Camp Daggett

Camp Daggett is a non-profit children's summer camp in Petoskey, Michigan on Walloon Lake. The camp is open and staffed year 'round. It is not affiliated with any group or religious organization, but is independent. Daggett offers a High Ropes course, with an indoor and outdoor facility, team building activities, and more.[1]


In 1922 Walter J MacMillan was hired as the physical education (PE) teacher at Petoskey High School. Part of the duties as teacher was to run a boys summer camping program. In 1923 MacMillan held a ten-day boys camp south of present-day Camp Daggett on Walloon Lake. In 1924 another ten-day boys camp was held, this time north of present-day Camp Daggett. In 1925 Camp Daggett opened as a boys camp. The land was a gift from the Daggett Family.

In a Quit-Claim Deed dated 22 September 1924, the parcel in Charlevoix County, Michigan described as "Lot four, less five acres off the north side thereof, of section twenty-one, in township thirty-four north of range six west" was deeded to be held for a camp and it would be known as "Daggett Camp".[2]

Summer camp

The camp runs for eight weeks out of the summer, from the middle of June to the middle of August. The camp is made up of boys and girls with ages ranging from age 7–14. Campers may attend one week due to high demand to enroll. Campers arrive at 3:00pm on Sunday and leave at 9:00am on Saturday.

In a week at camp, campers will learn how to sail, canoe, kayak, and swim. They will also be involved in arts and crafts, nature and recreation classes. Activities vary according to age - for instance, older campers take part in a high ropes course and more team-oriented activities than younger campers. Each day culminates with a "Night Activity," a series of themed games and activities based on a common theme, such as Mario Party or Indiana Jones. Occasionally, a night activity consists of one large game that the whole camp participates in, such as Capture the Flag or "Gettysburg," a large water fight, although "Gettysburg" is not done very much.

Campers sleep in cabins with approximately nine other children of similar ages in addition to a counselor and, occasionally, a counselor-in-training, mostly the younger kids have C.I.T.'s. Cabin groups take part in most activities together, along with their "brother cabin" or "sister cabin," the cabin group of the same age and opposite gender. One night out of the week, each cabin along with their brother or sister cabin will hike or canoe to one of several camping sites, a time when campers will learn how to put up a tent, cook food over a fire and bond with their fellow campers. Meals are served family style in Mac Hall, a lodge located in the middle of camp. At the end of the week, "Initiation" occurs, however, the details of which the participants are sworn to secrecy


  2. Charlevoix County Register of Deeds

Coordinates: 45°19′18″N 85°02′36″W / 45.32165°N 85.04331°W / 45.32165; -85.04331

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