Budhal tehsil

Budhal Tehsil is a town and a notified area committee in the Rajouri District of Jammu and Kashmir.

About Budhal Tehsil

Budhal Tehsil is in the Rajauri District of Jammu & Kashmir State, India. Budhal Tehsil Headquarters is Budhal town. It is located 31 km East of District capital Rajouri. 89 km from State capital Srinagar, Jammu towards North . Budhal Tehsil is bounded by Darhal Tehsil towards west, Thana Mandi Tehsil towards west, Mahore Tehsil towards East, Rajouri Tehsil towards west . Rajauri City, Poonch City, Anantnag City, Udhampur City are the nearby cities to Budhal. Budhal consist of 59 Villages and 59 Panchayats. Lone is the leading caste in the whole of tehsil. It is at 1671 m elevation (altitude). Rajauri, Aharbal , Reasi , Yusmarg , Pulwama (Panwangam) are nearby tourist destinations.

Demographics of Budhal Tehsil

Urdu is the Local Language. People also speak Gojri, Kashmiri. The total population of Budhal Tehsil is 93,844 living in 14,477 Houses, spread across a total of 59 villages and 59 panchayats. There are 50,615 males and 43,229 females.

Weather and Climate of Budhal Tehsil

It is comparatively cool in summer. Budhal summer highest day temperature is in between 19 °C to 23 °C . Average temperature in January is 11 °C, February is 13 °C, March is 19 °C, April is 21 °C, May is 23 °C .

How To Reach Budhal Tehsil

By Rail: There is no railway station near by Budhal Tehsil. However Jammu Tawi Rail Way Station is major railway station 210;km near to Budhal

Pin codes of Budhal Tehsil

185156 ( Kangri ), 185233 ( Budhal ), 185201 ( Solki ), 185132 ( Jawaharnagar (Rajauri) ), 185131 ( Rajouri ), 185202 ( Kalakot ), 185136 ( Kotranka )

Banks in Budhal Tehsil

State Bank Of India, Budhal (Ifsc Code : SBIN0003720,[1] micrCode: 185002021) The Jammu & Kashmir Bank, Kotranka (Ifsc Code : JAKA0BUDHAL, micrCode: NON MICR) The Jammu & Kashmir Bank, Dalhori (Ifsc Code : JAKA0DALORI, micrCode: NON MICR)

Colleges and Schools in Budhal

Govt Degree College Budhal Address :Village, Post, & Tehsil Budhal, District Rajouri J&k schools in Budhal J.n.v Kotranka Address :kotranka, kotranka, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir . PIN- 185136 Hs Bakori (kotranka) Address :kotranka, kotranka, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir . PIN- 185136 Hs Samote Address :samote, kotranka, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir . PIN- 185153, Post - Sunderbani Hss Khawas Address :khawas, khawas, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir . PIN- 185201, Post - Solki Hs Jamola Address :jamola, peeri, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir . PIN- 185132, Post - Jawaharnagar (Rajauri) Hss Peeri Address :dhar sakri, peeri, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir . PIN- 185132, Post - Jawaharnagar (Rajauri) Adlmi Kotranka Address :kotranka, kotranka, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir. PIN- 185136 Mother Land Pub School Address :raj nagar, kotranka, rajauri, Jammu & Kashmir. PIN- 185133


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