Castle (shogi)

King in start position
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King in castle variant
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(Feiji King castle)

In shogi, castles (囲い kakoi) are strong defensive configurations of pieces that protect the king (玉). Usually the pieces involved are golds (金), silvers (銀), and pawns (歩). Typically, they also require moving the king from its starting position – often to the left or right side of the board.

In contrast to the special castling move in western chess, shogi castles require making multiple individual moves with more than one piece. The simplest castle involves two pieces and requires three moves, but it is more common to move at least three different pieces. For example, a simple Mino castle (美濃) requires moving the king, the rook (飛), a silver, and two golds for a total of six moves. Others such as the Static Rook Anaguma castle (居飛車穴熊) are more complex, which requires moving the king, a pawn, the bishop (角), a lance (香), a silver, and two golds for a total of twelve moves. Furthermore, there are piece development relations between castles. For instance, a basic Mino castle can be developed into a Silver Crown castle, a Gold Yagura castle can be developed into a Complete Yagura castle, a Boat castle into an Anaguma castle, a Gold Excelsior castle into a Left Yagura castle, and so on.

There are many types of castles and variations on those types which can be used, but it is important to understand which ones are useful in the current situation and how to compensate for their weak points.

The lack of a castle and with the king in its start position is known by the term sitting king (居玉 igyoku), which is typically regarded negatively. However, there are a few very early attack strategies that allow a sitting king.

Castles and opening types

Certain castles are generally paired with certain openings. For example, if White is playing a Ranging Rook opening like Fourth File Rook, then White often uses a Mino (or related) castle on their right side of the board. A Fourth File Rook opening can be met with Black playing a Static Rook opening, which may often lead to Black building a Static Rook Anaguma castle.[1]


Gold Yagura
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The Yagura or Fortress castle (矢倉囲い yaguragakoi) is considered by many to be the strongest defensive position in shogi in Double Static Rook games.[2]

A common Yagura structure is the Gold Yagura (金矢倉 kin yagura). It has a strongly protected king; a well-fortified line of pawns; and the bishop, rook, and a pawn all support a later attack by the rook's silver or knight. It is difficult to break down with a frontal assault, though it is weaker from the side. It is typically used against static rook openings that involve advancing the rook's pawn. However, one's opponent may just as easily adopt this defense, giving neither side an advantage.

Crab castle

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When building a Yagura castle, there is a strong intermediate position called the Crab castle (カニ囲い kanigakoi).[2][3] It has the three pawns on the left side advanced to their final Yagura positions, and on the h rank all four generals are lined up next to the bishop, which is still in its starting position: 角金銀金銀 bishop-gold-silver-gold-silver. The king is moved one square to the left, behind the middle silver.

The crab name comes from the way the king at 6i can only move from side to side (7i, 5i).


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The Bonanza castle (ボナンザ) is a castle that used to be built by the computer shogi engine Bonanza. It has some similarities with the Incomplete Yagura castle.


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Kabuto after bishop trade
with Reclining Silver
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Japanese helmet

The Helmet or Headpiece castle (カブト kabuto) castle is a structure often used to protect the king while playing a Reclining Silver strategy usually in combination with a Bishop Exchange opening.[4] If bishops have already been exchanged, then the silver that originated at 7i will have moved up to 7g via 8h. And, for Reclining Silver, the right silver that originated at 3i will have reached the central file at 5f (through 3h and 4g) with pawn on the fourth file moving up to 4f to make way for the silver. Reclining Silver's name comes from the way the silver at 5f appears to sit on top of the 5g pawn and lean back against the 4f pawn. Kabuto is also known as Helmet Yagura (カブト矢倉 or 兜矢倉 kabuto yagura).


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Snowroof or Zigzag (雁木 gangi) castle.

Right King

Right King Variant 1
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Right King Variant 2
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Right King Variant 3
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Right King (右玉 migi gyoku)

Central House

Central House
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Central House (shogi) (中住まい naka zumai)


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Nakahara (shogi) (中原囲い nakaharagakoi)


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Duck or Duck Legs (アヒル ahiru) or Spread Golds (金開き kinbiraki) is a Static Rook castle used in the surprise Duck opening.


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Paperweight castle (文鎮囲い bunchingakoi) is a Static Rook castle used against Ranging Rook opponents in the Subway Rook opening (地下鉄飛車 chikatetsubisha).

It is named after the long row of pieces on the h rank, which is like the shape of traditional Japanese paperweights.


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Truck castle (トラック囲い torakkugakoi) is an uncommon Static Rook castle.


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Boat Pawn-9f Variant
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Static Rook (Black) with Boat Castle vs Fourth File Ranging Rook (White) with Mino Castle
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The Boat castle (舟囲い or 船囲い funagakoi) is a Static Rook castle used against Ranging Rook, where the king moves next to the bishop and moves the right hand gold diagonally forward above the king's throne. This castle can also be an intermediary towards making stronger castles, such as Left Mino, Silver Crown or Anaguma.[5] This castle is often considered weak although Static Rook has the option of engaging in a rapid attack through various means, especially against 4th file rook and by making use of the left-hand silver.

A rapid attack isn't guaranteed to be successful, since Ranging Rook will try to trade off the bishops and bring the game into a full-scale battle. This can lead static rook into a difficult game, because their Boat castle is too weak compared to the opponent's Mino castle. As such, Static Rook would rather resort to making stronger castles, such as Anaguma or Left Mino.

Daddy's Dearest

Daddy's Dearest
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Daddy's Dearest or Girl-In-The-House (箱入り娘 hakoiri musume, lit. "daughter inside box")[6] is a development from the Boat castle with the fifth file gold moving to the sixth file getting closer to the king.


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The Diamond or Lozenge castle (菱囲い hishigakoi) can be developed from a Boat castle by moving the left silver up to 6h and incorporating the right silver above the gold on 5g.[5] The Diamond is relatively stronger than the Boat.

Yonenaga King

Yonenaga King
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Yonenaga King Variant
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Yonenaga King castle (米長玉 Yonenaga gyoku) is used for Static Rook vs Ranging Rook games.[7] This castle is named after Kunio Yonenaga.

This castle is similar to an Edge King Silver Crown.

The Yonenaga King variant show here is almost the same as a Left Silver Crown castle but with the king moved leftward one file to the edge. Thus, it may called by the name Yonenaga King Silver Crown (米長玉銀冠 yonenaga gyoku ginkanmuri).

Elephant Eye

Silver Elephant Eye
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Gold Elephant Eye
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Silver Elephant Eye (銀象眼 gin zōgan) and Gold Elephant Eye (金象眼 kin zōgan) may be used in bishop handicap games.

Skewered Cutlet

Skewered Cutlet
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Skewered Cutlet castle (串カツ kushikatsu) is used for Static Rook vs Ranging Rook games. It is named after a kushikatsu.

The Skewered Cutlet is structurally similar to the Static Rook Anaguma.


Ranging Rook Silver Anaguma
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The Anaguma or Bear In The Hole castle (穴熊囲い anaguma, lit. "hole-bear") is a very common and often used in professional shogi.

This castle can be executed on either side of the board.


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The Mino castle (美濃囲い minōgakoi) is a defensive position that is considered easier for beginners, but still popular with professionals. (Mino is a historical province of Japan.) The King is placed in a safe position, while the three generals work well to back each other up.

Silver Crown

Silver Crown
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The Silver Crown castle (銀冠 ginkanmuri) is often a further development from Mino (via a High Mino castle).

Silver Crown is stronger than both Mino and High Mino from above.[8]


Wall Castle
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Wall castle (壁囲い kabegakoi), also known as Quick Castle (早囲い hayagakoi), is used for Static Rook vs Ranging Rook games. According to Hosking, it can also be called Edo Castle as it often appeared in Ranging Rook positions during the Edo period.[7]

The castle requires only three moves, and so, can be formed very quickly if under attack.

(In Japanese, the term 早囲い hayagakoi also refers to Quick Yagura castle.)

Gold Mino
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The Wall castle can develop later into the stronger Gold Mino with two moves. (That is, it requires five moves in total.)


Three-Move Castle
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The Three-Move castle (三手囲い) can be formed with only three moves (like the Wall castle).

This castle also goes by the name 早囲い hayagakoi. (Thus, this name is ambiguous since it can also refer to the Wall castle and rapid method of forming a Yagura castle.)

Small/Rapid Castle

Small/Rapid Castle
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The Small or Rapid castle is another simple castle that can be formed by only four moves. This castle is not very common.

Silver-4h Gold-5i castle
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Another quick castle built in four moves has the silver on 4h and the gold on 5i.


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The Flatfish castle (平目囲い or ヒラメ囲い hiramegakoi) is used in the Flatfish opening.

It is structurally similar to a Mino castle but with the two golds positioned adjacent to each other on the same bottom rank rather having the centermost gold on the same rank as the silver.


Millenium Variant 1
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Millenium Variant 2
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Millenium Variant 3
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Millenium (shogi) (ミレニアム mireniamu) is a newer castle developed in response to the Fujii System (藤井システム Fujii shisutemu) opening.


Silver Crown Aerokin
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This castle usually develops when your opponent tries to attack your Silver Crown from the side with rooks (or dragons).

Gold Excelsior

Gold Excelsior
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Gold Excelsior or Peerless Golds (金無双 kinmusō) is a castle used in Double Ranging Rook openings.[7] It has an alternate name of Two Golds or Twin Golds (二枚金 nimaikin) or Silver Wall.

Mid-Rank King castles

Aerial Tower

Aerial Tower
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Aerial Tower (空中楼閣 kūchū rōkaku) is a Mid-Rank King (中段玉 chūdan gyoku) type of castle in which the king is positioned on the middle d-f ranks.

Fourth Rank Edge King

Fourth Rank Edge King
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Fourth Rank Edge King (四段端玉 yondan hashigyoku) is a Mid-Rank type of castle.

See also


  1. Black's Static Rook Anaguma was historically very difficult for White's Ranging Rook to challenge successfully until the development of the Fujii System.
  2. 1 2 Fairbairn 1984.
  3. Hosking 1997, p. 46, Part 1, Chapter 8: Castles.
  4. 柿沼, 昭治 (1979). Shōgi ni tsuyoku naru hon 将棋に強くなる本 [Becoming Strong at Shogi] (in Japanese). 金園社 [Kin-ensha]. p. 29. ISBN 978-4321-55222-6.
  5. 1 2 Hosking 1997, p. 52, Part 1, Chapter 8: Castles.
  6. (question #24)
  7. 1 2 3 Hosking 1997, p. 52–53, Part 1, Chapter 8: Castles: Castles against Ranging Rook.
  8. Nishio 2014.


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