Cyclin-dependent kinase 2

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PDBOrtholog search: PDBe RCSB
AliasesCDK2, cyclin-dependent kinase 2, A630093N05Rik, CDKN2, p33(CDK2), cyclin dependent kinase 2
External IDsMGI: 104772 HomoloGene: 74409 GeneCards: CDK2
RNA expression pattern
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Location (UCSC)Chr 12: 55.97 – 55.97 MbChr 10: 128.7 – 128.71 Mb
PubMed search[1][2]
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Cyclin-dependent kinase 2, also known as cell division protein kinase 2, is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the CDK2 gene.[3][4]


The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the cyclin-dependent kinase family of Ser/Thr protein kinases. This protein kinase is highly similar to the gene products of S. cerevisiae cdc28, and S. pombe cdc2, also known as Cdk1 in humans. It is a catalytic subunit of the cyclin-dependent kinase complex, whose activity is restricted to the G1-S phase of the cell cycle, and is essential for the G1/S transition. This protein associates with and is regulated by the regulatory subunits of the complex including cyclin E or A. Cyclin E binds G1 phase Cdk2, which is required for the transition from G1 to S phase while binding with Cyclin A is required to progress through the S phase. Its activity is also regulated by phosphorylation. Two alternatively spliced variants and multiple transcription initiation sites of this gene have been reported.[4]

The role of this protein in G1-S transition has been recently questioned as cells lacking Cdk2 are reported to have no problem during this transition.[5]


Known CDK inhibitors are p21Cip1 (CDKN1A) and p27Kip1 (CDKN1B).[6]

Drugs that inhibit Cdk2 and arrest the cell cycle, such as GW8510 and the experimental cancer drug seliciclib, may reduce the sensitivity of the epithelium to many cell cycle-active antitumor agents and, therefore, represent a strategy for prevention of chemotherapy-induced alopecia.[7]

See also the PDB gallery below showing interactions with many inhibitors (inc Purvalanol B)

Gene regulation

In melanocytic cell types, expression of the CDK2 gene is regulated by the Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor.[8][9]


Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 has been shown to interact with:

Overview of signal transduction pathways involved in apoptosis.


  1. "Human PubMed Reference:".
  2. "Mouse PubMed Reference:".
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