

Pork vindalho, served in Lisbon, Portugal, in a Goan restaurant
Type Curry
Course Main course(gravy)
Place of origin India
Region or state Goa
Main ingredients Vinegar, sugar, ginger, spices, chili peppers
Cookbook: Vindaloo  Media: Vindaloo

Vindaloo (also known as vindalho) is an Indian curry dish popular in the region of Goa, the surrounding Konkan, and many other parts of India.[1] The cuisine also includes a variation of the dish.[2] However, it is known globally in its Anglo-Indian form as a staple of curry house and Indian restaurant menus, often regarded as a fiery, spicy dish, even though it is not necessarily the spiciest dish available.[3]


A "vindaloo", a standard element of Indian cuisine derived from the Portuguese carne de vinha d'alhos (literally "meat in garlic wine marinade"), is a dish of meat (usually pork) marinated in wine and garlic.[2] The basic structure of the Portuguese dish was the Portuguese sailor's "preserved" raw ingredients, packed in wooden barrels of alternate layers of pork and garlic, and soaked in wine. This was "Indianized" by the local Goan cooks with the substitution of palm vinegar for the red wine, and the addition of dried red chili peppers with additional spices. It evolved into the localized and easy-to-pronounce dish "vindaloo".[4] Nowadays, the Anglo-Indian version of vindaloo calls for the meat to be marinated in vinegar, sugar, fresh ginger and spices overnight, then cooked with the addition of more spices.[2]

Indian preparation and variations

Restaurants in Goa offering traditional Goan cuisine serve vindaloo with pork, which is the original recipe. The dish was popularized by Goan cooks (whom the British favoured because they had no issues in kitchens and bars when handling beef, pork or liquor) in the British establishments and the ocean-going liners. This dish is still available on the P&O liners in its original "pork vindaloo" form. However, restaurants outside Goa serve vindaloo with chicken or lamb, which is sometimes mixed with cubed potatoes. Even though the word aloo (आलू) means potato in Hindi,[5] traditional vindaloo does not include potatoes. This is because Hindi is not the only language spoken in India and not spoken by the majority of Indians. The dish hails from Konkan region which speaks Konkani [4]

Outside India

Metal platter of 3 parts - rice, curry, beans
Vindaloo with jasmine rice and chili coconut beans, served in Germany

Vindaloo has gained popularity outside of India, where it is almost universally featured on menus at Indian restaurants. Vindaloo served in restaurants of the United Kingdom differs from the original vindaloo dish; it is simply a spicier version of the standard "medium (spiciness)" restaurant curry with the addition of vinegar, potatoes and chili peppers.[6] Despite its origins, the British-style vindaloo is usually not served with pork; meat choices are mostly chicken, beef, lamb, mutton, or prawn.

Vindaloo is one of the spiciest dishes available on menus where it is served, although some restaurants serve a tindaloo, which is a completely different dish that originated in Bangladesh.[6]


  1. "Curry: Where did it come from?". Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  2. 1 2 3 "Indal (Vindaloo)". The East Indian Community. Retrieved 13 July 2015.
  3. Peters-Jones, Michelle. "Indian Classics - Vindalho de Galinha (Chicken Vindaloo)". The Tiffin Box. Retrieved 13 July 2015.
  4. 1 2 "How to cook a vindaloo - students learn from the best". University of West London. Retrieved 26 October 2012.
  5. "Hindi/English/Tamil Glossary". Pravasidesi's Tiffin box. Retrieved 26 October 2012.
  6. 1 2 Pat Chapman (2004). The New Curry Bible. London, UK: Metro Publishing Ltd. pp. 118–121. ISBN 978-1-84358-087-4.
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