Comparison of layout engines (Cascading Style Sheets)

The following tables compare CSS compatibility and support for a number of layout engines. Please see the individual products' articles for further information. Unless otherwise specified in footnotes, comparisons are based on the stable versions without any add-ons, extensions or external programs.

Explanation of the tables

Engine nomenclature

Rather than the names of web browsers and HTML to PDF converters, the names of the underlying engines are used. Some of the software and online converters that use the various engines are listed below.

Layout engine Release version Preview version Used by
Amaya 11.4.7[1] N/A No longer developed; Amaya
Blink 537.36 source code[note 1] Chromium/Chrome (28+), Opera (15+), Sleipnir, Vivaldi, Yandex, Liebao and Samsung Browser
EdgeHTML 14.14393[2] N/A Microsoft Edge, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) JavaScript apps
Standard 55.0.1 / 10 August 2017 (2017-08-10)[3]
ESR 52.3.0 / 8 August 2017 (2017-08-08)[4]
Beta & Developer Edition 56.0beta / August 8, 2017 (2017-08-08)[5][6] semiweekly release
Nightly 57.0a1 / August 2, 2017 (2017-08-02)[7][8] daily release
All Mozilla software, including Firefox; SeaMonkey and Galeon; Camino; K-Meleon; Flock (up to 2.x); Debian IceWeasel; GNU IceCat (formerly GNU IceWeasel); Cyberfox; Icedove, Iceape and Iceowl; Firefox for Android ("Fennec"). Also used by the Maple platform in 2010 and 2011 Samsung "SmartTV" devices which are based on the build used in Firefox 2.5. The Nokia Asha platform also uses Gecko for web apps rendering.
Goanna 27.4.1 (August 3, 2017 (2017-08-03)[9]) [±] Pale Moon and FossaMail
KHTML 4.12.3[10] N/A Konqueror[note 2]
Martha ? ? PDFreactor, Nimbudocs Editor and edit-on NG. Uses the Apache Batik library for SVG rendering.
Presto 2.12.388 N/A No longer developed; Opera and Opera Mobile use Blink now; Nintendo DS & DSi Browser; Internet Channel
Prince 11 N/A HTML to PDF converters: Prince (previously called PrinceXML), DocRaptor. The information in the Prince columns is also true of Prince for Books, a related layout engine.
Tasman (IE 5.2.3 for Mac) N/A No longer developed (aborted in 2003); Internet Explorer 5+ for Mac OS X
Trident 7.0 (IE 11) N/A Internet Explorer and other Internet Explorer shells like Maxthon (Microsoft Windows operating systems only), Windows Phone 8
WebKit 534.20 nightly build[note 3] Tizen (both OS and browser), Safari (both desktop and mobile), Google Chrome (before 28), Maxthon 3, Shiira, iCab 4, OmniWeb 5.5+, Web, Adobe AIR, Midori, surf, Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and CS5, Android browser, Palm webOS browser, Symbian S60 browser, OWB, Steam, Rekonq, Arora, Flock (version 3+), RockMelt, Dolphin Browser, Konqueror[note 2]. Used by the LG Smart TV platform to enable web content on TVs. HTML to PDF converters: wkhtmltopdf, PhantomJS, Pdfcrowd[11],[12].
  1. "chromium / chromium/blink". Google. Retrieved 2014-05-27.
  2. 1 2 In Konqueror, the user can switch the used layout engine.
  3. "WebKit Nightly Builds". Retrieved 2014-05-27.


Values indicate the level of support in the most recent version of the layout engine, or (if a version number is given) in the specified version. Version numbers without any other value indicate the version at which the layout engine first fully supported the feature.

Value Meaning
Yes Indicates that the layout engine fully supports this property/element when valid values are used.
No Indicates that the property/element is completely ignored.
Partial Indicates that the property/element is understood, but that not all values are supported. Supported values are implemented correctly.
Incorrect Indicates that the property/element is understood, but that it is not implemented correctly in all cases.
Experimental Indicates that the property/element is understood, but supported under an alternate name. May be incomplete or buggy.
Dropped Indicates that the property/element is no longer supported.
Nightly build Indicates that the property/element is supported to some extent in an experimental/nightly build. Future support is expected.
Depends Indicates that the property/element is supported only on certain platforms, or if certain settings are configured.


Grammar and rules

Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
CSS2 !important Weight increasing 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes ?
/*Comment*/ Comments 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
@import Import stylesheet 8.0 12 1.0 Yes Yes 1.0 2.1 Yes[m 1]
@charset Character set 5.5 12 1.0 Yes 4.2.3 1.0 Yes Incorrect[m 2]
@media Media-specific rules 5.5 12 1.0 Yes Yes 1.0 5.1 Yes[m 1]
@namespace Namespace declaration 9.0[t 1] 12 1.0 Yes Yes 1.0 5.0 Yes[m 1]
earlier draft of css-
@document Restriction by URLs No No 6.0 No No No No No[m 1]
@keyframes Animation key 10.0[t 2] 12 16.0 Experimental No 2.12 No No[m 1]
@supports Conditional Rules No 12 22.0[g 1] 28.0[w 1] No 2.12 11 No[m 1]
@counter-style Custom Counter Styles No No 33.0[g 2] No No No No No[m 1]
@viewport Viewport, Device Adaptation 10.0[t 3] 12.0 No[w 2] No No 2.7.62[p 1] No No[m 1]
@filter Filter No No 35.0 Experimental No No No No[m 1]
CSS2 @page For paged media 8.0 12 19.0[g 3] Nightly Build[w 3] No 1.0 6.0 Yes[m 1]
css3-page @top-left-corner Margin boxes[spec 3] No No No No[w 4] No No 5.0 Yes[m 3]
css-fonts-3 @font-face Define font 9.0[t 4] 12 1.9.1 525 4.3 2.2 6.0 Yes[m 4]
@font-feature-values Define font features No No 34.0 No No No No No
@annotation Font feature value block
@styleset No No No No No No
@swash No No No No No No
@ornaments No No No No No No
@stylistic No No No No No No
@character-variant No No No No No No
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha

Trident grammar and rule notes

  1. !important Prior to 7.0, !important doesn't override rules defined later in the same declaration block.
  2. @import Prior to 8.0, media type support is broken. For @import <URL> <MEDIA>, IE requests as the URL "<URL> <MEDIA>" and will include the url() token and/or quotes in the URL, too, if present. Cannot import more than 35 stylesheets.

Presto grammar and rule notes

  1. @import Whilst Gecko, WebKit and iCab download all media stylesheets immediately, Opera only downloads handheld, print, projection and screen media, as well as speech if "voice" feature is enabled and TV, on TV devices. Text browser emulation mode is only a user stylesheet, so it does not switch to tty media type. This is consistent with older text browsers, which do not respect any CSS.


Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Element selectors[spec 4]
CSS2 * Universal 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes ?
E Element 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Yes
E.class Class 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Yes
E#id ID 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Yes
ns|E Namespaced 9.0 12 1.0 Yes Yes Yes
Relationship selectors
CSS2 E F Descendant 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes ?
E > F Child 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Yes
E + F Direct adjacent 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Yes
E ~ F Indirect adjacent 7.0 12 1.7 412 3.3.2 2.0 Yes
selectors4 E /for/ F Reference combinators No No No No No No No
E! > F Subject No No No[g 4] No No No No
F || E Column relation No No No No No No No
Attribute selectors
CSS2 E[attr] Has 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes Yes[m 5]
E[attr="value"] Equals 7.0 12 1.0 Yes Yes Yes
E[attr~="value"] Contains (space-separated) 7.0 12 1.0 Yes Yes Yes
E[attr|="value"] Contains (hyphen-separated) 7.0 12 1.0 Yes Yes Yes No[m 5] (?)
E[attr^="value"] Begins with 7.0 12 1.0 Yes 3.4 1.0 Yes Yes[m 5]
E[attr$="value"] Ends with 7.0 12 1.0 Yes 3.4 2.0 Yes
E[attr*="value"] Contains substring 7.0 12 1.0 Yes 3.4 Yes
E[ns|attr] Namespaced 7.0 12 1.0 Yes 3.4 Yes ?
selectors4 E[foo="bar" i] Case-sensitivity No No No No No No 11 No[m 5]
CSS2 E:link Unvisited hyperlink 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 6.0 No[m 6]
E:visited Visited hyperlink 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Yes
E:active Active 8.0 1.0 12 85 Yes Yes
E:hover Mouseover 7.0 12 1.0 419.3 Yes Yes
E:focus Focused 8.0 12 1.0 Yes Yes Yes
E:first-child First child 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Yes Yes[m 6]
E:lang() Language 8.0 12 1.2 525 3.4 Yes No[m 6]
@page:first First page 8.0 12 No[g 5] Yes[w 5] No Yes Yes[m 1]
@page:left Left page
@page:right Right page
E:root Root 9.0 12 1.0 85 3.4 2.1 Yes No[m 6]
E:not() Negation Yes[m 6]
E:empty Empty 1.8 412 No[m 6]
E:first-of-type First child of type 1.9.1 525 Yes[m 6]
E:last-child Last child 1.0
E:last-of-type Last child of type 1.9.1
E:only-child Only child 1.8 No[m 6]
E:only-of-type Only child of type 1.9.1 Yes[m 6]
E:nth-child Nth child 1.9.1 Yes[m 6]
E:nth-last-child Nth last child 1.9.1
E:nth-of-type Nth child of type 1.9.1
E:nth-last-of-type Nth last child of type 1.9.1
E:target Target 1.3 2.5 No No[m 6]
E:enabled Enabled state 1.8 2.0
E:disabled Disabled state 1.8
E:checked Checked state 1.0
selectors4 E:indeterminate Indeterminate state 1.9.2 522 No No
E:default Default No No 1.9 Yes[w 6] 4.3 2.0
E:valid Valid 10.0[t 5] 12 1.8 Yes[w 7] No
E:invalid Invalid 10.0[t 6] 12
E:in-range In range No 13 Yes[w 8]
E:out-of-range Out of range No 13
E:required Required 10.0[t 7] 12 2.0[g 6] Yes[w 9]
E:optional Optional 10.0[t 8] 12
E:read-only Read-only No 13 Experimental[g 7] No Incorrect Incorrect
E:read-write Read and write No 13
E:not(s1, s2) Negations No No No No No No 11
E:matches(s1, s2) Matches-any No[g 8] 11 (different specificity)
E:has(s1) Relational pseudo-class No 11
E:dir(ltr) Directionality 17[g 9] No
E:lang(zh, *-hant) Languages No
E:any-link Hyperlink 50.0[g 10]
E:local-link Local link No
E:local-link(0) Local link
E:scope Contextual reference 20[g 11] 11
E:current Time-dimensional : current No No
E:current(s) Time-dimensional : current
E:past Time-dimensional : past
E:future Time-dimensional : future
E:nth-match(n of selector) Nth child of
E:nth-last-match(n of selector) Nth last child of
E:column(selector) Column
E:nth-column(n) Nth column
E:nth-last-column(n) Nth last column
E:placeholder-shown placeholder text
E:active-drop will receive the item
E:valid-drop could receive the item
E:invalid-drop cannot receive the item
CSS2 E:first-letter First letter 9.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 5.0 No[m 6]
E:first-line First line Partial 8.1
E:before Before 8.0 1.9.1 Partial Yes Yes[m 6]
E:after After
E::before Double colon notation 9.0 12 1.9.1 Partial 3.4 1.0 Yes Yes[m 6]
E::after Double colon notation
E::first-letter Double colon notation 1.5 85 No[m 6]
E::first-line Double colon notation Partial 8.1
E::marker[spec 5] list marker No No No No No No Yes No[m 6]
E::value user interface element fragments[spec 6] No No No No No No No
early draft
of css3-
E::selection Selection 9.0 12 Experimental[g 12] 412 3.4 2.1 No
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha

General selector notes

  1. :read-only and :read-write Both Presto and KHTML handle the case of the contenteditable attribute incorrectly.
  2. ::selection has been removed from the CSS3 specification, but is still supported by many browsers.

Trident selector notes

  1. :active Prior to 8.0, :active is only supported on anchor elements.
  2. :hover Prior to 7.0, :hover is only supported on anchor elements.
  3. .one.two Prior to 7.0, only .two class selector was taken into consideration.
  4. * Prior to 7.0 this was treated as a single or no element.
  5. [attr] Matches every td and th in a table when the attribute is colspan (regardless of whether any actually have a colspan attribute).[t 9] This may not actually be a bug, as ambiguity exists in the specification.[t 10]
  6. :first-letter, :first-line Prior to IE9 in 6.0, combining :first-letter rules with others may be problematic.[t 11] In 8.0, rules with !important are ignored inside :first-line and :first-letter declarations.[t 12]

Gecko selector notes

  1. (:):before, (:):after CSS2.0 behavior : some properties are unimplemented prior to 1.9.1.[g 13]

WebKit selector notes

  1. :lang() Only detected when explicitly present on element being tested, attribute not inherited.
  2. (:):first-line text-transform doesn't apply with this pseudo-element.[w 10]
  3. (:):before/after some styles can't be applied to :before and :after pseudo-elements, such as animations and transitions.[w 11]

Presto selector notes

  1. :target Prior to 2.5, styles aren't applied when navigating using back and forward buttons.

Prince selector notes

  1. :matches(a,b) Prince uses a fixed specificity of the most specific argument (like :not) rather than the specificity of the matching argument (as selectors4 specifies).


Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Cascading and Inheritance
all No No 27.0[g 14] No No No No No[m 7]
CSS2 display 8.0 12 1.9 85 Yes 1.0 Yes Yes[m 7]
draft of
display-inside No No No No No No No No[m 7]
Box Model[spec 7]
CSS2 margin 9.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes Yes[m 7]
padding 4.0 1.0 85 Yes Yes
width 4.0 1.0 85 Yes Yes
height 4.0 1.0 85 Yes Yes
float 5.0 1.0 85 Yes Yes
clear 5.0 1.0 85 Yes Yes
min-width 7.0 1.0 Partial Yes 5.0
max-width 7.0 1.0 Partial Yes 5.0
min-height 7.0 1.7 Partial 3.3.2 5.0
max-height 7.0 1.7 Partial 3.3.2 5.0
visibility 9.0 1.8 Partial Partial 2.5 Partial
CSS2 overflow 9.0 12 1.0 85 3.2 1.0 5.0 Yes[m 7]
overflow-x 9.0 12 1.8 525 3.5.6 2.1 5.0 No[m 7]
max-lines No No No No No No No No[m 7]
CSS2 border 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 3.0 Yes[m 7]
border-color 7.0
border-style 8.0
border-width 4.0
border-top 5.5
border-radius 9.0[t 1] 12 2.0[g 15] 533[w 12] Experimental 2.5 6.0 Yes[m 7]
border-image 11.0 15.0[g 16] Experimental No 2.5 No No[m 7]
border-image-source 15.0[g 17] No No
box-shadow 9.0[t 13] 2.0[g 18]

[g 19]

Yes[w 13] No 2.5 No
box-decoration-break No No 32.0[g 20] No[w 14] No 2.7[p 2] Incorrect
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Line Layout[spec 8]
CSS2 line-height 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 5.0 Yes[m 7]
vertical-align 8.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
CSS2 position 7.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 5.0 Yes[m 7]
top 8.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
right 8.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
bottom 8.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
left 8.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
z-index 8.0 1.9 85 Yes 6.0
Box Alignment Module
align-content 11.0 12 28.0 Experimental No No No No[m 7]
align-items 20.0
justify-items No No No
Generated and Replaced Content[spec 9]
CSS2 quotes 8.0 12 Yes 412[w 15] 3.4 1.0 No No[m 7]
content 9.0[t 14] 1.9 Partial Yes 2.7 Partial Partial[m 7]
counter-increment 8.0 1.8 525 3.4 1.0 5.0 Yes[m 7]
counter-reset 8.0 1.8 525 3.4 5.0
Lists[spec 10]
CSS2 list-style 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 6.0 Yes[m 7]
list-style-image 4.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
list-style-position 4.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
list-style-type 8.0 1.0 85 3.4 Partial
CSS2 color 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 5.0 Yes[m 7]
css3-color opacity 9.0[t 1] 12 1.7 125 4.0 2.0 6.0 No[m 7]
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
CSS2 background 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 6.0 Yes[m 7]
background-attachment 7.0 5.0
background-color 4.0 3.1
background-image 8.0 6.0
background-position 8.0 3.1
background-repeat 4.0 3.1
background (multiple) 9.0[t 1] 12 1.9.2 312 3.5 2.5 9.0 No[m 7]
background-clip 2.0[g 21] Yes[w 16] Experimental Yes[m 7]
background-size Yes[w 17]
Early draft
for css-
background-position-x 8.0[t 15] 12 No Experimental No No No No[m 7]
CSS2 font 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes Incorrect Yes Yes[m 7]
font-family 4.0 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
font-size 3.0 1.0 85 Yes 3.1
font-style 4.0 1.0 85 Yes Yes
font-variant 4.0 1.0 125 Yes Yes
font-weight 8.0 Partial Partial Yes Incorrect Yes
css3-fonts font-size-adjust 10.0[t 16] 12 1.9 No[w 18] No No No No[m 7]
font-stretch 9.0[t 1] 9.0[g 22] No[w 19] No No 6.0
font-feature-settings 10.0[t 17] 34.0[13][g 23] No[w 20] No No No
font-kerning No No No No No No
font-language-override No No No No No
font-synthesis No No No No No
font-variant-alternates No No No No No
unicode-range 9.0[t 18] 12 38.0[g 24] No No No Yes No[m 7]
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
CSS2 text-align 4.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes Yes[m 7]
text-decoration Yes 1.0 85 Yes 3.1 Partial[m 7]
text-indent 3.0 1.0 85 Yes Yes Yes[m 7]
text-transform 4.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
letter-spacing 4.0 1.0 85 Yes 5.0
word-spacing 8.0 1.0 85 Yes 5.0 No[m 7]
white-space 8.0 1.9.1 522 Yes 2.1 6.0 Yes[m 7]
css3-text word-break Partial Partial 15.0[g 25] No No No 10.0 No[m 7]
line-break 11.0 12 No No No No No
hyphens 10.0[t 19] 12 6.0[g 26] Experimental No No Yes Yes[m 7]
word-wrap 5.0 12 1.9.1 85 4.3 2.5 10.0 Yes[m 7]
overflow-wrap No No No[g 27] No No No 10.0
text-align-last Partial Partial 12.0[g 28] No[w 21] No No Partial Experimental[m 7]
text-justify 5.5 12 No[g 29] No No No 6.0 No[m 7]
text-emphasis No No No No No No No
hanging-punctuation No No No No[w 22] No No No
Early ideas
for css-
hyphenate-character No No No No No No 11 Yes[m 7]
hyphenate-limit-zone 10.0[t 20] 12 No No[m 7]
hyphenate-limit-chars 10.0[t 21] 12
hyphenate-limit-lines 10.0[t 22] 12
hyphenate-limit-last No No
Text Decoration
text-shadow 10.0[t 23] 12 1.9.1 Yes 3.4 2.1 No No[m 7]
text-decoration-style No No 36.0[g 30][g 31] No[w 23] No No No
text-decoration-color No No No No No
text-decoration-line No No No No No
text-decoration-skip No No No No No No
text-underline-position 11.0 12 No No No No No
text-emphasis-style No No No No No No No
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Writing Modes
CSS2 direction 5.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 7.0 Yes[m 7]
unicode-bidi 5.0 1.0 525 Yes 7.0
writing-mode 7.0[t 24] 12 No[g 32] Nightly Build[w 24] No No 9.0 No[m 7]
text-combine-horizontal 11.0[t 25] 12.0 No No No No No
text-orientation No No No No No No No
CSS2 border-collapse 8.0 12 1.0 125 Yes 1.0 5.1 Yes[m 7]
border-spacing 8.0 1.0 125 Yes 6.0
caption-side 8.0 1.4 85 Yes 5.0
empty-cells 8.0 1.0 125 Yes 5.0
table-layout 5.0 1.0 85 Yes 6.0
User interface
CSS2 cursor 5.5 12 1.8 125 Yes Partial Yes Yes[m 7]
outline 8.0 1.8 125 Yes 1.0 No
outline-color 8.0 1.8 125 Yes No
outline-style 8.0 1.8 125 Yes No
outline-width 8.0 1.8 125 Yes No
css3-ui outline-offset No No 1.8 125 3.5 2.1 No No[m 7]
box-sizing 8.0 12 29.0[g 33] Yes[w 25] 3.3.2 1.0 7.0
resize No No 2.0[g 34] 525 No No No
appearance No 12 Experimental Experimental No No No
icon No No No No No No No
nav-index No No No No 2.1 No
nav-up No No No No No
nav-right No No No No No
nav-down No No No No No
nav-left No No No No No
text-overflow Partial Partial 7.0[g 35] Partial 3.5.6 Experimental (Nightly)[p 3] 9.0
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Paged media
CSS2 page-break-before 4.0 12 Partial Partial 3.5 1.0 6.0 Yes[m 7]
page-break-after 6.0
page-break-inside 8.0 19.0[g 36] 312 6.0
orphans No[g 37] 6.0
widows 6.0
css3-page page No No No No No No Yes
size No No[g 38] No[w 26] No 1.0 6.0
image-orientation No 26.0[g 39] No No No No No[m 7]
object-fit No 36.0[g 40] No No 2.7[p 4] No
object-position No No No No
cue No No No[g 41] No No 1.0 No No[m 7]
speak Nightly build[w 27]
voice-family No
voice-balance Experimental
rest No
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Media Queries
width 9.0[t 26] 12 1.9.1 525 4.1 2.0 11 No[m 1]
color 2.5
resolution No
orientation 4.2.1 No
aspect-ratio 2.1
grid 11.0 Yes 4.1 2.5
Ruby characters
css3-ruby ruby-position No No 38.0[g 42] No No No No No[m 7]
ruby-merge No
Multi-column Layout
column-count 10.0[t 27] 12 Experimental[g 43] Experimental No 2.8[p 5] Yes Yes[m 7]
columns 9.0[g 44]
break-before No[g 45] Experimental[w 28] 6.0
break-inside No[w 29]
column-fill 14.0[g 46] No
column-span No[g 47] Experimental[w 30] 8.0
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Grid layout
grid No No Experimental[g 48] Experimental[w 31] No No No No[m 7]
grid-columns 10.0[t 28] 12
grid-columns-start No No
grid-row 10.0[t 29] 12
grid-row-start No No
animation 10.0[t 30] 12 16.0[g 49] Experimental No 2.12 No No[m 7]
transform 10.0[t 31] 12 16.0 Experimental No 2.12 Partial Yes[m 7]
transform-origin Yes
transform-style No No No[m 7]
transition-property 10.0[t 32] 12 16.0[g 50] Experimental No Experimental No No[m 7]
Flexible Box Layout
flex 11.0 12 22.0[g 51] 9.0[w 32] No 2.12 No No[m 7]
flex-basis No
flex-direction 2.12
flex-flow 28.0 No
flex-grow 22.0 2.12
flex-shrink No
flex-wrap 28.0 No
order 22.0 2.12
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
flow-into 10.0[t 33] 12 No[g 52] Nightly build No No No Experimental[m 7]
region-fragment No No No[m 7]
break-before No No Yes[m 7]
wrap-flow 10.0[t 34] 12 No[g 53] Nightly build No No No No[m 7]
shape-margin No No No Nightly build No No No No[m 7]
shape-outside No
CSS2 clip 8.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 5.0 Yes[m 7]
clip-path No No 1.9.1 No No No No No[m 7]
clip-rule No
mask No No Partial Partial Partial Partial Partial
mask-box-image No No No Experimental No No No
mask-box-image-outset No
mask-clip No No No Experimental No No No
mask-type 20.0 No
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Compositing and Blending
mix-blend-mode No No 32.0 No No No No No[m 7]
isolation 36.0
background-blend-mode 30.0
Filter Effects
filter No 13 35.0[g 54] 18.0[w 33] No No 11 No[m 7]
flood-color No No No
Pointer events
SVG1.1 and
draft of
pointer-events 11.0 12.0 1.9.2 530 No 2.0 No No[m 7]
touch-action 11.0 12.0 29.0[g 55] No No No No
Line Grid
box-snap No No No No No No No No[m 7]
Logical Properties
Early ideas
for css-
block-size No No 41.0[g 56] No No No No No[m 7]
background-image-transform No
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Will Change
will-change No No 36.0 No No No No No[m 7]
scroll-behavior (optional[14]) No No 36.0 No No No No No[m 7]
Scroll Snap Points
Early ideas
for css-
scroll-snap-type 10.0 12 39.0[g 57] No No No No No[m 7]
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha

Trident property notes

  1. margin inherit inherits the computation and recomputes it instead of inheriting the computed value.[t 35]
  2. display Prior to 7.0, only none, block, inline, table-header-group, and table-footer-group are fully supported. Prior to 8.0, table are not supported, while inline-block is only supported on elements that are naturally inline.
  3. overflow Prior to 7.0, overflow: visible; is incorrectly supported. In 8.0, scroll makes the element's height equal to its max-height even if the content isn't that tall.[t 36] This has been fixed in IE9.
  4. visibility Prior to 8.0, visibility: collapse; is not supported. In 8.0, inline elements with visibility: visible; inside block elements with visibility: hidden; are not visible.[t 37]
  5. content In 8.0, computed attr() values are not updated when the attribute changes.[t 38]
  6. border-color Prior to 7.0, transparent is not supported.
  7. border-style Prior to 8.0, hidden is not supported.
  8. border-style Prior to 7.0, dotted is rendered as dashed.
  9. box-shadow Trident 9.0 renders box-shadow blur value at about half the declared value. Prior to 9.0, trident supports similar functionality since 5.5 using the proprietary Shadow[t 39] and DropShadow[t 40] filters.
  10. position Prior to 7.0, fixed positioning was not supported. 7.0 and later support it in standards-compliant mode only.
  11. z-index Prior to 8.0, z-index is only partially supported.[t 41] In 8.0, floating point values are accepted in addition to integers.[t 42]
  12. list-style-type Prior to 8.0, armenian, decimal-leading-zero, georgian, lower-greek, lower-latin, upper-latin are not supported.
  13. opacity Prior to 9.0, Trident supported a proprietary alternative.[t 43]
  14. background-image Prior to 8.0, background images are badly positioned in some cases.[t 44][t 45]
  15. background-attachment Prior to 7.0, fixed was allowed on the body element only.
  16. background-position Prior to 8.0, fixed positioning is not supported.
  17. font-weight Prior to 8.0, incorrect rendering when value is 600.[t 46]
  18. text-align In 8.0, text-align isn't inherited by :before and :after pseudo-elements.[t 47]
  19. white-space Prior to 6.0, pre is not supported. Prior to 8.0, white-space is only partially supported; pre-line and pre-wrap are not supported.[t 48]
  20. cursor Does not fail on non-prefixed vendor extensions.
  21. flex Experimental in 10.0[t 49]
  22. break-after; break-before; break-inside Though 10.0 does support break-after, break-before, and break-inside for columns, they do not appear to support the properties "region" and "avoid-region".

Gecko property notes

  1. display Values except inline-block and inline-table supported prior to 1.9.
  2. z-index Negatives values are badly supported prior to 1.9.
  3. content none value is unsupported prior to 1.9. This property also fails on any normal (non-pseudo-) elements, which it must support according to the CSS3 "Generated and Replaced Content Module" spec.
  4. background-position Versions prior to 1.7 implement the CSS2 syntax, not the proposed CSS2.1 expanded syntax.
  5. font-size-adjust Prior to 1.9, supported on Windows only.
  6. font-weight Only Regular and Bold weights get used, even if Light or Heavy/Black faces are installed, unless using DirectWrite in Gecko 2.0 on Windows 7 or Windows Vista.
  7. white-space pre-line is not supported prior to 1.9.1. Prior to 1.9, pre-wrap was only supported experimentally as -moz-pre-wrap.
  8. visibility collapse is unsupported prior to 1.8.
  9. border-radius Prior to 1.9.1, border curves are circular, not elliptical as specified by the current CSS3 draft. Short-cut definitions for border-radius read "tl tr br bl" instead of the W3C's "tr br bl tl". When the border style is dotted or dashed, curves are rendered as solid instead.[g 58]
  10. page-break-before; page-break-after Only the always and auto values are supported.

WebKit property notes

  1. max-width; max-height; min-width; min-height Are not supported on tables.(as commented on 2012-12-18, it is fixed)[w 34]
  2. font The system font keywords that allow designers to tailor presentation to the user's operating system environment are unsupported.
  3. font-weight Only Regular and Bold weights get used, even if Light or Heavy/Black faces are installed.
  4. page-break-before; page-break-after Only the always and auto values are supported.
  5. white-space Prior to 522, pre-line and pre-wrap are unsupported.
  6. visibility collapse is unsupported prior to 522. Its implementation has the same effect as hidden and is therefore not compliant.[w 35]
  7. content The none, open-quote, close-quote, no-open-quote, no-close-quote and normal values are unsupported. This property also fails on any normal (non-pseudo-) elements, which it must support according to the CSS3 "Generated and Replaced Content Module" spec.
  8. font-size The font-size property does not always accept the value 0, in "font-size: 0px" the text is still visible.

KHTML property notes

  1. overflow Values scroll and auto are unsupported.
  2. page-break-before; page-break-after Before 3.5 only the always and auto values were supported.
  3. visibility All properties are supported, but the implementation of collapse has the same effect as hidden and is therefore not compliant.

Presto property notes

  1. counter-increment, counter-reset Implemented the algorithm in REC CSS2.
  2. background-position Presto versions prior to Opera 8.0 implement the CSS2 syntax, not the proposed CSS2.1 expanded syntax.
  3. font-weight Incorrect rendering when value is 600. Renders the text in a compatibility mode for websites made for Trident.
  4. visibility Prior to 2.5, the value collapse was unsupported in table columns. On rows, it had the same effect as hidden and was therefore not compliant.
  5. cursor cursor is ignored with dynamic pseudo-classes and custom cursors are unsupported.
  6. content Prior to 2.7, the none value was unsupported.[p 6]
  7. font inherit should not be allowed together with a font-size value. This should not be parsed, but it's currently done in Opera.

Prince property notes

  1. visibility The value collapse is unsupported.[px 1]
  2. box-decoration-break Prince 9 (2013) honoured box-decoration-break for borders but not backgrounds. Nightly builds honour also for backgrounds, but where slice is only approximated: if background-repeat repeats vertically then the rendering is as for clone; otherwise the background renders only in the first fragment, being truncated rather than slicing & continuing in subsequent fragments. The initial value is clone rather than slice, in the belief[px 2] that this is a better default for print use.
  3. list-style The values armenian and georgian are unsupported.[px 1]
  4. content The values open-quote and close-quote are unsupported.[px 1]
  5. text-overflow Partial: excluding the portions of the spec currently marked as At Risk, namely <string> and 2-value syntax.
  6. Media Queries Some device-characteristic media queries aren't very meaningful for PDF user agents.
  7. Excludes 3D transforms.


Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
additive-symbols No No No[g 59] No No No No No[m 1]
font-family Yes 12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes[m 4]
font-feature-settings No[m 4] (?)
font-stretch No No No
font-style Yes Yes Yes
font-weight Partial Partial Incorrect
src Yes Yes Yes Yes[m 4]
unicode-range 36.0[g 60] No No No No[m 4] (?)
height 10.0[t 50] 12 No No No 2.7 No No[m 1]
max-height No No No
width 10.0[t 51] 12 2.7
max-width No No No
zoom 2.7
orientation No

Values and units

Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha
Numbers[spec 11]
CSS2 <number> A floating-point number 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 6.0
<length> <number> followed by units
<percentage> <number> followed by %
<integer> An integer
<angle> <number> angle-unit 9.0[t 1] 12 Yes Partial Partial Partial Partial
<time> <number> time-unit 2.0[g 50] Yes Yes 2.5 N/A
<frequency> <number> frequency-unit No No No No
<fraction> Remaining space No No No
CSS2 <string> String 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
\code Unicode escapes 6.0
CSS2 rect() A rectangle 8.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
url() Uniform Resource Identifier 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
counter() 8.0
attr() Attribute identifier
calc() 9.0[t 1] 12 16.0[g 61] Yes[w 36] No No No
toggle() Toggling between values No No No[g 62] No No No No
repeat() Repeat n times No No 32.0[g 63] No No No No
CSS2 HTML4 color keywords 16 predefined web colors 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
#rrggbb or #rgb Hexadecimal notation
rgb(r, g, b) RGB notation 4.0
system colors[spec 12] 28 predefined system colors 3.0
SVG color keywords 8.0 12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
currentColor The value of the color property. 9.0[t 1] 1.8 528 Yes 2.1 Yes
rgba(r, g, b, a) RGBA notation 1.9 525 4.0 2.2 6.0
hsl(h, s, l) HSL notation 1.5 3.5.5 2.1 No
hsla(h, s, l, a) HSLA notation 1.9 3.5.5 2.2
transparent Full transparency 9.0 1.9 4.0 Partial Partial
Image values
CSS2 <url> Image types 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
<sprite> No No No No No No No
<image-list> No No No
<linear-gradient> 10.0[t 52] 12 16.0 Yes Experimental 9
linear-gradient() Color gradients
conic-gradient() No No No No No No No
element() Reproduce element No No Experimental No No No No
cross-fade() Transitioning between images No No No[g 64] No No No No
image-set() Resolution negotiation No No No No No No No
Counter Styles[spec 13]
symbols() Anonymous Counter Styles No No No No No No No
CSS2 auto Automatically calculated 6.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
inherit Inherited from the parent 8.0
initial No 13 19.0 125 No No No
CSS2 px Pixel 3.0 12 1.0 85 Yes 1.0 Yes
pt Point
pc Pica
cm Centimetre
mm Millimetre
in inch
em em
ex ex
% Percentage
deg Degree 9.0[t 1] 12 1.9.1 Yes Yes 2.5 Yes
grad Grad No
rad Radian Yes
turn turn 13.0[g 65] No No No No
ms Millisecond 2.0[g 66] Yes Yes 2.5 N/A
s Second
Hz Hertz No No No No
kHz Kilohertz
dpi Dots per inch 12 1.9.1 No 4.1 2.5 11
dpcm Dots per centimetre
dppx Dots per pixel-unit 16.0 No ? No
draft of
gd Cells in the layout-grid No No No No No No
unit being
for css-
fr Remaining space in a series of length values 12 No No No No No
rem the font size of the root element 9.0[t 1] 1.9.2 Yes No 2.10.229[p 7] 11
vw the viewport's width 19.0[g 3] 28.0[w 37] No No No
vh the viewport's height
vmin equal to the smaller of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’. No
vmax equal to the larger of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’.
ch the width of the "0" (ZERO, U+0030) glyph found in the font for the font size used to render. No 1.9.1 No No No
Filter Effects
grayscale() No 13 35.0[g 67] 18.0[w 38] No No 11
--* define variable No No 31.0[g 68] Experimental No No No
var(--*) use variable
Trident EdgeHTML Gecko WebKit KHTML Presto Prince Martha

General value and unit notes

  1. transparent
    CSS1 introduced the ‘transparent’ value for the background-color property. CSS2 allowed border-color to also accept the ‘transparent’ value. The Open eBook(tm) Publication Structure 1.0.1 [OEB101] extended the ‘color’ property to also accept the ‘transparent’ keyword. CSS3 extends the color value to include the ‘transparent’ keyword to allow its use with all properties that accept a <color> value. This simplifies the definition of those properties in CSS3.
  2. <angle> The turn unit is unsupported.

Trident value and unit notes

  1. rect() Prior to 8.0, rect() was not supported with the correct syntax using commas.
  2. auto In quirks mode (IE5 emulation mode), auto does not work for margins, except table elements.
  3. transparent In 7.0 and 8.0, using transparent in the color property will render the text as black.
  4. transparent Prior to 7.0, transparent is not supported on borders (shows as solid black) and is ignored on PNG images.

Gecko value and unit notes

  1. <ch> Prior to version 1.9.1, used the width of the "M" glyph instead of the width of the "0" glyph.[g 69]

Presto value and unit notes

  1. <number> Prior to 2.1, there existed a quantization error for values greater than 20.47 (not limited to em, try any non-pixel units).[p 8]
  2. transparent Keyword is ignored when used with the outline-color property. Prior to version 2.2, it was also ignored when used with the color and text-shadow properties.

General notes

Trident general notes

  1. -ms- All experimental properties are prefixed with "-ms-", e.g. -ms-interpolation-mode instead of interpolation-mode.

Gecko general notes

  1. -moz- All experimental selectors, properties and values are prefixed with "-moz-", e.g. ::-moz-selection instead of ::selection.

WebKit general notes

  1. -webkit- All experimental selectors, properties and values are prefixed with "-webkit-", e.g. -webkit-box-shadow instead of box-shadow.

KHTML general notes

  1. -khtml- All experimental selectors, properties and values are prefixed with "-khtml-", e.g. -khtml-opacity instead of opacity.

Presto general notes

  1. -xv- All new selectors, properties and values introduced by CSS3 Speech Module are prefixed with "-xv-" (but not found in CSS2 aural style sheets), e.g. -xv-voice-rate instead of voice-rate.
  2. -o- All experimental properties are prefixed with "-o-", e.g. -o-transition-property instead of transition-property.

DOM equivalents to vendor-specific styles

  1. The DOM properties corresponding to vendor-specific experimental CSS properties are prefixed with the vendor-prefix, without any hyphens, and with first letters capitalised, e.g. corresponding to the -moz-border-radius property, or corresponding to the -o-transform property. The exception is Internet Explorer which uses a lower-case prefix, e.g.



Trident references

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Internet Explorer Platform Preview Guide for Developers, Microsoft
  2. @keyframes rule (Internet Explorer), Microsoft
  3. "@-ms-viewport rule", Internet Explorer Dev Center, Microsoft
  4. HTML5, Native: Third IE9 Platform Preview Available for Developers, Microsoft
  5. ":valid pseudo-class (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  6. ":invalid pseudo-class (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  7. ":required pseudo-class (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  8. ":optional pseudo-class (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  9. Hopkins, James, Attribute selector (which matches the attribute, 'colspan' for TD and TH elements) matches every TD and TH element
  10. Hammond, David, Comment on "IE 8 CSS 2.1 support results"
  11. :first-letter Ignore Bug,
  12. Hopkins, James, Declaration which includes !important keyword is ignored when used within a :first-letter or :first-line rule
  13. Box-shadow, one of CSS3′s best new features - Browser's support (including IE9), WEBFLUX
  14. content property doesn't return the value of an attribute when attribute is dynamically
  15. "background-position-y property (Internet Explorer)". MSDN. Retrieved 16 Feb 2015. External link in |website= (help)
  16. "font-size-adjust property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  17. "font-feature-settings property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  18. "@font-face rule (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  19. "-ms-hyphens property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  20. "-ms-hyphenate-limit-zone property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  21. "-ms-hyphenate-limit-chars property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  22. "-ms-hyphenate-limit-lines property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  23. "text-shadow property (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  24. CSS 3 Text: A Tale of writing-mode Woe
  25. "-ms-text-combine-horizontal property". Microsoft. Retrieved 8 November 2013.
  26. "@media rule (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  27. "Multi-column Layout (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  28. "-ms-grid-columns property". Microsoft. Retrieved 8 November 2013.
  29. "-ms-grid-row property". Microsoft. Retrieved 8 November 2013.
  30. "Animations (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  31. "Transforms (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  32. "Transitions (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  33. "Regions (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  34. "Exclusions (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.
  35. Talbot, Inherited margin with inherit keyword: the computed value's parent should be inherited
  36. Groot, Sven, Overflow: scroll causes element to always have its max-height
  37. Hopkins, James, visibility:visible applied to inline element doesn’t override inherited visibility:hidden value applied to its block-level parent
  38. Content: attr(x) isn't updated when the attribute's value change
  39. Shadow Filter, Microsoft
  40. DropShadow Filter, Microsoft
  41. Positioning
  42. Hopkins, James, Illegal parsing of a z-index decimal value, instead of an integer
  43. Alpha Filter, Microsoft
  44. IE7-/Escaping Background Image Bug - Demo 1
  45. IE7-/Escaping Background Image Bug - Demo 2
  46. Koch, Peter-Paul, IE Windows and Opera - font-weight: 600 vs. bold, QuirksMode
  47. Hopkins, James, 'text-align' value isn't inherited by ':before' and ':after' pseudo elements
  48. Font and Text, Microsoft
  49. Flexible Box ("Flexbox") Layout, Microsoft
  50. CSS Device Adaptation with @viewport, Treehouse Blog
  51. CSS Device Adaptation with @viewport, Treehouse Blog
  52. "Gradients (Internet Explorer)". Microsoft. Retrieved 17 November 2012.

Gecko references

  1. @suppors - CSS, MDN
  2. Bug 966166 - Implement @counter-style rule, Mozilla
  3. 1 2 "What’s New", Firefox 19 Release Notes, Mozilla
  4. Bug 418039 - CSS parent (has-child) and ancestor (has-descendant) selectors (:subject), Mozilla
  5. Bug 813187 - Support CSS 2.1 @page Page Selectors, Mozilla
  6. Bug 506554 - Implement the CSS3 pseudo-classes :required and :optional, Mozilla
  7. Bug 312971 - Support :read-only and :read-write pseudoclasses, Mozilla
  8. Bug 561154 - fix specificity of :-moz-any(), Mozilla
  9. Bug 562169 - Implement the :dir(rtl/ltr) selector to select on HTML directionality, Mozilla
  10. Bug 843579 - Remove prefix from :any-link pseudo-class, Mozilla
  11. Bug 648722 - Add support for :scope as :-moz-scope, Mozilla
  12. Bug 509958 - Remove the -moz prefix from ::selection, Mozilla
  13. Bug 237119 - property 'display' is ignored for generated content, Mozilla
  14. Bug 842329 - [css3-cascade] implement the 'all' shorthand, Mozilla
  15. Bug 451134 - change -moz-border-radius* properties to css3-background names, Mozilla
  16. Bug 378217 - implement css3 'border-image' property, Mozilla
  17. Bug 497995 - Implement border-image revisions in latest css3-background, Mozilla
  18. Bug 590039 - fix blur radius computation and rename -moz-box-shadow to box-shadow, Mozilla
  19. Bug 470547 - Spread (4th length) for text-shadow not supported, Mozilla
  20. Bug 613659 - implement box-decoration-break: Left/right part of a box-shadow should only be drawn on the first/last continuation of an inline box, Mozilla
  21. Bug 549809 - Rename background-origin and background-clip properties and values to match css3-background, Mozilla
  22. Bug 3512 - (font-stretch) Implement font-stretch property, Mozilla
  23. Bug 549861 - (font-variant) implement parsing of font feature properties, Mozilla
  24. Bug 475891 - (unicode-range) implement unicode-range support in user font set, Mozilla
  25. Bug 249159 - implement 'word-break' properties of CSS3, Mozilla
  26. hyphens - MDN Docs, Mozilla (Only English)
  27. Bug 587438 - word-wrap, Mozilla
  28. Bug 536557 - Implement CSS3 text-align-last, Mozilla
  29. Bug 276079 - Implement text-justify property(but 'auto', 'inter-word', 'inter-ideograph' and 'distribute' only), Mozilla
  30. Bug 59109 - implement CSS3 text module's text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color, Mozilla
  31. Firefox 6 for developers, Mozilla
  32. Bug 145503 - (writing-mode) CSS3 writing-mode (vertical text), Mozilla
  33. Implement 'box-sizing', Mozilla
  34. Bug 553576 - Implement css resize property behaviour, Mozilla
  35. Bug 312156 - implement text-overflow: ellipsis from CSS3 text, Mozilla
  36. Bug 132035 - Implement missing page-break-* CSS2.1 features, Mozilla
  37. Bug 137367 - Implement orphans and widows, Mozilla
  38. Bug 851937 - Support for @page size, Mozilla
  39. Bug 825771 - [css3-images] implement 'image-orientation' property, Mozilla
  40. Bug 624647 - [css3-images] Implement object-fit and object-position CSS properties, Mozilla
  41. Bug 47159 - Support css3-speech (previously Aural Style Sheet) properties in getComputedStyle, Mozilla
  42. Bug 256274 - Implement CSS ruby module, Mozilla
  43. Bug 684062 - Compare spec and implement CSS multi-column support, Mozilla
  44. Bug 446569 - Implement CSS3 columns shorthand, Mozilla
  45. Bug 549114 - Support Column Breaks, Mozilla
  46. Bug 695222 - Implement column-fill, Mozilla
  47. Bug 616436 - column-span not implemented (css3 multicolumn), Mozilla
  48. Bug 616605 - CSS Grid Layout, Mozilla
  49. Bug 435442 - Implement Webkit's CSS Animation proposal, Mozilla
  50. 1 2 Bug 435441 - get CSS transitions complete enough to ship, Mozilla
  51. Bug 783409 - Turn on CSS flexbox in builds by default (by enabling pref, build flag, etc), Mozilla
  52. Bug 674802 - implement CSS3 Regions, Mozilla
  53. Bug 674804 - implement CSS3 Exclusions, Mozilla
  54. Bug 1057180 - Turn on CSS Filters by default (by enabling about:config pref), Mozilla
  55. Bug 795567 - Implement touch-action CSS property for Pointer Events, Mozilla
  56. Bug 1138384 - (enable-writing-mode-release) enable CSS writing-mode support in release channels, Mozilla
  57. Bug 945584 - Implement CSS scroll snapping, Mozilla
  58. Bug 382721 - Dotted/dashed -moz-border-radiused corners are rendered as solid, Mozilla
  59. Bug 843718 - (css-counter-styles-3) Implement CSS Counter Styles Level 3, Mozilla
  60. Bug 475891 - (unicode-range) implement unicode-range support in user font set, Mozilla
  61. Bug 363249 - implement css3-values calc(), Mozilla
  62. Bug 363250 - implement toggle() expression, Mozilla
  63. Bug 978478 - Support repeat() in CSS Grid templates, Mozilla
  64. Bug 546052 - Support CSS transitions with background-image images (cross-fading), Mozilla
  65. Bug 716628 - Support "turn" unit from CSS3 Values and Units, Mozilla
  66. Bug 435441 - Implement Webkit's CSS Transitions proposal, Mozilla
  67. Bug 1057180 - Turn on CSS Filters by default (by enabling about:config pref), Mozilla
  68. Bug 773296 - CSS Variables, Mozilla
  69. Bug 282126 - What to do about the 'ch' length unit? (Mozilla vendor specific), Mozilla

Webkit references

  1. @suppors - CSS, MDN
  2. Bug 747754 - [CSS-WD] implement CSS Device Adaptation, Mozilla
  3. Bug 35329 - Enhance CSS parser for Paged Media (Iteration 1), WebKit
  4. Bug 85062 - Support CSS 3 Paged Media Margin Boxes, WebKit
  5. Bug 38731 - Make CSS Parser properly handle only-for-pages pseudo-classes, WebKit
  6. Bug 27458 - Support :default HTML5 CSS selector, Webkit
  7. Bug 27357 - Support :valid/:invalid CSS selectors, Webkit
  8. Bug 29071 - Support for :in-range and :out-of-range CSS selectors, Webkit
  9. Bug 25551 - Support for HTML5 Forms "required" attribute, Webkit
  10. Bug 3409 - CSS1: Safari ignores "text-transform" attribute in "first-line" CSS rules, Webkit
  11. Bug 23209 - [RFE] CSS Generated Content does not transition, Webkit
  12. Bug 27578 - Drop the prefix from the border-radius properties, Webkit
  13. Bug 51448 - Support unprefixed box-shadow property, WebKit
  14. Bug 27576 - [CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders] Implement box-decoration-break, WebKit
  15. Bug 3234 - CSS2: Implement better quote support (for the q tag), Webkit
  16. Bug 27562 - Drop the prefixes from background-clip and background-origin, WebKit
  17. [CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders] Drop the prefix from background-size, WebKit
  18. Bug 15257 - Support CSS 3 font-size-adjust, Webkit
  19. Bug 12530 - CSS3: Support the font-stretch property, Webkit
  20. Bug 63796 - Master: Support CSS3 font feature properties, Webkit
  21. Bug 76173 - CSS3: text-align-last on webkit, Webkit
  22. Bug 18109 - Implement hanging punctuation, Webkit
  23. Bug 58491 - [css3-text] Support text-decoration-* properties from CSS3 Text, Webkit
  24. Bug 46123 - Implement writing-mode support for all of layout (master bug), WebKit
  25. Bug 36713 - Support box-sizing without the vendor prefix, WebKit
  26. Bug 10894 - CSS "size" property is not supported, Webkit
  27. Bug 46827 - AX: implement CSS3 Speech "speak", WebKit
  28. Bug 15552 - Support CSS3 column-break-before and column-break-after, WebKit
  29. Bug 39498 - [CSS3 Multi-column] Floating elements are rendered below the columns, WebKit
  30. Bug 15550 - WebKit does not support CSS3 column-span:, Webkit
  31. Bug 60731 - Implement CSS3 Grid Layout (master bug), Webkit
  32. flex - CSS, MDN
  33. filter - CSS, MDN
  34. Bug 25016 - max-width and max-height are not overriding the width and height properties when 'display' set to 'table', Webkit
  35. Bug 8735 - CSS 2.1 visibility: collapse rendered as visibility: hidden, Webkit
  36. Bug 16662 - CSS3: Implement calc(), Webkit
  37. Can I use Viewport units, Can I Use
  38. filter - CSS, MDN

Presto references

  1. An introduction to meta viewport and @viewport, dev.Opera
  2. Storey, David (2010-11-23). "First browser to 11 (unless Chrome gets there first)". Opera. Archived from the original on 2010-12-08. Retrieved 2010-11-23.
  3. Haavard (2010-08-09), New 10.70 snapshot with more Presto updates, Opera, archived from the original on 2010-08-19
  4. Haavard (2010-08-03), Presto update for Opera 10.70, Opera, archived from the original on 2010-08-06
  5. "CSS Multi-column Layout Module support in Opera Presto 2.8". Opera. 2011-03-06. Retrieved 2011-03-06.
  6. Koch, Peter-Paul, :before/:after and content, Quirksmode
  7. Lawson, Bruce (2011-12-06). "Hello Opera 11.60!". Opera. Archived from the original on 2012-01-08. Retrieved 2012-05-05.
  8. Quantization error for em values in Opera 7–9.2, archived from the original on 2008-03-21

Prince XML references

  1. 1 2 3 Prince: Unsupported features in CSS 2.1, YesLogic
  2. Personal communication from CEO Michael Day, 2015-10-08.

Martha references

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PDFReactor 7 Integration Manual, §B.3 CSS At-Rules, p90.
  2. “The at-rule @charset does not work for a style sheet that is imported via @import.” (PDFReactor 7 Integration Manual, §B.3 CSS At-Rules, p90.)
  3. PDFReactor 7 Integration Manual, §5.4.1 ‘Header, Footer & Page Side Boxes’, p54.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 PDFReactor 7 Integration Manual, §A.1.4 CSS Defined Fonts, p86.
  5. 1 2 3 4 PDFReactor 7 Integration Manual, §B.2 CSS Attribute Selector, pp89–90.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PDFReactor 7 Integration Manual, §B.1 CSS Pseudo-elements and -classes, p89.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 PDFReactor 7 Integration Manual, §B.9 CSS Property Documentation, pp101–166.

Other references

  1. Amaya Binary Releases, Most recent download link in stable
  2. Introducing EdgeHTML 14 with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update
  3. "Firefox — Notes (55.0.1) — Mozilla". Mozilla Foundation. 10 August 2017.
  4. "Firefox Extended Support Release — Notes (52.3.0) — Mozilla". Mozilla Foundation. 8 August 2017.
  5. "Firefox — Beta Notes (56.0beta) — Mozilla". 2017-08-08. Retrieved 2017-08-10.
  6. "Mozilla Firefox Web Browser — Download Firefox Beta in your language — Mozilla". Retrieved 2016-08-10.
  7. "Firefox - Notes (57.0a1) — Mozilla". 2017-08-02. Retrieved 2017-08-02.
  8. "Mozilla Firefox Web Browser — Download Firefox Nightly in your language — Mozilla". Retrieved 2017-08-02.
  9. "Pale Moon Release Notes". Pale Moon. 2017-08-03. Retrieved 2017-08-03.
  10. Download for kdelibs, Most recent download link in stable
  11. Pdfcrowd FAQ, “Pdfcrowd is built around Webkit.”
  12. ‘Producer’ metadata in the resulting pdf., Free Online HTML Converter around Webkit
  13. MDN: Web technology for developers: font kerning
  14. The cssom-view specification of this property says that “[u]ser agents may ignore this property.”
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