C. M. College

C. M. College is located in Darbhanga, India near Quila Ghat on the bank of the Bagmati River. This college provides higher education in the arts and humanities. The faculty of the college consists of 68 well-qualified, permanent teachers, who are supported by a non-teaching staff of 59. The college has a well-stocked library, computer centre, health care centre, hostel, and housing for faculty and staff. There is a bank and post office located on campus.

See also

Media coverage of CM College, Darbhanga, Bihar NAAC report of CM College Section 1 : Preface The Chandradhi Mithila (C.M) College Darbhanga volunteered to be assessed by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and conducted the preliminary self-study in early 2003. The self-study report was submitted to NAAC by the institution in November 2003. A PEER Team was constituted by the council to visit the institution and validate the self-study report.

The Peer team consisting of Prof. S.N.Behera, former Vice-Chancellor, Berhampur University as Chairperson and Professor (Dr).Nihar Ranjan Patnaik, Professor of History, Ravenshaw Autonomous College, Cuttack as Member Co-ordinator visited the institution for two days during 19 and 20 January 2005.

The C.M.College, a coeducational institution and a constituent college of L.N.Mithila University is situated in an area covering 18.205 acres and was established in 1938. Presently it has 3211 students, out of which 3058 are in under graduate level and 160 in post-graduate (PG) studies. The college offers 29 programmes including 13 UG, 08 PG, 07 Vocational and 01 certificate courses. The institution has got UGC recognition under 2f in 1976. The college has an urban location .

The college has well qualified teaching faculty with the strength of 68, all of them being permanent teachers. There are 59 members as non-teaching staff. The college has a well stocked central library, Computer centre, Health care centre, Hostel, Housing for teaching and non teaching staff, a cycle shed and a bank and post office in the campus.

The PEER team carefully perused and analyzed the self-study report submitted by the institution. During the institutional visit, the team went through all the relevant documents, visited the Departments and the facilities, and interacted with various constituents of the institution. The academic, co-curricular, extra-curricular, sports and extension facilities of the institution were visited .The PEER team also interacted at length with the representative of the University, the Head of the institution, faculty, non-teaching staff, students, parents and alumni associated with the institution. Based on the above exercise, and keeping in mind the criteria identified by NAAC, the PEER team has taken the value judgment. The assessment of the institution under various criteria, the commendable features of the institution as well as the issues of concern are given in the following pages. On behalf of the NAAC, Dr. B.R.Manjunath, the Academic consultant coordinated the visit of NAAC team.

Section 2 : Criterion wise Analysis Criterion I : Curricular Aspects Established in 1938, C.M.College has the distinction of being the first college in entire Mithilanchal region and till date it is the leading college of Darbhanga with only Arts & Commerce stream. As a constituent institution of L.N.Mithila University, the college follows the syllabi prescribed by the University in non-semester (annual) pattern. Besides Commerce, the college provides teaching in twelve subjects viz. English, History, Economics, Political Science, Maithli, Philosophy, Psychology, Hindi, Mathematics, Urdu & Persian, Sociology and Sanskrit. The college has 22 programmes out of which 13 in under-graduate level and 08 in post-graduate level. There is also one certificate course in 'Saral Sanskrit Sambhyasm', a course for Bachelor in Computer Application and some vocational courses.

The programmes are of conventional nature, It is because, institution is working as a constituent unit of L.N.Mithila University. Therefore, college has little scope to frame its own syllabi. But the syllabus committees of the University comprises invariably one member of each subject from this college. This enables the teachers of the college to work in curricula design, review and updating. The academic programmes of the college seem to be flexible with elective options, Non-core options and horizontal mobility.

The college has taken a positive step in introducing a certificate course in 'Saral Sanskrit Sambhyasam' and another course for Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA). Furthermore, 6 vocational courses are recently sanctioned by the UGC from academic year 2005-2006 in following subjects.(A) Under Arts & Social Science -(i) Creating Writing & Translation (ii) Journalism (iii) Library and Information Science (B) Under Faculty of Commerce - (i) Hospitality & Catering Management (ii) E-Commerce (iii) Foreign Trade

No academic audit has been done for the college by the university.

Criterion II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Admission to the different subject courses of the college is based on the students' academic records in certain cases written tests and viva-voice are conducted for admission. Interaction with the concern faculty members and the students is encouraged to assess students' knowledge and skill for concerned programmes.

Different departments organized tests including Terminal Test Examination to assess students' knowledge and skill. They are also assessed through home task and students-teachers interactions. The college provides bridge/remedial course to educationally disadvantaged students by taking separate classes for them. To motivate the students, group discussion, seminars, symposia are organized by different departments. For each academic session, the teacher prepare teaching plan for the academic session and accordingly they finish the course. Progress in teachings is monitored through concerned Head of the Departments and extra classes are taken to finish the course. One overhead projector set is available in the college as a teaching aid. Some department arranged field study programmes.

The college has 68 permanent teachers out of which there are 57 Ph.D and 01 M.Phil holders. In 2002-2003 academic session, out of 240 working days, there are 164 teaching days of the college. The teachers attending the National seminars, Orientation course and Refresher course of the concern- ed subjects.

Teachers are recruited on requisition of the college to the University and from University to Bihar State University (Constituent Colleges) Service Commission, Patna. The Commission conduct written test and viva-voice.

The panel of names recommended by the Commission are placed before the Syndicate of the University for approval. On approval of the Syndicate, appointments are made by the Vice-chancellor.The college can appoint any part-time or guest teachers on adhoc basis, when it is required (as in case of BCA classes). Payment of their salaries is met from UGC fund (as in case of BCA classes) or college fund collected from the students.

Criterion III : Research Consultancy and Extension. The college encourages the teachers to conduct research by giving study-leave and adjusting teaching schedule.67% of teachers are engaged in research work in the college. Under the teachers 34 scholars have registered as full-time scholars for Ph.D degree and 18 as part-time scholars. A major research project has been received by the college with total outlay of Rs. 3,35100/-.

The teachers of the college use to participate in the Seminars, Workshop and Symposia.

College has its extension activities such as Community development, Social Work, Health & Hygiene awareness, Adult education and Literacy, AIDS awareness and Environmental awareness. The college motivates the students to participate in extension activities by awarding certificates for good work. It also does its plan and work in extension activities through NGO and G.O. These are conducted mostly by the NSS and NCC units.

Departmental seminars are conducted regularly. Besides, college level seminars are held in which college students and staff members take part actively.

Criterion IV : Infrastructure and Learning Resources C.M.College has an area of 18.205 Acres located in an urban area like Darbhanga. The college has a good building containing Principal chamber, Office, Classrooms, Students Common rooms, IGNOU and big cycle stand. Besides there are separate rooms for every departments, a health care centre and a swimming pool.A gigantic Multipurpose Hall is under construction.

The college has maintained its infrastructure through internal resources. The college has spacious and well-ventilated classrooms. The college has 2 storey students hostel having 125 seats, recreation rooms, superintendent office, mess, a guestroom and garden.There is also an orchad and some land utilized for cultivation.

The college has 27 quarters for teaching and non-teaching staff. There is also a Principal quarters. The college library is with reading room and book bank facility. It has nearly 80,000 books. There are 700 old collected journals in the library. There is no computerization process or audio-visual and reprographic facilities in the library. The library remains open on all working days from 7:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. There is an advisory committee of the library. Inter-library exchange system does not work in the college. But library contains very good collections, which are rarely found in other reputed colleges.

The college does not have a central computer facility. But for administrative and teaching work there is a computer in the college which is used by different departments as well as office when required. BCA laboratory has 8 computers with Networking. Recently a grant of Rs. 55000/- i.e. Non-Recurring grant of Rs. 45000/- for the purchase of additional computer facilities and Recurring grant of Rs. 10,000/- for Internet connectivity has been sanctioned by the UGC to the college.

There is a playground for outdoor games and a common room for indoor games. One permanent PTI has been posted to provide the knowledge on physical education to the students. Participation of the students in State or University level meets is satisfactory.

One doctor on call come to the college for student health care.

The grievance redressal mechanism works in the college. The Principal and his Advisory committee look into the complaints. It is learnt that there was a beautiful garden in the college campus, which was washed away by the devastating flood of the last year.

Criterion V : Students support and Progression The college published an updated prospectus reflecting various course offered, hostel facilities, eligibility criteria, fee structure, different societies etc.

The students' strength is 3051 in U.G. and 160 in P.G. The students are of state of Bihar. But few students of the college are from NEPAL and a student from Korea. The pass percentage of the students, as stated for the batch of 2002 is 91.3% in U.G and in P.G. result is awaited. The dropout rate, as for the batch of 2002 is 18.4% in U.G and 24.8% in P.G.

Scholarship for SC, BC and Physically handicapped students are given by the State Government. College arranges some financial aids for the needy students provided by various Trust in addition to the poor boys fund.

The college has no employment and placement cell.

The college tries to provide a variety of recreational facilities to the students in the campus.

There is no Alumni Association in the college.

The college publishes a magazine annually. Criterion VI : Organization and Management C.M.College of Darbhanga was established in 1938 and it is one of the oldest colleges of Bihar. This is a constituent of the L.N.Mithila University, Darbhanga. Being a constituent college of the University, it has no separate Governing Body.

There are different committees in the college which have been demarcated with the area of their responsibilities. The objectives and functions the committees ensure decentralization and transparency of administration. The Principal with the help of departmental council and Staff Council monitored and coordinate the academic and administrative function of the college.

College prepares its annual budget. The expenditure for the year 2004-2005 was Rs.24551881/-. The receipt of the college for 2004-2005 is Rs.2538089/- . Financial resources of the college come mainly from student's fees, Govt. grant and self-financing courses.

The college has system of internal audit. Generally, a Chartered Accountant is being appointed by the University to conduct the internal audit of the college. The report of internal auditor for the year 2003-2004 has been satisfactory on the whole.

No loan facility is available to the employees except for loans from their own provident fund.

The Principal has the responsibility of monitoring the performance of Non-teaching staff. There is no staff development programme for training of the non-teaching staff.

Criterion VII : Healthy Practices The PEER Team has identified some good practices designed to improve the administration and academic performance of the college. These are listed below.

Section 3: Overall Analysis The Peer team, after going through the self-study report and after its visit to various academic and physical facilities, is very much impressed by the progress of the C.M.College in imparting instruction in many branches of learning with a view to provide for research and advancement and decimination of knowledge which is the goal of the institution. The College has earned a reputation for imparting quality education and sense of discipline to the younger generation.

The peer team considers that there are a number of features of C.M.College's approach to quality assurance and standards which it would wish to commend. Also, the peer team would like to bring to the attention of the college certain concerns for its consideration.

(a) Commendations: The Peer team would like to commend the institution for the following aspects:

Recommendations: Keeping in view the future plans of the institution the Peer team would like to recommend the following to the institution for its consideration:

Formal mechanism for collecting feedback from students on the various aspects of their learning experience at the departmental/ institutional level may be instituted.

The Peer team is of the opinion that this exercise will be useful to the institution to initiate the quality enhancement strategies towards further growth and development. The Peer team wishes the college of success in future. The Peer team sincerely acknowledges the cooperation and support extended by the Principal, Teachers, Students, Staff members, Parents and Alumni.

The Team notes with pleasure that in spite of several odds the college is making its best effort to keep pace with changing times to sustain the quality in its academic programmes. The PEER Team wishes that the C.M.College, Darbhanga will be able to realize fully its mission of imparting value-based higher education in the region in near future.


Coordinates: 26°08′46″N 85°53′27″E / 26.1461°N 85.8909°E / 26.1461; 85.8909

principal :- Dr. Sashi Bhushan Singh

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