Date and Time (UTC)
year | begin | end |
辛巳 |
2001-09-22 23:04 |
2001-10-08 05:25 |
壬午 |
2002-09-23 04:55 |
2002-10-08 11:09 |
癸未 |
2003-09-23 10:46 |
2003-10-08 17:00 |
甲申 |
2004-09-22 16:29 |
2004-10-07 22:49 |
乙酉 |
2005-09-22 22:23 |
2005-10-08 04:33 |
丙戌 |
2006-09-23 04:03 |
2006-10-08 10:21 |
丁亥 |
2007-09-23 09:51 |
2007-10-08 16:11 |
戊子 |
2008-09-22 15:44 |
2008-10-07 21:56 |
己丑 |
2009-09-22 21:18 |
2009-10-08 03:40 |
庚寅 |
2010-09-23 03:09 |
2010-10-08 09:26 |
辛卯 |
2011-09-23 09:04 |
2011-10-08 15:19 |
壬辰 |
2012-09-22 14:48 |
2012-10-07 21:11 |
癸巳 |
2013-09-22 20:44 |
2013-10-08 02:58 |
甲午 |
2014-09-23 02:29 |
2014-10-08 08:47 |
Source: JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System
The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms. Qiūfēn, Shūbun, Chubun, or Thu phân is the 16th solar term. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 180° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 195°. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial longitude of 180°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around September 23 and ends around October 8.
- 雷始收聲, 'Thunder begins to soften'
- 蟄蟲培戶, 'Insects make nests'
- 水始涸, 'Water begins to solidify'