or 1278
one child
Ruled alone in Segeberg. After his death this land is reunited with -Kiel.
Gerhard II the Blind
12541290-131228 October 1312 Holstein-Plön Ingeborg of Sweden
12 December 1275
four children

Agnes of Brandenburg
one child
First son of Gerhard I, ruled in -Plön.
Adolphus VI the Elder
12561290-131513 May 1315Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Helen of Saxe-Lauenburg
14 February 1294
seven children
Second son of Gerhard I, ruled in -Pinneberg and also received Schauenburg.
Henry I
12581290-13045 August 1304Holstein-Rendsburg Heilwig of Bronckhorst
four children
Third son of Gerhard I, ruled in -Rendsburg.
Gerhard III the Great
12921304-13401 April 1340Holstein-Rendsburg Sophia of Werle
four children
As Gerhard I, also Duke of Schleswig between 1326 and 1330.
Gerhard IV
12541312-13231323 Holstein-Plön Anastasia of Schwerin
30 July 1313
two children
Joint rule with his brother until 1316.
John III the Mild
12971312-131627 September 1359 Holstein-Plön Catherine of Głogów
25 December 1317 or 27 January 1319
three children

Miroslawa of Schwerin-Wittenburg
three children
Joint rule with his brother until 1316. In this year he deposed John II of Holstein-Kiel and ruled in his lands.
Adolphus VII 1295 or 12971315-13549 October 1354Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Hedwig of Schwalenberg
by 1301
three children

Helwig of Lippe
eight children
John III the Mild
12971316-135927 September 1359 Holstein-Kiel Catherine of Głogów
25 December 1317 or 27 January 1319
three children

Miroslawa of Schwerin-Wittenburg
three children
In 1316 deposed John II of Holstein-Kiel and ruled in his lands. Together with Count Gerhard III of Holstein-Rendsburg John III was the lord ruling in guardianship the Danish Duchy of Schleswig 1332–1340.
Gerhard V
13151323-135022 September 1350 Holstein-Plön Unmarried After his death, his uncle John III, ruler of -Kiel and previous co-ruler in -Plön, reunites both lands.
Nicholas I
13211340-13978 May 1397Holstein-Rendsburg Elisabeth of Brunswick-Lüneburg
one child
Joint rule with his brother. Also Duke of Schleswig together with him from 1375. After 1384 with his brother's death, he brought his nephews to co-rule with him. In 1390 inherited -Kiel.
Henry II of Iron
13171340-13841384Holstein-Rendsburg Matilda of Lippe
one child

Ingeborg of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
before 1374
four children
Joint rule with his brother. Also Duke of Schleswig together with him from 1375.
Gerhard VI
13671384-14045 August 1404Holstein-Rendsburg Catherine Elisabeth of Brunswick-Lüneburg
six children
Son of Henry II and nephew of Nicholas, co-ruled after the death of his father; in 1386, Nicholas resigned as Duke of Schleswig and Gerhard

succeeded him as Duke Gerhard II (1386–1404).

Albert II
13691384-139728 September 1403Holstein-Rendsburg Agnes of Saxe-Lauenburg
before 23 March 1399
no children
Son of Henry II and nephew of Nicholas, co-ruled after the death of his father; joint rule with his brother, Gerhard VI, until 1397. In this year he ruled -Segeberg II, partitioned from -Rendsburg.
Adolphus VIII the Younger
After 13011354-137013 October 1370Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Unmarried
Adolphus IX the Mild
13271359-139026 January 1390 Holstein-Kiel Anne of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
4 December 1362 or 21 September 1365
no children
Received from inheritance of his father -Kiel and also -Plön, incorporated in 1350. After his death in 1390 without descendants, -Kiel and its patrimony is inherited by Holstein-Rendsburg.
Otto I
13301370-1404After 16 March 1404Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Mechtild of Brunswick-Lüneburg
25 June 1368
ten children
Albert II
13691397-140328 September 1403Holstein-Segeberg (II) Agnes of Saxe-Lauenburg
before 23 March 1399
no children
Ruled -Segeberg II, partitioned from -Rendsburg. After his death without children, -Segeberg II was reincorporated in -Rendsburg.
Henry III
c.13721404-1421February 1421Holstein-Rendsburg Unmarried Also Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück as Henry I (1402–1410).
Adolphus X 13751404-14269 October 1426Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Helena of Hoya
three children
Henry IV 13971421-142728 May 1427Holstein-Rendsburg Unmarried Died without descendants. Passed the land to his brothers.
Otto II
14001426-14642 June 1464Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Elisabeth of Hohnstein
ten children
Adolphus XI
14011427-14594 December 1459Holstein-Rendsburg Matilda
before 1433
no children

Margareta of Mansfeld
no children
He was the mightiest vassal of Danish crown at his time. Gained royal Danish recognition in 1440. After his death his patrimony is annexed by Denmark.
Gerhard VII
14041427-143324 July 1433Holstein-Rendsburg Agnes of Baden
2 June 1432
ten children
Joint rule with his brother. Claimed Schleswig for himself against his brother.
Adolphus XII 14191464-14749 October 1474Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Irmgard of Hoya
no children
First son of Otto II. Left no descendants.
Eric I 14201474-149224 or 25 March 1492Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Heba of East Frisia
no children
Second son of Otto II. Left no descendants.
Otto III
14261492-15101510Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Unmarried Third son of Otto II. Left no descendants.
Anton I 14391510-152622 December 1526Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Sophia of Saxe-Lauenburg
29 November 1492
no children

Anna of Schönburg
before 25 September 1497
no children
Sixth son of Otto II and the fourth ruling. Left no descendants.
John IV 14491526-152730 March 1527Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Cordula of Gehmen
one child
Jobst I 14831527-15315 June 1531Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Maria of Nassau-Dietz
eight children
Adolphus XIII
19 January 15111531-154420 September 1556Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Unmarried Joint rule with his brother John IV. Abdicated in 1544. Later he became Archbishop of Cologne as Adolf III (1547-1556).
John V 15121531-15441560Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Elisabeth of East Frisia
no children
Joint rule with his brother Adolphus XIII. Abdicated in 1544.
Otto IV
15171544-157621 December 1576Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Maria of Pomerania-Stettin
before 1545
four children

Ursula of Brunswick-Lüneburg
three children
In 1559 he officially began the Reformation in Schauenburg and Holstein-Pinneberg.
Adolphus XIV
27 February 15471576-16012 July 1601Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Elisabeth of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
6 May 1583
one child
24 September 15691601-162217 January 1622Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Hedwig of Hesse-Kassel
11 September 1597
ten children
Brother of Adolphus XIV. Was elevated to "Prince of Schaumburg" in 1619.
Jobst Herman 6 October 15931622-16355 November 1635Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg UnmarriedCousin of his predecessor. Died without descendants.
Otto V 1 March 16141635-164015 November 1640Holstein-Pinneberg and Schauenburg Unmarried Cousin of his predecessor. Died without descendants.

See also


  1. Lemma Schauenburg/Schaumburg. In: Klaus-Joachim Lorenzen-Schmidt, Ortwin Pelc (Hrsg.): Schleswig-Holstein Lexikon. 2. Aufl., Wachholtz, Neumünster, 2006.
  2. 1 2 The numbering varies; some authors count all namesakes within the House of Schauenburg, here put in front, others count only the namesakes within any branch line, here given in parenthesis.
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