Cabinet of Albania

Cabinet of Albania
Këshilli i Ministrave
Established 4 December 1912
State Republic of Albania
Leader Prime Minister
Appointed by President
Main organ Council of Ministers
Responsible to Parliament of Albania
Headquarters Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, Tirana
Website Official Website

The Cabinet of Albania (Albanian: Kabineti i Shqipërisë), officially the Cabinet of the Republic of Albania (Albanian: Kabineti i Republikës së Shqipërisë), or Council of Ministers (Albanian: Këshilli i Ministrave) is the executive branch and constitutes the Government of Albania. The Cabinet is led by the Prime Minister of Albania. The prime minister is nominated by the President of Albania from among those candidates, who enjoy majority support in the Parliament of Albania; the candidate is then chosen by the Parliament.[1] In the absence of the prime minister, the Deputy Prime Minister of Albania takes over his functions. There are 19 other government members, serving as deputy prime ministers, government ministers or both; they are chosen by the prime minister and confirmed by the Parliament.

As of April 2017, after a reshuffle, 50% of the cabinet ministers are females.

The Parliament of Albania must give final approval of the composition of the cabinet. The Cabinet is responsible for carrying out both foreign and domestic policies. It directs and controls the activities of the ministries and other state bodies.[2]



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Council members are subdivided into three substantial ranks, along with one honorary rank:


The Council is responsible to the Parliament of Albania. The Parliament may choose to pass a motion of censure forcing the Council of Ministers to resign. This has the effect of forcing the Government to be composed of members from the majority political party in the Assembly or to be allied to the majority in a coalition. Ministers are required to answer written or oral questions put to them by members of Parliament, known as Government questions. In addition, ministers attend sessions of the Parliament when laws concerning their assigned sectors and departmental portfolios are under consideration.

Cabinet ministers cannot propose legislation without parliamentary approval. Ministers can however propose bills to Parliament and any such legislation is generally very likely to pass. On occasion, the majority opinion in Parliament may differ significantly from those of the executive, resulting in a large number of riders.

The Cabinet plays a major role in determining the agenda of the Parliament. It can propose laws and amendments during parliamentary sessions. It also has a number of procedures at its disposal to expedite parliamentary deliberations.


During the mandate many minister were changed. Following a 2017 Albanian opposition protest which lasted three months, from February to May 2017, an agreement was reached with the opposition to create a caretaker government with technocrats. On May 22, the majority in the Parliament voted the new caretaker government, which consisted of 6 technocrat ministers and a vice-prime minister, proposed by the opposition.[3]

Incumbent Cabinet


Department Office Incumbent Party Predecessor 2013-2017
Prime Minister of Albania
Kryeministri i Shqipërisë
Edi RamaPS none
Deputy Prime Minister of Albania
Zëvëndëskryeministri i Shqipërisë
Ledina MandiaIndependent Niko Peleshi
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministri i Punëve të Jashtme
Ditmir BushatiPS none
Minister of Internal Affairs
Ministri i Punëve të Brendshme
Dritan DemirajIndependent Saimir Tahiri
Fatmir Xhafaj
Minister of Health
Ministri i Shëndetësisë
Arben BeqirajIndependent Ilir Beqaj
Olgerta Manastirliu
Minister of Defence
Ministrja e Mbrojtjes
Mimi KodheliPS none
Minister of European Integration
Ministrja e Integrimit Europian
Klajda GjoshaLSI none
Minister of Finance
Ministri i Financave
Helga VukajIndependentShkëlqim Cani
Arben Ahmetaj
Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Enterprise
Ministrja e Zhvillimit Ekonomik, Turizmit, Tregtisë dhe Sipërmarrjes
Milva EkonomiPSArben Ahmetaj
Minister of Justice
Ministri i Drejtësisë
Gazment BardhiIndependentNasip Naço
Ylli Manjani
Petrit Vasili
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure
Ministri i Transportit dhe Infrastrukturës
Sokol DervishajLSIEdmond Haxhinasto
Minister of Education and Sport
Ministrja e Arsimit dhe Sportit
Mirela KarabinoIndependent Lindita Nikolla
Minister of Social Welfare and Youth
Ministri i Mirëqenies Sociale dhe Rinisë
Xhulieta KertushaIndependentBlendi Klosi
Erion Veliaj
Olta Xhaçka
Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Management
Ministri i Bujqësisë, Zhvillimit Rural dhe Administrimit të Ujërave
Edmond PanaritiLSI none
Minister of Energy and Industry
Ministri i Energjisë
Damian GjiknuriPS none
Minister of Urban Development
Ministrja e Zhvillimit Urban
Eglantina GjermeniPS none
Minister of Culture
Ministrja e Kulturës
Mirela KumbaroIndependent none
Minister of Environment
Ministri i Mjedisit
Lefter KokaLSI none
Minister for Innovation and Public Administration
Ministrja e Inovacionit dhe Administratës Publike
Milena HaritoPS none
Minister of State for Relations with Parliament
Ministrja e Shtetit për Marrëdhëniet me Parlamentin
Ermonela FelajPSIlirjan Celibashi
Minister of State for Local Governance
Ministri i Shtetit për Çështjet Vendore
Eduard Shalsi PS Bledi Çuçi

See also


  1. "1998 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA". p. 19. At the beginning of a legislature, as well as when the position of Prime Minister is vacant, the President of the Republic appoints the Prime Minister on the proposal of the party or coalition of parties that has the majority of seats in the Assembly.
  2. "Albania (03/99)". US Department of State. Retrieved 29 March 2015.  This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
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