Conditor alme siderum

Conditor alme siderum is a seventh century Latin hymn used during the Christian season of Advent.[1] It has been ascribed to St Ambrose in the past, but there is no contemporaneous evidence to support the attribution. The hymn has been mainly used in the Divine Office at Vespers[2]

History of the hymn

The hymn was extensively rewritten by Pope Urban VIII in 1632, in a revision which was so extensive that it left only one line of the original hymn unchanged. The revised hymn begins Creator alme siderum and it is in effect a different hymn.[3]

The two different versions of this hymn are often confused. The translations of Conditor alme siderum included in Wikisource (Conditor alme siderum) are actually translations of Creator alme siderum.

Literal translation of the hymn

Conditor alme siderum, aeterna lux credentium,
Maker Oh kind of stars eternal light of believers
Christe redemptor omnium, exaudi preces supplicum
Oh Christ redeemer of all hear the prayers of supplicants


Qui condolens interitu, mortis perire saeculum,
Who grieving at the destruction of death to perish the world
Salvasti mundum languidam, donans reis remedium
You saved the world sick giving to the guilty a cure


Vergente mundi vespere, uti sponsus de thalamo,
having turned of the world the evening as a bridegroom from the bed chamber
egressus honestissima, virginis matris clausula
he exited the most pure of the virgin of the mother chamber


Cuius forti potentiae, genu curvantur omnia,
(of) whose at the strength (of) power knees let them bend all
Caelestia terrestria, nutu fatentur subdita
Heavenly (beings) earthly (beings), with (his) rule they profess (themselves) subjected


Te Sancte fide, quaesumus, venture iudex saeculi
(Oh) you Holy (one) in faith we beg, Oh coming judge of the world
conserva nos in tempore hostis a telo perfidi
Keep safe us in time of enemy from the weapon of deceitful


Sit Christe rex piissime, tibi patrique gloria
May it be Oh Christ Oh King Oh most holy to you and to the father glory
cum Spiritu Paracleto, in sempiterna saecula Amen
with the Spirit the Paraclete in unending worlds Amen


Wikisource has original text related to this article:
  1. "Conditor Alme Siderum". Preces Latinae. Retrieved 29 May 2017.
  2. "Godzdogz". The Dominican Friars. Retrieved 29 May 2017.
  3. "Creator alme siderum". Preces Latinae. Retrieved 29 May 2017.

Conditor alme siderum (Audio version)

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