List of compositions by Franz Schubert by genre

Opening of the Wanderer Fantasy, Op. 15 (D 760), one of Schubert's miscellaneous works for solo piano.

Franz Schubert (31 January 1797 – 19 November 1828) was an extremely prolific Austrian composer. He composed some 1500 works (or, when collections, cycles and variants are grouped, some thousand compositions). The largest group are the lieder for piano and solo voice (over six hundred), and nearly as many piano pieces. Schubert also composed some 150 part songs, some 40 liturgical compositions (including several masses) and around 20 stage works like operas and incidental music. His orchestral output includes a dozen symphonies (seven completed) and several overtures. Schubert's chamber music includes over 20 string quartets, and several quintets, trios and duos.

This article constitutes a complete list of Schubert’s known works organized by their genre. The complete output is divided in eight series, and in principle follows the order established by the Neue Schubert-Ausgabe printed edition. The works found in each series are ordered ascendingly according to Deutsch numbers, the information of which attempts to reflect the most current information with regards to Schubert’s catalogue.

The list below includes the following information:

Series I: Sacred works (Kirchenmusik)

Masses, requiems and Stabat mater

Mass movements

Smaller sacred works

1. "Hosanna filio David"
2. "In monte Oliveti"
3. "Sanctus"
4. "Pueri Hebraeorum"
5. "Cum angelis et pueris"
6. "Ingrediente Domino"

Series II: Stage works (Bühnenwerke)

Series III: Partsongs, choruses and cantatas (Mehrstimmige Gesänge)

Part songs with orchestral accompaniment

I. Da liegt er, starr
II. Gottes Bild ist Fürst und Staat
III. Ein Punkt nur ist der Mensch
IV. Die Sonne sticht

Song cycles containing part songs

No. 3D 835, Quartet "Bootgesang" ['Triumph, er naht'] for two tenors, two basses and piano (1825)
No. 4D 836, Chorus "Coronach (Totengesang der Frauen und Mädchen)" ['Er ist uns geschieden'] for women’s choir and piano, Totengesang der Frauen und Mädchen (1825)

Part songs for mixed ensemble

Part songs for mixed ensemble and piano

I. Sänger, der von Herzen singet
II. Diese Berge sah’n dich blühen
III. Da saht ihr Orestes scheiden
IV. Gott bewahr’ dein teures Leben
I. Rührt die Zimbel, schlagt die Saiten
II. Aus Ägypten vor dem Volke
III. Doch der Horizont erdunkelt
IV. S’ist der Herr in seinem Grimme
V. Tauchst du auf, Pharao?
VI. Drum mit Zimbeln und mit Saiten

Part songs for mixed ensemble a capella

Part songs for only male or only female voices

Part songs for male or female ensemble and piano

Part songs for male or female ensemble a capella

Part songs for male ensemble and piano

Part song for male ensemble and guitar

Part songs for male ensemble a capella

I. Quartet "Gütigster, Bester! Weisester Größter!" for two tenors and two basses (1st and 2nd settings; 2nd setting [formerly D 441] for two tenors, bass and piano)
II. Aria "So Güt’ als Weisheit strömen mild" for tenor and piano
III. Canon "Unser aller Großpapa, bleibe noch recht lange da" for three voices

Part songs for female ensemble and piano

Series IV: Songs for solo voice (Lieder)

Lieder with orchestral accompaniment

Lieder with chamber ensemble accompaniment

First page of the manuscript to Auf dem Strom, 1828

Lieder with piano accompaniment

Song cycles and song sets

No. 1D 837, Song "Ellens Gesang I" ['Raste, Krieger, Krieg ist aus'] for voice and piano (1825)
No. 2D 838, Song "Ellens Gesang II" ['Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!'] for voice and piano (1825)
No. 5D 846, Song "Normans Gesang" ['Die Nacht bricht bald herein'] for voice and piano (1825)
No. 6D 839, Song "Ellens Gesang III (Hymne an die Jungfrau)" ['Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild'] for voice and piano, Ave Maria or Hymne an die Jungfrau (1825)
No. 7D 843, Song "Lied des gefangenen Jägers" ['Mein Roß so müd'] for voice and piano (1825)

Lieder for soprano and piano

Lieder for bass and piano

Lieder for any voice type and piano

5. Arie: Gott! Gott! höre meine Stimme (version for voice and piano)
8. Arie: Doch im Getümmel der Schlacht (version for voice and piano)
13. Arie: Wenn ich dich, Holde, sehe (version for voice and piano)

Series V: Orchestral works (Orchesterwerke)



Miscellaneous orchestral works

Concertante works

Series VI: Chamber Music (Kammermusik)

Schubert's autograph of the Octet in F major, D 803

Works for nonet and octet ensembles

Works for string sextet

Works for string quintet

Works for string quartet

Works for string trio

Works for piano and one or more instruments

Other works for strings, winds and brass instruments

Series VII: Piano Music (Klaviermusik)

Works for two pianos, eight hands

Works for piano duet

Manuscript page from Schubert's Fantasy in F minor, D 940

Miscellaneous piano duet works

Marches and dances


Works for piano solo

Piano sonatas and sonata movements

Miscellaneous piano works

Piano dances

Series VIII: Supplement


Spurious works

Composition exercises

Works, fragments and sketches of unknown genre

Works in the catalogue by other composers


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