The Porky Pig Show

The Porky Pig Show is an American television anthology series hosted by Porky Pig, that was composed of uncut Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons made between 1935 and 1963.

The show first aired on ABC in 1964. Since Warner Bros. had closed their cartoon studio the year before, the opening and closing animation and bumpers were produced in New York by animator Hal Seeger, with Winston Sharples composing the title song. It aired on ABC from 1964 to 1967.

Shorts featured in the show were distributed to television stations in syndication from 1971 to 1990, as part of Warner Bros.'s Porky Pig and Friends package. For this version, 78 black and white Porky Pig cartoons were hand-traced in color, resulting in a degradation of the animation style and timing. It wasn't until the early 1990s that Warner Bros. made computer-colorized versions available, which preserved the original animation techniques.


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