Congregation of Pious Workers Rural Catechists

The Congregation of Pious Workers Rural Catechists or Ardorini Missionaries (in Latin Congregatio Piorum Operariorum Catechistarum Ruralium) are a Roman Catholic religious order. They use the post-nominal initials P.O.C.R.[1][2]

The congregation was founded in 1943 through the union of the Congregation of Pious Workers (founded by Carlo Carafa in Naples in 1600 using the post-nominal initials C.P.O.) with the Congregation of Rural Catechists (founded by Gaetano Mauro in Montalto Uffugo in 1928).[3]


  1. Ann. Pont. 2010, p. 1440.
  2. "Pious Workers Rural Catechists - Ardorini Missionaries (Institute of Consecrated Life)" David M. Cheney. Retrieved August 1, 2016
  3. D. Vizzari, DIP, vol. VI (1980), col. 1718.


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