Argentine Chamber of Deputies

Argentine Chamber of Deputies
Honorable Cámara de Diputados de la Nación
Emilio Monzó,
Since 4 December 2015
1st Vice President of the Chamber
José Luis Gioja,
Since 6 December 2015
First Minority Leader
Mario Negri,
UCR - Cambiemos
Since 3 february 2016
Second Minority Leader
Hector Recalde,
Since 3 february 2016
Seats 257 (List)
Political groups
  •      Cambiemos (86)
  •      FpV (72)
  •      UNA (38)
  •      PJ (17)
  •      FAP (8)
  •      FCpS (6)
  •      PpV (6)
  •      JpA (4)
  •      CF (3)
  •      FIT (3)
  •      FCM (3)
  •      BdB (2)
  •      Others (9)
Party-list proportional representation
D'Hondt method
Last election
25 October 2015
Next election
22 October 2017
Meeting place
Chamber of Deputies, Argentine Congress,
Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Chamber of Deputies is the lower house of the Argentine National Congress. The Chamber holds exclusive rights to levy taxes; to draft troops; and to accuse the President, cabinet ministers, and members of the Supreme Court before the Senate.

Current composition

It has 257 seats and one-half of the members are elected every two years to serve four-year terms by the people of each district (23 provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires) using proportional representation, D'Hondt formula with a 3% of the district registered voters threshold, and the following distribution:

By province

Province Deputies Population (2010)
Buenos Aires City 25 2,890,151
Buenos Aires 70 15,625,084
Catamarca 5 367,828
Chaco 7 1,053,466
Chubut 5 506,668
Córdoba 18 3,304,825
Corrientes 7 993,338
Entre Ríos 9 1,236,300
Formosa 5 527,895
Jujuy 6 672,260
La Pampa 5 316,940
La Rioja 5 331,847
Mendoza 10 1,741,610
Misiones 7 1,097,829
Neuquén 5 550,334
Río Negro 5 633,374
Salta 7 1,215,207
San Juan 6 680,427
San Luis 5 431,588
Santa Cruz 5 272,524
Santa Fe 19 3,200,736
Santiago del Estero 7 896,461
Tierra del Fuego 5 126,190
Tucumán 9 1,448,200

By political groups

All data from official website.[1]

Alliance Political party Leader
Cambiemos (86) Unión PRO (41) Mario Negri
Unión Cívica Radical (36)
Coalición Cívica (5)
Frente Cívico y Social de Catamarca (2)
Libertad, Valores y Cambio (1)
Partido Demócrata Progresista (1)
Frente para la Victoria-PJ (72) Frente para la Victoria-PJ (70) Héctor Recalde
Movimiento Solidario Popular (1)
Concertación-FORJA (1)
Federal Unidos por
una Nueva Argentina
Federal Unidos por una Nueva Argentina (24) Sergio Massa
Unidos por una Nueva Argentina (6)
Trabajo y Dignidad (2)
Movimiento Popular Neuquino (2)
Compromiso con San Juan (1)
Unión por Entre Ríos (1)
Chubut Somos Todos (1)
Diálogo y Trabajo (1)
Justicialista (17) Oscar Alberto Romero
Frente Amplio Progresista (8) Partido Socialista (4) Alicia Mabel Ciciliani (Co-president)
Libres del Sur (3) Victoria Donda (Co-president)
Generación para un Encuentro Nacional (1) Margarita Stolbizer (Co-president)
Frente Cívico por Santiago (6) Cristián Oliva
Peronismo para la Victoria (6) Leonardo Grosso
Juntos por Argentina (4) Juntos por Argentina (3) Darío Giustozzi
Primero Tucumán (1)
Compromiso Federal (3) Luis Lusquiños
Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores (3) Néstor Pitrola
Frente de la Concordia Misionero (3) Jorge Daniel Franco
Del Bicentenario (2) Juan Francisco Casañas
One deputy parties (9) Solidario Sí (1) Carlos Heller
Frente de Izquierda Socialista-Frente de Izquierda (1) Juan Carlos Giordano
Cultura, Educación y Trabajo (1) Francisco Plaini
Proyecto Sur (1) Alcira Argumedo
Salta Somos Todos (1) Alfredo Olmedo
Avanzar San Luis (1) Claudio Poggi
Brigadier General Juan Bautista Bustos (1) Ramón Ernesto Bernabey
Partido Bloquista de San Juan (1) Graciela María Caselles
Frente Norte (1) Sandro Adrián Guzmán


In order for an Argentine citizen to be elected to congress, they have to fulfil certain requirements: He or she has to be at least twenty five years old with at least four years of active citizenship and it has to be naturalized in the province that is being elected to or at least have two years of immediate residency in said province, according to art. 48 or the Argentine Constitution.


The Chamber of Deputies was provided for in the Constitution of Argentina, ratified on May 1, 1853. Eligibility requisites are that members be at least twenty-five years old, and have been a resident of the province they represent for at least four years; as congressional seats are elected at-large, members nominally represent their province, rather than a district.[2]

Otherwise patterned after Article One of the United States Constitution per legal scholar Juan Bautista Alberdi's treatise, Bases de la Constitución Argentina, the chamber was originally apportioned in one seat per 33,000 inhabitants. The constitution made no provision for a national census, however, and because the Argentine population doubled every twenty years from 1870 to 1930 as a result of immigration (disproportionately benefiting Buenos Aires and the Pampas area provinces), censuses were conducted generationally, rather than every decade, until 1947.[3]

Apportionment controversy

The distribution of the Chamber of Deputies is regulated since 1983 by Law 22.847, also called Ley Bignone, enacted by the last Argentine dictator, General Reynaldo Bignone, ahead of the 1983 general elections. This law established that, initially, each province shall have one deputy per 161,000 inhabitants, with standard rounding; after this is calculated, each province is granted three more deputies. If a province has fewer than five deputies, the number of deputies for that province is increased to reach that minimum.

Controversially, apportionment remains based on the 1980 population census, and has not been modified since 1983; national censuses since then have been conducted in 1991, 2001, and 2010. The minimum of five seat per province allots the smaller ones a disproportionately large representation, as well. Accordingly, this distribution does not reflect Argentina's current population balance.

Presidents of the Chamber

The President of the Chamber is elected by the majority caucus. The officeholders for this post since 1983 have been:

Term beganTerm endedOfficeholderPartyProvince
December 10, 1983April 3, 1989Juan Carlos PuglieseUCR Buenos Aires Province
April 3, 1989July 8, 1989Leopoldo MoreauUCR Buenos Aires Province
July 8, 1989December 10, 1999Alberto PierriPJ Buenos Aires Province
December 10, 1999December 10, 2001Rafael PascualUCR City of Buenos Aires
December 10, 2001December 10, 2005Eduardo CamañoPJ Buenos Aires Province
December 10, 2005December 10, 2007Alberto BalestriniFPV - PJ Buenos Aires Province
December 10, 2007December 6, 2011Eduardo FellnerFPV - PJ Jujuy
December 6, 2011December 4, 2015Julián DomínguezFPV - PJ Buenos Aires Province
December 4, 2015 to date Emilio Monzó PRO-Cambiemos  Buenos Aires Province

Current authorities

Leadership positions include:

Title Officeholder Party Province
Chamber PresidentEmilio MonzóPRO-Cambiemos Buenos Aires Province
First Vice-PresidentJosé Luis GiojaFPV-PJ San Juan
Second Vice-PresidentPatricia GiménezUCR Mendoza
Third Vice-PresidentFelipe SoláPJ-FR Buenos Aires Province
Parliamentary SecretaryEugenio Inchausti
Administrative SecretaryFlorencia Romano
Coordinating SecretaryMaría Luz Alonso

See also


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