Chì mi na mòrbheanna

Chì mi na mòrbheanna is a Scottish song that was written in 1856 by Highlander John Cameron (Iain Camshroin), a native of Ballachulish[1] and known locally in the Gaelic fashion as Iain Rob and Iain Òg Ruaidh.[2] He worked in the slate quarries before moving to Glasgow where he was engaged as a ship's broker. He became the Bard of the Glasgow Ossianic Society[3] and also Bard to Clan Cameron. He returned to carry on a merchant's business along with his elder brother and to cultivate a small croft at Taigh a' Phuirt, Glencoe, in his beloved Highlands. Other songs and odes[4] appeared in The Oban Times and in various song books.[5] He was buried in St. Munda's Isle in Loch Leven. Wreaths of oak leaves and ivy covered the bier[6] The song is a longing for home and, with its wistful, calming melody and traditional ballad rhythms,[7] is often used as a lullaby.[8] A Gaelic arrangement of the song was recorded on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia folk singer John Allan Cameron's 1973 album "Lord Of The Dance", and The Rankin Family's debut album (1989). The song was also played during the funeral of John F. Kennedy.

This song is commonly known in English as "The Mist-Covered Mountains of Home," and under that title it has been recorded by many artists, including John Renbourn, Mark Knopfler, Johnny Cunningham, Nightnoise (at the time including Johnny Cunningham) and Quadriga Consort.


Here are eight verses.

Original Scottish Gaelic

O, chì, chì mi na mòrbheanna;
O, chì, chì mi na còrrbheanna;
O, chì, chì mi na coireachan,
Chì mi na sgoran fo cheò.
Chì mi gun dàil an t-àite 'san d' rugadh mi;
Cuirear orm fàilte 'sa chànan a thuigeas mi;
Gheibh mi ann aoidh agus gràdh nuair ruigeam,
Nach reicinn air thunnachan òir.
Chì mi ann coilltean; chi mi ann doireachan;
Chì mi ann màghan bàna is toraiche;
Chì mi na fèidh air làr nan coireachan,
Falaicht' an trusgan de cheò.
Beanntaichean àrda is àillidh leacainnean;
Sluagh ann an còmhnaidh is còire chleachdainnean;
'S aotrom mo cheum a' leum 'gam faicinn;
Is fanaidh mi tacan le deòin.
Fàilt' air na gorm-mheallaibh, tholmach, thulachnach;
Fàilt air na còrr-bheannaibh mòra, mulanach;
Fàilt' air na coilltean, is fàilt' air na h-uile -
O! 's sona bhith fuireach 'nan còir.

Four more verses appeared in the Oban Times in 1882
written as follows:

Chi mi a' ghrian an liath nam flaitheanas,
Chi mi 's an iar a ciar 'n uair laigheas i;
Chan ionnan 's mar tha i ghnàth 's a' bhaile seo
'N deatach a' falach a glòir.
Gheibh mi ann ceòl bho eòin na Duthaige,
Ged a tha 'n t-àm thar am na cuthaige,
Tha smeòraichean ann is annsa guth leam
Na pìob, no fìdheall mar cheòl.
Gheibh mi le lìontan iasgach sgadain ann,
Gheibh mi le iarraidh bric is bradain ann;
Nam faighinn mo mhiann 's ann a stadainn,
'S ann ann as fhaid' bhithinn beò.
Fàgaidh mi ùpraid, surd, is glagaraich,
Dh'fhaicinn na tìr an cluinnt' a' chagaraich,
Fàgaidh mi cùirtean dùinte, salach,
A dh'amharc air gleannaibh nam bò.[9]


O, I see, I see the big mountains;
O, I see, I see the big mountains;
O, I see, I do see the corries,
I see the mist-covered peaks.
I see as I linger the land of my birth;
I am welcomed in the language I cherish.
I will receive there hospitality, and love when I reach it
That I'd trade not for tons of gold.
I see there woods, and I see there thickets,
I see there the fair and most fertile of meadows;
I see there the deer on the ground in the corries
Hiding in mantles of mist.
Lofty mountains and resplendent ledges,
There dwell my own folk, kind folk of honor.
Light is my step as I leap up to meet them;
'Tis with pleasure I'll stay there a while.
Hail to the blue-green grassy hills;
Hail to the great peaked hummocky mountains;
Hail to the forests, hail to all there,
Content I would live there forever.

See also


  1. "Sisters On A Journey" (PDF). Piper Grove. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 17, 2012. Retrieved 2008-09-29.
  2. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, vol. 49, Sgeul O Ghleann Baile Chaoil, Eoghan Mac a' Phì, 1975
  3. Highland News,26 Nov. 1898
  4. Typographia Scoto-Gadelica ed. by Donald MacLean, 1915. John Grant, 31 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh
  5. Songs of Gaelic Scotland, Anne Lorne Gillies. Birlinn, 2005
  6. The Oban Times, 26 Nov. 1898
  7. "Gaelic mouth music and high tech". Green Left Weekly. 22 June 1994. Retrieved 2008-09-29.
  8. "The Planet Sleeps". Philadelphia City Paper. 24 July 1997. Retrieved 2008-09-29.
  9. The Oban Times, 8 April 1882
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