Cathérine Hug

Cathérine Hug (born 1976 in Basel, Switzerland) is an art historian and curator.

Life and work

Cathérine Hug was born 1976 in Basel, Switzerland. With her parents and siblings she grew up in Saint-Ursanne and Delémont, Switzerland.

Cathérine Hug studied Computer Science, Media Science and Art History at the Chairs of Rolf Pfeiffer, Heinz Bonfadelli and Stanislaus von Moos at the University of Zurich. From 2000 until 2007 she was curatorial assistant at the Kunsthaus Zurich, where she worked closely with Bice Curiger and Tobia Bezzola. From 2005 until 2008 she was assistant of the Art Unlimited Curator Simon Lamunière at the Art Basel. As free-lance curator she organized among others Unloaded (Oberschan 2002-03) with Giovanni Carmine; In The Alps with Tobia Bezzola (Kunsthaus Zurich, 2006); and Carola Giedion-Welcker and Modernism (Kunsthaus Zurich, 2007). From 2008 until 2013 she was curator at the Kunsthalle Wien in Vienna, where she curated among others Thomas Ruff (2009), 1989. End of History or Beginning of the Future? (2009–10) with Gerald Matt, Street And Studio. From Basquiat to Séripop (2010) with Thomas Mießgang, Space. About A Dream (2011) with Walter Famler, Lucy Skaer – Force Justify (2012), WWTBD – What Would Thomas Bernhard Do and Salon der Angst with Nicolaus Schafhausen (both 2013). From 2011 until 2013 she was in the workers’ committee and supervisory board (Betriebsrat and Aufsichtsrat) of Kunsthalle Wien. Since 2013 she is curator at the Kunsthaus Zurich, where she curated among others Von Matisse zum Blauen Reiter (2014) with Timothy Benson (LACMA, Los Angeles); Europa. The Future of History (2015) with Robert Menasse; Tomi Ungerer. Incognito (2015) in collaboration with Folkwang Essen; Dadaglobe Reconstructed (2016) with Adrien Sudhalter in collaboration with MoMA New York; and Francis Picabia. A retrospective (2016) with Anne Umland in collaboration with MoMA New York. As guest curator she curated Feiert das Leben! with Robert Menasse and Manuela Laubenberger at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien in Vienna (2015–16). Hug is further project leader of the digitalization of the Kunsthaus Dada Collection (2013–16).

Details list of exhibitions and projects

(*) labels exhibitions with an accompanying publication or catalogue



















Jury member, nominator

Teaching, talks and lectures (selection*)

* The lectures and talks organized for Kunsthalle Wien and the Kunsthaus Zurich are not listed below but can be found via the indicated links for the respective exhibitions stated above.


  1. "Francis Picabia. A Retrospective" (PDF).
  2. "Dadaglobe Reconstructed" (PDF).
  3. "Kunsthaus Dada Collection".
  4. "Tomi Ungerer. Incognito" (PDF).
  5. "Feiert das Leben! Zehn Lebensmasken werden zu Kunst".
  6. "Sinnliche Ungewissheit" (PDF).
  7. "Menasse of Europa. Die Zukunft der Geschichte" (PDF).
  8. "Von Matisse zum Blauen Reiter. Expressionismus in Deutschland und Frankreich" (PDF).
  9. "Salon der Angst".
  10. "Vienna Art Passage Karlsplatz".
  11. "4th international Fanzine & Small Publishers Fair in Austria".
  12. "WWTBD - What Would Thomas Bernhard Do".
  13. "Lucy Skaer - Force Justify (part 3)".
  14. "Unheimliche Reise, Uncanny Journey".
  15. "Daniel Knorr, Explosion".
  16. "Ulrike Lienbacher, Kartenhaus".
  17. "Franz Huemer: Seher und Genie, Seer and Genious".
  18. "Loris Gréaud".
  19. "WELTRAUM, die Kunst und ein Traum. SPACE. Art and a dream".
  20. "Street and Studio. From Basquiat to Séripop".
  21. "Marilyn Manson - David Lynch: Genealogies of Pain".
  22. "ich tier! (du mensch) - du tier! (ich mensch), i animal! (you human) - you animal! (i human)".
  23. "1989. End of History or Beginning of the Future? Comments on a Paradigm Shift".
  24. "Thomas Ruff. Surfaces, Depth".
  25. "AZPAA (A-Z public art projects)".
  26. "AZPAA (A-Z public art projects)".
  27. "Art Unlimited".
  28. "Carola Giedion-Welcker und die Moderne" (PDF).
  29. "International Association of Curators of Contemporary Art".
  30. "NAFRA - Narikurava Friends Association".
  31. "Internationale Thomas Bernhard Gesellschaft (ITBG)".
  32. "Alumni Art History UZH".
  33. "European Alternatives".
  34. "Internationale Stefan Zweig Gesellschaft".
  35. "Culture Action Europe".
  36. "Summer Academy Paul Klee".
  37. "Price of the NCCA".
  38. "Werkbeiträge Digitale Kultur".
  39. "Videoex".
  40. "Prix du CCJE".
  41. "Prix de la Société des Arts de Genève".
  42. "Boston Consulting & Belvedere Contemporary Art Award".
  43. "Art Salon, Art 43 Basel".
  44. "Loris Gréaud. CELLAR DOOR".
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