Prix de Rome

Palazzo Mancini, Rome, the seat of the Académie since 1725. Etching by Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1752.
The Villa Medici as it looks today.

The Prix de Rome (pronounced [pʁi də ʁɔm]) or Grand Prix de Rome[1] was a French scholarship for arts students, initially for painters and sculptors, that was established in 1663 during the reign of Louis XIV of France. Winners were awarded a bursary that allowed them to stay in Rome for three to five years at the expense of the state. The prize was extended to architecture in 1720, music in 1803, and engraving in 1804. The prestigious award was abolished in 1968 by André Malraux, the Minister of Culture.


The Prix de Rome was initially created for painters and sculptors in 1663 in France during the reign of Louis XIV. It was an annual bursary for promising artists having proved their talents by completing a very difficult elimination contest. The prize, organised by the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture), was open to their students. From 1666, the award winner could win a stay of three to five years at the Palazzo Mancini in Rome at the expense of the King of France. In 1720, the Académie Royale d’Architecture began a prize in architecture. Six painters, four sculptors, and two architects[2] would be sent to the French Academy in Rome founded by Jean-Baptiste Colbert from 1666.

Expanded after 140 years into five categories, the contest started in 1663 as two categories: painting and sculpture. Architecture was added in 1720. In 1803, music was added, and after 1804 there was a prix for engraving as well. The primary winner took the "First Grand Prize" (called the agréé)[3] and the "Second Prizes" were awarded to the runners-up.

In 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte moved the French Academy in Rome to the Villa Medici with the intention of preserving an institution once threatened by the French Revolution. At first, the villa and its gardens were in a sad state, and they had to be renovated in order to house the winners of the Prix de Rome. In this way, he hoped to retain for young French artists the opportunity to see and copy the masterpieces of antiquity and the Renaissance.

Jacques-Louis David, having failed to win the prize three years in a row, considered suicide. Édouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Ernest Chausson and Maurice Ravel attempted the Prix de Rome, but did not gain recognition. Ravel tried a total of five times to win the prize, and the last failed attempt in 1905 was so controversial that it led to a complete reorganization of the administration at the Paris Conservatory.

During World War II (1939–45) the prize winners were accommodated in the Villa Paradiso in Nice.[4] The Prix de Rome was abolished in 1968 by André Malraux, who was Minister of Culture at the time. Since then, a number of contests have been created, and the academies, together with the Institut de France, were merged by the State and the Minister of Culture. Selected residents now have an opportunity for study during an 18-month (sometimes 2-year) stay at The Academy of France in Rome, which is accommodated in the Villa Medici.

The heyday of the Prix de Rome was during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.[5] It was later imitated by the Prix Abd-el-Tif and the Villa Abd-el-Tif in Algiers, 1907–1961, and later Prix d'Indochine including a bursary to visit the École des Beaux-Arts de l'Indochine in Hanoi, 1920–1939, and bursary for residence at the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid, 1929–present.

Winners in the Architecture category

The Prix de Rome for Architecture was created in 1720.

18th century (architecture)

Year Premier Prix Deuxième Prix Troisieme Prix Competition project
1720 Antoine Deriset An entry to a Doric palace
1721 Philippe Buache Guillot-Aubry Jean Pinard A plan of a church measuring 20 toises [40 metres] square
1722 Jean-Michel Chevotet Jolivet A triumphal arch
1723 Jean Pinard Pierre Mouret A mansion for a great nobleman
1724 Jean-Pierre Le Tailleur de Boncourt Pierre-Étienne Le Bon A high altar for a cathedral
1725 Pierre-Étienne Le Bon [a 1] Clairet A convent church
1726 François Carlier Aufrane Clairet A portal of a church
1727 François Gallot Joseph Eustache de Bourge Pierre Mouret A mansion for a great nobleman
1728 Antoine-Victor Desmarais Joseph Eustache de Bourge Quéau A chateau for a great nobleman
1729 Joseph Eustache de Bourge Devillard Quéau A cathedral
1730 Claude-Louis d'Aviler Pierre Laurent de Devilliard A triumphal arch
1731 Jean-Baptiste Marteau Pierre Rousset Courtillié A building 25 toises [50 metres] across
1732 Jean-Laurent Legeay de Mercy Pierre Rousset A portal of a church
1733 Jacques Haneuse Bailleul Jean-Baptiste Courtonne A public square
1734 Vattebled Pierre Laurent Lafond A high altar of a church
1735 Pierre Laurent Jean-Louis Pollevert Lindet A gallery with a chapel
1736 Jean-Louis Pollevert Maximilien Brébion Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont A country house
1737 Gabriel Pierre Martin Dumont Lindet Datif Two staircases and a vestibule of a palace
1738 Nicolas Marie Potain Lancret Jean-Baptiste Courtonne A gallery with a chapel
1739 Nicolas Dorbay Maximilien Brébion Lecamus A great stable for a royal chateau
1740 Maximilien Brébion Cordier de Dreux A garden 400 toises [800 metres] long
1741 Nicolas-Henri Jardin Armand Bourdet A choir of a cathedral
1742 Armand Lecamus Bourdet A façade of a city hall
1743 Jean Moreau Cordier Brébion A garden 400 toises [800 metres] long
1744 No prize awarded, due to the low quality of entries
1745 Ennemond Alexandre Petitot Hazon (recorded as "Hazin") Deveau and Lelu A lighthouse
1746 Charles-Louis Clérisseau and Brébion J., ex-aequo Lelu and Nicolas de Pigage Turgis A mansion for a great nobleman
1747 Jérôme Charles Bellicard Giroux Lieutaut A triumphal arch
1748 Parvis Lelu Duvivier An exchange
1749 François Dominique Barreau de Chefdeville Julien-David Le Roy Pierre-Louis Moreau-Desproux A temple to peace
1750 Julien-David Le Roy Pierre-Louis Moreau-Desproux Charles De Wailly An orange garden
1751 Marie-Joseph Peyre Pierre-Louis Moreau-Desproux Pierre-Louis Helin A public fountain
1752 Charles De Wailly Pierre-Louis Helin Moreau A façade of a palace
1753 Louis-François Trouard Jardin A gallery 50 toises [100 metres] long
1754 Pierre-Louis Helin Billaudet Jardin An art salon
1755 Victor Louis et Charles Maréchaux, ex-aequo Boucart Rousseau A funereal chapel
1756 Henri-Antoine Lemaire Houdon An isolated chapel
1757 Competition canceled[a 2] A concert hall
1758 Mathurin Cherpitel[a 3] and Jean-François-Thérèse Chalgrin, ex-aequo Jacques Gondouin and Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault[a 3][a 4] Houdon and Gérendo A pavilion at the corner of a terrace
1759 Antoine Le Roy Joseph Elie Michel Lefebvre Cauchois and Jacques Gondouin A horse-riding school
1760 Joseph Elie Michel Lefebvre Claude Jean-Baptiste Jallier de Savault Gabriel A parish church
1761 Antoine-Joseph de Bourge Boucher Antoine-François Peyre A concert hall
1762 Antoine-François Peyre Pierre d'Orléans Adrien Mouton A covered market
1763 Charles François Darnaudin Boucher Louis-François Petit-Radel A triumphal arch
1764 Adrien Mouton Pierre d'Orléans Naudin A school
1765 Jean-François Heurtier Boucu Paris A dome of a cathedral
1766 Jean-Arnaud Raymond Pierre d'Orléans Paris A portal of a cathedral
1767 Pierre d'Orléans[a 5] Le Moyne Marquis A customs house
1768 Jean-Philippe Lemoine de Couzon[a 5] Bernard Poyet Paris A theater
1769 Jacob Guerne[a 5] Lussault Paris A public festival for a prince
1770 Jean-Jacques Huvé[a 5] Renard Panseron An arsenal
1771 Not awarded A city hospital
1772 Claude-Thomas de Lussault and Jean-Auguste Marquis[a 5][a 6] Renard Nicolas-Claude Girardin A palace for the parent of a sovereign
1773 Jean Augustin Renard[a 7] Mathurin Crucy and Coutouly[a 6] Thierry and Herbelot[a 6] A pavilion for a sovereign
1774 Mathurin Crucy Bonnet Charles Joachim Bénard, Mineral baths
1775 Paul Guillaume Le Moine le Roman Louis-Étienne de Seine Doucet[a 8] Schools of medicine
1776 Louis-Jean Desprez Charles Joachim Bénard - A chateau for a great nobleman
1777 Louis-Étienne de Seine Guy de Gisors - A water tower
1778 First and second prizes carried over to 1779 - Public prisons
1779 Guy de Gisors[a 9] and Père François Jacques Lannoy Durand[a 9] and Barbier - An art museum
1780 Louis Alexandre Trouard Durand - A school on a triangular plot
1781 Louis Combes Moitte - A cathedral
1782 Pierre Bernard Cathala - A courthouse
1783 Antoine Vaudoyer Charles Percier - A menagerie
1784 Auguste Cheval de Saint-Hubert Moreau - A lazaret
1785 Jean-Charles Alexandre Moreau Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine[a 10] - A funereal chapel
1786 Charles Percier Louis-Robert Goust - A meeting house for all the Académies
1787 First and second prizes carried over to 1788 - A city hall
1788 Jacques-Charles Bonnard[a 11] and Jean Jacques Tardieu, ex-aequo Louis-Robert Goust and Romain[a 11] - A public treasury
1789 Jean-Baptiste Louis François Le Febvre Gaucher - A school of medicine
1790 No competition[a 12]
1791 Claude-Mathieu Delagardette Normand - A gallery of a palace
1792 Pierre-Charles-Joseph Normand Bergognion - A public market for a great city
1793 No first prize awarded Constant Protain - A barracks
1794 No competition[a 13]
1797 Louis Ambroise Dubut and Cousin, ex-aequo Éloi Labarre and Maximilien Joseph Hurtault - Public granaries
1798 Joseph Clémence Joseph Pompon - A maritime exchange
1799 Louis-Sylvestre Gasse and Auguste Henri Victor Grandjean de Montigny, ex-aequo Jean-Baptiste Guignet - A cemetery 500 meters long
1800 Simon Vallot and Jean-François-Julien Mesnager, ex-aequo Jean-Baptiste Dedeban and Hubert Rohault - An institute of sciences and arts or a national school of fine arts


  1. Though sent to Rome in 1741.
  2. "After the students present for the architecture competition left, only eight returned to make an esquisse, but none were admitted to continue"
  3. 1 2 Carried over from 1757.
  4. Noted as Jollivet.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 From 1767 through 1772, the winners of the Prix de Rome were deprived of the usual scholarship that funded their trips to Rome; this occurred because of the vengeance exacted by Abel-François Poisson de Vandières in an enormous abuse of his power. Having quarreled with the Académie d'Architecture, Poisson de Vendières sent his personal manservants instead to Rome instead of the winners of the Grand Prix.
  6. 1 2 3 Carried over from 1771.
  7. In 1773 the funding for the scholarship to Rome was reestablished for architects through the generosity of the Abbé Terray, successor of the Marquis de Marigny.
  8. 1775 was the last year that a third prize (Troisieme Prix) was awarded.
  9. 1 2 Carried over from 1778.
  10. Fontaine would never win the Prix de Rome; however, a space at the Mancini Palace opened up in 1787 due to the delay in awarding the prize for that year, and Fontaine became the resident pensionnaire, remaining in Rome until 1790.
  11. 1 2 Carried over from 1787.
  12. "The projected entrants boycotted the contest by renouncing their status of students until the Académie adopted the changes they demanded in the old regulations.
  13. From 1794-96 no competitions were held, since the Académies established by the Ancien Régime had been abolished by the Republican government. They were re-established by decree of 28 October 1796 under a new body known as the Institut de France.

19th century (architecture)

Year Premier Prix Deuxième Prix Troisieme Prix/
Honorable Mention
Competition project
1801 Auguste Famin Dedeban A forum
1802 Hubert Rohault de Fleury Bury A trade fair with exhibition pavilion for industrial products
1803 François-Narcisse Pagot André Chatillon A maritime port
1804 Jules Lesueur André Chatillon A palace of a sovereign
1805 Auguste Guenepin Huyot Six houses for six families
1806 Jean-Baptiste Desdeban Louis-Hippolyte Lebas A palace for a legion of honor
1807 Jean-Nicolas Huyot Leclère Giroust[b 1] A palace for the education of princes
1808 Achille-François-René Leclère François-Auguste Jolly Public baths for Paris
1809 André Chatillon Grillon A cathedral
1810 Martin-Pierre Gauthier Vauchelet and Jacques Lacornée An exchange for a coastal city
1811 Jean-Louis Provost Renié A palace for a university
1812 Tilman-François Suys Baron Poisson[b 2] A private hospital
1813 Auguste Caristie Fedel and Landon A city hall
1814 Charles Henri Landon and Louis Destouches, ex-aequo Louis Visconti Vauchelet A museum and library
1815 Pierre Anne Dedreux Louis-Julien-Alexandre Vincent A technical college
1816 Lucien Van Cleemputte Jean-Baptiste-Cicéron Le Sueur A palace for the Institut [de France]
1817 Antoine Garnaud Abel Blouet A musical conservatory
1818 No first prize awarded Félix-Emmanuel Callet Desplans (mentioned) A public promenade
1819 Félix-Emmanuel Callet and Jean-Baptiste Lesueur, ex-aequo François Villain A cemetery
1820 François Villain Auguste-Théophile Quantinet and Émile Jacques Gilbert A medical school
1821 Guillaume-Abel Blouet Henri Labrouste A courthouse
1822 Émile Gilbert Fontaine and Jules Bouchet Léon Vaudoyer An opera house
1823 Félix Duban Alphonse de Gisors et Jean-Louis Victor Grisart A customs house
1824 Henri Labrouste Lépreux et Léon Vaudoyer Augustin Burdet A court of cassation
1825 Joseph-Louis Duc Felix Friès Dommey A city hall
1826 Léon Vaudoyer Marie Antoine Delannoy Dommey A palace for the Academy [of architecture] of France in Rome
1827 Théodore Labrouste François-Alexis Cendrier A natural history museum
1828 Marie Delannoy Bourguignon Abric A public library
1829 Simon-Claude Constant-Dufeux Pierre-Joseph Garrez A lazaret
1830 Pierre-Joseph Garrez Alphonse-François-Joseph Girard A house of entertainment for a prince
1831 Prosper Morey Jean-Arnoud Léveil A establishment for thermal waters
1832 Jean-Arnoud Léveil François-Joseph Nolau A museum
1833 Victor Baltard Hector-Martin Lefuel Chargrasse A military academy
1834 Paul-Eugène Lequeux Nicolas-Auguste Thumeloup Alphonse-Augustin Finiels An Atheneum
1835 Charles Victor Famin Jean-Baptiste Guenepin and Alexis Paccard A medical school
1836 François-Louis-Florimond Boulanger and Jean-Jacques Clerget Antoine Isidore Eugène Godebœuf A hall for the exhibition of works of art and industrial products
1837 Jean-Baptiste Guenepin Antoine-Julien Hénard and Jules Duru A Pantheon
1838 Toussaint Uchard Auguste-Joseph Magne A cathedral church
1839 Hector Lefuel François-Marie Péron A Town Hall
1840 Théodore Ballu Philippe-Auguste Titeux A palace of the House of Lords
1841 Alexis Paccard Jacques-Martin Tétaz An overseas French ambassadorial palace
1842 Philippe-Auguste Titeux Prosper Desbuisson and Louis-Etienne Lebelin Albert-François-Germain Delaage A palace of the archives
1843 Jacques-Martin Tétaz Pierre-Joseph Dupont and Louis-Jules André A palace of the Institute
1844 Prosper Desbuisson Charles Jean Lainé and Agis-Léon Ledru Agis-Léon Ledru and Eugène Démangeat A palace for the French Academy
1845 Félix Thomas Pierre Trémaux and Charles-Auguste-Philippe Lainé A cathedral church
1846 Alfred-Nicolas Normand Thomas-Augustin Monge and Jacques-Louis-Florimond Ponthieu A Natural History museum
1847 Louis-Jules André Charles-Mathieu-Quirin Claudel A palace for the Chamber of Deputies
1848 Charles Garnier Achille-Aimé-Alexis Hue Denis Lebouteux A Conservatory for Arts and Crafts
1849 Denis Lebouteux Gabriel-Jean-Antoine Davioud Paul-Renè-Léon Ginain A school of Fine Arts
1850 Victor Louvet Edouard-Auguste Villain A large public square
1851 Gabriel-Auguste Ancelet Michel-Achille Triquet Joseph-Alfred Chapelain A hospice in the Alps
1852 Léon Ginain Louis-François Douillard the elder and Michel Douillard the younger A Gymnasium
1853 Arthur-Stanislas Diet Georges-Ernest Coquart Pierre Jérôme Honoré Daumet A museum for a capital city
1854 Paul Émile Bonnet and Joseph Auguste Émile Vaudremer jointly François-Philippe Boitte A monument dedicated to the burial of the sovereign of a great empire
1855 Honoré Daumet Edmond-Jean-Baptiste Guillaume and Joseph-Eugène Heim the younger Conservatory of Music and Declamation
1856 Edmond Guillaume Constant Moyaux Palace of the Ambassador at Constantinople
1857 Joseph Heim Ernest Moreau A Faculty of Medicine
1858 Georges-Ernest Coquart, Eugène Train Imperial Hotel for Naval invalids
1859 Charles Thierry and Louis Boitte jointly A Court of Cassation
1860 Joseph Louis Achille Joyau Bénard Julien Guadet An Imperial Residence at Nice
1861 Constant Moyaux François-Wilbrod Chabrol An establishment for thermal waters
1862 François-Wilbrod Chabrol A palace for the Governor of Algeria
1863 Emmanuel Brune A main staircase
1864 Julien Guadet and Arthur Dutert jointly A hospice in the Alps
1865 Louis Noguet and Gustave Gerhardt jointly A hostel for travellers
1866 Jean-Louis Pascal A banking house
1867 Henri Jean Émile Bénard An exhibition of Fine Art
1868 Charles Alfred Leclerc A calvary
1869 Ferdinand Dutert A French Embassy
1870 Albert-Félix-Théophile Thomas A Medical School
1871 Émile Ulmann A Palace of Representatives
1872 Stanislas Louis Bernier A Natural History Museum
1873 Marcel Lambert A water tower
1874 Benoît Édouard Loviot A Palace of Faculties
1875 Edmond Paulin Jean Bréasson A Palace of Justice for Paris
1876 Paul Blondel A Palace of Arts
1877 Henri-Paul Nénot Adrien Chancel An Atheneum for a capital city
1878 Victor Laloux Louis-Marie-Théodore Dauphin and Victor-Auguste Blavette A cathedral church
1879 Victor-Auguste Blavette A Conservatory
1880 Louis Girault Jacques Hermant A hospice for sick children on the Mediterranean
1881 fr:Henri Deglane A Palace of Fine Art
1882 Pierre Esquié A Palace for the Council of State
1883 Gaston Redon A necropolis
1884 Hector d’Espouy A thermal establishment
1885 François Paul André A Medical Academy
1886 Alphonse Defrasse Albert Louvet A Palace for the Court of Auditors
1887 Georges Chedanne Henri Eustache and Charles Heubès A gymnasium
1888 Albert Tournaire A Parliamentary Palace
1889 Constant-Désiré Despradelle Demerlé A casino by the sea
1890 Emmanuel Pontremoli A monument to Joan of Arc
1891 Henri Eustache François-Benjamin Chaussemiche A central railway station
1892 Émile Bertone Guillaume Tronchet An Artillery Museum
1893 François-Benjamin Chaussemiche Paul Dusart Alfred-Henri Recoura A Palace for Academics
1894 Alfred-Henri Recoura Auguste-René-Gaston Patouillard Gabriel Héraud A central School of Arts and Manufacture in the capital of a large country
1895 René Patouillard-Demoriane An Exhibition Palace
1896 Louis-Charles-Henri Pille Gustave Umbdenstock A Naval School
1897 Eugène Duquesne A votive church
1898 Léon Chifflot André Arfvidson A palace
1899 Tony Garnier Henri Sirot A central bank building
1900 Paul Bigot Thermal baths and a casino


  1. Medal of encouragement.
  2. Troisieme Prix restored in 1812.

20th century (architecture)

Year Premier Prix Deuxième Prix Troisieme Prix/
Honorable Mention
Competition project
1901 Jean Hulot An American Academy
1902 Henri Prost Eugène Chifflot A national print house
1903 Léon Jaussely Jean Wielhorski and Henri Joulie A public square
1904 Ernest Michel Hébrard Pierre Leprince-Ringuet A carpet manufactory
1905 Camille Lefèvre A water tower
1906 Patrice Bonnet A French college
1907 Charles Nicod An observatory and scientific station
1908 Charles Louis Boussois
1909 Maurice Boutterin A colonial palace
1910 Georges-Fernand Janin A sanatorium on the Mediterranean coast
1911 René Mirland Paul Tournon A monument to the glory of the independence of a large country
1912 Jacques Debat-Ponsan Roger-Henri Expert A casino in a spa town
1913 Roger Séassal Gaston Castel
1914 Albert Ferran A military college
1919 Jacques Carlu and Jean-Jacques Haffner Eugène-Alexandre Girardin and Louis Sollier ; André Jacob A palace for the League of Nations at Geneva
1920 Michel Roux-Spitz Marc Brillaud de Laujardière
1921 Léon Azéma Maurice Mantout A manufactory of tapestries and art fabrics
1922 Robert Giroud A large Military development college
1923 Jean-Baptiste Mathon Georges Feray The residence of the French ambassador in Marocco
1924 Marcel Péchin An institute of general botany
1925 Alfred Audoul Marcel Chappey A National School of Applied Arts
1926 Jean-Baptiste Hourlier A summer residence for a Chief of State
1927 André Lecomte André-Albert Dubreuil An Institute of Archaeology and Art
1928 Eugène Beaudouin Gaston Glorieux and Roger Hummel An embassy in a large Far Eastern country
1929 Jean Niermans Germain Grange and André Hilt A palace for the Institute of France
1930 Achille Carlier Noël Le Maresquier and Alexandre Courtois A college of fine arts
1931 Georges Dengler Georges Bovet A French intellectual centre of propaganda abroad
1932 Camille Montagné André Aubert and Robert Pommier A summer residence in the mountains
1933 Alexandre Courtois Robert Camelot and Charles-Gustave Stoskopf A church of pilgrimage
1934 André Hilt Georges Letélié and Pierre-Jean Guth A permanent exhibition of contemporary art
1935 Paul Domenc An institute of intellectual cooperation
1936 André Remondet Georges Noël and Pierre Lablaude A naval museum
1937 Georges Noël Othello Zavaroni and Paul Jacques Grillo A French Pantheon
1938 Henry Bernard Pierre Dufau and Gonthier A sports organisation centre
1939 Bernard Zehrfuss Sachs and Sergent A palace of the French colonial empire
1942 (?) Raymond Gleize
1943 André Chatelin and Jean Dubuisson
1944 Claude Béraud Henry Pottier
1945 Jean Dubuisson and Jean de Mailly jointly Palace for the Court of Justice
1946 Guillaume Gillet Grand Foyer of the crews of the Fleet
1947 Jacques Cordonnier Paul La Mache Ministry of Arts
1948 Yves Moignet
1949 Paul Vimond A French college
1950 Jacques Perrin-Fayolle Poutu, Audoul and Castel jointly, Xavier Arsène-Henry A Mediterranean university
1951 Louis-Gabriel de Hoÿm de Marien Bergerioux and Marriage A conference and congress centre
1952 Louis Blanchet Pierre-André Dufétel and Levard Communal home of a large city
1953 Olivier-Clément Cacoub Chaudonneret and Bourdon Mount of Martyrs
1954 Michel Marot Marty and Chauvin A centre of African Research in Kano
1955 Ngô Viết Thụ Pouradier Duteil and Maréchal A votive sanctuary
1956 Serge Menil Michel Folliasson An Acropolis
1957 Jean-Marie Brasilier Delb and Robert A Palace of Natural Science
1958 Gérard Carton Claude Bach and Menart A Pantheon for Europe
1959 Gérard Carton Tournier and Hardy An international conference centre for drama and opera
1960 Jean-Claude Bernard Doucet and Cacaut Business centre of large capital city
1961 Jacques Labro A monastery
1962 Jean-Loup Roubert and Christian Cacault
1963 Jean-Louis Girodet
1964 Bernard Schoebel An artificial island with arts centre and water sports
1965 Jean-Pierre Poncabaré A foundation for the study of modern architecture
1967 Daniel Kahane Michel Longuet and Aymeric Zublena(last award) A house for Europe in the event of a transformation of the center of Paris

First Prize Winners in the Painting category

17th century (painting)

18th century (painting)

19th century (painting)

20th century (painting)

  • 1901 - Laurent Jacquot-Defrance
  • 1902 - Paul Sieffert and Victor-Oscar Guétin
  • 1903 - André-Jean Monchablon
  • 1904 - No award
  • 1905 - No award
  • 1906 - Georges Paul Leroux and François-Maurice Roganeau
  • 1907 - Louis Léon Eugène Billotey and Émile Aubry
  • 1908 - Jean Lefeuvre
  • 1909 - Pierre Bodard
  • 1910 - Jean Dupas
  • 1911 - Marco de Gastyne
  • 1912 - Gabriel Girodon
  • 1913 - No award
  • 1914 - Jean-Blaise Giraud, Jean Despujols and Robert Poughéon
  • 1915-18 - No award
  • 1919 - André Louis Pierre Rigal
  • 1920 - No award
  • 1921 - Emile-Marie Beaume and Constantin Font
  • 1922 - Pierre-Henri Ducos de La Haille
  • 1923 - Pierre Dionisi
  • 1924 - René-Marie Castaing
  • 1925 - Odette Pauvert (the first woman to receive the "First Grand Prize" in painting)
  • 1926 - No award
  • 1927 - No award
  • 1928 - Paul-Robert Bazé, Daniel-Jules-Marie Octobre and Nicolas Untersteller
  • 1929 - Alfred Giess
  • 1930 - Yves Brayer
  • 1931 - André Tondu
  • 1932 - Georges Cheyssial
  • 1933 - Roland-Marie Gérardin
  • 1934 - Pierre Emile Henri Jérôme
  • 1935 - No award
  • 1936 - Lucien Fontanarosa and Jean Pinet
  • 1937 - Pierre Robert Lucas
  • 1938 - Madeleine Lavanture
  • 1939 - Reynold Arnould
  • 1940-42 - No award
  • 1943 - Pierre-Yves Trémois and Yves Trévédy
  • 1944 - Georges Marcel Jean Pichon
  • 1945 - Pierre-Marie-Joseph Guyenot
  • 1946 – José Fabri-Canti
  • 1947 – Eliane Beaupuy
  • 1948 - François Orlandini
  • 1949 - No award
  • 1950 – Françoise Boudet and Robert Savary
  • 1951 – Daniel Sénélar
  • 1952 - Paul Guiramand
  • 1953 - André Brasilier
  • 1954 - Armand Sinko
  • 1955 – Paul Ambille
  • 1956 - Henri Thomas
  • 1957 - Arnaud d'Hauterives
  • 1958 - Raymond Humbert
  • 1959 - Arlette Budy
  • 1960 – Pierre Carron
  • 1961 - Joël Moulin
  • 1962 – Freddy Tiffou
  • 1963 - Roger Blaquière
  • 1964 - Claude-Jean Guillemot
  • 1965 – Jean-Marc Lange
  • 1966 – Gérard Barthélemy
  • 1967 – Thierry Vaubourgoin
  • 1968 – Joël Froment (last award)

First Prize Winners in the Sculpture category

17th century (sculpture)

18th century (sculpture)

19th century (sculpture)

20th century (sculpture)

  • 1901 – Henri Bouchard
  • 1902 – Alphonse Camille Terroir
  • 1903 – Eugène Désiré Piron
  • 1904 – Jean-Baptiste Larrivé
  • 1905 – Lucien Brasseur
  • 1906 – François-Maurice Roganeau
  • 1907 – Not awarded
  • 1908 – Marcel Gaumont and Henri Camille Crenier
  • 1909 – Felix Benneteau-Desgrois
  • 1910 – Louis Lejeune
  • 1911 – Lucienne Heuvelmans (the first woman to receive the "First Grand Prize")
  • 1912 – Siméon Charles Joseph Foucault
  • 1913 – fr:Armand Martial
  • 1914 – fr:Marc Leriche
  • 1919 – Alfred Janniot and Raymond Delamarre jointly
  • 1920 – Charles Georges Cassou
  • 1921 – Élie-Jean Vézien
  • 1922 – Jean Dominique Aubiné
  • 1923 – Louis Bertola
  • 1924 – André Augustin Sallé
  • 1925 – Victor Jules Évariste Jonchère
  • 1926 – René Letourneur
  • 1927 – Raymond Couvègnes
  • 1928 – Pierre Honoré
  • 1929 – Félix Joffre
  • 1930 – André Bizette-Lindet
  • 1931 – Louis Leygue
  • 1932 – Henri Lagriffoul
  • 1933 – Ulysse Gémignani
  • 1934 – Albert Bouquillon
  • 1935 – Claude Bouscau
  • 1936 – André Greck
  • 1937 – Raymond Granville Barger?
  • 1937 – Maurice de Bus
  • 1938 – Adolphe Charlet
  • 1939 – René Leleu
  • 1942 – Maurice Gambier d'Hurigny
  • 1943 – Lucien Fenaux
  • 1944 – Francis Pellerin
  • 1945 – Pierre Thézé
  • 1946 – Gaston Watkin
  • 1947 – Léon Bosramiez
  • 1948 – Jacques Gotard
  • 1949 – Jean Lorquin
  • 1950 – Maurice Calka
  • 1951 – Albert Féraud
  • 1952 – Henri Derycke
  • 1953 – Alain Métayer
  • 1954 – Jacqueline Bechet-Ferber
  • 1955 – Kenneth Ford
  • 1956 – Claude Goutin
  • 1957 – Cyrille Bartolini
  • 1958 – Bruno Lebel
  • 1959 – Georges Jeanclos
  • 1960 – No award
  • 1961 – Glynn Williams
  • 1961 – Georges Maurice Dyens and André Barelier jointly
  • 1962 – No award
  • 1963 – Philippe Thill and Jacqueline Deyme jointly
  • 1964 – Louis Lutz
  • 1965 – No award
  • 1966 – Joséphine Chevry
  • 1967 – Michel Fargeot and Anne Houllevigue jointly
  • 1968 – Maryse Voisin (last award)

First Prize Winners in the Engraving category

The engraving prize was created in 1804.

19th century (engraving)

  • 1804 – Claude-Louis Masquelier (first award)
  • 1805 – Nicolas-Pierre Tiolier
  • 1806 – Théodore Richomme
  • 1807 – Jacques-Édouard Gatteaux
  • 1810 – Durand
  • 1811 – Armand Corot
  • 1812 – Benjamin-Eugène Bourgeois
  • 1813 – Henri-François Brandt
  • 1814 – François Forster
  • 1815 –
  • 1816 – Jacques Joseph Coiny
  • 1817 – Joseph-Sylvestre Brun
  • 1818 – André-Benoit Taurel
  • 1819 – Ursin-Jules Vatinelle
  • 1820 – Constantin-Louis-Antoine Lorichon
  • 1823 –
  • 1824 – Antoine-François Gelée
  • 1826 – Pierre François Eugène Giraud
  • 1827 – No award
  • 1828 – Joseph-Victor Vibert
  • 1830 – Achille-Louis Martinet
  • 1831 – Eugène-André Oudiné
  • 1832 –
  • 1834 – François Augustin Bridoux and Louis Adolphe Salmon
  • 1835 – Jean-Baptiste Eugène Farochon
  • 1836 – First prize not awarded
  • 1838 – Charles-Victor Normand and Victor Florence Pollet, jointly
  • 1839 - André Vauthier
  • 1840 – Jean-Marie Saint-Eve
  • 1842 – Louis-Désiré-Joseph Delemer
  • 1843 – Louis Merley
  • 1844 – Jean-Ernest Aubert
  • 1846 – Joseph-Gabriel Tourny
  • 1848 – Jacques-Martial Devaux; Louis-Félix Chabaud (postponed from 1847)
  • 1850 – Gustave-Nicolas Bertinot
  • 1852 – Charles-Alphonse-Paul Bellay
  • 1854 – Joseph-Paul-Marius Soumy
  • 1855 – Alphée Dubois
  • 1856 – Claude-Ferdinand Gaillard
  • 1860 – Jean Lagrange
  • 1861 – Jules-Clément Chaplain
  • 1866 – Charles-Jean-Marie Degeorge
  • 1868 – Charles-Albert Waltner
  • 1869 – Arthur Soldi
  • 1870 – Achille Jacquet
  • 1872 – Daniel Dupuis
  • 1875 – Oscar Roty
  • 1878 – Louis-Alexandre Bottée; Charles Théodore Deblois
  • 1881 – Henri-Auguste-Jules Patey
  • 1883 - William Barbotin
  • 1886 – Jean Patricot
  • 1887 – Frédéric-Charles-Victor de Vernon
  • 1888 – Henri Le Riche
  • 1890 – Charles Pillet
  • 1892 – Hippolyte Lefebvre
  • 1894 – Jean Antonin Delzers
  • 1896 – Arthur Mayeur
  • 1898 – Jean Coraboeuf
  • 1899 – René Grégoire
  • 1900 – Jean Antonin Delzers

20th century (engraving)

  • 1902 – Lucien Pénat; Pierre-Victor Dautel
  • 1903 – Eugène Piron
  • 1904 – Louis Busiére
  • 1905 – Julien-Louis Mérot
  • 1906 – Henry Cheffer; Raoul Serres
  • 1908 –
  • 1910 – Jules Piel
  • 1912 –
  • 1914 – André Lavrillier
  • 1919 – Albert Decaris; Gaston Lavrillier
  • 1920 – Pierre Matossy
  • 1921 – Pierre Gandon
  • 1922 – Raymond-Jacques Brechenmacher
  • 1923 – Lucien Bazor
  • 1928 - Robert Cami ; Charles-Émile Pinson
  • 1929 – Aleth Guzman-Nageotte
  • 1930 – Jules Henri Lengrand
  • 1931 – Arthur Henderson Hall
  • 1932 – Louis Muller
  • 1934 – Paul Lemagny
  • 1935 – Albert de Jaeger
  • 1936 -
  • 1942 – Raymond Joly
  • 1945 – Raymond Tschudin
  • 1946 – Paul Guimezanes
  • 1948 – Jean Delpech
  • 1950 – Georges Arnulf
  • 1952 – Claude Durrens
  • 1957 – Émile Rousseau
  • 1960 – Jean Asselbergs ; Pierre Béquet
  • 1964 – Brigitte Courmes (the only woman to receive the "First Grand Prize" in engraving)
  • 1966 – Jean-Pierre Velly
  • 1968 - Michel Henri Viot (last award)

First Prize Winners in the Musical Composition category

19th century (musical composition)

20th century (musical composition)

Prix de Rome (Netherlands)

A Prix de Rome was also established in the Kingdom of Holland by Lodewijk Napoleon to award young artists and architects. During the years 1807–1810 prize winners were sent to Paris and onwards to Rome for study. In 1817, after the Netherlands had gained its independence, King Willem I restarted the prize; though it took until 1823 before the new "Royal Academies" of Amsterdam and Antwerp could organize the juries. Suspended in 1851 it was reinstated in 1870 by William III of the Netherlands. Since then the winners have been selected by the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam under the main headings of architecture and the visual arts.

Prix de Rome (Belgium)

The Belgian Prix de Rome (Dutch: Prijs van Rome) is an award for young artists, created in 1832, following the example of the original French Prix de Rome. The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp organised the prize until 1920, when the national government took over. The first prize is also sometimes called the Grand Prix de Rome. There were distinct categories for architecture, painting, sculpture and music.

See also


  1. "Grand orx". Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. September 2005. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  2. Lee, S. "Prix de Rome", Grove Dictionary of Art online
  3. Clarke, Michael. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, Oxford University Press, 2001
  4. Moulin, Jean (2014). "Nice, cité-refuge ?". Conseil général des Alpes-Maritimes. Retrieved 2015-01-28.
  5. Lee, ibid
  6. "FAVANNE Henri Antoine de". Inventaire du département desArts graphiques. Musée du Louvre,. Retrieved 29 August 2014.
  7. Resource Library: Durameau, Louis-Jacques retrieved 25 October 2009 (in English)
  8. The Field of Cultural Production: Essays on Art and Literature, Pierre Bourdieu, p. 215, ISBN 0-231-08287-8, 1993, Columbia University Press
  9. 1911 Encyclopedia
  10. The Legacy of Homer: Four Centuries of Art from the Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Beaux-arts, Paris, 2005, Yale University Press, ISBN 0-300-10918-0
  11. The New International Year Book, Published 1966. Dodd, Mead and Co. P 86
  12. Grove's Fifth Edition 1954; Vol 6 p936
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