Colombian parliamentary election, 2006

Elections for the Senate of Colombia
12 March 2006
Turnout 45.7%

Party Leader % Seats ±
Party of the U N/A 17.3% 20 New
Conservative Party N/A 16.0 18 +5
Liberal Party N/A 16.3% 18 -11
Radical Change N/A 13.2% 15 +13
POLO N/A 9.5% 10 New
Citizens' Convergence N/A 6.2% 7 +3
Wings N/A 4.5% 5 New
Democratic Colombia N/A 3.0% 3 New
MIRA N/A 2.6% 2 +1
Living Colombia N/A 2.5% 2 New
This lists parties that won seats. See the complete results below.

On March 12, 2006 Colombians went to the polls to elect Senate and Chamber of Representatives. Presidential primaries were also held for the Liberal Party and the Alternative Democratic Pole.

Chamber of Representatives

 Summary of the 12 March 2006 Chamber of Representatives of Colombia election results
Parties Votes % Seats
Colombian Liberal Party (Partido Liberal Colombiano) 1,646,404 19.0 30
Social National Unity Party/Party of the U (Partido Social de Unidad Nacional, also known as Partido de la U) 1,453,353 16.7 29
Colombian Conservative Party (Partido Conservador Colombiano) 1,363,656 15.8 30
Radical Change (Cambio Radical) 932,207 10.7 20
Alternative Democratic Pole (Polo Democrático Alternativo) 708,664 8.2 9
Citizens' Convergence (Convergencia Ciudadana) 397,903 4.6 8
Wings - Team Colombia Movement (Movimiento Alas Equipo Colombia) 370,789 4.3 7
Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation (Mira party) 233,920 2.7 1
Democratic Colombia Party (Partido Colombia Demócrata) 215,753 2.5 2
Liberal Opening (Apertura Liberal) 199,810 2.3 5
National Movement (Movimiento Nacional) 175,012 2.0 2
United People's Movement (Movimiento Popular Unido) 129,977 1.5 2
For the Country of our Dreams (Por el País que soñamos) 99,565 1.1 1
Regional Integration Movement (Movimiento Integración Regional) 91,547 1.1 4
Huila New and Liberalism (Huila Nuevo y Liberalismo) 80,688 0.9 2
Social Action Party (Partido de Acción Social) 52,340 0.6 1
Renovation Movement Labour Action (Movimiento Renovación Acción Laboral) 33,308 0.4 0
National Salvation Movement (Movimiento de Salvación Nacional) 28,975 0.3 0
People's Participation Movement (Movimiento de Participación Popular) 18,449 0.2 0
Progressive National Movement (Movimiento Nacional Progresista) 8,146 0.1 0
Total votes for parties (turnout 40.54%) 8,678,535 100.0 163
Sources: Adam Carr and Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil


 Summary of the 12 March 2006 Senate of Colombia election results
Parties % Seats
Social National Unity Party/Party of the U (Partido Social de Unidad Nacional, also known as Partido de la U) 17.49 20
Colombian Conservative Party (Partido Conservador Colombiano) 16.13 18
Colombian Liberal Party (Partido Liberal Colombiano) 15.52 18
Radical Change (Cambio Radical) 13.36 15
Alternative Democratic Pole (Polo Democrático Alternativo) 9.74 10
Citizens' Convergence (Convergencia Ciudadana) 6.25 7
Wings - Team Colombia Movement (Movimiento Alas Equipo Colombia) 4.68 5
Democratic Colombia Party (Partido Colombia Demócratica) 2.85 3
Mira Movement (Movimiento Mira) 2.35 2
Living Colombia Movement (Movimiento Colombia Viva) 2.46 2
Let the Moreno play movement (Movimiento Dejen Jugar al Moreno) 1.50 0
C4 0.88 0
Visionaries with Antanas Mockus (Visionarios con Antanas Mockus) 0.77 0
Comunitarian Participation Movement (Movimiento de Participación Comunitaria) 0.56 0
Communal and Comunitarian Movement of Colombia (Movimiento Comunal y Comunitario de Colombia) 0.42 0
Colombia Unite Movement (Movimiento Únete Colombia) 0.17 0
Independent Conservatism (Conservatismo Independiente) 0.14 0
National Democratic Reconstruction (Reconstrucción Democrática Nacional) 0.08 0
Progressive National Movement (Movimiento Nacional Progresista) 0.09 0
Indigenous Social Alliance (Alianza Social Indigena) 2
Total valid votes (turnout 40.54%)   102
Sources: Registraduria Nacional del Estado Civil, Caracol Radio
 2006 elections to the 2 seats reserved for Indigenous in the Senate of Colombia
Parties Votes % Seats
Indigenous Social Alliance (Alianza Social Indigena) ASI 44,557 28.27 1
Indigenous Authorities of Colombia (Autoridades Indigenas de Colombia) AICO 21,304 13.52 1
Total (turnout %)    
Source: Registraduria Nacional del Estado Civil.

Note: As the blank vote percentage was 58.21% (more than 50%), this special election must be repeated, with the same parties but different candidates

Senate Members

circumscription Party Senator
National Social Party of National Unity (U)
Colombian Conservative Party (C)
Colombian Liberal Party (L)
  • Juan Manuel López Cabrales (suspended, substituted by Yolanda Pinto de Gaviria)
  • Juan Manuel Galán
  • Luis Fernando Duque
  • Juan Fernando Cristo
  • Mario Nader Muskus
  • Piedad Córdoba Ruiz
  • Cecilia López Montaño
  • Guillermo Gaviria Zapata
  • Víctor Renán Barco
  • Germán Aguirre
  • Mauricio Jaramillo
  • Carlos Julio González
  • Héctor Helí Rojas
  • Hugo Serrano Gómez
  • Jesús Ignacio García
  • Luis Fernando Velasco
  • Álvaro Antonio Ashton Giraldo
  • Camilo Sánchez Ortega
Radical Change Party (CR)
  • Germán Vargas Lleras
  • Ramón Elías López (after the death of Mario Londoño Arcila)
  • Claudia de Castellanos
  • Humberto Builes (after the renunciation of Luis Carlos Torres)
  • Rubén Darío Quintero
  • Arturo Char Chaljub
  • Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez
  • Miguel Pinedo Vidal
  • Javier Cáceres Leal
  • Reginaldo Montes (suspended, substituted by Elsa Gladys Cifuentes)
  • Juan Carlos Restrepo
  • Bernabé Celis
  • Plinio Olano Becerra
  • Antonio Guerra de la Espriella
  • David Char Navas
Alternative Democratic Pole (PDA)
  • Gustavo Petro Urrego
  • Jorge Robledo Castillo
  • Parmenio Cuéllar Bastidas
  • Néstor Iván Moreno Rojas
  • Jaime Dussán
  • Alexander López
  • Gloria Inés Ramírez
  • Jorge Eliécer Guevara
  • Luis Carlos Avellaneda
  • Jesús Bernal Amorocho
Partido Convergencia Ciudadana
  • Edgar Espíndola Niño (after the renunciation of Luis Alberto Gil)
  • Óscar Josué Reyes
  • Luis Eduardo Vives (suspended, substituted by Miguel Jesús Arenas Prada)
  • Carlos Emiro Barriga
  • Juan Carlos Martínez
  • Gabriel Acosta Bendek
  • Samuel Arrieta Buelvas
Movimiento Alas Equipo Colombia
Partido Colombia Democrática
  • Ricardo Ariel Elcure Chacón (after the renunciation of Mario Uribe Escobar)
  • José Gonzalo Gutiérrez (after the renunciation of Miguel Alfonso de la Espriella)
  • Luzelena Restrepo (after the renunciation of Álvaro Alfonso García)
Movimiento Independiente de Renovación Absoluta (MIRA)
Movimiento Colombia Viva
  • Dieb Maloof Cuse (suspended, substituted by Jorge Castro Pacheco, Vicente Blel Saad y ahora por Jorge Enrique Gómez)
  • Habib Merheg Marun
Indigenous Alianza Social Indígena (ASI)
  • Jesús Piñacué Achicué
Autoridades Indígenas de Colombia (AICO)
  • Ramiro Estacio


"Boletin de Prensa N° 010" (DOC) (Press release) (in Spanish). Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil. 2006-07-14. Retrieved 2007-02-09. 

See also

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