Cellular noise

Cellular noise is random variability in quantities arising in cellular biology. For example, cells which are genetically identical, even within the same tissue, are often observed to have different expression levels of proteins, different sizes and structures.[1][2] These apparently random differences can have important biological and medical consequences.[3]

Cellular noise was originally, and is still often, examined in the context of gene expression levels – either the concentration or copy number of the products of genes within and between cells. As gene expression levels are responsible for many fundamental properties in cellular biology, including cells' physical appearance, behaviour in response to stimuli, and ability to process information and control internal processes, the presence of noise in gene expression has profound implications for many processes in cellular biology.


The most frequent quantitative definition of noise is the coefficient of variation:

where is the noise in a quantity , is the mean value of and is the standard deviation of . This measure is dimensionless, allowing a relative comparison of the importance of noise, without necessitating knowledge of the absolute mean.

Another quantity often used for mathematical convenience is the Fano factor:

Intrinsic and extrinsic noise

A schematic illustration of a dual reporter study. Each data point corresponds to a measurement of the expression level of two identically-regulated genes in a single cell: the scatter reflects measurements of a population of cells. Extrinsic noise is characterised by expression levels of both genes covarying between cells, intrinsic by internal differences.

Cellular noise is often investigated in the framework of intrinsic and extrinsic noise. Intrinsic noise refers to variation in identically-regulated quantities within a single cell: for example, the intra-cell variation in expression levels of two identically-controlled genes. Extrinsic noise refers to variation in identically-regulated quantities between different cells: for example, the cell-to-cell variation in expression of a given gene.

Intrinsic and extrinsic noise levels are often compared in dual reporter studies, in which the expression levels of two identically-regulated genes (often fluorescent reporters like GFP and YFP) are plotted for each cell in a population.[4]


Note: These lists are illustrative, not exhaustive, and identification of noise sources is an active and expanding area of research.

Intrinsic noise
Extrinsic noise

Note that extrinsic noise can affect levels and types of intrinsic noise:[13] for example, extrinsic differences in the mitochondrial content of cells lead, through differences in ATP levels, to some cells transcribing faster than others, affecting the rates of gene expression and the magnitude of intrinsic noise across the population.[11]


Note: These lists are illustrative, not exhaustive, and identification of noise effects is an active and expanding area of research.


A canonical model for stochastic gene expression. DNA flips between "inactive" and "active" states (involving, for example, chromatin remodelling and transcription factor binding). Active DNA is transcribed to produce mRNA which is translated to produce protein, both of which are degraded. All processes are Poissonian with given rates.

As many quantities of cell biological interest are present in discrete copy number within the cell (single DNAs, dozens of mRNAs, hundreds of proteins), tools from discrete stochastic mathematics are often used to analyse and model cellular noise.[20][21] In particular, master equation treatments – where the probabilities of observing a system in a state at time are linked through ODEs – have proved particularly fruitful. A canonical model for noise gene expression, where the processes of DNA activation, transcription and translation are all represented as Poisson processes with given rates, gives a master equation which may be solved exactly (with generating functions) under various assumptions or approximated with stochastic tools like Van Kampen's system size expansion.

Numerically, the Gillespie algorithm or stochastic simulation algorithm is often used to create realisations of stochastic cellular processes, from which statistics can be calculated.

The problem of inferring the values of parameters in stochastic models (parametric inference) for biological processes, which are typically characterised by sparse and noisy experimental data, is an active field of research, with methods including Bayesian MCMC and approximate Bayesian computation proving adaptable and robust.


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