Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh

Burhanpur in Hindi (बुढ़ानपुर)is a village near Kotma tehsil (municipality). It is situated in block Kotma which is in Anuppur district, Madhya Pradesh, India. It has a population over 5000 as per 2011 census. Burhanpur village is known for its bad culture as it is reported that thieves of the village have spread terror in surrounding areas of Kotma municipality. Although this village is also known for its spiritual and devotional culture in the locality. The people of this village are very helpful to each other and even for strangers. Burhanpur is facing problems like Marijuana addiction, Alcohol addiction and some other kind of bad sufferings, most suffered are men of the village. Although this village is doing well in field of education. Almost 70% people of the village are educated and literate.

Coordinates: 21°18′N 76°14′E / 21.300°N 76.233°E / 21.300; 76.233

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