Claude Mutafian

Armen (Claude) Z. Moutafian (Armenian: Կլոդ Մութաֆյան; born July 21, 1942) is a mathematician and a historian who specializes in Armenian history. Foreign Member of Armenian Academy of Sciences.[1] He is the son of Zareh Mutafian.


Born in 1942 in Clamart, France, Claude Mutafian is an associate professor of mathematics and senior lecturer from the Paris 13 University in Villetaneuse. Following the publication of several books on algebra, Mutafian devoted himself to Armenian history since 1980, particularly to the relations of Armenia with its various neighbors over time. Ph.D. in history from Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Mutafian is the author of several books on the history of Armenia.


Claude Mutafian


  1. Armenian Academy of Sciences, Foreign Members
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