Bussho Gonenkai Kyōdan

Headquarters of Bussho Gonenkai Kyōdan

Bussho Gonenkai Kyōdan (佛所護念会教団) is an offshoot of Reiyūkai[1] and branch of Nichiren Buddhism. It was founded in 1950 in Japan by Kaichi Sekiguchi and his wife Tomino Sekiguchi.[2]

Its teachings are based on the Lotus Sutra. Ancestor veneration is another important pillar of its religious practice. Its current president is Noritaka Sekiguchi, the son of Kaichi and Tomino Sekiguchi, and a member of the Nippon Kaigi representative committee.[3] By its own account, Bussho Gonenkai Kyōdan has about 2 million members, most of which are in Japan.[4]


  1. Montgomery, Daniel (1991). Fire in the Lotus, The Dynamic Religion of Nichiren, London: Mandala, ISBN 1852740914, page 221
  2. http://www.bussho.or.jp/en/
  3. Nippon Kaigi website
  4. Shimazono, Susumu (2004): From Salvation to Spirituality: Popular Religious Movements in Modern Japan. Trans Pacific Press. S. 234f
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