Cerne Abbas Giant

Cerne Abbas Giant chalk figure below the rectangular "Trendle" earthworks

The Cerne Abbas Giant is a hill figure near the village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset, England. Made by a turf-cut outline filled with chalk, it depicts a large naked man with an erection and is typically described as a giant wielding a club. The figure is listed as a scheduled monument in the United Kingdom and the site where he stands is owned by the National Trust.

The origin and age of the figure are unclear. It is often thought of as an ancient construction, though the earliest mention of it dates to the late 17th century. Early antiquarians associated it, on little evidence, with a Saxon deity, while other scholars sought to identify it with a Celtic British figure of the Greek Hercules or some syncretization of the two. Archaeological evidence that parts of the drawing have been lost over time strengthen the Hercules identification. The lack of earlier descriptions leads some modern scholars to conclude that it probably dates from the 17th century, and perhaps originated as political satire.

Regardless of its age, the Cerne Abbas Giant has become an important part of local culture and folklore, which often associates it with fertility. It is one of England's best known hill figures and is a visitor attraction in the region.


Cerne Abbas Giant on 1891 Ordnance Survey map (1:10,560)[1]

The Cerne Abbas Giant is located just outside the small village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset, about 48 kilometres (30 mi) west of Bournemouth and 26 kilometres (16 mi) north of Weymouth. The figure depicts a huge naked man, about 55 metres (180 ft) high and 51 metres (167 ft) wide. It is carved into the white chalk rock[2] on the steep west-facing side of a hill known as Giant Hill[3] or Trendle Hill.[4][5] Atop the hill is another landmark, the Iron Age earthwork known as the "Trendle" or "Frying Pan".[6] The carving is formed by outlines cut into the turf about 0.6 metres (2 ft 0 in) deep, and filled with crushed chalk.[3] In his right hand the giant holds a knobbled club 37 metres (121 ft) in length,[7] and adding 11 metres (36 ft) to the total height of the figure.[2] A line across the waist is considered to be a belt.[8] Writing in 1901 in the Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, Henry Colley March noted that: "The Cerne Giant presents five characteristics: (1) It is petrographic ... It is, therefore, a rock carving ... (2) It is colossal ... (3) It is nude. ... (4) It is ithyphallic ... (5) The Giant is clavigerous. It bears a weapon in its right hand."[9]

A 1996 study found that some features have changed over time, concluding that the figure originally held a cloak in its left arm and stood over a disembodied head.[10] The former presence of a cloak was corroborated in 2008 when a team of archaeologists using special equipment determined that part of the carving had been allowed to be obliterated. The cloak might have been a depiction of an animal skin, giving credence to the theory that the giant was a depiction of a hunter, or alternatively, Hercules with the skin of the Nemean lion over his arm.[11] Additionally, reviewing historical depictions of the giant, it has been suggested that the Giant's current large erection is, in fact, the result of merging a circle representing his navel with a smaller penis during a re-cut.[12] In 1993, the National Trust gave the Giant a "nose job" after years of erosion had worn it away.[13][14]

The Giant has been described as "renowned for its manhood",[15] "markedly phallic",[2] "sexually explicit"[16] and "ithyphallic".[17] The Giant sports an erection, including its testicles, some 11 metres (36 feet) long, and nearly the length of its head.[18] It has been called "Britain's most famous phallus".[19] One commentator noted that postcards of the Giant were the only indecent photographs that could be sent through the English Post Office.[20]

The carving is most commonly known as the Cerne Abbas Giant.[21][22][23][24] The National Trust and others call it the "Cerne Giant",[21][25] while English Heritage and Dorset County Council call it simply "The Giant".[26][27] The carving has also been referred to as the "Old Man",[28] and more recently it has been referred to as the "Rude Man" of Cerne.[29][30]

Although the best view of the Giant is from the air, most tourist guides recommend a ground view from the "Giant's View" lay-by and car park off the A352.[31][32] This area was developed in 1979 in a joint project between the Dorset County Planning Department, the National Trust, Nature Conservancy Council (now called English Nature), the Dorset Naturalists Trusts, the Department of the Environment, and local land-owners. The information panel there was devised by the National Trust and Dorset County Council.[33]


Early accounts

Like several other chalk figures carved into the English countryside, the Cerne Abbas Giant is often thought of as an ancient creation. However, as with many of the other figures, its history cannot be traced back further than the late 17th century, making an origin during the Celtic, Roman or even Early Medieval periods difficult to demonstrate. Medieval sources refer to the hill on which the giant is located as Trendle Hill – possibly in reference to the nearby landmark known as the Trendle.[4][6] Joseph Bettey noted that none of the earlier sources for the area, including a detailed 1617 land survey, refer to the giant, suggesting that it might not have been there at the time.[34] In contrast, the Uffington White Horse has been shown to be 3,000 years old, and there are references to it across the ages.[35]

The earliest known written reference to the giant is a 4 November 1694 entry in the Churchwardens' Accounts from St Mary's Church in Cerne Abbas, which reads "for repairing ye Giant, 3 shillings".[36][37] In 1734, The Bishop of Bristol noted and inquired about the giant during a visitation to Cerne Abbas. The bishop's account, as well as subsequent observations such as those of William Stukeley, were discussed at meetings of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 1764.[38][39] Additionally, in 1738 the antiquarian Francis Wise mentioned the giant in a letter.[40]

Beginning in 1763 descriptions of the giant appeared in contemporary magazines. The earliest known survey was published in the Royal Magazine in September 1763. Derivative versions subsequently appeared in the October 1763 St James Chronicle, the July 1764 Gentleman's Magazine,[41] and the 1764 edition of The Annual Register.[38][42][43][44][45] The Gentleman's Magazine account in particular was prominent, and contained the oldest known drawing of the figure.[38][41] In 1774, the antiquarian John Hutchins reviewed various previous accounts in his book The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset.[38] In it, he wrote that the carving had only been done the previous century.[6]

The earliest known drawing of the Giant appears in the August 1764 issue of Gentleman's Magazine.[41] A map referred to as the "1768 Survey Map of Cerne Abbas by Benjamin Pryce" is held at the Dorset History Centre.[46] However, a record at the National Archives notes that "the cartouche refers to Lord Rivers by that title which he did not acquire until 1776. Numbers on the map appear to correspond with the survey of 1798".[47] By the Victorian period (after 1837) the penis was removed from academic and tourist depictions,


Layout of the giant with the obliterated line (in yellow) reconstructed

There are three main ideas concerning the age of the Giant, and whom he might represent:[51]

  1. The first argues that because there is no medieval documentary evidence, then the Giant was created in the 17th century, perhaps by Lord Holles, who resided in Cerne Abbas, and perhaps as a parody of Oliver Cromwell.[52]
  2. The second idea is that the Giant dates to the time of the Romans in Britain (i.e. Romano-British), because the Giant resembles the Roman god Hercules, who was based on the Greek god Heracles.
  3. The third idea is that the Giant is of Celtic origin, because it is stylistically similar to a Celtic god on a skillet handle found at Hod Hill, Dorset, and dated to around AD 10 to AD 51.

Various studies on the Cerne Abbas Giant have been undertaken. In 1896 the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society noted the consensus of members that the giant "is of very great antiquity".[53] Modern scholarship largely rejects this, and argues for an origin shortly before the 18th century.[54] Modern histories of the Cerne Giant have been published by Bettey 1981, Legg 1990, and Darvill et al. 1999.[55]

Early antiquarians associated the figure with a Saxon god whose name contained some variant of the element Hel-.[56] This god is attested in several medieval and early modern texts, and was associated with the Cerne Abbas Giant by an editor of a 1789 edition of William Camden's Britannia and by William Stukeley, who indicated that locals referred to the giant as "Helis".[54] A Saxon origin is unlikely, but Stukeley was also the first to hypothesize that the figure was Hercules, a suggestion that has found more support.[54][57] Some 19th-century sources describe the giant as having "between his legs, three rude letters, scarcely legible, and over them in modern figures, 748", (rude meaning "roughly cut") and being the representation of Cenric, the son of Cuthred, King of Wessex.[58][59]

Proponents of a 17th-century origin suggest that the giant was carved during the English Civil War by servants of the Lord of the Manor, Denzil Holles, and was intended as a parody of Oliver Cromwell.[60] Cromwell was sometimes mockingly referred to as "England's Hercules" by his enemies. The Hercules connection is strengthened by the 1996 discovery of the cloak, as Hercules was often depicted with a cloak made from the Nemean Lion's skin.[54]

Modern history

In 1920, the giant and the 4,000 square metres (0.99 acres) site where he stands was donated to the National Trust by its then land-owners, Alexander and George Pitt-Rivers,[61] and it is now listed as a Scheduled Monument.[62] During World War II the giant was camouflaged with brushwood by the Home Guard in order to prevent use as a landmark for enemy aircraft.[63][64]

According to the National Trust, the grass is trimmed regularly and the giant is fully re-chalked every 25 years.[65] Traditionally, the National Trust has relied on sheep from surrounding farms to graze the site.[66] However, in 2008 a lack of sheep, coupled with a wet spring causing extra plant growth, forced a re-chalking of the giant,[67] with 17 tonnes of new chalk being poured in and tamped down by hand.[68] In 2006, the National Trust carried out the first wildlife survey of the Cerne Abbas Giant, identifying wild flowers including the green-winged orchid, clustered bellflower and autumn gentian, which are uncommon in England.[69]

In 1921 Walter Long of Gillingham, Dorset objected to the giant's nudity and conducted a campaign to either convert it to a simple nude, or to cover its supposed obscenity with a leaf.[16] Long's protest gained some support, including that of two bishops,[19][20] and eventually reached the Home Office.[20] The Home Office considered the protest to be in humour, though the chief constable responded to say the office could not act against a protected scheduled monument.[20]


Roman god Hercules holding a club and the Nemean lion-skin fur

A 1617 land survey of Cerne Abbas makes no mention of the Giant, suggesting that it may not have been there at the time or was perhaps overgrown.[34] The first published survey appeared in the September 1763 issue of Royal Magazine, reprinted in the October 1763 issue of St James Chronicle, and also in the August 1764 edition of Gentleman's Magazine together with the first drawing that included measurements.[38]

Egyptologist and archaeology pioneer Sir Flinders Petrie[70] surveyed the Giant, probably during the First World War, and published his results in a Royal Anthropological Institute paper in 1926.[71][72] Petrie says that he made 220 measurements, and records slight grooves across the neck, and from the shoulders down to the armpits. He also notes a row of pits suggesting the place of the spine. He concludes that the Giant is very different from the Long Man of Wilmington, and that minor grooves may have been added from having been repeatedly cleaned.[72]

In 1764, William Stukeley was one of the first people to suggest that the Giant resembles Hercules (Heracles).[39] In 1938, British archaeologist Stuart Piggott agreed, and like Hercules, should also be carrying a lion-skin.[73][74] In 1979, a resistivity survey was carried out, and together with drill samples, confirmed the presence of the lion-skin.[75] Another resistivity survey in 1995 also found evidence of a cloak and changes to the length of the phallus, but did not find evidence (as rumoured) of a severed head, horns, or symbols between the feet.[76]


North-east of the head of the Giant is an escarpment called Trendle Hill, on which are some earthworks now called The Trendle or Frying Pan.[77] It is a scheduled monument in its own right.[78] Antiquarian John Hutchins wrote in 1872 that "These remains are of very interesting character, and of considerable extent. They consist of circular and other earthworks, lines of defensive ramparts, an avenue, shallow excavations, and other indications of a British settlement."[79]

Unlike the Giant, the earthworks belong to Lord Digby, rather than the National Trust. Its purpose is unknown, though it is thought to be the site of maypole dancing.[77] It has been considered to be Roman,[77] or perhaps an Iron-Age burial mound containing the tomb of the person represented by the Giant.[80][81]


Whatever its origin, the giant has become an important part of the culture and folklore of Dorset. Some folk stories indicate that the image is an outline of the corpse of a real giant.[54] One story says the giant came from Denmark leading an invasion of the coast, and was beheaded by the people of Cerne Abbas while he slept on the hillside.[82]

Other folklore, first recorded in the Victorian era, associates the figure with fertility.[54] In the past locals would erect a maypole on the earthwork, around which childless couples would dance to promote fertility.[44] According to folk belief, a woman who sleeps on the figure will be blessed with fecundity, and infertility may be cured through sexual intercourse on top of the figure, especially the phallus.[54]

In 1808, Dorset poet William Holloway published his poem "The Giant of Trendle Hill",[5] in which the Giant is killed by the locals by piercing its heart.

Homer Simpson as promotion for The Simpsons Movie

In modern times the giant has been used for several publicity stunts and as an advertisement. For example, Ann Bryn-Evans of the Pagan Federation recalls that the Giant has been used to promote "...condoms, jeans and bicycles."[83]

In 1998, pranksters made a pair of jeans out of plastic mesh with a 21-metre (69 ft) inside leg, and fitted them to the giant[84] to publicise American Jeans manufacturer Big Smith.[85] In 2002, the BLAC advertising agency[86] on behalf of "... the Family Planning Association (FPA) as part of its mission to promote condom-wearing [..] donned balaclavas and spent Sunday night rolling the enormous latex sheet down the Giant's member."[87]

As a publicity stunt for the opening of The Simpsons Movie on 16 July 2007, a giant Homer Simpson brandishing a doughnut was outlined in water-based biodegradable paint to the left of the Cerne Abbas giant. This act displeased local neopagans, who pledged to perform rain magic to wash the figure away.[88][89]

An August 2007 report, in the Dorset Echo said that a man claiming to be the "Purple Phantom" had painted the Giant's penis purple. It was reported that the man was from Fathers 4 Justice but the group said that they did not know who it was.[90]

The Cerne Abbas Giant has appeared in several films and TV programmes, including the title sequence of the 1986 British historical drama film Comrades,[91] a 1996 episode of the Erotic Tales series "The Insatiable Mrs Kirsch", directed by Ken Russell (featuring a replica of the Giant), in 1997, the series 6 finale "Sofa" of the comedy series Men Behaving Badly, and the 2000 film Maybe Baby directed by Ben Elton.[92][93]

In 2012, pupils and members of the local community recreated the Olympic torch on the Giant, to mark the passing of the official torch in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics.[94][95]

In November 2013, the National Trust supported Movember, which raises awareness of prostate and testicular cancer. It authorised the temporary placement of a huge grass moustache on the giant. The moustache was 12 metres (39 ft) wide and 3 metres (10 ft) deep according to the designer[96] but both the National Trust and the BBC reported it as being 11 by 27 metres (36 by 89 ft).[97][98]


In 1980, Devon artist Kenneth Evans-Loud planned to produce a companion 70-metre (230 ft) female figure on the opposite hill, featuring Marilyn Monroe in her iconic pose from the film The Seven Year Itch where her dress is blown by a subway grating.[99][100]

In 1989, Turner Prize winning artist Grayson Perry designed a set of motorbike leathers inspired by the Cerne Abbas Giant.[101][102][103] In 1994, girls from Roedean School painted an 24-metre (79 ft) replica of the Giant on their playing field, the day before sports day.[104] In 1999, a plaque was discovered near the nose of the Marree Man, a modern geoglyph discovered a year earlier, "claiming that a clue to its origins are to be found buried in a sealed container near the Cerne Giant".[105][106]

In 2003, pranksters created their own 23-metre (75 ft) version of the Giant on a hill in English Bicknor, but "wearing wellies, an ear of corn hanging from its mouth and a tankard of ale in its hand".[107] In 2005, the makers of Lynx deodorant created a 9.300 square metres (100.10 sq ft) advert on a field near Gatwick, featuring a copy of the Giant wearing underpants, frolicking with two scantily-clad women.[108] In 2006, artist Peter John Hardwick produced a painting "The Two Dancers with the Cerne Abbas Giant, with Apologies to Picasso" that is on display at Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.[109] In 2009, the Giant was given a red nose, to publicize the BBC's Comic Relief charity event.[110] In 2011, English animators The Brothers McLeod produced a 15-second cartoon giving their take on what the Giant does when no one is watching.[111]

In 2015, the giant was used as a character in an online comic book published by Eco Comics; the giant's character appeared in various adventures accompanying a character based on St George, though his erect penis was removed from the artwork as many "outlets, particularly in the US, refuse any form of nudity in comic books".[112]

The giant's image has been reproduced on various souvenirs and local food produce labels, including for a range of beers made by the Cerne Abbas Brewery. In 2016, the BBC reported that the beer company's logo had been censored in the Houses of Parliament [113].

See also


  1. "England – Dorset", Ordnance Survey map 1:10,560, Epoch 1 (1891)
  2. 1 2 3 Stuart Piggott, "The Hercules Myth—beginnings and ends", Antiquity Vol.12 No.47, September 1938, Page 327
  3. 1 2 "Hill figure called The Giant", Scheduled Monument record number 1003202, The National Heritage List for England, at English Heritage, retrieved 14 October 2012.
  4. 1 2 Haughton, Brian, Hidden History: Lost Civilizations, Secret Knowledge, and Ancient Mysteries, publisher, 2009, ISBN 1442952601, 9781442952607, page 258
  5. 1 2 William Holloway, "The Giant of Trendle Hill", The minor minstrel: or, Poetical pieces, chiefly familiar and descriptive, Printed for W. Suttaby, 1808, 182 pages, page 140
  6. 1 2 3 Hutchins, John (1973) [1742]. The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. Robert Douch (Contributor). Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 0-87471-336-6.
  7. Hy. Colley March M.D. F.S.A., "The Giant and the Maypole of Cerne", Proceedings, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, Vol.22, 1901, page 108
  8. Timothy Darvill, "Cerne Giant, Dorset, England", in Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology, publisher: Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN 0199534047, 9780199534043, 544 pages.
  9. Hy. Colley March M.D. F.S.A., "The Giant and the Maypole of Cerne", Proceedings, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, Vol.22, 1901, pages 107–108
  10. Koch, John T. (2006). Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 395. ISBN 1-85109-440-7.
  11. "Cerne Abbas Giant & Cerne Abbas, Dorset". Weymouth & Portland Borough Council. Archived from the original on 30 March 2009. Retrieved 2010-10-03.
  12. Grinsell, Leslie (1980). "The Cerne Abbas Giant: 1764–1980". Antiquity. 54 (210): 29–33.
  13. Chris Court, "Nose Job for Chalk Giant", Press Association, Sunday 11 April 1993, Home News
  14. Raphael Samuel, Theatres of Memory: Past and Present in Contemporary Culture, Publisher: Verso Books, 2012, ISBN 1844678695, 9781844678693, 508 pages, page 172
  15. Paul Edwards, "Campaigning Couples to Gather at Ancient Fertility Symbol", Press Association, Sunday 2 May 1993
  16. 1 2 Temple Willcox, "Hard times for the Cerne Giant: 20th-century attitudes to an ancient monument" (abstract), Antiquity, Vol.62 No.236, September 1988, page 524
  17. Hy. Colley March M.D. F.S.A., "The Giant and the Maypole of Cerne", Proceedings, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, Vol.22, 1901, page 104
  18. Eugene Monick, Phallos: Sacred Image of the Masculine, Volume 27 of Studies in Jungian psychology, publisher Inner City Books, 1987, ISBN 0919123260, 9780919123267, 141 pages, page 36
  19. 1 2 Antony Barnett, "Bishop tried to gird the giant's loins", The Observer, 5 March 2000
  20. 1 2 3 4 "Editorial: regarding the Home Office file, Obscene Publications: the Cerne Abbas Giant (PRO HO 45/18033)", Antiquity, Vol.50 No.198, June 1976, pages 93–94
  21. 1 2 John Sydenham, Baal Durotrigensis. A dissertation on the antient colossal figure at Cerne, Dorsetshire, London, W. Pickering, 1842. "Section IV" (page 43)
  22. "Cerne Abbas Giant: Preserving an icon", BBC News Dorset, Wednesday, 17 March 2010, retrieved 5 October 2012
  23. "Pass notes no 2,820: The Cerne Abbas giant", The Guardian, Tuesday 27 July 2010, retrieved 5 October 2012
  24. "Visit the Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset", 6 July 2011, retrieved 5 October 2012
  25. "Cerne Giant" at the National Trust, retrieved 5 October 2012
  26. "Hill figure called The Giant" at English Heritage, retrieved 5 October 2012
  27. "A background to Cerne Abbas", Dorset County Council, retrieved 5 October 2012
  28. "Notes of the Month", Antiquary, a magazine devoted to the study of the past (1905), Volume: 41, page 365
  29. Crispin Paine, Sacred Places, National Trust Books, 2006, ISBN 1905400152, 9781905400157, page 112
  30. Lionel Fanthorpe, Patricia Fanthorpe, The World's Most Mysterious Places, Dundurn, 1999, ISBN 0888822065, 9780888822062, page 171
  31. Patricia Beer, Fay Godwin, Wessex: a National Trust book, published H. Hamilton, 1985, ISBN 0241115507, 9780241115503, 224 pages, page 132
  32. "Giant's View Lay-By on the A532 in Cerne Abbas" on Google Maps, retrieved 1 November 2012
  33. Tony Haskell, Caring for our Built Heritage: Conservation in practice: a review of conservation schemes carried out by County Councils and National Park Authorities in England and Wales in association with District Councils and other agencies, Publisher Taylor & Francis, 1993, ISBN 0419175806, 9780419175803, 379 pages, pages 20–21
  34. 1 2 J. H. Bettey, "The Cerne Abbas giant: the documentary evidence", Antiquity, Vol.55, No.214, July 1981, pages 118.
  35. Martin Symington, Sacred Britain: A Guide to Places that Stir the Soul, publisher: Bradt Travel Guides, 2012, ISBN 1841623636, 9781841623634, 240 pages, page 53
  36. Katherine Barker, "Brief Encounter: The Cerne Abbas Giantess Project, Summer 1997", Proceedings – Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, Volume 119, pages 179–183, citing Vale 1992, op.. cit
  37. Vivian Vale, Patricia Vale, Book of Cerne Abbas: Abbey and After, Halsgrove Press, 2000, ISBN 1841140694, 9781841140698
  38. 1 2 3 4 5 D. Morgan Evans, "Eighteenth-Century Descriptions of the Cerne Abbas Giant", The Antiquaries Journal, Volume 78, September 1998, page 463 (−471).
  39. 1 2 William Stukeley, Minute Book of the Society of Antiquaries, Vol. IX, p.233. Thursday 15 March 1764. Reproduced in Hy. Colley March M.D. F.S.A., "The Giant and the Maypole of Cerne", Proceedings, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, Vol.22, 1901', page 116.
  40. Francis Wise, A letter to Dr Mead concerning some antiquities in Berkshire, printed for Thomas Wood, 1738, page 48
  41. 1 2 3 4 The Gentleman's Magazine, Volume 34, July 1764, Page 336
  42. The Gentleman's magazine, Volume 34 (August 1764). Page 335
  43. Haughton, Brian (2007). Hidden History: Lost Civilizations, Secret Knowledge, and Ancient Mysteries. Franklin Lakes, NJ: New Page Books. p. 136. ISBN 1-56414-897-1.
  44. 1 2 Lewis, Richard (1 May 2005). "Celebrating May Day the Pagan Way". The Observer. Retrieved 20 June 2008.
  45. Robert Dodsley, The Annual Register, 1764, page 166
  46. "Maps & Survey", Cerne Abbas Historical Society, retrieved 13 October 2012 (illustration)
  47. "Pitt-Rivers Estate Archive, Cerne Abbas map D/PIT/P6?1768-1798" at the National Archives, retrieved 13 October 2012
  48. Minute Book of the Society of Antiquaries, November 1763, in Vol.IX, July 1762 – April 1765, between pages 199 and 200, reproduced in D. Morgan Evans (1998), "Eighteenth-Century Descriptions of the Cerne Abbas Giant", The Antiquaries Journal, 78, pp 463471, doi:10.1017/S000358150004508X, page 468
  49. John Sydenham, Baal Durotrigensis. A dissertation on the antient colossal figure at Cerne, Dorsetshire; and an attempt to illustrate the distinction between the primal Celtæ and the Celto-Belgæ of Britain: with observations on the worship of the serpent and that of the sun, London, W. Pickering, 1842. Opposite title page.
  50. William Plenderleath, The white horses of the west of England, 1892, page 39
  51. "Cerne Abbas Giant, Hill-Figure", National Trust Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record (HBSMR) Number 110511, via the English Heritage Gateway, retrieved 30 October 2012
  52. "Cerne Giant", National Trust website, retrieved 30 October 2012
  53. Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archæological and Natural History Society, 1896, page 14
  54. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Koch, John T. (2006). Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 396. ISBN 1-85109-440-7.
  55. "Cerne Abbas", The Dorset Historic Towns Project report on Cerne Abbas, "Part 3 and 4 Context and sources (pdf, 492kb)" 4.1 Previous research, page 21
  56. Koch, John T. (2006). Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. pp. 395–396. ISBN 1-85109-440-7.
  57. The modern antiquarian, Julian Cope, Thorsons 1998
  58. Curtis, Thomas (ed.) (1829). The London Encyclopaedia: Or, Universal Dictionary of Science, Art, Literature, and Practical Mechanics, Comprising a Popular View of the Present State of Knowledge. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings, a General Atlas, and Appropriate Diagrams. Thomas Tegg. p. 768.
  59. Britton, John; et al. (1803). The Beauties of England and Wales, Or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive, of Each County. Thomas Maiden, for Vernor and Hood.
  60. Cerne Abbas Giant at Sacred Destinations
  61. Grinsell, Leslie (1980). "The Cerne Abbas Giant: 1764–1980". Antiquity. 54 (210): 30.
  62. "Hill figure called The Giant", List entry Number: 1003202, at, retrieved 20 October 2012
  63. Lucy Cockcroft, "Cerne Abbas giant in danger of disappearing", The Telegraph, 19 June 2008, retrieved 6 October 2012
  64. "Volunteers restore historic giant of Cerne Abbas to his former glory", The Guardian, Tuesday 16 September 2008, retrieved 6 October 2012
  65. "Cerne Abbas Giant", National Trust, retrieved 29 June 2011 (via the Internet Archive WayBackMachine)
  66. Cockcroft, Lucy (19 June 2008). "Cerne Abbas giant in danger of disappearing". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 20 June 2008.
  67. BBC (20 June 2008). "Sheep shortage hits Giant's look". BBC. Retrieved 20 June 2008.
  68. Morris, Steven (16 September 2008). "Volunteers restore historic giant of Cerne Abbas to his former glory". The Guardian. Guardian Newspapers. Retrieved 17 September 2008.
  69. Richard Savill, "Giant can help rare wildlife to flourish", The Telegraph, 23 June 2006, retrieved 7 October 2012
  70. Brian Fagan, Archaeologists: Explorers of the Human Past, Oxford University Press, 2003, ISBN 0195119460, 9780195119466, 192 pages, page 72
  71. Leslie Grinsel, "The Cern Abbas Giant 1764–1980", Antiquity, Vol.54 No.210, March 1980, page 29
  72. 1 2 W. M. F. Petrie, The Hill Figures of England, "III. The Giant of Cerne", Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Occasional Paper No.7, 1926
  73. Stuart Piggott, "The Hercules Myth—beginnings and ends", Antiquity Vol.12 No.47, September 1938, Pages 326–327
  74. Julia De Wolf Addison, Classic Myths in Art: An Account of Greek Myths as Illustrated by Great Artists, Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing, 2003 ISBN 0766176703, 9780766176706, 360 pages, page 188
  75. "Cerne Giant", 1979 Resistivity survey by A J Clark, A D H Bartlett and A E U David, English Heritage, National Monuments Record 1058724
  76. "Cerne Giant", 1995 Resistivity survey by A J Clark, A D H Bartlett and A E U David, English Heritage, 1066313
  77. 1 2 3 "The Trendle, Possible Roman Rectangular Earthwork Enclosure", National Trust Archaeological Data Service
  78. "Earthworks on Giant Hill", List entry Number: 1002725, The National Heritage List for England
  79. Hutchins (1742), quoted in Dr Wake Smart, "The Cerne Giant", Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Volume: 28, 1872, page 65
  80. James Dyer, Southern England: an archaeological guide, publisher Noyes Press, 1973, pp. 81–82
  81. "The Trendle", National Monuments Record Number 199018, English Heritage at, retrieved 25 October 2012
  82. Woolf, Daniel R. (2003). The Social Circulation of the Past: English Historical Culture 1500–1730. Oxford University Press. pp. 348, footnote 178. ISBN 0-19-925778-7.
  83. "Wish for rain to wash away Homer", BBC News, Monday, 16 July 2007
  84. "Giant's blue jeans stunt faces a pounds 5,000 demand", The Birmingham Post, 15 May 1998
  85. Tina Rowe, "Giant cover-up is a stroke of pure jean-ius...;", Western Daily Press, 15 May 1998, page 3
  86. BLAC Agency for the Family Planning Association, campaign overview, retrieved 11 October 2012
  87. "Diary: Arnold covers back in giant condom assault with UFO spotters ruse", Campaign, Friday, 9 August 2002
  88. "Wish for rain to wash away Homer". BBC News. 16 July 2007.
  89. Hamblin, Cory (2009). Serket's Movies: Commentary and Trivia on 444 Movies. Dorrance Publishing. p. 327. ISBN 9781434996053. Retrieved 30 June 2015.
  90. Giant daubed by 'vigilante'
  91. "Filming locations for Comrades" at, retrieved 12 October 2012
  92. Maybe Baby on YouTube End scene, retrieved 12 October 2012.
  93. See the individual productions, and "The South-Central Region On Screen", retrieved 12 October 2012.
  94. Ruth Meech, "Youngsters recreate Olympic torch on Cerne Abbas' chalk giant", Dorset Echo, Tuesday 29 May 2012, retrieved 27 October 2012
  95. Emily Fairbairn, "Cerne Abbas Giant is biggest Olympic torchbearer", The Sun, 29 May 2012, retrieved 27 October 2012
  96. "Cerne Giant Watch our Cerne Giant Movember video". National Trust. National Trust. 2013. Retrieved 19 March 2015. |Note: The measurements are taken from the video clip, entitled, Watch our Cerne Giant Movember video Starting at 39 seconds into the video, Richard Brown, from British Seed Houses, says, "The moustache is 12 metres long by three metres deep and it took five of us four and a half hours to construct it on the day."
  97. "Giant support for Movember is a sight to behold". National Trust. 1 November 2013. Retrieved 19 March 2015.
  98. "Cerne Abbas Giant sports moustache for Movember". BBC News. BBC. 1 November 2013. Retrieved 15 March 2015.
  99. Annabel Ferriman, "Objections to hill figure", The Times, issue No. 60571, Monday, 10 March 1980, page 2.
  100. Rodney Castleden, The Cerne Giant, Dorset Publishing Company, 1996, ISBN 0948699558, 9780948699559, page 37
  101. Naomi West, "The world of...", The Telegraph, 17 February 2007, retrieved 11 October 2012
  102. "Grayson Perry at the British Museum", The Vintage, Thursday, 15 December 2011
  103. "Saucy tips for the ladies who lunch ", London Evening Standard, 10 March 2011, retrieved 11 October 2012
  104. Jack O'Sullivan, "So you still want to send the kids to boarding school?", The Independent, Thursday 18 March 1999, retrieved 12 October 2012
  105. Molly Watson, "Mystery of the Aboriginal man leads to Dorset", The Evening Standard (London), 21 January 1999, page 18
  106. Christopher Zinn, "English giants hold key to big Maree mystery", The Guardian, Wednesday 20 January 1999
  107. "Pranksters Create A Naked Giant Imposter", Western Daily Press, 15 April 2003, page 23
  108. "Huge deodorant advert washed away", BBC News, Tuesday, 26 July 2005, retrieved 27 October 2012
  109. Peter John Hardwick, "The Two Dancers with the Cerne Abbas Giant, with Apologies to Picasso", BBC Your Paintings, retrieved 12 October 2012
  110. "Cerne Abbas Giant given red nose", BBC News Dorset, 12 February 2009, retrieved 12 October 2012
  111. The Brothers McLeod, "Funny in 15: Cerne Abbas", 29 September 2011, retrieved 12 October 2012
  112. Ward, Victoria (8 May 2015). "Giant chalk hillside figure in Cerne Abbas censored for American audience". Telegraph Media Group Limited. Retrieved 8 May 2015.
  113. Cerne Abbas giant beer logo censored in Parliament bar, retrieved 29 July 2017



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