List of ''Star Trek'' planets (C–F)






  1. TNG: "The Chase"
  2. 1 2 TNG: "Dark Page"
  3. 1 2 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  4. 1 2 TNG: "Gambit"
  5. Voy: "Caretaker"
  6. 1 2 TNG: "The Price"
  7. TNG: "Sub Rosa"
  8. 1 2 DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach"
  9. DS9: "The Search, Part I"
  10. DS9: "Playing God"
  11. TNG: "Bloodlines"
  12. DS9: "Defiant"
  13. TOS: "Turnabout Intruder"
  14. 1 2 TNG: "Legacy"
  15. 1 2 3 TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"
  16. TOS: "Friday's Child"
  17. TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth"
  18. DS9: "Prophet Motive"
  19. DS9: "The Homecoming"
  20. DS9: "Shadowplay"
  21. 1 2 TNG: "Chain of Command, Part II"
  22. TNG: "The Quality of Life"
  23. TNG: "Birthright, Part I & Part II"
  24. DS9: "Change of Heart"
  25. TNG: "Suddenly Human"
  26. 1 2 TOS: "The Way to Eden"
  27. TOS: "Requiem for Methuselah"
  28. TNG: "Too Short a Season"
  29. TOS: "Arena"
  30. 1 2 DS9: "Family Business"
  31. TOS: "Space Seed"
  32. 1 2 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  33. 1 2 TNG: "Allegiance"
  34. Voy: "Time and Again"
  35. TNG: "Tin Man"
  36. TNG: "Booby Trap"
  37. TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"
  38. TNG: "The Defector"
  39. TNG: "Conundrum"
  40. TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris"
  41. Ent: "Shadows of P'Jem" and "Demons"
  42. TOS: "Journey to Babel"
  43. TNG: "Sarek"
  44. DS9: "In the Cards"
  45. DS9: "One Little Ship"
  46. TOS: "The Man Trap"
  47. TNG: "New Ground"
  48. Voy: "Prototype"
  49. TOS: "Tomorrow Is Yesterday"
  50. TOS: "The Conscience of the King"
  51. Ent: "Rogue Planet"
  52. TNG: "The Dauphin"
  53. TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II"
  54. 1 2 3 Star Trek Generations
  55. TNG: "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"
  56. DS9: "Visionary"
  57. DS9: "Blood Oath"
  58. DS9: "Honor Among Thieves"
  59. DS9: "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River"
  60. Voy: "Prime Factors"
  61. TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"
  62. Ent: "Stigma"
  63. TNG: "The Drumhead"
  64. TNG: "Realm of Fear"
  65. Voy: "Sacred Ground"
  66. 1 2 TNG: "Symbiosis"
  67. 1 2 TNG: "Remember Me"
  68. TNG "The Last Outpost"
  69. 1 2 Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  70. DS9: "Time's Orphan"
  71. TOS: "Wolf in the Fold"
  72. TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint"
  73. TOS: "I, Mudd"
  74. TOS: "Operation: Annihilate!"
  75. TNG: "Contagion"
  76. Ent: "Dear Doctor"
  77. TNG: "Aquiel"
  78. TNG: "Ship in a Bottle"
  79. TNG: "Time's Arrow"
  80. DS9: "Penumbra"
  81. Voy: "Critical Care"
  82. TOS: "The Trouble With Tribbles"
  83. DS9: "Sons and Daughters"
  84. 1 2 TNG: "Unification: Part II"
  85. TNG: "Journey's End"
  86. DS9: "Rules of Acquisition"
  87. DS9: "Indiscretion"
  88. 1 2 DS9: "To the Death"
  89. TNG: "Gambit, Part I"
  90. TNG: "Face of the Enemy"
  91. Voy: "Innocence"
  92. TNG: "Homeward"
  93. Ent: "Broken Bow"
  94. Ent: "Fortunate Son"
  95. DS9: "Sanctuary"
  96. TNG: "Pen Pals"
  97. DS9: "For the Cause"
  98. Ent: "Canamar"
  99. TNG: "Conspiracy"
  100. DS9: "Through the Looking Glass"
  101. Star Trek: First Contact
  102. Voy: "Distant Origin"
  103. 1 2 TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
  104. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
  105. Contrary to what Professor Dr. Gill perceived, Nazi government, in reality, was actually a notoriously inefficient government; almost no two Nazi officials considered each other friends, their jurisdictions were semi-autonomous and more often than not overlapped and/or collided, and virtually none were truly selfless in their ambitions – in reality, Hitler to a great degree intended his government to be inefficient, as the animosities among his subordinates made it unlikely that they would band together and thereby threaten his power.
  106. TOS: "Patterns of Force"
  107. TOS: "Elaan of Troyius"
  108. TNG: "Relics"
  109. TNG: "Darmok"
  110. 1 2 DS9: "Dramatis Personae"
  111. DS9: "Melora"
  112. TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy"
  113. 1 2 Star Trek: Insurrection
  114. TNG: "A Matter of Perspective"
  115. TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon"
  116. Voy: "Remember"
  117. TNG: "Time Squared"
  118. DS9: "Second Sight"
  119. Voy: "Equinox, Part 2"
  120. TOS: "Metamorphosis"
  121. Voy: "Pathways"
  122. TNG: "Eye of the Beholder"
  123. TNG: "Inheritance"
  124. 1 2 DS9: "Q-Less"
  125. TNG: "Clues"
  126. DS9: "What You Leave Behind"
  127. TOS: "The Savage Curtain"
  128. TOS: "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"
  129. DS9: "The Maquis", "Honor Among Thieves"
  130. Voy: "Homestead"
  131. TNG: "Loud as a Whisper"
  132. Voy: "Lifesigns"
  133. DS9: "A Simple Investigation"
  134. DS9 "Improbable Cause"
  135. TNG: "Parallels"
  136. TNG: "Silicon Avatar"
  137. TNG: "Future Imperfect"
  138. DS9: "The Search, Part I & II"

See also

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