Comparison of EDA software

Comparison of Electronic design automation (EDA) software

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)

Name Architecture License Autorouter Comment
Electric *BSD, Java GPL Yes VLSI circuit design tool with connectivity at all levels. Can also be used for schematic entry and PCB design.
Pad2Pad GPL Yes A PCB design program for Windows featuring auto-routing, error checking, and DXF import/export.
FreePCBw32 GPL Yes A printed circuit board design program for Microsoft Windows. FreePCB allows for up to 16 copper layers, both metric and US customary units, and export of designs in Gerber format. Boards can be partially or fully autorouted with the FreeRouting autorouter by using the FpcROUTE Specctra DSN file translator.
gEDA *BSD, Linux, Mac GPL Yes schematic, simulation, PCB editor, gerber view
Icarus Verilog *BSD, Linux, Mac GPL Verilog simulator
KiCad *BSD, Windows, Linux, Mac GNU GPL Built-in, or FreeRouting Full package for schematic and board design, etc. Design rule checking. User-defined symbols and footprints. Gerber/ drill file creation. Sophisticated graphic interface. Active user community.
KTechLab Linux GPL n/a KTechLab is a schematic capture and simulator. It is specifically geared toward mixed signal simulation of analog components and small digital processors.
Magic Linux BSD license no A popular very-large-scale integration layout tool
Ngspice Linux, Solaris, Mac, NetBSD, FreeBSD, w32 BSD SPICE + XSPICE + Cider
Oregano GPL no Schematic capture + spice simulation
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator (QUCS) Linux, Solaris, Mac, NetBSD, FreeBSD, w32 GPL Schematic capture + Verilog + VHDL + simulation
Verilator Posix GPL Verilator is the fastest free Verilog HDL simulator. It compiles synthesizable Verilog into cycle accurate C++ or SystemC code following 2-state synthesis (zero delay) semantics. Benchmarks reported on its website suggest it is several times faster than commercial event driven simulators such as ModelSim, NC-Verilog and VCS, while not quite as fast as commercial cycle accurate modeling tools such as Carbon ModelStudio and ARC VTOC.
XCircuit Unix GPL Used to produce netlists and publish high-quality drawings.

Comparison of EDA packages

Application and developer Latest version/release + date Schematic? Simulation? PCB editing? Runs on POSIX style systems? Runs on Windows? Other platforms? Open
User Interface Language(s) Imports Exports Scripting support
Advanced Design System by Keysight EEsof EDA 2016.01
January 28, 2016[1]
Yes Yes Yes Yes[2] Yes[2] SuSE, RHEL[2] No en HSPICE, SPICE, Spectre netlists; Gerber/drill, ODB++, artwork; more HSPICE, SPICE, Spectre netlists; Gerber/drill, ODB++, artwork; more Python, Application Extension Language (proprietary; "AEL")
Active-HDL by Aldec 10.3
March 16, 2016
Yes Yes No No Yes No No en EDIF, Viewlogic, more PDF, HTML, Verilog, VHDL, EDIF, Zuken, more
Altium Designer (former Protel) by Altium 17.0
November 16, 2016
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Wine No Multilingual OrCAD, Allegro, PADS Logic, PADS PCB, Expedition, DxDesigner, EAGLE, Gerber, STEP, IDF, more 3D PDF, Gerber/drill, Gerber X2, ODB++, DXF, STEP, OrCAD, EAGLE, more Delphi, JS, VB
AutoTRAX by DEX 2020 9.00
September 24, 2016
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Mac, Wine No Various EAGLE, P-CAD, PADS, OrCAD, Gerber, DXF Gerber/drill, DXF, P-CAD, PADS, OrCAD Python, IronPython - C# .NET
CADSTAR, Board Designer, and Visula by Zuken 17
May 31, 2016
Yes Yes, Spice Yes No Yes No No en PADS, OrCAD, P-CAD, Protel, DXF, IDF PDF, Gerber/drill, ODB++, DXF, IDF more
CircuitLogix by Logic Design Inc. Release 9.1
January 2013
Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No en SPICE, Gerber, DXF SPICE, PDF, Gerber, DXF,
CircuitMaker by Altium
August 2016
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Mac, Wine No en AD09, AD10, AD12, PADS, P-CAD, OrCAD, Protel, EAGLE, DXF Gerber/drill, DXF, STEP, more
CircuitStudio by Altium
November 29, 2016
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mac, Wine No en AD09, AD10, AD12, PADS, P-CAD, OrCAD, Protel, EAGLE, DXF Gerber/drill, SPICE, DXF, STEP, more
CR-5000 by Zuken 13
May 17, 2011
Yes Yes, SI & PI Yes Yes Yes Unix, Linux No en, jp EDIF, DXF, IGES, IDF, BSDL, STEP, ACIS, Gerber/drill, more PDF, Gerber/drill, ODB++ (must request[3]), DXF, STEP, IPC D-356, IPC-2581, EPS, ACIS
DipTrace by Novarm
June 14, 2016
Yes External
(Spice netlist export)
Yes Yes Yes Mac, Wine No 21 languages EAGLE, P-CAD, PADS, OrCAD, Gerber, N/C Drill, DXF, BSDL Pinlist, Netlists Gerber/drill, Gerber X2, ODB++, DXF, P-CAD, PADS, OrCAD, IPC-D-356, STEP, VRML, Pick and Place
DesignSpark PCB from RS Components 7.2
June 16, 2016
Yes Yes, Spice Yes No Yes No No Various EAGLE, DXF, EDIF Gerber/drill, ODB++, IDF, PDF, more
Autodesk EAGLE 8.0
January 16, 2017
Yes LTspice,
Yes Yes Yes Linux, Mac No de, en, zh, hu, ru EAGLE (XML), ACCEL (P-CAD, Altium, Protel), ULTIBOARD, Netlists, BMP, Custom EAGLE (XML), Protel, Netlists, Images, Gerber, Excellon, Sieb&Meyer, HPGL, PostScript/EPS, PDF, Images, HyperLynx, IDF, Custom Proprietary User Language Programming (ULP)
EasyEDA 4.1.3
January 14, 2017
Yes Ngspice Yes Yes Yes Linux, Mac No en, fr, de, pl, jp, ru, es, se, ua, zh ... Altium, Eagle, Kicad libraries, LTspice .asc/.asy files, JSON, Spice PDF, PNG, SVG, JSON, Gerber/drill, Pick and Place CSV file, CSV-formatted drill chart, Bill of Materials CSV file, Altium netlist, FreePCB netlist, PADS Layout Netlist, Spice netlist. JSON
EDWinXP 2.00
December 18, 2015
Yes EDSpice Yes No Yes No No en Altium, Orcad PCB II Wirelist, VHDL, ODB++ ,SPICE Gerber/drill, Pick and Place CSV file, CSV-formatted drill chart, Bill of Materials CSV file, Altium netlist, FreePCB netlist, PADS Layout Netlist, Spice netlist, Xilinx Netlist, JEDEC Netlist, Scicards Schematic Netlist.
Fritzing 0.9.3b[4]
June 3, 2016
Yes, + breadboard No Yes Yes Yes Linux, Mac Yes en, de, nl, es, it, fr, pt, ru, zh, jp, ... gEDA symbols, KiCad symbols, SVG Gerber, DIY etching, BOM, SVG, PDF, EPS
gEDA 1.8.2[5]
September 25, 2013
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Linux, Mac Yes en gschem netlists, pcb-rnd fork also supports: Protel Autotrax, Kicad (legacy & s-expr layouts), Eagle (XML & v3,4,5 binary layouts), eeschema netlists, mentor netlists, TinyCad netlists, LT-Spice, MUX, Specctra, Mentor Graphics Hyperlynx, BMP, JPG, GIF Gerber/[Excellon format|drill],SVG, PDF, EPS, PNG, GIF, JPEG, Specctra, pcb-rnd fork also supports: Protel Autotrax, Kicad (legacy & s-expr), FidocadJ, Mentor Graphics Hyperlynx, template configurable XYRS/BOM Multiple languages in pcb-rnd fork
KiCad 4.0.6[6]
March 7, 2017
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Linux, Mac Yes zh_CN, de, en, es, fr, it, pt, ru, ja TinyCAD net lists, OrCAD EDIF, EAGLE (XML) PDF, Gerber/drill, Gerber X2, netlist, VRML2, IDFv3 Python
Upverter 3.0
August 29, 2014
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Web application No en Altium, OrCad, PDF, OpenJSON, Eagle PDF, Gerber/drill, netlist, PADS Layout Netlist, Tempo Automation, Pick and Place CSV, High-Res PNG, STL, CSV-formatted drill chart, CSV-formatted list of all parts
Various SmartSpice, Expert, Guardian, Hipex, and more products by Silvaco N/A Yes Yes No Yes Yes Linux No en, cn, kr, jp Various: HSPICE, Spectre, Verilog-A, SPICE, EDIF, GDSII Various: SPICE, SPEF, GDSII
Various (Board Station, PADS Layout VX.0, Expedition, xDxDesigner, HyperLynx, ECAD Collaborator...), by Mentor Graphics N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No en ODB++ GGerber/drill, BoM, IDF, ODB++
Micro-Cap by Spectrum Software
September 3, 2016
Yes Yes No No Yes No No en, jp HSPICE, PSPICE, SPICE3, netlists, Images, IBIS, Touchstone SPICE text file, netlist, BOM, Protel,Accel,OrCad,PADS netlists, Schematic and Analysis Plots Images, Numeric Output Text,Excel
PCB Investigator by easyLogix Schindler & Schill GmbH 3.4.4
June 2012
No No Yes No Yes No No en ODB++, Gerber/drill, Sieb&Meyer, GenCAD 1.4, DXF, IPC2581 ODB++, DXF, Catia-Script, X-File, BOM, GenCAD 1.4, Gerber, other
Release 9.0
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Wine No en Allegro, Altium, CadStar, Eagle, OrCAD, PADS, P-CAD, Protel, Gerber, STEP, DXF, IDF, more Gerber/drill, ODB++, IPC-2581, Gerber X2, PDF, DXF, STEP, IDF, BOM, more Proprietary language, ActiveX
SLED by Dolphin Integration Release 6.1
December 2013
Yes Yes No Yes Yes Linux No en EDIF, ASCII, Several netlist formats EDIF, Several netlist formats, CSDF, SPI3, more
TARGET 3001!
August 1, 2017
Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No en, de, fr Eagle, DXF, Gerber, XGerber, Excellon, BMP, CXF, STEP 3D XGerber, Excellon, Eagle, HPGL, G-Code (Milling), CXF, STEP 3D, Excel BOMs, Pick&Place, GenCAD, FABmaster, IPC D-356, Test points, Netlists, OBJ, POV-Ray, PDF
NI Ultiboard and Multisim by National Instruments 14.1
March 1, 2017 [7]
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Web application [8] No en MS*, MP*, EWB, Spice, OrCAD, UltiCap, Protel, Gerber, DXF, Ultiboard 4&5, Calay BOM, Gerber/drill, IGES (3D), DXF (2D & 3D), SVG
Various Allegro and OrCAD products by Cadence Design Systems N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AIX, Solaris, Linux No Several PADS, PCAD, Eagle, Altium, Gerber, DXF, IDF, IFF DXF, IDF, IPC356, OrCAD netlist, ODB++, STEP, IPC-2581, STL Proprietary SKILL language, and some TCL
Viewlogic by Synopsys Unknown No No Yes Yes Yes Unknown No en Unknown Unknown
Scheme-it by Digi-Key N/A Yes No No Yes Yes Web application No en Unknown Unknown
123D Circuits by Autodesk N/A Yes, + breadboard Yes Yes Yes Yes Web application No en Eagle Gerber
Application and developer Latest version/release + date Schematic? Simulation? PCB editing? Runs on POSIX style systems? Runs on Windows? Other platforms? Open
User Interface Language(s) Imports Exports Scripting support

Note: ODB++ support is drawn partly from lists by Artwork Conversion Software[3] and Mentor Graphics[9]

See also


Please check the latest information on the various web sites

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