
Status Inactive
Genre Science Fiction, Pop Culture
Venue Hunt Valley Inn
Location(s) Baltimore, MD
Country United States
Inaugurated February 1984
Most recent February 1989
Organized by Marion McChesney
Filing status Not for profit

ClipperCon was a multifandom American Science-fiction convention held consecutively from 1984-1989 in Baltimore, Maryland by Marion McChesney. It was a fan-run, not for profit convention and programming topics included panel discussions, the Art Show, filking, live performances, a competitive masquerade, etc. It was succeeded by OktoberTrek(1990-1992), which was succeeded by Farpoint(1993–present).

Locations and Dates

Dates Location Notable Guests
February 17–19, 1984 Hunt Valley Inn Nichelle Nichols
February 16–18, 1985 Hunt Valley Inn George Takei, Grace Lee Whitney, Marc Okrand
February 15–17, 1986 Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel James Doohan, Bruce Hyde, Howard Weinstein
February 14–16, 1987 Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel George Takei, William Campbell, Jesco von Puttkamer
March 18–20, 1988 Hunt Valley Inn Bruce Hyde, William Campbell, Denise Crosby
February 17–19, 1989 Hunt Valley Inn George Takei, Walter Koenig, William Campbell
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