Client's Day

International Clients' Day is an unofficial holiday when companies' owners and managers thank their clients. Client Day is celebrated each year on 19 March.[1] The first Client Day was celebrated in 2010; its authors were Lithuanian and Russian businessmen.[2][3] The idea behind Client Day is that, while the world has many memorable days, there is no day dedicated to clients – the most valuable part of any business or organization.[4]

Traditionally, on Clients' Day customers are rewarded with discounts, special offers, and all other kinds of gifts. The day is supported by telecommunication companies,[5] banks, retail stores,[6] government organizations,[7] education institution[8] and other businesses in Lithuania and Russia. The popularity and importance of Clients' Day is growing year by year, and more organizations are joining the day.[9]


  1. Kliento diena kalendoriuje
  2. 19 марта – День Клиента
  3. Новый праздник 19 марта — «День клиента»
  4. Что думают о клиентах в белорусских компаниях
  5. Lietuvoje minėta Kliento diena
  6. MAXIMA jungiasi prie Kliento dienos ir parduotuvėse vaišina milžiniškais tortais
  7. Vilniaus migracijos valdyba mini Kliento dieną
  8. Organizacijos komunikacijos vadybininkai paminėjo Kliento dieną
  9. Client's day
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