Clara Ponsatí i Obiols

Clara Ponsatí i Obiols
Born 1957
Title Councillor of Education in the Generalitat of Catalonia
Predecessor Meritxell Ruiz

Clara Ponsatí i Obiols (Barcelona, 1957) is a Catalan economist, appointed Councillor of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia by President Carles Puigdemont on 14 July 2017.[1][2]


She was born in Barcelona in 1957, daughter of Josep Maria Ponsatí i Capdevila and Montserrat Obiols i Germà. After studying in the Faculty of Economics of the UB. In 1988 she got the terminal degree from the Department of Economcis, of the University of Minnesota, (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), where she remained several years as a teacher.[3]

Of liberal trend, Ponsatí is specialist in the Theory of Games and Public Economy, with interest in the negotiations, and the vote.[4] Ponsatí was a lecturer in the Institute of Economic Analysis of the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and took its management from 2006 to 2012. She has been a visiting professor at the universities of Toronto, San Diego and Georgetown.[5] The year 2013 the Spanish government exercised a veto against her, after she exposed her opinion about the independence of Catalonia in different mediae.[6]

In fact, she complained that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport decided not to renew her position as visiting professor of the Prince of Asturias Chair at Georgetown University because of her favorable position on the right to decide, something that she considered a maneuver of "censorship" against her political opinions. Her views on the relations between Catalonia and Spain caused the Foreign Minister, José Manuel García-Margallo: "una cátedra en el extranjero no debe servir de base para alentar procesos secesionistas contrarios a la Constitución”, remarking: “mientras yo sea ministro no ocurrirá en ninguna embajada española”.[6]

From January 2016 she was Director of the School of Economics and Finance at the University of Saint Andrews (Scotland), last responsibility before assuming in July 2017 the Ministry of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia.[7]

Since mid-2016 she has been a member of the national secretariat of the Catalan National Assembly. She is also a member of the Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica in the UAB.[8]


See also


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